Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, August 02, 1917, Image 1

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    ¿KL Swtt Heralö
Subscription, $1.00 a Year
f Ighl County learns io Compete At Death Dealing Camas Growing In
fair—Winning learn To Inter
Pasture Kills Iwenty-FIve Gows
State Competition.
And Several Sheep.
M im Halen Cowgill, ol the O. A. C.,
County Agent Hall who was in Lents
visited Mnts on Friday, accompanied on Friday last assisting in the organiza­
by County Agricultural Agent, H. B. tion of a Canning Club, received a tele­
Hall. The object of their visit waa the phone message calling him at once to
organizing of a Canning Team, to I»- Gresham to investigate a malady which
one of eight similar teams formed in waa proving fatal to several dairy cows.
the oouuty, under the direction of a Ths Stale Veterinarian was called and
leader, to compete In demonstration at a thorough investigation made. It wan
the County Fair at Gresham.
The concluded that the cows met their
winning team to enter Into competi­ death from a plant known as the “death
tion with winning teams from other (■•mu" was found growing in the pas­
counties for the State championship at ture. About 26 cows have died on
the Silrin Fair. Mrs. E. P Smith, of farms near Cherryville. Several sheep
K’ iu I St.. H. I-;., is to lie the leader of also died, supposedly from the same
the lente learn; her two young daught­ cause.
Mr. Hall was handicapped
ers and Mi»» Huth Krader, ol Powell somewhat in hi» investigation owing to
Valley, to comprise the team. These the fact that the cows hail been cre­
girls were present on Friday afternoon mated as soon a» they died, thus pre­
at the home ol Mrs. Smith to meet Mias venting an autopsy, but from the fact
Cowgill who went Into the details of that thia death-dealing plant was found
the plana under which the teams are to lie growiug in the pasture this con­
working and also gave a most interest­ clusion was reached. Il is said that
ing talk on methode of drying au<l can­ cattle will never eat this plant volun-
ning fruits and vegetables.
Mrs. tarialy, but crop it incidentally.
Kruder, Mrs. Spring and other ladles of
ijenta were also present and were much
interested in the discussion.
The points to be considered in the .
county and state competition» are skill, l
neatness, team work, »|>eed, finished
product. The suggestion is made that i
Delightful Meeting at Anderson
the teame wear white middy suit»,
preferably with white aprons and cape,
Home, Creston- Banquet
upon the front of which to be em­
On Lawn a feature.
broidered the four leaf clover, emblem
of the State Industrial Clubs.
The “t'nexpectcd Club, of Gilbert-
Each team will l»e espected to put up
the same amount of the same kind of Bel rose, has gone-vn another rampage
fruit or vegetable, going through the en­ The “victims’* of their latest escapade
tire process of cleaning, preparing, were Sir. and Mrs. L. E. Anderson, of
scalding, blanching, cold dipping, fill­ Creston station, who supposed they had
ing jar» and p I ting
r the tire, after­ ■afely effected their escape from the
ward cleaning *p, «ra n team to stay on danger zone when they moved from Gil­
the job until tneir product is taken bert early tn the Hummer. Mr. John­
from the boiler and pronounced son, however, started out one day on a
tour of investigation and succeeded in
Much interest will be taken locally in locating their hiding place. The word
the progress which the little Indies of was immediately sent round and the
lent» will make in this contest. The “clan’’ assembled for th«* “raid" which
lent» team is the fourth organized occurred on Tuesday of this week.
The affair was well planned and suc­
team, making one-half the number.
cessfully executed. The force attacking
in relays were soon able, by their su­
perior strength, to storm and take the
castle, a most graceful surrender being
made when it liecame evident that fur­
ther reeistence was hojieles».
Not having any intentions of submit­
to war rations the attacking party
The Navy wants men and more than
ever has opportunities for certain trade came well prepared for a “feed** and
lines which should offer hundreds in the sumptuous “spread’* on the lawn
around which the company gathered,
the next few weeks.
Owing to the fact that certain ratings about twenty-five in number, was most
are closed, the impression has gone out certainly not “Hooverized.” Mr. An­
that the Navy is restricting enlistment derson attempted to introduce the
generally, but the Portland office wants ' ghost,’* but he evidently missed his
it particularly understood that only cer­ rural haunts and failed to respnd.
An interesting anil varied program
tain lines are closed and that many men
are needed to fill ratings which offer was rendered, part on the lawn in the
good clean men splendid opportunities. early evening and the balance in the
There is a big need today for ap­ parlor later. The victrola waa rolled
prentice seamen, machinist’s mates, out on the porch and to its beautiful
first and second class.
There is a strain» little Miss Doris Hicks danced
special oppportunity for musicians. the Highland Fling and Misa Lucile
This particular need is most urgent and Ellie, of Fresno, Calif., a teacher in the
liecause so much of the spirit and schools of that city, executed some very
morals ol the men on board ship de­ dainty character dances. Mr. Anderson
panda on their band, musicians every­ and Mr. Himebaugh attempted some­
where are being urged to consider the thing of the kind, but it terminated in
the “goose" step. Indoors later in the
It is the band which gives the men evening Mrs. L. W. Rae, of Eugene de­
their daily entertainment and relaxa­ lighted her audience with some Scotch
tion from stern duty. The band helps ballads. Miss Lucile Ellis also render­
the sailors in their drills, and in gener­ ed a solo and responded to a hearty en­
al is recognized as a big factor in the core. A little “homey" ballad by J. L.
building up of the organization of the Johnson was also much enjoyed. I>orie
and Elmer Hicks gave instrumental
ship’s crew.
Those who have a desire to see ser­ solos. Mrs. E. E. Southard and Miss
vice in the air also have an excellent Elizabeth Hyde gave readings. Mr.
opportunity at this time, for the Port­ Himebaugh and Mr. Henderson execut­
land office has an opening for ratings as ed a very clever practical illustration of
Landsman for Quartermaster in the the difference ttetween a hymn and an
anthem. This n inn tier brought down
aviation section.
Another interesting place in the same the house. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson
section is Landsman for Machinist’s furnished the "Gaeoline” to keep the
Mates, aviation. This will include the wheels going round during the evening.
bnilding of aeroplanes, instruction in Mr. Hawksly, a stranger to the Club,
the case of engines and handling, and spoke briefly in appreciation of the
in other ways studying the interesting pleasure which the evening had afford­
phases of air navigation. Those two ed and in anticipation of future pleas­
fields should attract hundreds ami the ures of like nature which he hoped to
man who is selected for such service be permitted to enjoy. It was decided
to make the “raid" on the Andersons
can count himself quite lucky.
In addition to those poets, several an annual event. The following were
cooks are n«>eded ami mess attendants present: Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Johnson,
which is a field of utmost importance Mr. and Mrs. Himebaugh, Mr. and
to the Navy.
Through the many Mrs. Field and children, Julia and
moders appliances which the Navy Hilda, Mr. Henderson and daughter,
supplies for the use of cooks, this phase Miss Stella, Mrs. Rindle and Mr.
of ship life ranks well forward in the Ambler, a.I of Gilbert; Mrs. I.. W. Rae,
need of capable men who can take over of Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. E. E. South­
the responsibilities of feeding hundreds. ard and son, Cedric; Mrs. Ruth Hicks,
Mr». F. E. Hicks anil children, Dorie,
Elmer and Mildred, Mr. and Mrs. W. H
Let us draft the slacker specu­ Hawksley and little daughter, Dorothy,
all of Portland ; Lucile Ellis, of Fresno,
lator’s profits.
Calif.; Mrs. Minnie Hyde and daughter,
" Let us draft the slaker acres. Mise Elisabeth, of Lenta.
Vol. 15.
Lents, Multnomah County, Oregon, August. 2 1917.
No. 31.
i l
Order in H hich all Mt. Scott Young Men are
Drawn for Service, shown in Supple­
ment to this Paper.
For the Information of those young men of military age
who recently registered, The Herald is publishing this week
and next a special supplement showing the order in which
Last week showed the names of
these names are drawn.
those who in all reasonable likelihood will be in the first
draft---or rather as Portland has her full quota of enlisted
men—in the second draft.
No one can tell when these
young men will be ordered to report, but it is quite conceiv­
able that it may not be for some time yet.
Those who
follow will be ordered to report in the numerical order in
which ihey are chosen, in batches which may very likely
affect the boys in Mount Scott about fifty at a time.
course every registered name has been drawn, although there
are manifestly some errors in this newspaper report; the im­
portant fact is to ascertain the order in which they are
As to when those chosen among the 3000 or the
7000 or the 10,000 will be ordered to report one man’s
guess is as good as another’s, bat it is thought that in all
human probability the war will be over before those whose
names appear towards the end of the list will have been called
for examination.
As indicative of the enterprise of Mt. Scott firms a Campaign has been
started by them to encourage local residents to TRADE A T HOME.
Premium Cards are being given away containing twenty coupons, each rep­
resenting 5c in cash, redeemable at certain stores. These can be obtained
free, one to a family, with every yearly subscription to the Mt. Scott Herald.
One year’s subscription can thus be obtained free.
The Herald is able to make this offer because these wide-awake business
men, realizing the value of a live newspaper and the need for its entry into
every home in the community, are honoring these coupons.
Call at the Herald office for your Premium Card, or ask our representative
to call. Present subscribers may gel this coupon by having their subscription
extended one year.
Any of these firms will redeem the coupons:
Lents District
Chesters Barber Shop
First Class Service
6016 92nd Street 8. E.
Lents Hardware Company
Tabor 1091
5923 92nd St. 8. E.
Mrs. F. Davis
Waiting Room Confectionery
92nd St. and Woodstock
Lents Millinery
Mrs. Inez Gulliks
.5920 92nd St. 8. E.
Eggiman Bros.
6919 92nd St. 8. E.
Lents Pharmacy
Drugs, Ice Cream, Soft Drinks
92nd and Foster Rd.
F. F. Ehrlich
9134 Foster Road
Manz & Mirwald
Indies’ and Gents’ Tailors
Tabor 4576, 5940, 92nd St.
J. O’Donnell
92nd and Foster Rd.
Dr. P.
W. E. Goggins
5935 92nd St. 8. E.
Katzky Bros. Department Store
No Coupons on Groceries
5716-24 92nd St. S. E.
A. S. Pearce
9113 Foster Road
Otto Lemke
<>619 96th St. 8. E.
Rose City Van Co.
8852 Foster Road
Grays Crossing-Tremont District
Jos. Gething
Electrical Supplies
8311 Woodstock Ave.
Tremont House Furnishing Co.
Dealers in Furniture, Hardware, Etc.
6021 72nd St. 8. E.
C. M. Wolfard
Dry Goods, Men’s Furnishings
8127 Woodstock Ave.
Tremont Pharmacy
Drugs, Etc.
Tremont Station
Firland-Anabel District
H. J. Ames
Grot vries
6707 Foster Road
Elizabeth J. Howard
Millinery, Dry Goods and Notions
6504 Foster Road
Alvord Furniture Store
“Furniture at Less’’
4529 «7th St. 8. E.
C. W. Johnson
«•37 Foster Road
Archer Place Pharmacy
Geo. C. Bradshaw Ph. G.
5529 Foster Road
B. C. Lieuallen
Laurel wood Cont’y, Cigars, T o I mcco
6244 Foster Road
Arleta Studio
Everything in Photography
6434 Foster Road
Knight Bros.
Motorcycle and General Repairing
4610 62nd St. 8. E.
Anabel Grocery
No Red Stamps with Coupons
5204 Foster Road
Kern Pkrk Cabinet Shop
Light Mill Work, Screens, Etc.
4633 67th St, 8. E.
E. E. Davis
Ijiurelwood Grocery
6230 45th Ave.
Kern Park Hardware
See Ad Elsewhere in this Paper
4624 67th St. S E.
Laurelwood Filling Station
No Coupons onGaeoline
6329 Foster Road
C. A. Norwood Mfg. Co.
Made-at-Home Specialties
.5907 Foster Rd. S. E.
R. Frank’s Grocery
Tabor 2988
5537 Foster Road
Phoenix Pharmacy
The Kodak Store
6616 Foster Road
Foster Road Pharmacy
Geo. 8. Miller
614«! Foster Road
J. A. Teeny
Dry Goods and Notions
Kern Park Station
V R. Heath
Paint Contractor
5801 Foster Rd.
D. G. Teeny
Dry Goods and Notions
6418 Foster Road
Chronicle of Weekly Events In Arleta
And Kern Park Varied and Full
Of Interesting Doings.
Patriotic Program. Basket Picnic.
Sports. And Dance Com­
prise Program.
One Thousand Grangers assembled in
Mrs. Fletcher and eldest daughter Gresham on Saturday last for the pur­
have returned from Stevenson, Wash, pose of participating in the annual Field
back, especially the Millard Avenue Day event, which proved to be the
Choir and the members of Arleta Studio most successful affair of the kind yet
held. The morning program waa in­
of Music.
tensely patriotic. Tbe grand chorus,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Croats have re­
led by Prof. Ball, Principal of Franklin
turned from a two weeks vacation at School, consisted of 100 voices and waa
Mt. Hood.
a leading feature of tbe program.
Mrs. Clyde Grable and little son,
Mayor Stapleton, of Gresham B. F.
Arthur, left on Sunday last tor a Mulkey, Judge Galloway, of Spokane,
month’s outing
A. W. Cawtborne, Oregon director of
Miss Gertrude Taylor, of Laurelwood tbe Federal Land Bank, were among
Park, has accepted a position with the tbe speakers on this occasion.
Lincoln-McCord Book Binding Co.
A basket dinner in the big grove fol­
James Prentice, of Denver, Colo., ar­ lowed the program of tbe morning.
rived on Saturday to spend the coming ; The afternoon was devoted to sports.
Winter with his son, Harry and wife. There were all kinds of races, including
Mr. Geo. Waddingham of Western fat man's, boy’s 50-yd dash, girl’s race,
Oregon, has been visiting hie daughter, free for all, pillow fight, crab race, hu­
man wheelbarrow race, shoe scramble,
Mrs. A. V. LeFever.
wild pig, tug-of-war, relay races, auto­
Mrs. F. A. Younger and babies spent
mobile, pony race and Shetland race.
the week-end with her sister, Mrs.
A number of comic stunts given bv
Harry Usher, 7«>26-62d Ave., S. E.
live different granges of tbe county
Mrs. Etta Hill has been ill at her proved a very attractive feature of the
residence, 71O5-57th avenue for the past afternoon. Each number was a pa­
few days. All her friends hope she triotic tableau, in three of wnicb Uncle
will soon recover.
Sam waa a conspicuous figure. Mult­
Mr. L. C. Jordan is able to be out nomah, Fairview, Evening 8tar, Lenta
again for which his many friends are and Pleasant Valley were the Graugee
grateful and hope he continues to im­ which provided these tableaux.
The day closed by a dance at Reg-
Misses Gertrude and Eleanor Jewel ner’s Hall, which lasted until midnight.
are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Coy C.
Organ, 5619-70th St., 8. E. They will
leave the first part of next week.
Mrs. Johannes F. Markworth, of San
Francisco, came to visit her parents
and other friends. She was formerly
Miss Rorer, and married in California.
Mrs. Gladys Marshall, of Archer Oregon Agricultural Bulletin Urges
Place, will spend a couple of weeks at
Immediate Attention Tofnilt In
Astoria visiting friends. She left the
The Valley.
first of the week.
Frederick Raybuck, of Redfield,
S. Dak., is visiting his daughter, Mrs.
The Oregon Agricultural College re­
A. J. Oder. They were dinner guests ports a heavy crop of wormy apples in
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor on Tues­ the valley orchards. A recent bulletin
states that the early crop of worms
Mr. Harry Frose has returned from an have gotten in their work, but that it
extended trip thru the New England is the new crop that will sting the fruit
Some of his trip included tbe hardest during August and Septem­
Niagara Faile, New York, Indianapolis, ber unless it is controlled. It is this
etc. Friend» are all glad to have him generation of worms that increases the
Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Marshall went to loss to growers and now is the time to
Seaside the first of the week for a few spray for them.
From Corvallis South, spray August
day’s outing.
They will stop at
Rainier on the return trip. They will 1 to 6. From Corvallis North, spray
August 4 to 8. Use the arsenical solu­
be absent a week or more.
tion applied as a fine misty spray, mak­
Miss Olive DeJarualt. a student of ing every effort to cover tbe entire sur­
Franklin High, is spending her vaca­ face of tbe fruit. Prof. A. L. Lovett.
tion with her grandmother, Mrs. De- O. A. C., entomologist, states that
•Jarualt, at The Dalles. Miss Olive is evidences now indicate that it will be
assistant librarian at the Libray at Ar­ highly advisable to make a second ap­
plication about August 25 to Sept., 5.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Griffin and
family left on Thursday last for Oak­
Home Wedding of Woodmere Couple.
land, Calif., where they will spend the
On the eve of July 24th at the coxy
coming Winter.
Mrs. Griffin is a
daughter of Mrs. Jennie Blanchard, of little home of the groom at 411 92nd St.,
occurred the wedding of Mr». Ida Kehoe
and Mr. Lyndale Jamison, Rev. Wm.
Mrs. Etta Beetholdt, Mrs. Ida Gib­ Amos, of the Millard Ave. Presbyterian
son and son Willie and daughter Ethel Church, officiating. Mrs. Gertrude
arrived Thursday, July 26th, from Keith attended the bride, while Matthew
Vader, Wash., and are guests of Mrs. Keybain acted as best man. Tbe rooms
A. V. LeFever, 5418 70th St. 8. E. were beautifully decorated with roses,
They leave Monday, July 30th.
with a beautiful boquet of Shasta daises
Mr. McHargue from Tillamook, an presented to the bride by Mrs. Geo.
uncle of Mrs. Melvin Carmen, is visiting Merry, of Millard Ave.
Mr. and Mrs. Carmen at their home,
A delightful supper was served. The-
5420-69th street. Mr. McHargue is 80 following guests were present: Mr. and
years old and is on his way to Califor­ Mrs. Bruce Keith, Mrs. Minnie Gray.
nia for an extended trip.
Mr. Matthew Keybain, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. Geo. Manning paid a visit to Harry Usher.
members of the Millard Avenue Choir
last Thursday at practice. He used to
Summer School Closes.
be a member of the Amphion Chorus.
This week will witness tbe close of
He is now a member of the hospital tbe Summer schools of tbe city. The
corps and has left with his company.
school at Leuts has enjoyed a success­
Misses Esther Hollingsworth and ful term under the competent direction
Lucille Marsh have been doing some of Prof. Killgore, of the Glenn Haven
faithful Red Cross work afternoons at school, assisted by Miss Richardson
the home of Mrs. Geo. Merry, Millard and Miss Anderson. Tbers was an en­
Avenue. They have accomplished a rollment of 107 at tbe beginning of the
great deal and it is an inspiration for term, 65 remainining until the close,
others to do “their tiny bit’’ and do it which is above the usual average of
these Summer schools.
8ome good
work has been done, most of tbe pupils
making the grades attempted. Prof.
Lents Child Scores 99 1-2.
Killgore reports that he is well pleased
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Henry Kepcha with the efforts which have been put
are the proud parents of a six months forth by most of tbe students.
old son which scored 99'2 in the
eugenic test at the State Parent-Teach­
Improvement to Be Extended.
er Congress of Mothers on July 23rd.
The improvemont of Foster Road has
The child was perfect except in chest
reached 92nd St. There was a rumor
The parents are of Irish nationality. abroad that it woulii not extend beyond
Mr. Kepcha is yard foreman at Kelly this point. The matter was taken up by
the I^nts Improvement Club, as well as
by individual citizans, and the assurance
has been given that the improvement
It is the slacker acres we will be extended to connect with tbe
pavement at 102nd St.
should go after most of all.