The ad drees of Miss F. A. Steltimetx. County President of the Endeavor Union Published «eery Thursday at IxoU. Oregon by emphaaixed the (act that a call to En­ T mb M t Sever PTBLiaat»« Cowrawv deavor aervice consists ot two thing«—a need and he ability that need. J. SANGER FOX Mana«ln« Xarvnte attend Sunday Enter»! aa ascond-claM mail matter Febru­ School when they know that example is ary 14. 1014. al the poat office al lenta. Oregon, the moat powerful aort uf training? under act ot Congrvaa. Match X 1ST* 2 Why will not parent«open THEIR Uuderwear that ws contract« I tor last January, which enables us to quote some attractlvs prices eubacrlptloa price • •> • year.*" advauce homes for Jlhe social affair» of the elacs I'WNMi T*»O« >'M. D *1. Women’s Vests from 10c to $1.75 Misses and Children’s separate Vests, Drawers and Union Sults instead of expecting the teacher to fur­ nish entertainment, house and refresh- Men’s heavy Vests and Drawers at 65c, 75c, 98c, $1.25, $1.49 Men’s heavy Union Sults $1.25, $8.40 The Six Cent Fare Case. menu? Boys’ Vests and Drawers and Union Suits at right prices. 3 Why will parents trust their child­ The recent order of the Public tree Methodist Church. ren so blithely to unmarried men and We sell the Bennington Cooper Spring Needle Knit Underwear. Compare our prices with any in the city Service Commission denying the The pastor. Rev. A. Bt>ere. left the women teacher» during the week day P. R. L. & P. Co., the right to first of tin» week for Chicago, acconi- and at Sunday school and then tell the««' raise their fare to six cents is panied by Mrs. Beers, where they will same teachers that they know nothing full of significant facts, and attend the annual board meetings of the about the bringing up of children? should be read in full before an church. They will be al«ent about 4 Why are not more parents willing 5827-29 92nd STREET Near Foster Rd. Tab. 3581 three weeks. The pulpit ouSunday last attempt is made to express an was tilled by Rev. Roy Nichols who, to take Sunday School classes? 5 Who is really the most resjamsibh* opinion. with Mr«. Nichols, is home on furlough for the child's spiritual life, the pastor. I Andbel Presbyterian Church. At the outset the Commission from San Domingo, Porto Rico, where the teacher or the parent? The Presbyterian Sunday School In ­ seavice lonary »eiv The monthly business meeting of the declares that the State Law of they have been doing missionary stitute which was held nt the First 1901 providing that it shall be for the past six years. Mr . NicboMprUl Y. P. S. C. E. of Millard Ave. I’revby- Presbyterian Church on Tuesday even­ preach at the Lents church the next terian church was held at the home of i unlawful to charge in excess of (threaSonday three Sundays , at at 3sM) 3x0 0 o - ’ clock clock p p. . m. Mrs. Wm. Lope on Friday evening. A ing in connection with the Fall meeting five cents for one continuous ^jr anj ^|r8 Nichols were residents of very pleasant evening was spent and of Portland Presbytery was very largely attended by officers and teachera of the trip in cities of over 50,000 in- Lents before leaving for the West lovely refreshments served. To ins[M?ct our work and com­ habitants was by implication re- Indies and doubtlees they have still The Junior choir meets every Friday various Sunday schools. The plan of holding such an Institute pealed by the Public Utility Act fri*nda who <»' * illeas*d with p. m. at 4 o’clock. All children from 5 was worked out by the Committee ot pare down town prices with ours. to 15 urged to attend. Of 1911. and that the city fran- •“ opportunity to meet them .gain, Religious Education under the direction of its chairman, Rev. H. G. Hanson, of chise is subordinate to the St. Paul's Episcopal Church. the Fourth Church. The Institute has Special care taken with babies friends Church. superior power of the state, St. Paul is observing the week of lieen counted such a success that un­ Services as usual on Sunday morning, i hence they have power to in­ prayer, as are all Episcopal churches and children’s pictures. a evening !.. 41 Rev. V» . ’ VW > In • the Ernest E. ew* Taylo7 doub‘*d|y »n»‘b®r »‘H beheld. pr..b- crease the rates if they see fit. throughout the city. Because of this of Newberg will speak. Mr. Taylor was “b,r in connection with the regular The Commission separated the there will be no meeting ot the Guild formerly Executive Secretary of the ^I’rin« meeting of Presbytery. The latest styles at lowest prices cost of operating the various de­ this week. Prohibition Party in Oregon and is well Sunday School Superintendent C. C. Mr«. C. L. Gessell. of S9th St., and and favorably known. I TriPP> nnJ fourteen of the officers and partments of the P. R. L. & P. consistent with good work. Co., and declare, showing Mrs. A. L. Goodwin will entertain the Tlie subject of the morning sermon last t«»cber« of the Anabel ( hurch attended social meeting of St. Paul s Guild at figures which they have them­ the home of the former on Tuesday af­ Snnday was “God’s Financial Plan,” in lbe Institute. the evening “Eternity. Where Will You The ladies of this church have organ- selves computed, that the street ternoon of next week from two to four Spend It.” ised a Red Croee Auxiliary with such a car department of the company o'clock. Every one is cordially invited The minister wae at her l>est and the large membership that there is « poaei- has been receiving a steadily de­ to attend this meeting. Special atten­ audiences were much impressed. In the bility of having to divide the ladies into creasing rate of return for the tion is called to the fact that this meet­ afternoon a financial canvas ot the mem two groups, meeting on different een provided at the church so the la- about 3 per cent. The report Monday evening a company of the dies can take their lunches each Wed- goes into detail as the probable Christian Endeavorers motored to Van- needay and work from lo:30 in the Methodist Church. couver and conducted a mission service morning until 4 : Frank Lent, the above named defendant: Stocks’’ the Commission declares while Major Repp will contribute a solo I ing class is meeting with the approval of I In th-- naruv of th.- Stale of Oregon YOU are hereby required to appear and answer th«* “Stocks and bonds enter into the to the musical program for the evening. those who attend. Trie social and din­ complaint filed aaainat you in the above an ‘ IL <2^ : t iM-mr th« -th day <»f Nov.-In ner hour proceeding the study period is t>er. 1017, »aid date being more than alx week* question only in so far as they The new conference year started in very from the 27th dajr of September, 1917, the dale auspiciously on Sunday last, large enjoyod by all. bear upon the question of the J audiences being in attendance both Mies Terrill spt?aks in the highest of the order for publication of thia autnuion* TkON’T decide too soon that a tire or tube and more that) aix weefca from the /Uh dajr of value [of the property involved. morning and evening. A pleasant sur­ terms of the Woman's Prayer Meeting September. 1917. the date if th- Sflt publira U is womout. Some times there’s more tlon of »aid aumouna . and if vou fall to anawer otherwise appear herein, the plaintiff will We fail to see how stocks and prise at the morning aervice was the on Wednesday afternoon at 2p. m. Any or aupiy to the court forth« relief prayed for in mileage left than you might expect Let us bonds have a direct bearing up­ presence of Mr. A. Powers, one of the woman interested will be most welcome. blaintiff.a complaint herein, to-wit: For a and DeeVOS •' I’K r • U»»r aurh other and further As will be noted in another been confined to his home by paralysis ceeeful Busineee Man and Founder of a relief repairs will help we’ll handle them quickly, as may seem juat and equitable in the Nation.” Dinner will be provided for premises. column the Commission offers a for the past three years. efficiently and at very moderate cost to you. This summons is served upon vou by publica­ tion thereof, pursuant to an order of the Hon few suggestions as remedies for The weinie roast on the banks of tboee who are interacted at a very small arable P. Kavanaugh, Judge of the above Try us. It will pay you.| A special invitation ia extended entitled J. Court, which order Is dated Sept 77th the condition which they declare Johnson Creek on Monday evening was cost. enjoyed by a big crowd of enthusiastic to any one deeiriug to take a abort Bible 1017 First Publication He pl T7. 1917 I-ast November M, 1917. exists. The abolition of the Epworth Leaguers. The night wss ideal. course whether connected with thia Publication John Van Zante, Attorney for Plaintiff. S14 Spalding Bldg., Portland, Oregon. books of tickets, and the in­ The Lenta contingent was augmented church or not. Young men and high creased price of school children’s by four auto loads of Leaguers from school students are invited. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE tickets will effect residents of Gresham who bad been invited to join Notice 1« hereby aleen that the under>l«ncd hu been, by th* County Court of the County KXJEL KILDAHL, Proprietor Mt Scott seriously, but it is not in this last out-door event of the year. District Sunday School Convention. of Multnomah. State ot Oregon, appointed art Floyd Smith, the efficient Fourth Vice- miniatratrtx of the last will and Teatament Tabor 3429 D 61 8919 Foster Road expected that any reduction of preaident, with hie committee, had The regular quarterly Sunday School and Eatate of James H Alklnaon, deceased, late of Multnomah County,Oregon. All per Institute for District No. 9, of the Mult ­ service will be made on this line, managed everything beautifully and aona having claim« again,: .aid eatate are nomah County Sunday School Associa­ hereby notified to prewnl tie «am.- to tbs for the reason that it would be there was no end of weinies and buna tion underalg ted at tie- office of Janie. N. Davis, will be held in the Congregational 601 Journal Building. Portland. Oregon, with­ difficult to see how any poorer and at the last minute they sprung a Church, corner 65tb St., and 45tb in all month« from >hla date, duly certified aa by law required. service could be maintained and surprise in a generous quantity of Ave., 8. E., Sunday. October 14. MINNIE O. ATKINSON, Administratrix. bottled fruit juices and soft drinks, It of Aral publication Nepo-mtcr lx. 1*17 still render a service “which the was a very enjoyable and successful af- This district includes the 16 Sunday Date Date of laat publication October 11, 1017. Schools of all denominations of the Mt. public is entitled to receive” as fair. Scott district, extending from the An­ STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP. the Commission puts it. The Adult Bible class held their abel Presbyterian on the west, eastward Will soon be received. Call and get prices The Mt. Scott Herald published The Commission hints bmadly monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. to and including all the schools of weekly at I>nta Station, Portland, Ore for October 1, 1817. Publisher, that if the public is not satisfied *e,,ie Wo®lwortb, of 85th st. on Tue»- Ijente. Below is the program for the gon Mt. Scott Pubiiebing Company, 5812, day evening. There was a large attend­ afternoon and evening: Have you ever tried our Special Blend Coffee? 30c lb. with the changes to be made, 92nd St. S. E , Portland. Editor, Mrs, ance and a pleasant evening wm spent. Minnie Goodenongh Hvde. 5912 92nd It has the real Mocha Java Aroma. Prices 2 for 55C and with the reduction in ser­ The annual election of officer» occurred 3:30 Music, Anabel Presbyterian Sun­ St. S. E., Portland. .Managing Edit >r, day School Orchestra. J. Sanger Fox, 8912 »2nd St. S. E., vice W hen put into effect, that at tbia time resulting in the appoint- Go to your butcher for spare ribs, but come to Song Service. Portland. Circulating Manager, J. Al­ the commission will not hesitate rnent of Mrs J. C. McGrew a» president us for some “Silver Thread” Sauer Kraut. 1 A/* Prayer, Rev. Jno. E. Nelson, len Dunoar; 5912 92nd St. S. E. Port­ to put into effect an increase in with Mrs. Rowley as vice-president, Try it. It ia very good. Per quart......................... AW land. O vners are: J. Sanger Fox, Anabel Presbyterian Church. ♦ » Mrs. Hawkins secretary and Mrs. Nellie 5114 95tn St. S. E. Portland. Minnie rates to six cents. Music, Ladies Kapella Quartette. Goodenoogh Hyde, 6423 94th St. S. E. Wood worth treasurer. The presence of An abundance of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables always in stock Appointing of Nominating Com­ J. Allen Dunbar, 9412 55th Ave. S. E. By this decision the position Rev. and Mrs. Moore added to the mittee, by President Bradford. Portland. Mortgagee, Multnomah State taken by the P. R. L. & P. Co., pleasure of the occasion. Refreshments Address, “Seed,” Rev. Hugh Bank, 92nd St. 8. E , Portland, Oregon. that their revenues from their were served at the close of the program 4:00 Fraser J. Sanger Fox, affirmed and subscrib­ Drop in. We appreciate your patronage, no Given, First U. P. Church. ed before me this Sth day of Octotter, street car department are entire- and bQ8ineM •«•»on. Hymn, by audience, all standing. 1917. C. C. Wiley, Notary Public for matter how small the purchase may be ly inadequate to meet the pres- -------------------- Music. Grace Evangelical Sunday Oregon. Mv commission expirea Nov. 10, 1919. School Orchestra. ent demands has been vindicated Millard Ave. Presbyterian Church, by the Public Service Commis­ The Christian Endeavor Rally at the 4:45 Address, High School Credit« for Bible Study in the Sunday School, I sion of this State, a body of men. _____ Millard Ave. church last Sunday even- by Prof. 8. F. Ball, Principal of three in number, Messrs. Frank inl? wMconducted by Miss Grace ,'pauld- Franklin High School. LAURELWOOD STA TABOR 645 D 1215 ’ Miller, ----- ~ president. Foreword« for the year J. Fred *_____________________ing, G. Buchtel, and Business Session. Tabor *5*1 ' were given by the various committee Offering, Invitations received , comprising short speeches by H kh ' for entertaining Institute in Jan­ subject to the Will of the aw people. Charles Tronson, missionary committee, Dr. Wm. Rees -- | V>MV« *»waav«*My tuimuviiai J Wlli 1*1 1 Vfcwrcij uary ; Election of Officers; An­ There is no question that popular an*l K**sie Strang, lookout committee, Office and Residence, *Ss E With Hl. nouncements. sentiment is against the P. R. L. The fo,lowin« are *°m‘* U* points PORTLAND. ORE. Adjournment. IT IS MAN-MADE ANI> MECHANICAL & P- Co-, its attitude toward the < Pot-luck luuch and social u il j - . 1 $3 d .( j 0 for millions. hour. Every one present most Jitneys, and .to methods of Col- 2 Better attendance at the meetings B School Orchestra. 7 EarnKrtnew! an,i intensivene«« of 8:00 An Inspirational Address. Sub­ Piano Lessons at Your Home at 6Oc He Will Call de’|otloD’1 ject anti speaker to he announced. The ladies of the Congregational Tabor 491« Mth St brought greetings from over the state Church will provide coffee and cocoa for and congratulat-si the society on the out- all. Those attending are requested to look *or tbe service, she also bring sandwiches, doughnuts or other Office Mamhnll ■ 909 aM,,ranf* of co-operation, material that may be used in making ,nMr Em''* 'WBn"°n’ 1Oo“nty. ,^okout up the luncheon. Chairman, empha«ized the fact that Dr. F. M. Brooks The combined orchestras will assist of living >s not »o much in the 644 Oregonian Building in each of the song service«, which will a^a‘n3t the things which a man does, but in what PORTLAND be conducted by Mr. E. P. Town of the A _ OB*. and that that} he purpoees to do. Anabel Presbyterian Sunday School. SP*®*-**** ,n Surgery unlimited number of calls at low rates Call A 6221—Contract Department — and our representative will call. VZl^ A HIT I ( _ b I _|< b A l¥l IVD VlUeATUIl Tab. 1450 Candies’ Confectionery, Fruits, Soft Drinks, Bakery Goods, Tobacco and Cigars, Light Lunches Bohna’s Confectionery *