Mi. Scott Herald I'nje Tvo Mt. Scott Herald rubll.bcl Every Thunday »I LMla. Oregon by TW« Mv StxrtT PvBLi-Hisu coarAHv J SANGER FOX. Managing Editor. Ml N N IK G< KU»KNO VG H H Yl»K. Ne •» Editor J. Al LKN IH'NHAR, Circulation Manager. Roterei as »«'coud-claM mail matter Febru­ ary u, leu. at the poat'OfHcv at Urnta,Oregon, under act of Cong resa. Marek 3.1879. • 91 a >« ar. in adx I Hosn: T»no» TSH, D M. Harry Lane Memorial. Congress took a day off during the past week for the purpose of holding a Memorial in honor of the late Senator Harry Lane. The speeches made on that oc­ casion gave full credit where credit was due and were an evi­ dence of the appreciation felt for the ruggtii, fearless man of Oregon when men speak the truth. The speeches will be re­ corded and the further down in history they are read the more clearly will they stand out in bold relief, revealing one of the few great men of the State of Oregon, whose names will never be forgotten. In reading the eulogies of Senator Lane at that Memorial session and considering their source and the tragic death of Harry Lane which might have been averted if some of those words of appreciation had been spoken earlier one is reminded of a little poem, a few lines of which run as follows: There are a horde of special agents and county, city, town­ ship and other officials breaking up the blind pigs in Portland. It is commonly reported that booze­ fests are held in the dining rooms of some of our swellest resorts and places frequented by the moral and immoral well-to- do. If the common people find that prohibition does not apply to the rich there will be some­ thing doing. The velvet clad, gold-spectacled, eminently re­ spectable blind pig must be ex­ terminated along with the other kind. The people of Portland have a great and valuable public proper­ ty in its water system. Who has the hardihood to propose that it be sold and a water com­ pany charge us $2.50 a month instead of 50 cents? All light and power is made from falling water and Portland owns storage reservoir and timber lands enough to furnish any amount of water, water plant and electric light at cost —real, actual eost. The money can be borrowed in small sums from our people. Church Notes A barrel of flour will make 300 loaves of bread, each larger than the loaves sold in Portland for one dime. Somebody is get­ ting away with a large amount of patriotism. You are not pay­ If you have a word of praise In these busy, heedless days. ing double prices for bread to Of some striving, helpful one. help out the country. Not a For the good that he has done. Do not wajt cent of its excess profits gets the Vntil too late. country anywhere. It would be Till the weary hands at rest, F-lded on a silent breast. far better to stop the excess Leave your praises unexpressed— profits in the first place rather Say it now. It would be amusing if it were than attempt to get any con­ not so tragic how the big news­ siderable portion of them back papers of the country are devot­ in the second place. ing columns of space to the pub­ friends Church. lication of these speeches of The Oregon Field Artillery Last Friday evening the meeting ol eulogy, while distinct in the batteries have gone to Fort the Pacific Coast Reec e and Protective minds of all lurks the memory Green, Charlotte, North Caro­ Association was well attended. The that only a few months ago lina. The pretended secrecy of musical feature ol the program ren­ by Dr. Henry Collins was much these same papers were devoting the date of departure was a dered appreciated. Dr. Collins was engaged as much or more space to what farce. There were hundreds of in evangelistic work with D. L. Moody they now acknowledge to have visitors at the train Monday at and has made three tours of Ireland. been “unjust and unwarranted Clackamas and every person The address by Mrs. Jehn, illustrated abuse.” It is soothing to our present except the babies and by lantern slides set forth in a vivid manner the work being accomplished editorial conscience to read in the mascots knew where and and the needs of the Association. Their our issue of May 31st that this when. ’ With One or two papers : ____ annua| Tag Day occurs Saturday, paper sought to be fair to the publishing the information in October the 6th, when they hope to pay man at the time in view of its full, and two other publications out on the > children’s home. The workers solicit the cooperation of all thorough belief in him. trusting silent upon the expected who can help sell tags. All who can do to time to vindicate his attitude. parture there is nothing to so should send their names to W. G. —M. G. H. MacLaren 195 Burnside Street Port­ land. Don’t stuff the husband, Nine of the Endeavor people helped The investigation of the fuel husband the stuff. in the Portland Commons Mission Mon­ day night. Mrs. Mendenhall of 90th trust in Portland gives us a mass street delivered the address. Next of indigestible and worthless Monday evening they will help in the figures, while the trust goes mission work at Vancouver which is merrily on. An investigation of ",y the market trust is to be pulled The Sunday School committee ha» arranged for a Teacher Training Class off. More figures and less re­ lief. An investigation of the It is only a waste of postage, letter > which will hold its first meeting next fish trust that is making 400 per paper and time for a man whose claim Wednesday evening about 6:30. It is for exemption from the draft on indus­ intended for the ladies of the church to cent from the fish it sells is trial grounds has ln. i'lalntin« vs Annie 'I Irvine, bwfmdant day evening next. oxtvndml to nil in the community to nt- By virturr nf an « Kreutlon, jmlgmcnt <«r«1rr, 1 tend these tyierting«. No admistion atol order of aal«* Iaaii<-<1 out of Ine ab*»V«* eli The I-adiee' Aid held their monthly tilled • ourl In the al»«>ve riithlrd |f 9-M! io with Intere«! at the tale of d i*vr c< nt par anuum from the H7lh delightful afternoon was spent. A pro­ the home of Mrs. B. A. O'Mealy, 3M0 Loans and discount* •lay of Juno 1917 an»ta and d laborar manta amt tbv rust« ol gram was rendered and delicious re­ 7ttth St. S. E., on Wednesday the Stith. Uvrruratia, secured and unsecured and upon this writ rommandlng me t-> nir I is Bund» and warrants freshments served. A short business Mrs D. K. Livingston, lender of tlie Htocks, sale of the folhm Ing described real property. aucurlllca, Judgments, etc. I» wit: 1, 4 It and U | j ut l-ot BL liba h I. session was held at the close of the af­ j meeting will present the needs of the Furniture an«! fixtures .h»tbad> in Mttilun I h Twp IN H. IK of M M Multnomah County ternoon’s social hour, at which tune the ' Mission field in Africa, the country other real estate owned ... .. Now Therefore, by virtue of aahl h ierutLin. following oltuvrs were elected to serve j which the Indie* are studying. The re­ Due from approve«! reserve (tanks ItldgmrD t order, decree and order of •«*!•» am! hecks and other rash Item« in '« «»mpllam v with the oaniiuands of said during th«' coming year : President, Mrs sponse to roll call will be made by each ( < ’ ash w rit. I w Hl, <«n Monday th«- '-'•o'clock a iu , at the cast Iront Lettie Cotte; vice president, Mrs. J. C. | one present repealing a verse ol scrip* E m ponses ...................................... 4,072 door of the • ounty Court llou»r In I'ortland. McGrew; «vn-tary, Mrs. Parmenter; tureonho|»e All la«!irs attending are other rwourcca . ..... . IW. Multnomah County, Oregon, aril at puldlr auction (subject to r«‘«lcmpil*»n), l<> the highest treasurer, Mrs. Huril. invited tocome prepare«! to take part In TOTAL I HO ,1W r hldd«’r for cash In hand, all the right, tlllr ami interval which the within named d«d«-nd Miss Helen Hanson, who ha» faithfully the discussion of the topic, Mrs. K. P. u itm. iritis ant, Anule M Irvine had «>u the «Tth «lay of Juilr 1VI7. tha dale of the ludgmvnt herein or filled die jKieition of organist for several Town and Mrs J no. Becker will AMfliwt rapimi Block |wId lu 9 lAJDtk) to •« rÜM*r«t«f Augii»! 1917. Flrat Isauv August Wrd IViL church parts with her reluctantly, but The .Mt. Scott W. C. T. U., will hold < u«hh*r chok« outstanding 7» Ml |ji»t Issue Hvptctubcr 3Dth 1917. Certified check» .... 71 7b congratulates* her upon Iter succeed. ts next regular meeting on Tuesday, 9*7. «>> Id ADNINU1 KATMU NOTICE Representatives of the Pacitic Coast lafleruuou ui next »wk, the 25th ¡Mt. 1? MA Al N<»tire la hereby given that the nndrrvlgnrd Rescue and Protective Society occupied at the home of Mrs. Geasell, 6119 .'»9th Time Dr pori M ha» I ■«'. il, by the ) Coltri of the ('«otiitv TOTAL • ll«.w K of Mnltnomab. Niet«* of Orrgou, at»pointrrM» •late, uuly certifie«! a* by la* rs «(Ulrr«l. MfNNIhaa ATKINSON. Administrait!« Dat<« of Ural publication Hept« miter IS. BH7. Dale ol la«t publication t*ctob«-r 11, 1917. Directors The l nit.»l States Civil Service Com­ Portland women are working Nubacrlbed and »worn to briorv me thia JUlh mission announce« that tbe following day ut Sept., Ibl7 in the box factories in order to Ralph Htanx. examinations will lie held as follows: Notary Public save the apple crop. Stenographer and typewriter, male My cominU«Ion expires April 21, l’rJW. and female, field service. Sept. 29th, 1917. General helper, male, Puget Sound Navy Yard, Bremerton, Wash­ ington, wages |2.80 per erience required, Em Aria. Irrigation, and Mechanical Kngineering; Tals>r 5542 59M 92nd Ht. FORESTRY. Including L* ggmg Kngtaaar ploy ment. State of Washington. . Skilled laborer, 'munitions) male and lag HOME ECONOMICS, with 4 maj r depart female. |2.f<) to |3.50 ja*r diem, for em­ manta, including training in the Prar lies ployment in the Stat.- of Washington. House Mechanical engineer, artillery ammu­ MININO, with throe departments, laslud nition, male. $3.000 to $3,600 per year. Ing (h*tnicaJ Engineerings PHARMACY Mechanical engineer, es|M>rimental THE SCHOOL OF MUSIC, eflere Inetrne work, $2,500 to $3,000 per year, male. lion tn the principal de par imtnli of Vural Mechanical draftsman, male, $l,uo<) and Inetrumrntal tnuaic. THE MILITARY DEPARTMENT. enrolled to $1.100 year. IONS cadets in IDlrt 17, and won reeommen- Apprentice draftsman, male, $480 datii n for O. A. C. from the Western Depart year. m» f t of the U H War D- partment aa one of In«|>octor of artillery ammunition, the fifteen ,adlathigul«hrd institute ns” nf higher learning All cadets will be furnished male, $l,*>00 to $2,400 year. Inspector of field artillery ammuni­ r.mplete uniform« by the U. 8. Government and the junior and senior <*adsts. enrolled In tion Steel male, $1,500 to «2,400 year. th«* R O. T C , will be given rotntnutali',a for Assistant inspector oi field artillery subsistence, aa well M all transportation and ammunition, steel, male, «3 50 to$5 day. bu L» •’« nre at th- aiw* ■■ ■ ' t’ Hummer ramp REGISTRATION BEGINS OCTOBER 8, Inspector of a -imunition packing 1V17. Information irqu.rt. Altars**. boxes, male, «3.52 day to >l,80o year. Registrar, Oregon on Agricultural CoU.g.. Inspector and assistant inapector of Corvallis» Oregon. Night—the rood is narrow—two powder and explosives, male, $1,400 to cars try to pass. $-*.40o year. One has a Stewart V-Ray Search­ Insjiector ot ordinance equipment, light trained on the ditch. That car is safe. male, 81,-'>00 to *2,100 year. A SCREW LOOSE The other car groping in the daft­ Assistant inspector of cloth eqnip- ness misses the road and la ditched. May cause n wreck, (let the tires inent, male, (Hi to «125 month A common accident—but a need­ less one. mid other «oose part- of your wagon Assistant inspector of leather, Th- Stewart V-Rne Searchlight with $100 to $125 month. and other vehicle» tightened while It. penetrating benn> fret, out' the road for you It .potathe ditch.-., th.eulv.rt», Assistant inspector of small hard- the weather in dry. the dangerous turn»-belura you reach them. ware, male, $8o to $125 month. It I* a compact, good looking aeeal reception will be given for .Mr. and anything but glory out of the Wiebe« to prejudice his case beforehand, .Mr». Allen Black .Lois Burch) and Mr. retreats of the Russians. They the ”irest wav ,or him ,0 ',o “ to and Mrs. George Neilson (Claire Burch) All friends of these and members of the may obtain food and crops from or to 8ome offlcial ln Wagbilllf(1)n to llH. church and congregation are invited. the biHckened fields next year,; hie “influence” toward fixing up the There is to be an executive meeting but the German people are like exemption, of the Y. P. 8. C. E., of the Millard the farmer who chases his dog I Th,,re *• iU8t one procedure whereby Avenue Presbyterian church next Fri- with a stolen bone while his “n "P’” “1 “,‘y **. take" the /’'"i' day evening liefore the reception. house is on fire. The further Tbat ig througb tbe ,bBtricl U)ar,i it. the chase the worse the ruin, self, in tlie manner prescribed by Anabel Presbyterian Church. Wars are fought with food and official regulations, Rev. John E. Nelson of the Analiel food is raised on land. The Rus­ It must lie remembered, however, Presbyterian Church is just beginning a sian lands taken will yield food only