Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, November 15, 1917, Page 2, Image 2

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Mt Scott Herald
Publish*! Rvery Thursday at 1*«U.
Tu« M t ttxwr Pi’ananiwu «'«wrajvv
MINNl«<HH»t>«NOtWH HTI»B. »•«• Bailor
J Al.l.KN lU'NHAK.Clfvulallon M.n«».r
~gnlervt ■• uwnd cl»M mail m*ll«>i Vvbm
•rj It. I»u.»i the |»>*t offl«* *i Lout».Oregon
under act of Vongrt»«», M.rvh > lim*
•ubacrlptlun price
• II * y ver, in —Ivancv
I H0K*» : T**’» •**< 1» *1
Who’ll Fill Her Shoes?
salary Axed by the I
tbe T. M. O. A. drive aew
SIX» a month, and bin
evewtag taple wae “The Bed Trtaagle,*'
at ITS. The eounty oonsminnion- the thought preeealed that phvaieal,
era cannot raise them. Isn’t it mental and spiritual development were
a complement each to the other, no one
an awful fix to be in? The sal­ of
which could l»e neglected without
ary of the governor of Oregon is ietriment to the other and that in the
fixed at $1,500 a year, for read­ true eenae of the word they were not
ing purposes, but he gets $5,000, antagouietic to each other. Tbe great
just the same.
Surely there work of the Y. M. 0. A. among our
boy» we» moot heartily com­
should be some way to get tiddler
manded to the »ympathy and support
around the coroner’s salary and <>f the audience. “Everybody should
save the lives of these two give something,“ «aid Mr Jaa.ier, "if
officials who otherwise will starve they have to go without a day's rations
I to do »o.’’
to death before Christmas.
of (lord Reliable Merchandla. at numerate prime. W. have jntt received the fellowing good» that
were pnrebaaed mot the ago, hence al a caving of onrdeurtb.l
New Blankets, Grey or White, >1.26 to $9.50 a pair
New Table Damask, 65c, 75c, and $1.00
New Curtain Scrims at 10c, 12 1-2,16c, 17c, 19c, 20c, 21, 22c, 26c, 29c, 32c and 36c
(Tide ic the lergeet line of Curtain Berlin ebown In tide cection)
New Curtainc, >1.00 to *3 50 a pair
I'otton Bata, Uondortvr else 73x00, at fl 25 for 2 Hie
X Men’a, Boy’e, Women'» and Children'• Underwear, all price»
We »illicit your patronage
Every once in a while some­
Men’s, Women's and Children’s Shoes at a savin« to you ol from $1.00 to $2.00 a pair.
thing happens! Readers will be
sorry to learn that the “some­
thing” this time, js that The
The nieetiug of the Epworth League
5827-29 92nd STREET
Near Foster Rd.
Tab. 3681
Herald is this week losing^its
was of special interest. Three new
Street fstving at 85 centa a members were received into the League.
highly efficient and popular news
editor Mrs. Minnie Goodenough square yard that in the palmy Miaa Steinnieta, of thelHstrict Christian
Thl» dish can ba arranged tn three
Endeavor Society, waa present and gave Foster Road in Tenta
layers with th. middle layer some kind
Hyde. What proved “good days of Joe Simon coft $1.85, ia , an
inspirational talk on the new chai-
hash liound together with
enough” for us we were evident­ the latest development. If there t lenge • hart that has been designed to
POIAIO RtCtITtS ' or of meat
Uve Budget
thickened gravy.
ly unable to “hide” well enough,
•id the young people's societies of the
for it was too good for Clatskan- graft to be returned to the home city and state in attaining a greater de­
put through th. rioor enough
gree of efficiency. I'bli meeting marked
ie[to let slip. You see, it’s this
tho Ariel* dittricl without aiiy ruad, i that will pieesea hungry supper crowd. potatoes Io measure a pint. Add 1 wall
way: Mrs. Hyde was for four
tieaten egg, I tablvafioon of floar and
i the topic lie!ng “('etching Thein Alive." but would »upply Lento with the much
To I quart nf hot boiled potatoes add season with »alt.
years City Editor of the Clats­ provement installments for sev­ Mi»» Zella Landon was the leader.
Turn on floured
needed hard-»urface outlet to town.
kanie Chief. She left that posi­ eral years yet, how happy we A concert is being given at the church and Mr. Worden in introducing the enough hot milk to moisten. Season board, roll out and cut in circles site of
tion to come to Portland to assist might be.
this evening. Mi»» Nettie A. Snyder, a ■abject to tbe Commi»»ion«r» pointed with butter and »all. Mash In kettle saucer. riac. on each a large »poonful
1 in which they were boiled and beat with nt dry ha»h seasoned with ooiona and
of Willamette Conservatory of thia out. It wa» »uggeeted by tome
us, and during her absence they
Why should potatoes be ship­ Music, giving a recital. A free-will member» of the delegation, including a fork until fight. Btir in 4 cup of parsley chopj».t Ho.. Thia hash should
learned what a good thing they
ped into Oregon from Idaho? offering will be taken, the proceeds to the Arleta r»pre»entativee. that if the Binced ham. Have ready ♦ hard boil­ be dry or bound together with thicken­
had had and pressure was
be devoted to the purchase of new soog appropriation of a »urn of money for ed eggs and •» cup of »lock or gravy. ing. l>ouble over and pinch togathar
their district could not tie »ecured now, Arrange potatoes and siiewd eggs in diak like a turnover. Place on greased bak­
brought to bear looking toward
books for the Sunday School
might be available later, ami that at ' in alternate layers with potatoes form­ ing sheet and brown in hot oven. Serve
Church Notes
her return. We are glad to say
The ladies' Aid met in ail-day session
event* the hard-aurlacmg should be ing lop and bottom layers. Moistsn with a thickened sauce made from th.
at the church yesterday.
that ’she regains her old posi­
Brush over tits top gravy in which th. moat was cooked or
continued to 72nd Ht. in anticipation of i with the gravy.
tion under more auspicious [con­
completing the tack later. Tbe delega­ with milk or egg slid brown in hot oven, with a tomato »aura
ditions, for she will have a full | Mrs. Hansakcr will take for the to; ic Former Lents Pastor tion Miureil the CommiMioner» that
----------------------------- .
of her sermon on Sunday morning,
they appreciated the atep that had been
half interest in that paper. We “The Grateful Christ.’’
Passes Away
taken in proposing to include the por '
are sure she will make good,
Mr. Jackson, of the Forestry Service,
lion of the road, but were emphatic iri I
sincerely believe she will be hap­ will tie the speaker at the 5:00 o'clock
•»■uring them that unle»» it were con - i
( Continued From Pago I)
py. and until such time as we vie per service and will exhibit »tereop- and many times stood in his pulpit tinned at leact »» far a* 72nd St. there >
can make this little paper suf­ tieou view» of the general foreetry work when the people to whom he was preach­ would be very general di»*ati»faction 1
ficiently prosperous to overcome in Oregon. These vesper service» are of ing felt that at any hoar he might fall The CommiMion pronneed to consider <
great interest and well worth while, A
at hia poet, for on the drat day of tiie ibe matter very carefully and assured | ■ ■ ■
Clatskanie’s pull we shall have to general invitation is extended to all.
at Lebanon, Sept. JtJ, 191« tbe delegation that they were favorable I > -----
gracefully take a back seat.
be wae stricken with paralytic, from to tbe project, and that they would be I
In the meantime we will| do Millard Ave. Presbyterian Church. which he never folly recovered. Al­ glad to have the assistance of a »mall |
Experts have been
the very best we can, with the The Lmiie«' Aid Society of Millard though he did regain the use of bit left delegation at 11 00 Monday at which Don’t wrack your brains!
help we ca n secure, and must of Avenue Church met at Mr» Geo. arm and alight ute of hie limb, hia body time tbe road bad gel wae scheduled for
studying this question for months,
necessity depend more and more Merry’» laat Wednesday,to sew for the continued to grow weaker. He never attention.
In connection with the work of this
lost hope, however, and he never com­
have lived with the
upon the cooperation of our read­ Red Cm»».
it might be well to remark
ers in the collection of news. The mem tie re of the Junior Society of have known for come time that it would that Urn» was very fortunate in hav­
You’ll help us fill Mrs. Hyde’s T. P. & C. E., met at the home of Mice not be many day» before be would re­ ing the services of Judge Worden. Mr.
Olive Reed last Saturday .afternoon at
shoes, won’t you, for figurative­ wbieb time the following officers were ceive hie tammona home. On the Mon­ Worden wa» for four year» the County
ly and mentally speaking we have elected and committees appointed: day proceeding hie death he wae to Judge of Klamath County, and ia now
a hunch that they are mighty President, Leia Reed; Vice-preeident. weak that those who watched over him the chief »tock-holder of the Mt. Bcott
that he would depart any Park Cemetery. He went through the
big ones, and we can’t begin to Paul Jordan; secretary. Father Holling- expected
moment, and eo he lingered on the rigors of a recall election, and came out
We have just received a full line of goods specially prepared to
take up all the space.
J. S. F.
borderland until Sunday morning, at successfully on top, and his road-build-1
The Stevens' Cash Dept. Store
What are You Going to
to Send that Boy?...
bert; Look Out committee, Arley Crum.
Superintendent, Mica Olive Reed. For
the prveent tiiey will conduct their
mi-etings in connection with the Senior
Society, but an their membership in­
creaaee they will hold their own meet­
The Millard Avenue Church ia very
fortunate in having tbe ii*>* of a very
fine organ, donated by Mrs W. J. Hol-
lingworth, mother of Prof. J. A. Hol-
lingworth. It ia a rare instrument,
being in a piano case, and will be a
great help in the choir work.
Mias Myrtle Brack led the Christian
Endeavor service last Sanday evening.
A very fine program was rendered.
This should encourage the younger
France and other European
countries use war prisoners to
construct public works. Why
not draft a million German
prisoners and have them con­
struct roads in America? If our
big land speculators would in­
vestigate the possibilities in this
line they would make some more
war profit:. Good roads, canals,
railroads, levies, drainage sys­
tems. etc., make land values
rapidly. A few hundred thou­
sand prisoners working for their
board and a few cents a day
could create hundreds of millions
of dollars in enhanced values of
Mends CJwrch.
land. There are 50,000 acre« of Mies Terrell, the pastor. spent lest
land along the lower Columbia Friday and Saturday at Newberg in eb
held largely by speculators and tendance on Newberg Quarterly Meet­
She expwto to go to Salem to­
taxed nominal figures. An army ing.
morrow to attend the t/nartevly Meet­
of German prisoners could levy ing there. Mrs. Effie R. Yamptin 1« el-
and drain all of it and tbe cost to eo planning to attend.
the land owners be NOTHING, At tbe Portland Commune Mieeion
but the land would be increased Monday night, although Arne Baa» waa
in selling value one thousand per tbe only reprenentetive from tbe 0. E.
Society there were two seekers at the
cent! Some of our first families altar. Her cooain Irma Cook, of 8un-
of Oregon should get next to the nyeide, gave the message.
German junkers The Sunday School hat outlined a
are using British prisoners to the bouse-to-bouse canvass in the internet» ,
tbe school, and a good atari wae j
same ends, and waxing rich in of
made on tbe work thia week. The I
the midst of war.
treeiiere an*i officer» meet next Sunday
Be Loyal Anyhow.
ii •
' afternoon to hear the report.
The feilowebip cupper and Bible
Study class ou
baa dwd
been coirgeu
charged irom
from , ,
There is no excuse for sulking ( WedBe^ay eTeniuM toTwUy erenini
or surliness toward the food con-1 .ndTbe altaodao«"tbi»”w’eek' wasn't j
servation program because the juite a» large.
brewers are filching food from A number of ladies spent Wednesday I
the months of babies.
in the church annex making garment, i
As the editor of the Venango ,or tb* d-u»oto in Fr,nc* aod
(Penn.) Herald says, “We will Th. discipline of tbe church forbid,
its members to engage in military ser-
not gauge down our patriotism | vice. The men of draft age in tbe1
to any man’s treason.”
■ church will he placed in tbe 5th class. I
1 ! “
” ‘ military service Friend.
‘) are
To offset
_____ at _
_ a.
• _
_ >
• a I
k-htn .■wt
__-L. i*_
cause the government is afraid
for relief work in the
to deal with other traitors.
',od/r,th* ¿‘T\,on o,„tb*
.... . .. ,
. civilian branch of the Red Croce. Thie
What the brewers waste
mon„ is
„ not
not a . loan
Ioan on
nR interest but u
_ , we - must ; i money
save, no matter how it hurts that aD outright gift to» the relief of »uffer-
they are permitted to cankinue tog humanity, and a large number o 1
their waste.
iu young men and women are now ea-1
_______ _________
geged in this work in France and Russia, i
Tbe women of tbe local church are'
uniting with tbe other Portland Friends '
Churches ia making garmenta.
They are »ewing for the boys ami
girls, furnishing ths material, using
patterns -d garments worn in France :
and Belgium.
Inasmuch as most good things
are produced by labor it follows
that all such things of right be­
long to those whose labor has
produced them. To secure to
each laborer the whole product
of his^ labor, or as nearly as
Methodist Cbwth.
possible, is a worthy subject of The topic for next Bandar morning'a
any good government Abraham •ermon will be, “Forgive ns oar Debt«."
Tbe treeing topic will be, “Bnccees."
hve minute» after eeven, be left ue to
take bio place for the first time among
the member» in tbe congregation of the
Church Triumphant.
Among thoee who moot anxiously
await the meeting with him again in the
Heavenly I-and are two brother!*, one in
London and one in Vancouver, B. C.,
and three eiatero in London.
Hia im­
mediate family are a wife and foar
children:— Two boye Morley and
Cecil, twenty and eighteen year» of age
respectively, and two daughter» Grace
of sixteen and Mabel ten year* of age.
“Good night I Good night I a* we oft
have eaid,
Beneath onr roof at midnight, in the day*
That are no more, and shall no more
Thou hast but taken tby lamp and
gone to bed.
We stay a little longer, as one stays
To cover np tbeembers that still bfarn.”
ing activities there were vindicated. meet such conditions. Come and look them over.
He seemtxi quite at home with the
County Commissioners and assured Toilet Articles of all Kinds
them he knew how they felt and what
they had to face, but insisted on a fair
Razors and Trench Minors
and courteous hearing of our petition.
While tbe Commission'« attitude in
Brashes, Tooth Paste, Soaps
placing even a portion of the Foster
Road in the budget is only tentative,
Waterman’s Fountnin Pens
the Committee felt confident that Lente
at laat is to receive a paved road. An
and Vest Pocket Kodaks
anomalous pert of iha situation is that
if we had still been outside tbe city lim­
Made for “the boys” by folks who know
its we would have had a paved road
come time ago, bat althoagh we have
been carrying a heavier burden of taxa­
Pay Station for Portlaad Cas Co. and City Water Burean
tion, we have received no adequate re­
Those who waited on the Commission­
ers were, Wm. S. Worden, J> T. Lne,
H E Bioyd, T. J. Kreuder, A. D Ken­
worthy, J. K. Roe», A. Chisholm, W. A.
Eatebel, and 1. 8. Vox.
Lents Pharmacy
The SAN-TOX Store
Every patriotic housewife in the nation ia having
to re-arrango her eyatem of housekeeping.
Large Bet Point Electric Vacuum Carpet
Cleaner and attachments 50c for the
Let IJs Help You; That's Our Business
first hour and 25c for subsequent hours
Jack Screws, 15 cents each per day
6806, 92nd SL S. E.
Electro Therapeutics
at 6c per lb. in bulk, and we loan you a
deal dirm i with the CACHE of dleeaae and not ito SYMPTOMS
brush to put it on with FREE
•“ ■"""•■‘’"•'I
Phone Mam .1112
r ort la nd, Orw.
Our Windows are the Nicest in Town-have a Look
Tbe G ut» Station Harber
1« now I o ' h U m I at the
Lents Hardware
»137 F inter Ruud Opp |»_ q .
Shave 10c Hair Cut 20c
Shampoo 15c
Lady’s Shampoo 30c
Th. Finest in th. World and Bl
Hmn you ran got It for elsewhere
Alaji Hanltary (llutliea Urach and full
liidlriivlIunN how I«» umt h , N o
HV»Pr llliir M<>n<layN
Piano and Furniture Moving.
Low Distance Hauling.
Express Service.
Specially equippaal to handle picnic
partlee. Reasonable rates.
(1X14 Mth Street S. B.
TaNw sre
I’ort I a ml Stand Bdwy. M2, A 1M2