RURAL PAGE Oregon Wustrlestürnmii^ Klamath Falla gets a daily tfege line to K*no. Oregon la cutting moat of 10,(XX),(XX) feet of apmee a month which the Pacific North w«-*t provide* for airplane*, having largest available aupply of that claa* of timt>«r, amounting to nearly 80,(NO,(XX), I»() feet. A Salem man haa invent»«! a new plan for dehydrating potato»*. Oregon shipbuilder* secure more government contract*. Oregon ia Supplying *pru«-e tor air­ pl am» and fir for ahipa. Dallas—25 carload* airplane *prm-e ia to be finished h««re. Power«— Chrome, copper and gold ore 18 mile* south ia Mug inveatigaled. North Bend—Kruse A Banks yard has launched a second woodeu ship this year. Grants Paas — Del Norte mines are building a 11 mil«« ore road. Portland—205 sawmills cut 5*t bidion feet of lumber in 1917 in Oregon and Washington—150 million more feel than in 1918. Rom-burg —A *ite haa lieeu secured here for an Adventist normal sabool. Oregon ami Washington will builtl 2,(XX),(XX) ton ships this year. nd — Tha County will buDd X) rued creasing under the rail­ road at Bridgeton. Waldport—8000 acres of oil land la optioned by Portland capitalists. Tlw Myrtle Point sawmill haa Imn purchased and I* to he <>|>erated. Klamath Falla—A (10,000 bushel bulk grain elevator la to be built Marshfield— A contract lias been let for 12 new houses (or laborer*. Imbler—Work has start«*«! on a new grain elevator here. Florence—Tire contract has I mcii let for tire last bridge on the highway to Eugen». Bandon— While Bro», of Oakland, Cal., will establish a shipyard here. Florence ie to get a shipyard and cold storage ii»h plant. Vale—A new otli«*e building I* going up The Klamath Indian reservation ia a)hrw««d K*0o,OX> to buy live stock Hix sbi|>* were finish««i at the Port- land yard* the past week and Mr». Chari«» Hodson visit»«) with relative* in Portland over Sunday. Everylxxiy i* busy making ganteai Jo» Emerson, who ha* b*»n visit in* thia beautiful weather. War Garden* Portland gets art furniture and box at Mr. and Mr*. R. J. Burk*'* foe *om* they ar* too; do one iotend* to let our and crate factories. wewka haa returned to Watford City. brave boy* go hangry nor their al lie* Wallowa County farmer* adopt wage Neither are we «roing U> starve at home; North Dakota scale for the ««aeon. Mr. and Mr*. Frank Hill of Portland thrift I* the watch word an«! Stamp*. Ashland — 8ecn»t»ry I.ane approve* Tb«*rv have b«>eu a namber of people, visited their farm hana over Bunday. 300.(MX* acre* (). A 0. grant a* agricul­ many «mail children having the m««»»le*. tural land for entry. mump» and throat trouble in thi* vi­ Dillard—Contract for conttruction of cinity. Vnrp«iua River bridge ha* been let for Col. Everson ha* purvhaaed a very 118,730. By F. J. Kupfer eoay home on 83rd St., between 70th H« xm 1 River—A $36.1*14 contra«-* has Generally shaking, whenever there is avenue and 73rd avenue. He move«! into hie new resideace Sunday aftern«xm. a battle brewing, you will notice an air been let for a bridge acrxMM Hood hi* own, a* be of expectation and curiosity rastowhatthe River. tne only day he can call < Oregon road bonds approvo! and ,'reeton mill*. mills. enemy intend* to do. Thi* This is the con­ i* a sakeman at the Creston Mr*. Adah L. MacFarlain will move dition the candidate* are up against at permanent construction to amount of today to 8649 82d street. corner 67th the present time. They are all waiting $»XX*,(XM goe* until the last day of 'flling” of candi­ Myrtle Point is to get a loganberry avenue, if the weather permits. dates for office. They are anxious to juice plant. The «lance* «xmducted in the hall on know who they have to beat and how The Dalles—Contract let for macadam Foster Roa«! and 94lh street by Mr. many victims they can overcome highway to Tygh Valley, $28,(XX). Pwk ami Mr. (.'only are drawing many L. J. Simpson ha* just return»«! from to patronite their pleasant quarters an«! A highway i* to be built from Laurel a tour in Eastern Oregon, anil brings tin«- muaic, l«*a«i by Prof. Marshall. to Newberg. back news that he is sure to win. Good order is noticable and every one is Grants Paas—Ore from Seven Thirty Robert N. Stanfield believes he lias a friendly. cinch on the long term for United States mine ie to lie treated at Altneda con Mr». Shulti of Arleta visited Mr*. Senator. He is now direi-ting the cam­ centra tor. Anna Belle Fletcher in company with paign here in the city, after canvassing Mr*. Johnson last Sunday afternoon. the state thoroughly from end to end. The many house» which were vacant a 8. B. Huston, candidate for the long few week* ago, are now occupied. Even term for Vnite«! States Senator has also those which looked uninhabitable have returned from the interior of the state had some repairs made and are already and feels hopeful as to the result*. quite home-like, and most of them Most of th* candidate* are devoting have war gardens started; also a good , considerable time to the sale of Liberty eised henery i* in evidence. | bonds this week and therefore will let rest until the required quota is Mr*. Jasper and little daughter visited politics | for. This is as it should be Mrs. Joseph Headrick last Friday after- subscribed i OME noon. i and as there is plenty of time yet to do the shouting, they are to be commemted ARDWARE for th* patriotic act. This doe* not Cherryville mean that the candidates are monopolix- * i April showers all right. ing all the patriotism, we presume tliey All vegetation is coming to the front. , will leave the public in on it when the By that time A big crop of oats 1s planted but a I time comes for voting. small crop of potato«« as th« low price the voters will have oversubscribed and haa discouraged a great many ranchers. will feel more jubilant and confident as Clair Corey returned home last Ran- to the result of "Real Democracy ” We have in mind W. W. Hall, candi­ Vol. ]. No. 9 April 4, 1918 day. bringing a bride from California. ■■ i J..Í Hi The bride i* a Spanish girl. Clair is a date for County Clerk. He says that if , steady, sober, young man well able to he i* «decti-d to the office, he will reduce the annual expen*» by from $5,000 to support a wife. If you don’t raise food you may go hungry. Last year you had to be a gardener >40.000 dollars a year ami should he Over $2*J00 waa raised at the Urkhel- to be patriotic. fail to do so, he would donate half his sen mill five mile* east of here last salary to the Red Croes Fund. Now This year you may have to be a gardener in order to eat. week, besides nearly $200 worth of that ought to sound good to th* tax­ Thrift »temps. Prstty good for owe Labor is scarce. Seed is scarce, cars are scarce. The only way to make sure that payer. Thais what wsjwaot. Mr Hall camp. Mr. Urkkelson, one of the pro­ haa bad experience in Coanty Clerk­ your family will have plenty of fresh, wholesome food during the trying times that are prietors of thi* mill is * very enthosi- ship business down at Marion County coming, at a cost which job cm afford, is *o raise a garden of your own. sstic worker ia thrts drive and carried and he stiouM know what he is talking down $1000 one day tn hi* Sdto. People Don't delay action another moment, come in today—NOW—and get a Hoe, Rake, about. We have an idea that be would here, though in humble circumstances, do as he says. Its deeds that bring re­ Spade and a few garden needs and get started. did very well and Handy and vicinity sults and when a man is "qualified'' to already have furnished more than their A little GROMORE will sure GROW MORE. do such work it elands to reaeon that lie qttote. can be depended on. All kind* of military experts in the«e Judge Stapleton is another one of the woods. One educated. (?) a graduate candidates for re-election to the Circuit from some obscure High School, says it Bench whom we believe should be given will last five years more st least. A* a consideration by the voter*. He is a matter of fact they are fighting for a de­ man of splendid legal qualities, has cision right now. If the Germans fail been in executive position* in public life, to get into Amiens after their and knowing the failing and trouble* of enormous losses they will be badly dis­ mankind he is naturally fittel to "judge courage«!. They are stubborn and as and decitie the most intricate problems.” long as their leaders can compel them During bi* short time on tlie bench, he to fight they will keep it up but their has given entire satisfaction and the doom ie sealed. The American people legal fraternity have the greatest confi­ are thoroughly aroused and all the re­ dence in his decisions. sources of this Great Republic in men Governor Withycombe ha* opened up and money will be put into thi* combat campaign headquarters at the Imperial —if neceseary—until victory i* won. Hotel and from now on thing* will be If any murdering gang like the Ger­ humming in that neighborhood. The man military power, ever deserved a Governor believes he is just as young as crushing defeat, they, the guilty ones he looks and Is going to give the "boys” of the most unheard of cruelties have it a run for their money. coming to them. Nothing but defeat C. N. McArthur, our congressman I await* them. ha* announced his candidacy for re­ Archie Averill write* from “some­ election and in his platform reiterates I where in France” that hie aero squad that he will stand by the administration 1 No. 167 ie in a reet camp after a safe in fighting this war to a finish. “Pat” paeeage across the big pond, They will has been doing yoemen service at Washington and doe* not at any time soon be in active service. W. R. Allen is home on sick leave let anything get by '.hat will be from hie job in Sandy where he ie era- Oregon’s and Portland’* benefit. He ployed by Paul Muning, a leading always on the job and he intends stay there. merchant of that place. Harvey G. Starkweather, the Demo­ There never was so much money in circulation ae right now. The men at cratic candidate for Governor, now that the mills are getting from 45 to 55 cents he has an opponent will begin to make an hour and work only eight hours. an active camgaign throughout the Board ie $1.05 a day and the beet of state. Mr. Starkweather is a man who board at that. The working people, i ; has had considerable experience in shortage; less sugar in your coffee; bad He is a native who are really our most useful c'.ase of educational work. business; less money than you think people are in fair way to come into sou of a pioneer family and has large property interest* in Clackamas County you ought to make? their just reward, and their state of and is part owner of the Broadway Bldg. for affaire will in all liklibood last Watson Stattoff Political News Letter ENTS ENTS ATEST “th gotxts. “And you manufacture?” "Giant powder.” Easter Bunday waa the first 28 hour day in the history of Die United Htatre. October 27 will be the flr*t 28-hour day, and it la Interesting to note that the former wa* Heater Bunday and that the latter will lie the strenuous Thtxxlore Roosevelt's birthday. The colouel will I m 80 y««an< old on that date. "The object of thia war is to deliver the free j>eopl»e of the world from the ineiiac«* ami the actual poster of a vast military «wtaiiliahmeiit controlled by an lrr«*«poiiaibl» government, which, hav­ ing Mx-retly planned to dominate tlie world, pr«H-e«xl»d priiii-iple* of international action am! honor: . . . Thia power ia not th«» German |i»opl». Il is the rulhle** master of the German |xx>ple. , , , It i* our biunncM to a»» to it that tlie hlatory of tlie reet <>l lhe world is no long<*r left to ita handling. " — Preeidenl Wilson, Auguat 27, 1917. (NIWS ARDWARE U STUNG ARDWARE ADIES ENTS We are determined to grow in business by deserving to grow What Does War Time” Mean To You I I I many years. Pleasant Valley. Mr. and Mrs. J. Z. Olson visited a a couple of days last week with friend* in Portland. Mr*. J. W. Frost was quite sick several days last week with lumbago. G. N Sager of Gale* Creek, Ore., visited at home over Sunday. Mr.and Mrs Henry Melby of Port­ land visited relative* here last Sunday. Mr. and Mra. G. H. Kesterson enter­ tained at dinner Sunday Private Blum of Natcbex, Miaaimippi and Private Shall of Dayton, Ohio, now atationed at Vancouver, Barrack*. Mr*. W. N. Moor* visited over Sun­ day at Colton, Ore., with her daughter Mie* Laura, who ia teaching there Mr. and Mr*. W. F. Garrison at­ tended church at Greaham last Sunday. Mr. and Mr*. Geo. Yo«t, who were recently married have rented Mr. Rodger’* small cottage. Mra. Yost be­ fore her marriage waa Miss Mabel athia* of this pl ace. A Grim Change. “Cut out that scythe and hour glass,” demanded Father Time. “But,” protested the artist, “I have pictured you that way for years.” "True. But this ie altogether a dif­ ferent year. Yo» want to portray me with a machine gun and a gas mask.”— Washington Evening Star. So Annoying. The latest example of English a* she ie spoken comes from Egypt, where a native interpreter, who had overstayed his leave, wrote the following letter to hie chief: “My absence is impossible. Home one haa removed my wife. My God, I am annoyed.”—New York Bun. Leave Well Alone Captain — “Have you changed the guard yet?” The Newchum Junior—“No, sir; the old guard waa doing the job so well, sir, I thought I’d let ’em stay on, sir. Sydney Bulletin. Are you complaining be cause “war time” means coal The What about the boys who are fighting for you in France) For you—a little economy I is your opportunity to and deprivation. For them the prove the patriotism that is trenches; the pitiless storms of rain and sleet; the ceaseless deafening bombard­ ment of the guns; hunger, cold and fever; wounds and death. show yourself worthy of That you may dwell in I Liberty Loan peace, plenty, and security, they sacrifice everything, give everything, brave everything, and face a nameless grave with a smile and a song. What are you doing, or giving, or sacrificing for them) -uu*»’' • e*(A*A4 »M.wlgt» <’ in your heart and on your lipa. Your opportunity to the heroiatn, the devotion, the aelf-renunciation of your aol- diere and sailors. 5923 92nd St., Portland, Ore. DO YOU KNOW? ♦ Tiiat you can have 70 pound* of Hard* ware, Paints, Wall l*B|*r or in fact al­ moat any merchandise we have, deliver­ ed to your door, provided yon get your mail thru tlie I mh I* Station, for less than it coats you to come after It. Note the following: New local Parcel Poet rate* good only fur package* delivered from local officw B F. D. o. 111*. 1 « 3 4 5 • 7 8 • 10 11 12 13 1 1 15 iff 17 18 19 Rate R«U- I 8 6 7 7 8 8 0 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 Iff 15 21 15 22 18 23 . 1« 24 17 25 17 We will publish rate* covering pack- ages weighing over 50 pounds and not to exceed 70 pounds, next week. IMPORTANT! Htep into our store and make arrange­ ment« for u mail order account, Goods ordered by phone before 8:30 a. m. de­ livered the same day by the R. F. D. thia mean* conservation of your time and at a time when labor ia so scare««, it isNinly doing your duty. Th» nth Power Knicker— "What is the nth power of patriotism?” Böcker—“Enlist.”—Hun Vale—“Has the plumber finished his work?” • * “Oh, yes, over two honre ago. He ie almost ready to leave.”—Life Blocking Traffic-Mr. Peck-Would you mind compelling me to move on officer? I’ve been waiting on this cor­ ner three hours for my wife!”—Puck Your opportunity to share, in some small degree, the sufferings of those who stand ready to make the su­ preme sacrifice for you. All you can do is little enough. You simply lend your money. Do it, and be glad that you can do go much and sorry you can do no more. Change Needed—Edith — “Msven’t you and Jack l«*en engage«! long enough to get married? Ethel ‘ Too long. He hasn’t a cent left.”—Boston Transcript. Hood Damage -Onyx— “My wife burst into a flessi o( tears the other night.” Bronx—"Did she cause any trouble?” Onyx—"I should say so. Swept away $48 for a hat in the first torrent."— Chaparrul.