Mi. Scott Pay<’ Two health exercise. A pound of bread will cost in that way about four cents instead of ten. Mt. Scott Herald Church Notes Methodist Church. On Sunday morning next the i annusi J. MANGFR FOX M»na«luv F.lilor, Rally bay servlet«« for the N uik U v M1NMK<FA HYI’K,Nv«» F.tHor The strike in San Francisco Sell. ■«». will lx* held at the hour for thv J. ALI.KN Dl’NBAK.CirvutoUon M«n*««r. over the streetcar difficulties has rvv'i.ar chin eh «rvive. Thv program Kntvrel •• »veoivl-cla»* mail matter Febru­ ary I». 1-11 at tin- i o»t offivc al lent»,Oregon, cost millions, and if a general will itK'liule a Miaeionary I I'.iguuiil. under act ot Vellgr»»». March 3 1ST*. strike is ordered will cost tens of The piogratn la eniitletl “Flag« of Free­ •ubacriptkm price • »1 a jear.lv advance millions, directly and indirectly. dom” and ia missionary-patriotic in Il JS3«. 1» MON Che young people's el«»««« Charge this loss up to the in­ character, will participate with a few number» sanity of expecting a private . ation. The people should respond publicly owned streetcar lines of! ait, superintendeni of the Centenary day School, will be presctil Sunday , by going on a fish diet for a few San Francisco have no trouble, HCMMOXH. ruing and give an address on Sunday ( weeks, patronizing the municipal give better service than the com­ In th® Circuit Court of thoStatv ot Orvgi»n, Sv <«>l work. for Multn-'i.iHh < nuDiY stand exclusively. There is more pany lines, and make two cents Lent, l’Uhiutf. v« Frank LenX, IM- -auday evening Mre. 1.. W. Owen, than one way to kill a cat and if out of every five cents collected p: n>nt ef Hie X'au >nal Father's Day fvlpluHt. To Frank L«’iit. tbvahuve u-l int: In the iirtinv of the MM® ot You the Trust refuse to respond to as profit. arv hrroby roiulrroi 1«» MpiM*o« iaibn, wiU speak. Mr«. Owen i» «-ompUlnt filed ymi In thv M m >¥* ni to Hoover they may be brought mortals be” was written three «1 < .iking to large audience« all over the ■ * 11 h <1 Mint, on ot 1.. iufv thi • -lh .Uy of Novem- city. She ha« a rich and varied exper­ time by the proposed plan, It centuries ago. thv V?lh day ot tieptvnibvr, 1917, thv ilalv It still is true. ience gathered from 41 year« ot platform fr«»m td the order |ur of thl« »uniiMmv« is said that fish is a brain food. and mure wrvlt« from the <11 h day ot w. rk during which time she has spoken Hvptvmhrr, than »lx th* date of thv tir»t publico Incidentally while we are putting lion of *r The woman at home has to en­ in »v ry penitentiary in the United t»r otherwiac ap|*viir hftratn. thv ¡dainiht will the Fish Trust out of commission Mates. Her addre.otea abound in apply to ibv Court tor thv rultvt p ayvxl tor in dure. too. plaltdiff,» complaint herein, to wli: For a human-interest atoriea taken from real Judgment and by purchasing our fish at the i>v« rve of Dlvurw dhia'ilvln« thv bond« uf malt I mon v hervloforu and now life. Come and hear her. municipal stand we may develop existing between thv plaintiff and defendant, Tiie pastor, Rev, F M. Jasper, left and tor the care, cuutialy ainl control >>t tbv sufficient brain power to enable children, to -wit: U-iand Lent and Tuesday morning (or Springfield, the »eat minor Mariam Lent, j|nd tor «itch other and further us to see that municipal owner­ Mr« Jeanette Gewell, Mr». Kennedy, of the annual conference. The work of, rvlivt aa may acvtn ju*t and v«;uit«blc in the ship might solve a few more of Mrs. Ella Fankhau»er and Mr«. Som- the year was brought to a successful* prvml»va. Thia•uiumona 1« served upon you by publico** lion thereof, pursuant to an order ot tn® Hon our problems. It seems to be merfiehit attended the Multnomah termination and Mr. Jasper goes to «•rub <• J. I* Kavanaugh, Judge nt thv above Court, which urtlvr i« dated -''•■pl. /7th recognized as the only way to County annual convention the 21»t to Conference with the unauimous wish of entitled 1917. Flrat Publication Kept 97. 1917. I.a»t ! hi« church for hl« return another year 23rd. The convention was the largest Publication November >», Iwl’. beat the wood trust and the fish John Van Zante, Attorn« y tor PlaintilT. Ji I | ami most intereeting ot any held for trust, how about the other cor­ 1 many years. Reports of departments The Woman’« Foreign Missionary Spokliug Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Society w ill hold their regular monthly porations that are howling for j of work showed much activity, the Sold­ meeting at the parsonage on Wednemhy ADMtNIHTKATItlX SoTK K ia hereby idv» u that the under«igind increased rates and prices?— iers and Sailors department aud Labor afternoon of next week. Mr». Fyock ha« Notice been, by the County Court ot th*’ County department being among the co-ordinat ­ < I Multnomah. Ntatv «»I oregou, appointed ad M. G. H. w ill be the leader. The first chapter ot < ministratrti of the la*t Mill atol T* »tainvul ed department« grouped into a national Mrs. Fisher’s book, "Under the Cres­ aii«l Fatale ot Jatnv* B .vlklnaoii. dI, i committee for patriotic service taking cent and Among the Kraals,” will be , •ale « f Multnomah I utility . '»regolk. All ¡ « r- ►on« having claim« agniUat said eatatc are “Pay Up” Week. | the lead. Central Union had the tieet discussed. Members are asked to look hereby noli tied t< pie-ent tbv tatne i<> tho uudcrkig ••■•! at thv Ucv *>f Jamva N Davi«, We have heard of *’clean up • » j report in the Labor work, food adminis­ up incidents on Africa Miseiouary work ciUI Journal Building. 1* >rlland, Oreg *n. with­ in »lx month» trout ¡hi* dam. duly cvnltlcd «• week. *‘dres3 up” week. ”ol tration meetings, public meetings in for roll call. > H < | the interests of home economics and an MINMAO. ArKINHON, A ImlnNtrat: 1 home” week, “go to church increase in amount of work in garden­ Ihiteot first publication Nvptcinlier id, 1917. Dal® ui last publication held Tuesday afternoon at Ta.nplin who went to Newberg to enter circulation. The way it works, the home of Mrs. Gessell, S9th St. The College Wednesday. ”If you must swear,” reads a according to its sponsors, one ■ election of othcers which was deferred at sign in an Army Y. M. C. A. $5.00 bill travels all the way ! the last meeting was completed at this Millard Ave. Presbyterian Churth. I tent at Camp Kearny, Linda from Maine to California, paying ! time, the following being elected to A musical recital was given at the Vista, Calif., ‘‘whistle it ' serve during the coming year: I’resi- Millard Ave. Church Monday evening, debts all along the line. Let’s ! dent, Mrs. Sommerteldt; vice-president, the Jlth ill-1, at 8:00 <>’< l|» ruting the machine, . the "germ” out of Germany.— because of the profits in the sale rity. and Mother»’ Meetings. Mrs. L. F. while Mrs Jehu explained the pictures Camas Post. of bran and shorts more than Alliton was made chairman of a com to the audience. It fumiehed a heart­ I------------------------------------------- make up for the cost of grind­ inittee to prepare a calander for tlie rending lesson and when the program ing; but the government is slow coming year, which is to be gotten ou was finished many volunt>ire the State Convention to tie held to aaiist in this work are requested to to cut down the profits of the at Albany next week. phone to W. G. McLaren at the Port- copper, steel and coal trusts to The next meeting will also be held at land Commons. six per cent. When the bakers the >me of Mr-. Gessell in two weekf. The Trustees of the Millard Ave. Church held their regular meeting on that buys the Sunday or Daily bought flour for $6 a barrel they Monday evening at the home of Mr and retailed bread made from it for Oregonian or Journal Newspaper Mrs. Orley Gilbert. s $15, and some of them grew rich I will receivs at the business. Much of the ft The farmer is relied upon by > ! bread was wasted and turned ft ft all kinds and degrees of privilege back to them in the course of the ft to continue to protect them with rabil,bol K ret y Thnrt.Hj at Lent», Oregon by Tn, M t S ho V t P vbumiimì Efficiency is Built Not Born IT IS M A N-M A DE AND M ECII AN 1C AL Telephone efficiency is built into 'the « Automatic Telephone and with it goes economy, large free service area and unlimited number of calls at low rates W.C.T.U. NOTES Call A 6221 Contract Department— and our representative will call. NELSON’S Soldiers and Sailors New Testament American Standard Version 3 3 a 3 TO GET ACQUAINTED Every Child CERTAINLY lax business methods followed. I Allowing $6 a barrel for handl-' ing is ample, whether flour be one price or the other. The bakery combines in the cities should be compelled to retail bread the rate of $17 for 300 loaves. If the dealers will not do so the municipalities should take over the bakeries and do it. With no bread returned and no bread fed to hogs because two days old, the cities could make big money at that rate. In other words, the people in the cities are paying $30 for bread that should not cost them over $15. These facts can be approximate­ ly ascertained in 24 hours, and the fact that in Europe a pound loaf of bread of excellent quality and matte out of wheat raised on American soil and transported thousands of miles is retailed for less than half of what it is re­ tailed for here shows that we are submitting to robbery in this country with the patience of ’’dumb, driven cattle,” and seem to enjoy the process. The individual remedy is to buy wheat by the sack and grind it up in a good stout mill as a i FREE I’ll Exchange It, Madam his divided vote. Many people would rather pay a long while than think a little while. The Oregon Agricultural College I The Home Merchant a ♦ Is { ANXIOUS TO PLEASE PHARMACY ♦ THE SCHOOL OF MUSIC, offer« Ins true •ion in the principal department« of vocal and instrumental music. THS MILITARY DEPARTMENT, enrolled He KNOWS you You KNOW him Can you exchange so readily when you buy out of town 7 THINK IT OVER TRADE AT HOME Whore trained eperialiste with modern lab oratories and adequate equipment ¡five in- Btrurtion leading to eoliBgiatu degree« in the following «ehnols: AGRICULTURE, with 15 department«; COMMERCE, with 4 department«; ENGINEERING, with fl department«, fa- eluding Civil, Electrical, Highway. Industrial Art«. Irrigation, and Mechanical Engine* ring; FORESTRY, including Logging Engineer­ ing HOME ECONOMICS, with 4 majcr depart­ ment«. including training in the Practice House; MINING, with three department«, iaelad mg Chemical Engineering. < I * I 1085 cadets in 1918 17, and won recommen­ dation for O. A. C from the Western Depart­ ment of the U. R. War Department a« one o.’ the fifteen “distinguished institution«* • of higher learning. All cadet« will be furnished complete uniform« by the U. 8 Government and the junior and senior cadet«, enrolled in the R O. T. C., will be given commutation for subsistence, as well a« all transportation and subsistence at the six weeks* Rummer cam*. REGISTRATION BEGINS OCTOBBB 9, 1917 Information on request. Address, Registrar, Oregon Agricultural CaUegn, CorvaAlia, Oregon. One Bar of Chocolate at the EXACT SIZE OF TESTAMENT Attractive - Compact - Readable - Durable Emphasized with the words of Christ printed in bold face type. Strongly and neatly bound in Khaki colored Morra-co grained Keratol—Waterproof—flexible limp cover, embossed back bands, round corners. Khaki edges, gold title, beautifully embossed American Flag in colors on the outside front cover. Printed on specially strong Bible paper. Only 3 x 4% inches and just % an inch thick. Type is plain and clear —self­ pronouncing. The Four Great American Hymns aro printed and bound with this Soldiers and Sailors Testament. LENTS WAITING ROOM CONFECTIONERY STORE A Stitch in a Tire l Professional Directory Saves Al il eage Tabor 8598 Dr. Wm. Rees Office and Rnidenee. äh K frith Hl. FORTLAND. ORK. Bdw. 2W Kant «ort ; John Quy Wilson Attomey-at-Law TAON’T decide too soon that a tire or tube is wornout. Some times there’s more mileage left than you might expect Let us look it over. We will tell you frankly whether it will pay to make repairs. If repairs will help we’ll handle them quickly, efficiently and at very moderate cost to you. Try us. It will pay you.J aw Pillock Slock Office Conaultatlnn Freni ma byJA ppointment Prof. T. E. Lawson Piano Lessons at Your Home at 60c H« Will Call Tabor JMu «VI« Nth St LENTS GARAGE AXEL KILDAHL, Proprietor Tabor 3429 D 61 8919 Foster Road