Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, March 07, 1918, Image 2

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Mt. Scott Herald
t'ublube.1 Bwwry Thurxl»> a« tont«. Or»«o» bj
T h « M t B c O tt rr»u»«t»v CoHraNV
Portland Normal
and Commercial School
Back To Godts Country
, ■■■ I
med to can* nsucli, bm nt other.
J »ANGER MX. Edito».
lieart ttatt. red at <1 het breath Kvervfcodv eaid he was nu good aud it
came hurriedly as «he »tood, « m • gt»o.l thing he had gone. They
wcoiU da« ma»l mailer Febre
note book in hand, before tiie »aid that if he hail been any good he
ar» U. Che
ottcj al Leni».
door of tiie private > ffice of Mark Law­ would have evtns back; but mother|>er-
under act of Congn-M. Nairn 3 lar»
rence, the millionaire president of sistsd iu believing that he died.” '
èutocrn Uan prie- •
the Central Realty Corporation. She
"Aud a hat did your grandfather
had nodonbt o' her ability as a steno­ •ay**
I ho »»: T a »"« »K D «
grapher, hut could »he please him? ' "He «aid the aatne a* all other». He
Many bad tried and failed, although became very angry with mother beeam-e
their work in the general office had »he continued to believe in fattier. He
Tbe Humble Hen.
been satisfactory. Lawrence was known used to hurt mother terribly by the way |
Keep a hen. If you can. keep as a bard man; a man, who efficient to he talked about father to her. Grand- j
several. If chicken feed is a the last degree himself, demanded a like pa die,I about nine year» ago and left
item in these days when the efficiency iu others.
mother the farm. When «he died, 1
clean plate has become a gospel Elisabeth had been in the general of­ •old it. came to New York, studied
and there is nothing to scrape fice and had made good in six short stenography, and," rhe «lulled wistfully,
and now «he was entering upon ‘•here I am. *
out, keep Leghorns, white or 1 months,
her duties as private stenographer to
"What war your mother'« name, you -
brown. They are very small, I the boas himself, and thie was to lie her •ay?”
and lay phenomenally large eggs I first dictation from him.
"Betaie William«.”
— the kind that cannot be bought She was very young, onlv 20, a small "And your father’«?'*
in many of the cities where just «lip of a girl; who, «ince the death of "Mark Lawrence! Why that'« your
plain eggs are bringing from her mother, bad been forced to support name, isn't it? How funny!"
herself. Determination and grit were
child,” he »aid, hi« voire «hak-
sixty to ninety cents a dozen. written on her pretty face. Her thin ing "No
with emotion, “it'« not funny, It*«
Eggs are a highly concentrated lip», sharp eye« which tlasbed and tragedy.”
food, much needed by the sick sparkled with vivacity; her general ap­ He went to her and «tood over her.
and the old, and much wanted pearance; all spoke of wonderful confi­ Gone was that «tern, hard look, His
face waa aad and yet happineea WM
by every housekeeper who likes dence and eelf-reliance.
With a toss of her head, she tnrned . there, too. He took her in hia arma
to set a good table, even if it is the knob and entered. Trembling, ehe
She went to him unreeistiogly, aa a
a very plain one. Anyone who tripped across the room dropped into child would go to ita father. Something
wants them can have pamphlets the vacant chair at the left of Law­ , told her that thia great stroog man wa»
from the United States Depart­ rence e desk and waited; her eyee on her father even before he told her.
ment of Agriculture telluig them him, fascinated. He turned to her and "Child, I am vour father!”
paused; hi« brow clouded; he passed
all about poultry, chicken houses hie hand over hi» eyee in bewilderment. She pressed closer to him, her arms
creeping up around hia neck.
and successful methods for keep­ It seemed a« if he were trying to reflect— "Y'ea, your father,” be went on. “I
ing eggs. This is one of the trying to think where before he had did go away because your grandfather
branches of food production that seen that face. Her eyee dropped. Hie hated me. Aa soon as I got work in
can be very profitably expanded fixed gaze almost unnerved her. What Boaton I wrote your mother and received
could he be thinking of! Hie face re­
to a much greater extent than laxed. He smiled, a wan. tired emile, a letter in reply. Hear it ia. Read it.
I have always kept it as a reminder of
has yet been done. Don’t take yet withal an amused one.
how false women are!
it for granted that you know all "Pardon me,” said he, “bat voa re­ He drew from hi« pocket a wallet,
about chickens because you have mind me of some one I once knew, from which be took a letter, yellow with
always seen them either "from a and—” He «topped abruptly. His man­ age. Slowly she took it, opened it and
lier changed.
car window” or in your own back “Ready,” he snapped.
"Marg—I find I do not love you.
yard. The American hen can And then, for an hour and a half, you are a man you will never let me see
put up a gallant fight against the Elizabeth worked as she never had you again.—Bessie.”
double-headed freak eagle of the worked before. So fast did the crisp, The girls eyea biased with indigna
Prussians, and she should be re­ concise sentence« rush from the lip» of tion.
this great man that even with her
minded that America expects lightning-like speed she had great diffi­ "She never wrote that," she cried.
“She loved you until she died. The
every hen to do her duty.
culty in keeping pace with him. By last words she said on her deathbed
exerting herself to the limit, however, were: '.Martin, lam coming.’ ”
Dollar Thread.
ehe succeeded, and the result of her
She burst into a storm ol tears and
Everyone who returns from competence was soon made manifest bv the strong man of millions wept also
and waa not ashamed. He clasped hia
Europe implores the American an increase in salary.
Winter came and went. Sammer ar­ new-found daughter in hie arm«, bi»
people to realize that so far, we rived again with its heat, and in that daughter whom ba never knew ba had,
have no idea of the privations time she had learned to look upon Mr. "Somebody wrote it, and whoever did
that are being endured by the Lawrence with an admiration that wa« has cause to fear the wrath of God for
people in the stricken countries. boundleee. She liked to be near him; the evil th-y have don»," ha said sol­
Think of being unable to mend to know that the waa of some use to emnly.
him; and when be appeared worried sb«
let us not be «ad. Rather let
one’s clothes because a spool of longed to comfort him. As this feeling us "But
be glad that God in hia infinite
thread costa a dollar. Think of came over her once, she langbed to her­ merer ba« given u« each other. She is
cooking ones food, and then self. Who was she to console this happy at last, little girl. I feel her
pouring water into the kettle in mighty financier, at who«« frown mil­ presence here sow, don’t you? Come,
get your thing». We will both have
which it was cooked and cooking lionaires trembled!
A« for him it seemed as if be was un­ a vacation. 1*11 buy back the old farm,
the kettle that nothing may be aware of her existence. He spoke no if it coats a million, and together, you
wasted. And if this is not bad word to her, save “ready" and "that and I, will stand on the porch and look
enough, thinking of having no will do.” He gave her no instructions out over the field« and tee old Kearsarge
food to cook and no kettle to put in regard to her work; ehe was supposed in the distance, and we will walk
it in, if some kind person should to need none. It wasn’t hie business to tbroogh the pine woods, where the
train stenographer«. If they weren’t Contoocook danbes down ita deep gorge
give it These are the hardships trained when thev came to him, they toward
the sea. Come, child, let us
that are being endured in Fland­ had to go. He demanded efficiency, both go back to God’« country."
ers and France.
and efficiency he got.
And that night a long, gray touring
One 'lay after ehe bad given him car slipped out of New York with her
Professor Stoughton Holborn,
of Oxford, told a Washington. some letters to sign in the evening just engine purring rythtnically, carrying
before leaving, she hesitated at his desk. the great man and hi« stenographer
D. C. audience a week ago that “Well,” he inquired.
i daughter North, ever North.
the English woman who appears “Mr. Lawrence," she faltered, “may
in a new dress apologizes for do­ I have a week off?”
ing so, and that his first impres­ "How long have you been beie, Miee
sion in this country was of ex­ Lawrence?”
“A year and a half.”
travagance and waste in food and "How long have you been in my of­
clothing. ‘‘Only three quarters fice?”
of a pound of butter has come in­ “A year.”
“Where are you going, if I may aek?
to my British home in the last
three months,” he says.
He started violently.
A year ago one of the Y. M.
“Penacook; have yon some friends
C. A. speakers assured us that there? Do yon live there? He sank in­
"Americans have not begun to to his chair and waved her to be seated,
learn the meaning of the word aa if much interested.
Anyone who has "I did until my mother died, five
years ago I was born there."
food to eat, even of the plainest,
He closed his eyee, his bands clasped
and fuel to burn, and clothes behind hie bead.
enough to.keep warm, ought to “I lived there once,” he murmured.
celebrate Thanksgiving
Day Ah, that’e a beautiful country. I have
not teen there now for 22 years.” He
every morinng.”
paused. ‘‘And your name ■ Elizabeth
Arthur I. Moulton, who has
“Yes, they call me ‘Bessie* forehost.”
He eat np so suddenly that be startled been an active lawyer of many
weather is here. You
year’s practice in the courts of
"Bessie?” he pondered. ‘‘Lawrence ?”
will you want a
—Her name was Bessie!
this state, announces his can-
She started at him uneomprebeoding-
ly, and eaid almost unconsciously. “My didacy for Circuit Judge, De­
mother’s name waa Bessie.”
partment No. 4.—Paid Adv.
“And your lather—”
“I never saw him. He left home be­
We have them
fore I was born. My mother married
AU Prices and Terms
him when they were both very voang
and her father did not approve of the JEEN
Notice 1> hereby given that the under-
marriage. He made things eo uncom­ •Igned, an!« of the estate of
Jeen Dykatra. deceased, baa Hied her final ac­
fortable for my father that he left home, count In the County Court of the State of
for Multnomah County, and that
although he assured mother he was go­ Oregon,
Monday the »th day of April, 1VI», at V:3ii
ing to make a place to bring her. He i o'clock In the forenoon of aald day, and the
court room of raid Court baa been api-ointed
• h
never carne back. I think he must by aald Court aa the time and place Ur the
and settlement of aald account.
have died.” Tears came into her eyee. bearing
bate of brat publication March 7, lltla,
lart put,,!..,’
tpril t, l#lh.
<W' 1-|
“My mother suffered terribly. My
MARIE b MILLER, Administratrix
■/'I z III'
father was an orphan, and after he left JOHN VAN ZANTE, Attorney.
Would like the names of every person interested in
taking an office position the next year. We have
something VERY IMPORTANT to say to you. If you
want to take a business course and need financial help
we can help you. This is your chance. Day or Night
This is not an ordinary “ad” but an extraordinary
opportunity and we wish 100 at once to take advantage
of the opportunity. See Mr. Fox of this paper and he
will explain further. Don’t forget to send your name to
2nd Floor Dekum Bldg., 3rd and Wash.
What The War - Savings
Stamps Will Buy For
Our Soldiers
A Bingle THRIFT STAMP will buy a tent pole or five tent
pins, a waist belt or hat cord, shoe laces or identification tags; two
will buy one trench tool or a pair of woolen gloves.
Four Thrift
Stamps will buy two pairs of canvas leggins, six will buy five pairs
of woolen socks or three suits of summer underwear; twelve will
buy a steel helmet.
One WAR-SAVING STAMP will buy one hundred cartridges
or a cartridge belt or a scabbard or a bayonet, two will purchase
two pairs of woolen breeches or,two flannel shirts, two and a half
will buy a gas mask. Three War Savings Stamps will buy an over­
coat or two woolen service coats, three and a half will buy three
pairs of woolen blankets; four will buy a rifle.
Multnomah State Bank
Lents, Station
. ii'». >1 > L r I
Do you know the condition of your
and several other things?
To get better service, everything must be in perfect shape
Now is the time to have it done
Get an AMBU test on your electrical system
The first test costs you nothing
Seneca Camera
San-Tox Store
Tabor 3429 D 61
8919 Foster Road