I * Mount Scott Herald LOCAL BRIEFS WANT ADS Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Davis and daughter, Miss Minnie, and Mr. and Mrs. Wright Davis left for a week's outing Sunday, the 19th Inst. Mr. Wm. Gilbert and his brother and their families have gone for a vacation to U ms coast. They expect to bare a g'xxl reetful time. J. J. Hulier is out with a new auto. Mrs. Himebaugh has a lady friend visiting her for a month's stay. Mrs. R. Henderson wan able to go to the city unattended last week. Her “shut in" life is ended. Two former residents, Mrs. Valentioe and Mrs. Maytie, were out visiting old friends last week. Mrs. Hteiger returned last week from a week’s stay at Seaside. She reports the beach as crowded. Mrs. W. H. Handers, <*t 83rd 8t. 8. E., Woodmere. left oa Friday of last week tor H«-aule Misses Virginia and Mildred Volti FOR SALE where she will visit relatives and friends. have returned from a two week’s stay GRAVEL and HAND. It. Heytiug. Mrs. 11. F. Heely, of 91th HI. 8. E., re­ Phon«» Tabor 20113. fill turned Haturday from Eastern Oregon, in Tillamook county, on a Bay Ocean timber claim. where she has «pent tlx’ Hummer with FOR HALE—FARM LANDS. The many friends ot Miss Edna Bley- The Govcriiiiienl tired» Farmer» as her son. thing gathered at her home on the 3rd well as F'i|«litMrH. Two million thnw Mrs. Roy Courtright anti sons of inst. greeting her when the returned hundred lliouasnd At'iw of Oregon A California Itailroud Co. Grunt Lands. lente, left the Inst of tin» week for from choir practice. Hhe was given a Title revested in United HluU-s. To Ite Westport, Calif., where Mr. Courtright |>lea»ant surprise and a shower of many opened for homosteml« and sale. Con­ useful things in the line ot towels, doi­ taining «mie of t hu I »-«I Igni! left in ! is working. the Unltaxl Stat«*. Large Copyrighted j Mr. anti Mrs. Miller French, ot lies, scarfs and dishes. Refreshments Map, »bowing lami by aii-tionx and PtwMtum Trot Farm, Ln Fryette, were were served, after which the guests de­ description of soil, climate, rainfall, I elevation», temperature, etc., by conn- I Suntiny guest» nt Mr». Minnie Hyde, of parted, all joining in wiahing Ml-« Edna health and happiness. ties. Postpaid, One Dollar. Grant 94th street. luiml» Ixx-ating Co. Box blu Portland, Mrs. Anns Bn«» nnd her brother, 1 R. E. Thoma«, of tiflth Ave., has pur­ Oregon. Carroll Tnmplio. of 82nd Kt. 8, E., chased a little Maxwell roadster, which WANTED—Piano pupils: Beginners spent the pn»t ireek nt Ocean Lake j he finds very useful in going to ami a s|M»<'i»lty. Term» rea»onabls. Studio Park, returning on Haturday. from his work at the Brooklyn shops. at 0719 Brilliant Hl., at Woodstock Ave., Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Corbet have re- Mr. Bloyil, of tbe Multnomah Stale Lents, Ore Mary R. Lockhart 36 Kendall. FOR HALE—V« acre with good il-rootn Bank, left the first ot the week tor turned from Canby where they have The ice crearn social given by the hoi i no finished thriioul, just outside the Kelso, Wash., where he will s|»»nd a been visiting their daughter. Ladies ’ Aid Saturday evening was a suc­ Mr. Bletyhing has returned from city limits in N. E. part of lamia Price week or ten day» rualicating on the cessful snd enjoyable affair. ranch. I American Ixike, a sore hand making it |76O. Mortgage for at H per cent Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Clark returned E. E. Ulrich, of 80th 8»., in al the j impo»»i>ile for him to work. for 2'years. ?2.'>o saves this good home. the first of the week from a week’s out­ St. Vincent’s hospital wiiere be under­ Inquire at the lieraid OiBoa. Mr. A. H. Nelson has resigned hi» went an operation for ap|>eneautiful new sev­ with an auto. His bicycle was badly Haltnon Packers. Miss Martha Isler is expected to re- | en passenger Case. A most enjoyable demolished but he escaped serious in­ turn from Turner, Ore., thia evening. : day was «|>ent, dinner and »upper being jury. Mr. Webster who, with Mr. Mew has Hhe has lieen engaged in nursing and eaten in tbe l>«*antiful grove. The party been residing at the Mrs. Crim place, will «|x*nd a few »lays with Mixa Terrell, arrived home at nine in the evening. Mrs. R. E Thomae, Mrs. A. H. Nel­ left lor Seattle the first of the week. l>axtor of the Friends Church. son, Mrs. T. J. Kreuder and Mrs. Anna Mrs. Mamie Cox, fWth Ave., expects : Mr. Mew is somewhat recovered from to leave on Saturday lor American Lake Rogers, of (Lents Grange, attended tbe a recent attack of heart trouble. to visit her hiuband who ia engaged in meeting of the Woman's Grange Club, Mr. Hickey is recovering from bis work at that place. She will visit in the public library on Friday, the 17th long illness, being able to make daily friends in Seattle before ««turning home. : inst. trips in their new auto delivery. Geo. Howe, of Gray's Crossing, who Mm. A. 8. Kneutaon and children, of (Too late for last week.) Seattle, are visiting in Lento and will re­ has enlisted in the Engineer Corps, has The Parent-Teacher Association gave main for a counle of weeks. They have gone to American Lake. Mr«. Keller and her mother, Mr«. an ice cream social in the grove at lieen the gu<*ta of several pleasant little ! luncheons which have been given in Dixon, have returned to their home on Johnson Creek on Saturday evening last, which proved to be an enjoyable 82nd 8t. their honor. affair. The Ladies’ Aid contemplate a The Woodmere Parent-Teacher Asso­ Much interest is aroused over the can tie simply and permanently cured I y Fairy F'Mtival and "Charlie Chaplin" ciation will have a special meeting on repetition of this program on Saturday to be given this evening at the Thursday at the home of Mr«. Stoner, evening of this week. PHYSICAL METHODS parade Mr. and Mrs. Thomson, of Seattle, la»nta playground. Many local people 7411 ftVth Ave. are visiting their son of this place. are planning to eat their lunch at the Woodmere school hax had a new coat ELECTRO THERAPEUTICS park thia evening. of paint outside and in, which add« Rev. Mr. Green baa been unable to deal direct with the CAUSE of disease much to tbe appearance of the building. fill hie pulpit in the local church for Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Geisler and fam ­ and not Its SYMPTOMS and assist na­ Tbe Royal Neighbors Crochet Club some time, but it has been filled each ture to do the work she ajmis is able to ily returned ths first of the week from perform SEND FOR FREE BO >KLET a two W»eks’ vacation auto trip through met at the home of Mrs. Geo. Bleything Sabbath by a substitute, so there is Stops were made on Tuesday afternoon. There were 18 regular services every Sunday evening Tillamook County or call and consult me FREE. at various points, They bad great suc- preeent and all had a fine time and a and Sunday school at 10:90 a. in. All are invited to attend both services. cee« at fishing and thoroughly enjoyed bountiful dinner. the trip. Mrs. J. 8. Bailey has just returned Cherryville. C. 8. Bradford, Rev. T. R. Homs- from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. K. THE AI.IHKY RLDG. Where is the rain maker? chuch and Mr. Gilbert and family, all Ksndel, at Skamokawa, Wash. Phone Main 3140 Portland. Ore. of Lente, comprised three auto f>artie« There are some clouds hanging around tbs horisoa, but it seems as hard to Nappy Valley. enjoying a trip into Tillamook County Some of the during the past week, Mrs. Wm. Bischoff is home from the start raining as it was to stop in the Chances are your bowels party went to the coast, the others hospital after undergoing an operation Spring. and staying then* for four weeks. Miss Dorothy Couper has gone to are not doing their dnty stopping at Mt. Hebo Portland where she expects to secure Kearney, of 87th St , Mias Luxelie Ernest E. Ulrich of 64T7 89th Hi. 8. E. aa they shoold. They will 8. K., left the first of the week for was operated on for chronic appendicitis employment with the same Company j to 8AN-TOX Banks, where she has secured a position on Thursday of last week. He is doing where her father is employed. laxative Tea. Simply steep with hot Mite Augusta Kants ot Portland, was and expects to remain throughout the as well as can tie expected considering water. Pleasant to lake ami effective in out last week and went on a trip to coming the year. Ska will be areally the nature of the operation. action on liver z-w Wild Cat with a pa ty from here. They and bo« el». / O Y mimed by a large circle of friends, who H. C. Ulrich, wife and daughter, enjoyed the trip snd had a magnificent nevertheless wish her succmr . Price 2ft rents Edna, will leave Friday, August 24 th, view in every direction. They eav ther» Wilbur Haworth, of Lente, who en- for an extended visit to Eastern Wash­ are plenty hucklet»erries, but they are I listed in the Oregon Coast Artilery in ington to visit their daughter, Mrs. Geo. LENTS PHARMACY not half ripe as yet Tiiev will be ready June served with hie company until it Hartung. F. R. Peterson & Sons, Props. about the first of September. Lots of was drafts»! into tbe Federal service, N'armor Peterson came home from sheep are runuing contrary to law and Talmr 2074 when be was given an honorable die- Seattle last Sunday He is employed i charge on account of physical disability, by the Northwest Lead and Machinery it seems the forest ranger-» up there tie says the Germans won’t get a shot Co.in that city. He left again for Seattle must be remiss in duty. Mr. Hoover, the Food Dictator, says : at him and he is glad of it. at 11:10 Sunday evening. we must eat war bread. All right, Mr. Mr. and Mm. lU*nsler Wilkinson who Rev. T. R. Hornscliuch and Leon left b*nte in the early Spring for Cali­ Bischoff of Happy Valley left on Mon­ Hoover, we are eating it here, as “Dad” fornia intending to remain jiermanently day to look over some dairy land which Miller at the store sells it at half the price asked (or other flour, and very have returned, reaching here on Thurs­ Mr. Bischoff intends to buy. good bread it makes too. By the way, day of laxt week and announce that Mr. Hoover, why don.t you get after Oregon is quite good enough for them Pleasant Valley. the Japs in Portland who have cornered hereafter. Mr. Wilkinson was drafted, The lawn social, given in honor of the the tomatocrop? There’s a "conspiracy but was uni>ble to pass the physical boys of the community who have volun- in restraint of trade." examination. teervd in their country’s service, by Mr. Senator Beach says too many mem­ and Mrs. T. P. Campbell at their home bers of Congress come to Washington [ on Saturday evening was a most pleas­ to practice law in both bodies. There ant affair. The spacious lawn was never was a truer word spoken. Their lighted with vari-colored Japanese lan­ salaries would hardly pay their expenses terns; seats were conveniently arranged the wav they live and yet many of them | Where trained apaclaliata with modern lab A have grown rich serving big interests. I oratoriaa and adequate equipment lire in- for the convenience of the guests. etruetlon leading to rallegiate degrees in the large and representative company were They are now fighting the revenue bill fallowing schools: in attendance. and want to put the enormous war tax AOIICULTURB, with 15 department«; An interesting program was rendered on the necessities of life instead of on COMMERC1. with 4 department; in the spacious living room. Miss excessive war profits where it belongs. ENGINEERING. with • department«. IB eluding Civil, Electrical. Highway. Industrial Roberta Downing, of Portland, gave Arts. Irrigation, and Mechanical Engineering: two patriotic readings that were greatly FORESTRY. laelodlBg Logging Engineer appreciated. Miss Nina Joy delighted Ing; her hearers with two Ireautiful solos. HOME ICONOMIOS, with 4 major depart menta, including training in the Praotiee Miss Henrietta Troge, Miss Florence House; Richey and Miss Rolierta Downing also Tubor 3.ST MININO. with three departmento, I b «1 b 4* rendered several numbers, both vocal lag Chemical Engineering, Dr. Wm. Rees and instrumental. "The Star Spangled PHARMACY. Banner,” "Old Glory” and "America” THE SCHOOL OF MUSIC, offers instrne Office and Residence. MS K StXh St. tion in the principal department« of vocal were sung by the audience. A social PORTLAND, ORE. and instrumental mnsle. hour followed during which ice cream, TRI MILITARY DEPARTMENT, earolled 1055 cadets In ¡910 1?, and won recommen­ cake and punch were served, thus end­ Kant «OS7 Bdw. W» dation for O. A. C. from the Western Depart­ ing a delightful evening. GOOD NEWS Chronic Sufferers DR. R. A. PHILLIPS Head Ftd Heavy?|“ü"r.X" Personal Attention toTelephone Orders 2 The Oregon Agricultural College Directory Our ataaka, chqpa, poultry •nd fiah are the boat in town. We supply the boat fami­ lial. ment of the U R War Department ao one of I the fifteen "distinguished institution«*• of higher learning. All eadeto will he fnraiohod complete an i for ms by the U. 8 Govornmoat and the Junior and senior eadeta. enrolled in the R. O. T. C.. will ho given comaantattea for Aboiateneo, aa well as all traaapertatlea and aabaiateaeo at the ail week«* Summer eomg. BXOI STB AXION 1S1V. lBf»rw»U»« Let Us Supply Tot SiSK'o.M~“ ly You ENHMNl HEAT MET BXOIWS OOT0MS s. m !»«■•«. 140 HB See Club Offer On Page 4 1 MERI by John Ouy Wilson Mrs. C. Bruce has returned from a visit to her son, Mr. Wilton Andri«, Hhe re- ami his family, at Rend, Ore. porta them all well and busily hapny. Her daughter, Mi* Dorothy, who ar- oompanied her, could not complete her visit until September 1st. Mrs. A. A. Rindle has had some ex­ Attorwey-at-Law 3M Ptttock Block Office Consultation Kveningi byjAjrpointment | Prof. T. E. Lawson Plano Lsseons at Ypur Home at 6Oc perience of late with poison oak, but latest reports announce that she is fully Tabor recovered. He anil Call Mit «Uh «3 LUMBER SOLD G ood FAITHFUL SERVICE1 at this lumber yard lives op to its promise to give good faithful service. We can sell you the kind of lumber you want. Ln proper lengths ami warrant that both the material and the bill will satisfy you. RICE - KINDER LUMBER CO Successors to Miller Mowrey Lumber Co. Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Sash and Doors, Nails, Builders’ Hardware, Rooting and Building Paper Mill at Lents Jet. labor 2116 100th St., 4 blocks from Foster Home 2411 PATRIOTISM May be shown in many ways. One io by economy in the home. PR For the coming months. Buy your FRUIT JARS HERE ECONOMY, SCHRAM, MASON, and E-Z SEAL also fixtures and jelly glasses L. E. WILEY Tabor 1708 9040 Foster Road (Successor to McKinley A Co.) Hay, Grain, Wheat, Oats, Barley, Chicken Feed and supplies •! ail Kinds. Wood, Coal and Briquettes. Heat Scraps and Grit V Tabor 96« 1 9326 Foster Road —— TT — DRAKE & MAUCK I liti