Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, August 23, 1917, Image 1

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    1HL ^rxrtt Herald
Lents, Multnomah County, Oregon, August 23. 1917
Subscription, $1.00 a Year
Swept from Rock While llshlnq By World's Blqqest Circus and Spec­
Waves Caused By Opcnlnq Of
tacle "Cinderella** Announced
Hume In Clackamas River.
lor Early Date.
Th« entire «immunity was greatly
■horked Ute Sunday afternixm U> learn
of the tragic death by drowning a few
hour« earlier of Clarence E. Maker,
4624 88 th Nt. 8. *.
The tragedy occurred in the Claeka-
uiaa River, Just above Maker’» bridge.
Mr. Maker, accompanied by Dr. D.
Nelson, were fishing, the former being
on a rock out in the stream. A sudden
rise in the river occaaioned by the open­
ing of the flume ot the ;xiwer plant
■wept him off hia feet to hi» death.
Although a good ewimmer lie wa»
carried into a deep hole and drownwi
before lie oould be rescued. The body
wax soon recovered ami brought to the
undertaking rooms of A. D. Kenworthy,
from which funeral services were con­
ducted Wednesday afternoon, the 22n«i
lust., Rev. W. H. Moore, ol Canby, a
former pastor of the Lent« Methndist
Church, who performed the wedding
ceremony of the decraaed officiated
aaaiautl by Rev. F. M. Jasper. Inter­
ment in Mt. Scott Cemetery.
Mr Maker waa 2« year» of age. He
leaves a wile and 2-year old child, l>e-
aniee a mother, two brother* and a
aiater. He was a member ot the Odd
Fellow Ixxlgv, being musician for the
local chapter.
Thia order conducted
Uie service» at the grave.
He waa alao
a m.-ml»r of tlw lx ntx Volunteer l ire
I H-pxr tnu-iit. He had rval.led in Oregon
for the paat twelve year», coming here
with hi» parent» from South Dakota.
He waa clean and upright in hia life ami
very popular among hia friends. Vor
the ;>a»t two year» he han lx-en employe«!
ae salesman in lite shoe »tor.- of W. E.
C“Kgin», of Lenta. The iieartfelt aym-
pathy ot the community aud a wide
circle of friend« 1« extended to Uie lie-
reaved family.
brief mention wax made in our last
iaaue of the outing of Uie l.adie»’
Thimble Club, of lb« Women of Wood­
craft. on Wednesday of last week. More
complete details reveal a moat delightful
day without a mirehap from »tart to
finish. Tiie large auto truck of the
Ainsworth Auto Company never con­
vey«! a jollier party than set out in the
early morning for Uie Columbia High­
way. They readied Eagle Creek in
time for dinner. The unpacking of the
liaaketa indicated that tb«y wen- a
(owerful hungry bunch and bad come
well prepare«! with that moat vital
feature of • picnic, the "eat«.
eral atop» were made on the return trip.
The flab hateberiea of Bonneville were
visited aud a little aide trip taken to
Multnomah Falla. A atop wax made at
Handy River for supper, tlien home in
tlie cool of the evening. The following
were present:
Ward, Hartwig.
Lawell, Ix-hman. Wright. Anderwon.
Laura Allen, Addie Allen, Shonda.
Wheeler, Rayburn, Walker, Droste,
Turey, anil Jeffers; Misses France»
Hartwig. Doria Marshall, hay Foster,
Anderaon, Ixirre
Evelyn Shonda, Ruth Ward, Mr. and
Mrs. Ainsworth and LeRoy Pratt, of
Tacoma, who wax viaiting his mother,
Mrs. Jeffer».
Mr». Fanny Belle Hopkina, wife of
Geo. B. Hopkina, died at the family
home. 8938 48rd Ave., on Friday even­
ing of last week
She had lieen in poor
health for some time and waa 41 year»
of age at the Ume of her death.
Funeral s.-rvlcre were conducted at
Kenworthy’» Undertaking Parlor» on
Monday afternoon, Rev. Dixon, of the
8. D. A. Church, officiating Interment
in Multnomah Cemetery.
On Saturday, the 19th inst., at the
home of the bride’» parent», Mr. and
Mrs. Tisdale, 0127 42nd avenue, uc-
*ured the marriage of their daughter,
Mias Alta, to Mr. Clay Stewart, Rev.
Jones, pastor of the Chriatian Church
of St. Jobna officiating. Mr. and Mr».
Stewart have th« beat wialire ot a host
of fnenda.
On Thursday of last week occurred
th«- death <>f Mr». Charity M. Simnionr,
at her bom-, 5921 59th Ave. 8. E., at
the age of 7ti vear», 8 month» and It!
«lay». Funeral services were conduct»!
at Dunning's Undertaking Parlor» on
Saturday afternoon, Rev. W. H. Amos,
paator of the Millard Avenue Prreby-
terian Church, officiating.
in M ul* >iomah Cemetery.
Charity M. Simmons was born at
Ornlerville, Ohio, January 2V, 1841. In
i860, with bar parents, »he crossed tlie
plain« to Oregon and settled in Benton
County. She wax married to Rotx-rc
(nw>rge Simmons at Corvallis in tlie year
1864. To this union eight children were
born, four ot whom survive tier, as fol­
low»: Mrs. Alic« E. King and Mrs.
Nellie R. Lyman, of Portland, Ned K.,
of Wren, Ore., and Robert George. Jr.,
of Seaside, Ore. Her husband pawed
away January 30, 1913.
Mrs. Bimmins bail lieen a sufferer for
Uie past tliree years
During all this
period »he waa ever patient and un­
complaining and endeavored to lighten
in every way possible the assistance
renilerxl her, and to cheer those around
War and boots are no longer in
partnership. With booze kicked out of
every military camp as a danger to ef­
ficiency and the foe of order, booze is
hard hit. National prohibition of tlie
manufacture and sale of any kind of
poison is a manifest thing. When there
are riota or trouble the first thing the
military and civic authorities suppress
ia btxize. The war will be worth its
incalculable cost if the manufacture of
boots is done away with forever. It
will he worth its fearful co«t if the last
veetage of feudalism is done away with.
It will lie wortu its cost if we learn how
to tax privilege for public need and to
suppress private greed for public weal.
Royal Neighbors have Picnic.
The Royal Neighbors of Lent» jour­
neyed to Johnson Creek on Friday ths
10th Inst, thirty strong accompanied by
a few Invited friends. They had a royal
ti n« and a fine dinner, after which a
wade in th« creek was enjoyed by a few
of the fun maker«. All agree,! it wa» a
day well spent. It was the last time for
Miss Edna Bleytbing to be with them
for some time as »he leave» »Kin for
Northern California where »he will be
married on the 10th.
Appreciates Help of Lents FlreBoys.
The sincere thanks and appreciation
of the people of Gilbert is extended to
the Lenta Volunteer Fir« Department
for their prompt response to a telephone
c til to come out to Foater Road and
Lenox Avenue Wedne»iay evening
abont six o’clock with their chemical
apparatus and extinguish a fir« which
had lieen started by smoker«, it is
claimed. The fire waa spreading rapidly
in apit« of the effort« of neighbors and
bovs to stop it« progreM. The indica­
tion» are that without ths assistance of
th« Lanta fireman th« Are would have
■wept th« whole vicinity.
No. 34.
Premium Card* are being given away containing twenty coupons, each rep­
resenting 5c in cash, redeemable at certain stores. These can be obtained
free, one to a family, with every yearly subscription to the Mt. Scott Herald.
One year's subscription can thus be obtained free.
Call at the Herald office for your Premium Card, or &sk our representative
to call. Present subscribers may get this coupon by having their subscription
extended one year.
Announcement I» made that on Mon­
Any of these firms will redeem the coupons:
day. Auguat27, Ringling Hro«., circus
will giv« afternoon and night per­
formances at Portland.
The famous showmen are this seaaon
presenting an all new and wonderful
program. Tlie tremendous fairyland
spectacle, "Cinderella," will appeal to
kx>U> young and old. More than ICMXi
|N-raona take part in it. It is easily the
biggest «pectacle Ringling Bro«., have
ever staged and it« glorious "Mallet ol
the Fairies,"with 309 dancing girls, ia in
Itxi-lf worth going many miles to see.
Following "Cinderella’’ 400 arenic
artist« appear in the main tent program
The Ringling» have secured scores ot
circus performers never Ix-fore seen in
America. An entire trained animal
show has been made a part of tlie
main tent program thia season. The
m<-nMgcrie now numlier» 1009 wild ani­
mals. The elephant», including "Big
Bingo,” tlie earth's Inrgnit pachyderm,
have been increased to 41 and almost
KOO hor»«« are carried. There will be
«0 clown« and a big free three-mile
street paraile »bow «lay morning.
Vol. 15.
Lents District
Chesters Barber Shop
Lents Hardware Company
First Class Service
591« 92nd Street K. E.
Talx.r 1091
5923 92nd Ht. 8. E.
Mrs. F. Davis
Lents Millinery
Waiting Room Confectionery
92nd St. and Woodstock
Mrs Inez Gulliks
5920 92nd Kt. 8. E.
Eggiman Bros.
5919 92nd St. 8. E.
Lents Pharmacy
Drugs. Ice Cream, 8oft Drinks
'-’nd and Foster Rd.
F. F? Ehrlich
Manz & Mirwald
Bl34 Foater Road
I Julies’ and Gent»' Tailor»
Tabor 4576, 5940, 92nd St.
W. E. Goggins
Dr. P. J. O’Donnell
5935 92nd St. S. E.
92nd and Foster R<1.
Katzky Bros. Department Store
A. S. Pearce
No Coupons on Grixi riea
5716-24 Mad Ht. s. E.
9113 Foster Road
Otto Lemke
Rose City Van Co.
«519 Btttli St. 8. E.
8852 Foster Road
Grays Crossing-Tremont District
Jos. Gething
Tremont House Furnishing Co.
Electrical Supplies
8311 Woodstock Aye.
liealers iti Furniture, Hardwar-, Etc
6021 72nd St. 8. E.
C. M. Wolfard
Tremont Pharmacy
Dry Good». Men’s Furnishings
8127 Woodstock Ave.
Drugs, Etc.
Tremont Station
G. A. Steife
Tinning an<l Plumbing
6007 82nd St. S. E.
Flrland-Anabel District
H. J. Ames
Elizabeth J. Howard
6707 Foster Road
Millinery. Dry Goode and Notions
6504 Foster Road
Alvord Furniture Store
C. W. Johnson
"Furniture at Les«’’
4529 67th St. 8. E.
Archer Place Pharmacy
Geo. C. Bradshaw Ph. G.
5529 Foster Road
Arleta Studio
Everything in Photography
«434 Foster Road
Anabel Grocery
No Red Stamps with Coupons
5204 Foster Road
E. E. Davis
637 Foster Road
B. C. Lieuallen
Laurelwood Conf’y, Cigars, Tobacco
«244 Foster Road
Knight Bros.
Motorcycle and Genera! Repairing
4610 62nd St. 8. E.
S. C. Smith
Light Mill Work. Screens, Etc.
4633 67th St. 8. E.
Kern Park Hardware
Ijturelwood Grocery
6230 45th Ave.
Everything in Hardware
4624 «7th 8t. 8. E.
Laurelwood Filling Station
C. A. Norwood Mfg. Co.
No Cotqxms on Gasoline
«329 Foater Road
R. Frank’s Grocery
Tabor 2988
5537 Foster Road
Foster Road Pharmacy
Geo. 8. Miller
614« Foster Road
V R. Heath
Paint (.kintractor
5801 Foater Rd
Made-at-Home Specialties
5907 Foster Rd. 8. E.
Phoenix Pharmacy
The Kodak Store
6616 Foster Road
J. A. Teeny
Dry Goods and Notions
Kern Park Station
D. G. Teeny
Dry Goods and Notions
6418 Foeter Road
Walter & Muenster
583) Foster Road
Miss Etina Bleything, of 82nd St. 8.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
Bleytbing, one of the popular young
ladies of lent», left on Wedneeday of
last week tor Yerka, California, where
•he was met by Elmer Marshall, of Mac
I>eol, Cal., and the mystic word» pro­
nounced making them man and wife.
The bride was attended by two of her
The bride has a wide circle of friends
and acquaintance» in Lenta and vicinity,
where she has lived for several year»,
who unite in wishing her every happi­
ness in tli« new home to which she has
gone. The groom is a stock raiser and
rancher of Mac Do«l, but is quite well
known in thia »action, having relative»
•nd friends in Hillsboro and Barton,
wall •• in this vicinity.
Many beautiful gifts have been re­
ceived by the bride during the past tew
weeks from her admiring friends. The
Royal Neighbors, of which she has been
a faithful member, gave her a delightful
•urpriae shower on the Friday evening
previous to h«r defiarture (or the sunny
Card Of Thanks.
We sincerely thank our friends for
their sympathy shown to us in our be­
reavement caused by the death of our
dear husband and father, and for the
lovely flowers given.
Mrs. 0. D. Forte and family.
An item has lieen running through
the columns of the rural press regarding
the phenominal snceee realize«! in the
cultivation of a new variety of oats
known as the Challenge, grown by Mil­
ler French, manager of Poeeom Trot
Farm, LaFayette, n«>ar McMinnville.
Mr. French visiteii friends in Lents on
Sunday last and the following interest­
ing information was gathered regard­
ing his experience with this crop:
The seed was obtained directly from
England. Five sacks, containing 100
lbs. each, were sown on a little lees than
five acre« of ground.
sacks were harvested, weighing 7,260
lbs. Some of the oats attained a height
of 64 feet, but the average heignt was
•bout four tt.
Poeeom Trot Farm contains 85 acres.
In addition to the oats mentioned 760
bushel« of other grain has just been
threshed; sixteen tons of wheat and
vetch were grown and harvested and
put hito the silo for Summer feeding.
Thirtv-six tons of hay has been put up
•ml six acre« of corn is nearly ready for
the silo for Winter feeding. Mr. French
eetimatee that but little more than had
of this corn will be required to fill his
28-ton silo; the balance will b$ use«! in
fattening hogs, of which he has 70 of
the Poland China breed. His Jersey
henl consists of fourteen at preeent.
He buys very little grain, but fee«!» from
the silo the year round.
The thresher«
informed him that his grain just har-
vreted was the beet they had seen this
Chronicle of Weekly Events In Arteta Miss Mdud Alvord Becomes Bride Of
Goldenddle, Wash., Merchant
And Kern Park Varied and full
Wednesday Evening.
Of Interesting Doinas.
Mr. L. C. Jordan is quite ill again at
hi« home on 54th avenue.
Miss Sara Buell, of Firland Station, is
visiting friends in Tillamook.
Mr. Geo. Merry is working at Madras,
Ore , for tlie past few weeks.
Mrs. Jack Wilkins has returned
from Seaaide where »lie visited with her
Tlie community sing held at Kenil­
worth Park was thoroughly enjoyed by
all local attendants.
Mrs. Amy Woods, sister of Mrs. Fred
McKinley, of53rd avenue, i< spending a
few days at Seaside.
Little Helen McKinley, of Wfxximere,
has returned from Seaview where she
has lieen enjoying tne beach with her
Mrs. E. Johnston and daughters Ruth
and Garnet, returned from Rockaway
Beach the last of the week where they
had been for an outing.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johnson and family
spent Saturday la-t viaiting at the home
of Mrs. Johnson’s parents, Mr. anil
Mrs. O. H. Gardner, of Woodmere.
Mrs. Walker, of Tacoma, visited with
Mrs. Barrett, 65th St. 8. E., tor a week,
returning to her home with friends
from that place by automobile on Mon­
Mr. Walker who formerly operated a
wood yard at Arleta Station visited old
friends here last week. He has been in
Canada the last two or three years. He
left for Eastern Oregon Sunday evening.
Mr. James Reed made bis first ap­
pearance at Church Sunday morning in
his new uniform. He was greatly ad­
mired by alL His comrade« are very
proud of his patriotic spirit, shown
under difficult circumstances.
Mrs. J. C. Scott, proprietor of the
dry goods store at Millard avenue and
70th street, has returned from an ex­
tended visit with her son, William,
near Spokane. Mr. Scott is manager of
a new $50,000 plant of the Standard Oil
Miss Lois Herehusr retu«ned the
first of the week from Rockaway Beach
where she had been viaiting her mother
and sister, Francis, who have been at
the reeort for the summer.
She reports
a very large attendance all along the
Tillamook Beach this season.
Mrs. James Jones and daughter,
Alexandria, have returned home from
Rockaway Beach, where they have been
for several weeks.
Miss Alexandria is
much stronger, but will not resume her
school duties for another year. All of
her friends are happy over her speedy
recovery from such a serious illness.
Miss Linnie Shaw of Monmouth re­
turned to her home Wednesday after
having spent a couple of weeks at the
home of her aunt Mrs. Ellton Shaw.
Mis« Linnie graduated from the Hoff­
man school of this city a year ago and
will attend the Monmouth Normal
school the coming year where she is
completing a course preparatory to tak­
ing up her chosen profession, that of
teaching. While in the city she spent
considerable time visiting her former
school mates.
The annual meeting of the Arleta
W. C. T. U., will be held at Lucky Cot­
tage on Tueeday afternoon, the 28th
inst. The election of officer "ill occur
at this time, also delegates to the
County and State Convention.
State Convention will be held the first
wt>ek in October at Albany.
County Convention will be held at
Forbe« Preabyterian Church, of this
city, <x>rner of Graham and Gantenbein
avenues, Wedneeday and Thursday, the
19th and 20th of September.
On Thursday of last week, st the Ken­
worthy Undertaking Parlors, occurred
the funeral of Otis David Forte, who
died at his home, 8912 66th Ave., death
resulting from heart failure.
He was
44 years of age and had been in poor
health for some time.
Rev. F. M.
Jasper, pastor of the Methodist Church,
Lente, officiated at the funeral. Inter­
ment in Mt. Scott Cemetery. A wife,
one son and one daughter are left to
mourn the loss of a loving husband an«l
a kind father.
Mr. Forte had been quite prominent
in the business and political life of Lento
and had the respect and ««teem of a
wide «ircle of aequaintancca.
Th»- home of Mr. and Mrs F. A. Al­
vord, 6929 4«th Ave. 8. E., was the
scene of a pretty home wedding on
Wednesday evening of this week, the
22nd inst, at which time the only
daughter of tlie home. Mire Maud, be­
came the bride of Ben Chappell, of
Goldendale, Wash. The fateful words
which forever linked together the two
young lives were spoken by Rev. O. W.
Taylor, Rector of St. Paul’s Episcopal
Church, nsiDg the simple, but imt rea-
sive ring ceremony of that church. The
ceremony was performed in the pres­
ence of a small company consisting of
relative« and a few of the immediate
friends of the contracting parties. Mrs.
F. 3^. Peters, of 8115 66th Ave., played
the wedding march. The couple was
Tlie hon-e wax prettily decorated with
ivy and Lilies of the Valley entertwii.ed,
while a rich profusion of Golder. Glow
and Gladiolus added color to the scene.
A wedding bower was formed in one
corner of tlie parlor in which the wed­
ding ceremony wax pronoun«*«,
yiie dainty,little bridej wa-<£beautiful
in a gown of white net overjjvoile and
wore a con-age honqnet of pink sweet
peas and Cecil Brunner rose». The
bridegroom wore conventional black.
Dainty refreshments were served at the
conclusion of the wedding ceremour.
The bride is one of the most popular
girls of the Mt. Scott district.
For the
past two years she has been the musician
of the Mountain View Rebekahs and
has received many well-deserved compli­
ments from visiting State officials of the
order on the excellence of the music
which all eonceed«d to be a very im­
portant factor in the suecew of the de­
gree staff. Always kinj and obliging to
all, both old and young, has won he- a
host of friends and this trait will enable
her to win her way into the hearts of
those whom she may meet in her new
home. The groom is engaged with bis
father in the mercantile businees in
Goldendale. He is an upright young
man, worthy of the bride whom be haa
. .
Mr. and Mrs. Chappell rill be at
home to their friends in Goldendale.
Wash., Oct. 1st. The bride was the
recipient of many beautiful and useful
present«, numerous showers being the
order of the day for many weeks past.
Rise and old shoes were not manifest at
the wedding, but beet wishes and con­
gratulations were showered in rich pro­
fusion instead.
Prune growern stand to lose a goo«l
deal of money when they allow them­
selves to be hurried into a too early
picking. This wasteful business has
been fostered by certain packers who
offer a premium for early delivery. It
is also caused by the fear of early rains.
The premiums offered for early delivery
are not enough many times to offset the
loes from early picking, and the weather
records show that it is just as likely to
rain early in September as late.
By harvesting the fruit from a few
trees |after they had she«! their fruit
naturally, a grower found by comparing
the returns with those from fruit vigor­
ously shaken from the trees, that he
hail lost 6 per cent of his dried fruit by
shaking it down. The immature prune«
dried away more than the mature, mak­
ing another 6 per cent loes in the total
crop. The total lore was 12 percent,
about $15 per ton.
An additional cost is the shaking of
the trees, which amount« to $1 to $2
per ton. By watcbiDg the fruit care­
fully the right time for tiarve«ting it
can be determined.
Big Men in Y.M.C. A. War Work.
One of the hardest workers in th»
service of the National War Work
Council of the Young Men’s Christian
Association, which in conjnction with
the government is engaged in appealing
to the men of the army and navy to
live clean, healthful lives, that their
efficiency may be the highest, i« Dr.
James Naismitb, professor of physical
education at the University of Kansas,
and the inventor of the game of basket­
He is traveling to the several train­
ing camps in tne country, speaking be­
fore the enlisted men on th« subject ol
health of th« body. He ia now ea th«
Pacific Coast aad will viait ail tba toaia-
ing eaaspa dariag th« ported ha ia ban.