*--t f> I n/"1* I A t TAKES LOTS OF MONEY OUT OF TOWN —BUT.--A MAIL ORDER HOUSE DOESN'T EVEN GIVE A PARADE. I O Ul IlvUO A Of course It your money circulates here you won't evan trade “dawn town"—you can du hotter here anyway—but will buy from these merchants wbn endorse this BUY AT HOME CAMPAIGN A. D. KENWORTHY and CO. Office : Tabor 3214 “TRIED AND FOUND TRUE” Funeral Directors, Thia b what the community «ay« about the TWO ESTABLISHMENTS BIG EAST ¡SIDE DEPARTMENT STORE Phone Tabor 5X7 5802-4 '‘2nd Street 8. E. Lenta Phone Tabor 5b95 4615 66tb St., Cor. Footer Road Atleta Fir»t Claes Service Given Day or Night. Clone Proximity to Cemeterie« Enable« Ua to ¡Furawb Funeral« at a Minimum F.xpenae. « BR. P. J. O’DONNELL I.KNTIHT ZZX {Hundreds of Satisfied Customer« find all our Gooda of Superior Quality Seo us tor fDRY GOODS,’GROCERIES, CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS AND NOTIONS We recommend everything we handle on its merit and invite inspection. ~ Renldenre: Tabor 0221 Kv.nlnv. Ily Ai>i>olnti>iM>l Trade at the Store of Merit KATZKY BROS. Tabor 294 5716-24 92nd St.. S. E. D61 Cor. V2d Road Tabor 9074 Pay Station for Portland (>aa A Coke Uo. l.KNTH, OHK. < For Comfort LENTS PHARMACY and Wearing ,THIS PAPE* Qualities Buy '(DO YOU I TO Tfkl Mfc Your Shoes From [THAT Ybu QK- l«J5£ Tt> PI? I MT (fo AOV«J?TKIM& J 5935 92nd St. S «.ruses to ! W. E. GOGGINS Tabor 4141 * • b Mi S» 4^i * THE STORE 92nd St. and Foster Road ACCEPT r Of DOLUUM WtiMTM Of MAIL OAbAK COPY. YEARLY. We Give S & H Green Trading Stamps Hess & Clark Fiy Chaser BECKER’S MARKET When used once or twice a day will keep your cows free from fliea 5927 92nd St. S. E. Tabor 2181 4- P. R. Pstenon d SMi’J’npt. Half Gallons Can “Extra Choice Meats /3C c±" $1.35 ) I Mt. Scott Drug Co. Jersey Bell Butter * Geisler Bros. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ALWAYS FRESH Lents, Oregon » THIS1 SUMMER WEATHER NEW METHOD LAUNDRY You want the wry be«t that'« in your auto. 1-et it« put it in |*rf«i -dr YOUR GROCER Tabor 1477 Tabor 2893 Mt. .Scott Publishing Co. A big saving on all Orders placed this Month for the very Latest Styles of mer­ chant tailored garments. believe« in TRADING AT HOME. 'We have a large printing plant, employ all home labor and our prices are far below the Portland price li«t«. MANZ & MIRWALD Mar. 289 BRUGGER’S BAKERY a Tabor 2673 The Standard of Quality, The Leader in Pritt, The “Home-base” For All Dry Goods . All styles and sizes of Fruit Jars, at prices as low as the lowest at for Express and Moving 1)61 5919 92nd St Tabor 1371 J. L. CEDERSTROM Portland Office 204^ Alder Street. 8919 Foster Road EGGIMAN’S MEAT MARKET Multnomah State Bank Lents Office 9403 59th Ave. S. E. 4 Axel Kildahl, Prop. RICE-KINDER LUMBER CO. is still selling a large loaf for 5c and will continue to do as we Huccwsors to Miller-Mowrey Lumber Co. bought flour at the low price. Why pay 10c for Portland bread hardly bigger than our 5c loave«. If the grocer want« a Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Sash and Doors, etc. big profit and you want expensive wrappers and like to pay for bill board advertising; (if you believe in red tape, hot air. MILL AT LENTS JUNCTION bung and humbug you’ll have to pay for it,) Don’t be hum­ Tabor 2116 100th 8t., 4 blk« from Foster D 61-2411 bugged—save money and buy at home. Tabor 7Hi4 f) 61 5812 92nd St. 8. E Tabor 4596 #940, «2nd ML, 8. E. LENTS IMPROVEM’NT CLUB - «■mi i' iH , ■ a A. D. Kenworthy, President J. Sanger Fox, Secretary "1—IJ.~- W. E. Goggins, Treasurer ■■—J I 4