KEEP YOUR MONEY IN MT. SCOTT Money Spent at Home makes our Community Prosper; means more Employment and Bigger Business. These Merchants Endorse Our BUY AT HOME CAMPAIGN A. D. KENWORTHY and CO THE EAST SIDE DEPT. STORE Funeral Directors, We are prepared to meet all your needs TWO ESTABLISHMENTS Phone Tabor <5357 .5602-4 '*2nd Street 8. E. Lenta Office Tabor 3314 DR. P. J. O’DONNELL Groceries, Hardware, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Etc. Phone Tabor 569.5 4615 66th 8t., Cor. Foster Road Arleta I IENT1RT •C vestititi« lly A The Biggest Store And The Largest Stock East of Grand Avenue El rat Class Service Given Day or Night. Cloee Proximity to Cemeterie« Enable« Cato Furnish Fnneral* at a Minimum Expense. Re«la>lZZZHB TZ. LKNTH. OHIt. Tabor 3>74 Pay Station for Portland Gaa A Coke Co. For Comfort LENTS PHARMACY and Wearing t- R. Peterwi A Son». I‘np> Qualities Buy THE '.tifa STORE Your Shoes From 9 2nd St. and Foster Road W. E. GOGGINS We Give SAH Green Trading Stamps 5935 92nd St.. S. E. Tabor 4141 Come in and bearfour wonderful BECKER’S MARKET COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS 5927 92nd St S.E. Tabor 2181 “Extra Choice Meats” Priced from $15 up, and on easy terms. If interested we will send a demonstrat­ ing machine to your home. Jersey Bell Butter Mt. Scott Drug Co. Geisler Bros. ■ FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ALWAYS FRESH Hear 11c! Hear lie! NEW METHOD LAUNDRY This is a summons in which every man, woman and child in this community should be interested. It is a Call for Co-opera­ tion- --an appeal to our community Spirit —a plea for us “to get together " Each week we will show a cartoon and tell in story the needs of our community — -what is holding it back---the things we must overcome to progress and how this can be accomplished by co-operation. We will “Knock the Knocker” and “Boost the Booster." We may hit some of you pretty hard— the truth always hurts---but it’s our most powerful ally for advancement. If you are interested in the progress and future of our city you can help by reading these editorials each week---and co-operating with us in mak­ ing thts a bigger—better—happier—more prosperous community. QUICK SERVICE, FIRST CLASS WORK I I Multnomah State Bank Interest on time deposits Safe Deposit boxee for rent D 61 HATS FOR ALL SEASONS Lents Millinery MRS. INEZ GL7LLICKS 5920 92nd Street. Tabor 4754 DR. C. S. OGSBURY Dentistry Most Up-To-Date Stores Have A Specialty. We Have---Its 9121, Woodstock Ave., near 92nd Street 9954 55th Ave^ S. E. DO YOU BUY BREAD EGGIMAN’S MEAT MARKET 5919 92nd St Tabor 2573 C. LOUIS BARZEE Attorney at Law Dp« ta ir» in Additon Bldg., next to Multnomah State Bank, 92nd St. Tel. Tabor 0o3H Copeland Lumber Co. For adults or children We Do Not Ask For Your Coffee Business The Standard of Quality, The Leader in Price, The “Home-base” For All Dry Goods YOUR GROCER GUY ROBINSON, Let US Tailor Your Next Suit 5940, 92nd Ht., S. E M27-21» 92nd St., near Foster Road Hee regular Ad on top of page 4 RICE-KINDER LUMBER CO. Hucre«»or* to Miller*Mowrey Lumber Co. Tbia Npar* for tale MANZ & MIR WALD Manager STEVEN’S CASH DEPARTMENT STORE 92nd St and Woodstock Ave. Tabor .IMI SATISFACTION GUARANTEED LENTS 9418 Foster Road Yeager Theatre Tabor 1477 Tabor 4596 A. D. Kenworthy, President 1» 01 For instance, it the brand* of coffee which we supply, freshly roastwl just ground, is not at least the e<|ual of what you can buy from the peddler's wagon including a liberal allowance from the premiums, which ot course you pay for JOHN D. from the down town bakeries BRUGGER’S BAKERY H919 Foster Boad CLEAN PICTURES rrn VTPF OLAVIUD in fit, workmanship and guaranteed fabric or do you insist on th* better, bigger, cheaper loaf made at home by Talxrr 343* Tabor 1371 Watchmaker and Jeweler Groceries. Provisions, Grain and Feed Hardware, Soft Drinks Aiel Kildahl, Prop. LUMBER AND BUILDINO MATERIAL LENTS. OREGON J. L. CEDERSTROM For entire and |>ern>anrnt satisfaction owners of automobile* go to THE LENTS GARAGE Tabor 3614 Tabor 6807 Lents, Oregon Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Sash and Doors, etc. MILL AT LENTS JUNCTION Tabor 2116 100th 8t., 4 blka from Foster IMPROVEMENT CLUB J. Sanger Fox, Secretary W E. Goggins, Treasurer D 61-2411