Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, October 25, 1917, Page 3, Image 3

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Are the ReqMisites of DlKrlalutlNg Patrons
These are the Basic Principles upon which
fl. D Kenworthy a Company
have built their reputation for fair dealing with all classes
of patronage
Proximity to Cemeteries enables us to save one-half on
Auto Hire. Free use of our large seven-passenger car
while making funeral arrangements.
We have a large service chapel and private rooms for
family use. Prices as low as $50.00 if desired.
From thia large apaclona room accraa la fail»«! to the private offic«,
eha|H-l ami hall-way Ira. ling to private rooma for relative« ami aingvni
la tut item of aerioua consideration in th«s» stringent time*.
The total
footing la dib-rminad entirely by the drwires or necessities of a family.
Tl>e entire rt|ene may tie made aw email aa your condition« nrcriwitate
or a* large aa may be drained
Our caskets are all marked in plain
'AfHMva^Aod we have one prio- to th* rich am! poor alike.
We have
never found B family, no matter how nnfortunate, but that some ar-
rangemenU could be m»<k to car» fer them
None are too poor to command our arrvicea.
We have wrfecteil plana for wervice to patrons which enable« ua to
offer many aMs with ipoxien* to tli.-m. Jt is the service you receive
that determine« largely your degree of satisfaction with any firm that
•hould verve you. It is our policy to lighten the burdena by arranging
all the detaila such aa cemetery arrangement«, newapaper notices,
minister, music, conveyance«. etc. All detaila are ao completely and
carefully arranged, combined with the many feature« with which the
eatablianment ia equipped, that we are enabled to oinetly and smooth­
ly direct a funeral without confumon or miahap. We anticipate your
wants and newia and supply them accordingly.
when the last prayer ia finished gt the cemetery. We are still at the
service of patrons in aiding them to arrange for a photographer, if one
is desired, and in many instances we take entire charge of preparing
and forwarding life insurance papers. Our experience in thia enables
ua to accurately prepare them, which avoids their being returned for
correction and necMsiuting a delay in receiving the benefits. Thia ser­
vice ia greatly appreciated by patrons whoee employment or suburban
residence woald make it very Inconvenient for them to take the time to
expedite the completion of death proofs andaffidavita that are required.
In tfie privacy of thia office relative« are enabled to carefully and de-
liiwrately complete funeral arrangements without embarawwment or dis­
turbance. On the right of thia office is a comfortably arrange*! room for
attendants who are always on duty, day or night. To the left is a dorr
' leading to the show room which adjoins the private office, thus eliminat­
ing the necessity of climbing stairways, as tlie entire establishment is on
the ground floor.
Can always la arranged
for ¡by those whose conditions make it
The location of this establishment is an idaal one for funeral purponea. The building ia a concrete structure,
which makes it cool in summer and easily warmed In winter. A very Important feature is that the concrete
structure practically eliminates any likelihood of a Rye in the building. The location ia 2 blocks north of the car
line on 92nd street H. E., which makes it very acceneible but on a quiet street We are one mile from the beauti­
ful Mt. Scott Park Cemetery, and only one mile from Multnomah Cemetery on 82nd street. By virtue of this lo­
cation we are enabled to furnish automobile« for the service at almost one-hail U ms city price«.
R oom
.. ............ is gained to fir« rwm thru a privile hnllway which insures
wl.«.l it<- prie icy •" r.-lHt'M- A'j i Illg t'li-to *m ia an«lll«r room the
same es-, fini .riably fnnii’iHtl mid resemble the parli r of a
private In me.
Thia luxurious Winton-Six Seven Pare* nger car is at t ie service of pa­
trons while we .lie «idling on them. The ear ia u«ed to bring reinlives to
the oilier, to make arrangements or take them to the cein.-teii< s or other
errand« that are nei-. ssnry in completeting funeral arrangement«, thus
eliminatii g th« neceesity of traveling on street cats or walking which is
always m >re or le-s einbarasaing to tho«e in mourning This feature adds
to the policy of privacy which the firm adheres to tlirnnnt the entire ar­
It is the policy of thia firm to
seek the real needs of|the be­
reaved family and supply accord_-
ingly. It is not advisable£Ior ¡a
family in moderate or poor cir­
cumstances to engage an elabor-
jaie lunerai. Aa much aagwe may
desire to furnish good funerals,
we make a practice of advising
and counseling such cases to use
goods that are in keepingjwith
their circumstance« and will not
be a burden to pay for.
Our pa­
trons are the once to be satisfied
and we would not deserve their
confidence if we insisted on their
buying something they cannot
The substantial character ex-
prereed in thia institution eetab-
lialiee the satisfied feeling of con­
fidence in the service rendered
The interior of the eliapel is finished in a silver gray co'or. The furni­
ture is finished to match. It relieves the sombre, gloomy atmosphere at­
tendant on funeral occasions. The chapel ia profusely decorated with
palms, ferns, and other plants of rars foliage. The appointments of the
chapel are ideal for the correct direction of a funeral without the confusion
which often attends a church or residence fui end service.
E .trance may be my de to the chapel either thru the rcepton < ffice
or from the street. About 175 people can be seated in thetbapel
Mr. Kenworthy's experience in this business covers
a period of 14 year«, the first 10 yours living spent in
the employ of two of the largest and mod progressive
firms in Portland, where he learned the value of service
and received a thorn schooling in every phase of the
business. Mr. Kenworthy's personal service assures
patrons of entire satisfaction.
This room adjoins the chap«l and is for the singers. Music from an ad­
jacent room sounds much better and is more appropriate than if given in
the chapel proper. Every convenience is provided for musicians and sig­
nal for music is given by an electric buzzer.
BRANCH OFFICE. 4615 66th St. S. E., at Arleta Station
fl. D. Kenworthy and Co.
funeral Directors
Fisrt Class Service Given Day Or Night. Calls Promptly Answered In
Any Part Of City. Hospital Calls Given Prompt Attention.
D St
Dignified service is either marred or emphasized by the appearance and
quality of the auto hearse used. This car is the result of the best ma­
terial and workmanship, and commands respect and reverence. The body
is symetrically constructed and mounted on a Winton-Six is-horsepower
chassis. The car is equipped with puncture proof tires which eliminates
a source of great emlmrassment in funerals. Our revolving Hower rack
prevents floral offering from being disfigured and crushed. It is the
only hearse in Portland with this feature.
We hereby extend to all enlisted men who may lose their lives in the service of the nation the offer of the
use of onr entire equipment and comprehensive service absolutely free of all charges whatsoever