Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, July 12, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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    Mount Scott
E* b D«Q ubìm
lanl |>r»p-
aratimi ■
K bu !$• Quinto*
a full lin» ut HAN-TOE lol Ut
<>.»<>» aud tsiuadlaU are
On Friday of last week Mrs. Fred
Davis aud her daughter took over the
Waiting Room Confectionery which has
mu by J. D. Williams. Mr. Will­
iams will remain here a couple of weeks
to enable Mrs. Williams to do some
sewinK, then they will go back East.
Mr, Davis is employed in Portland
and will help the other members nt the
family Haturday afternoons and Munday.
This family has just moved down from
Vancouver, British Columbia, and we
lielieve will l>e an asset to the commun* I
ity. They were formerly in business In
Portland at the time of the l^twis A
Clarke Fair, and have had a hankering
after Portland ever since. Mrs. Davis
has Inn! considerable experience in the
restaurant, rooming bouse and confec­
tionery lines and her daughter, Miss
Dorothy will render valuable assistance
as a business partner
Peoples Forum
Rural Items
Pleasant Valley.
Mrs A. W. Joy, of Bang«ir, Me., is
sfiending a few weeks with her nephew»
and neices, the Miaasja Nina and Edith
Joy and Allen ar.d Adams Joy, of thia
Chronic Sufferers
Wm. Kesterson, who came home
from Boring for a short vacation has
returned to that place to resume hia
Wornout, suffering bodies are being
relieved every day
Chaa Dahlquiat Jr., is down from
Falla City to spend a few daya with the
home folks.
Mrs. C. F. Kesterson and son, Ken­
neth, who have been visiting with rela­
tives and friends in this vicinity for the
past two weeks returned to their home
at Kellogg last Friday.
My up-to-date methods of
Physical Therapeutics
Mias Laura Moore, who is attending
Summer school at Monmouth, came
down Saturday to attend the N. E. A. ’
Convention that is being held in Port­
land thia week. She was accompanied
by her friends. Miss Higna Johnson and
Mias Ruth Chingren, who are also tak- '
ing the teacher's course at Monmouth.
deal direct with the
Cause of the disease
and not its
Forrest Jenne and G. N Hager made
trip to Gales Creek, Washington
Talsir 2074
Battle Mountain Sanitarium, County, one day recently.
Hot Hpringa. 8. D. Joly 2,1917.
Mr. and Mrs. Gt». Robinson, of Port­
To The Editor:— Passing thru Butte, land. were guesta at the home of Mr.
Montana we came to three Forks and and Mrs. Will Richey on Sunday last.
there received new» of a wasliou» at
Jake Connelly has returned from
Musselshell which caused a detour over Hood River, where he has been em­
the Northern Pacific. Morning found
row SALÜ
ployed for some time past.
us between Bozeman and Livingston in
Misses Edna Berke, Judith Joy,
R lieyting.
the midst of a snow storm that was
Phone Tabor 30«M.
Winnifred Roman and Laura Moore at­
prevalent over most of the state.
tended the N. E. A. Tuesday.
BO-CALLED DANDRUFF can easily was an unusual ezperience to see snow
B- F. Htevens and daughter, Miaa
be cared ; my booklet give* full direc­ falling on Decoration day. Four or five
of Portland, are spending a
tion»; also instructions for ladies'
After passing Billings. couple of weeka on their Valley farm,
shampoo Home Hh tying for men. the with snow.
which they have under cultivation.
proper care of the leet, a sure cure lor Montana the snow liegan to disappear
E. S. Jenne has raised his old barn
constipation, besides other valuable and when we crossed back to the Mil­
and has a new one well under way.
All are very iiiex|>ensive and
| Sunday Sceool 8:46 am
Preaching 11:00
use »impie common drugs. H you nee«! was bare. About sundown as weneared
Mrs. John Gibson and Miss lone » m Bib!« Study Class, 6:30 p.m. Epworth
help I want to help you.
For further the North Dakota line we saw snow Adair, who have been viaiting relatives League 6:go p. m. Preaching 7:30 p. tn Prayer
information and copy of liook »end a again, but 1 learned that it disappeared in this part of the state, have returned meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. F. M.
I Jasper, Pastor. Residence 67m.83rd street.
two cent »tamp to Dick Box *118, 1-enta the next day without doing any barm. to their respective homes in Moscow.
P 11 , Portland. < »re.
bridge in the night and reached Aber­
Mrs. P. J. Berke and daughter. Miss Millard Avenue Presbyterian Church.
deen, S. D. about «a. m. seven hours
10 a. m. Sabbath School. 11 a. m Morning
Eva, returned Thursday from Minnesota
The Government needs Farmers
worthip. 7:00 p. m. Y. P. 8. C. E. 7:45 p. m.
late. I had just time to change cars for
Evening worship 7:10 p. m. Wednesday, mid­
well as Fighters. Two million tlirc«* a train to Woonsocket, 8. D. and resrh-
week service 7:10 p. m. Thursday, choir
hundred 11¡otta»nd Acres of Oregon A ed there at 9:45. The train was crowded friends for several weeks past.
practice Kev. Wm. H. Amos, Pastor.
California Railroad Co. Grant Latxl» a» passenger» of other trains ahead of
Title rvvseted in United States,
ours had come in just ahead of us.
St. Peter’s Catholic Church.
Happy Valley.
opened for liomesta-ads and sale, Con-
We pa»»«-1 thru a fine farming coun­
Sundays: M:00a. m. Low Mass. 10:30 a. m
taming some of the I h - w I land left in try and all of the crops were in good
Sunshine and good weather helped
High Mass. 8:34» a. m. Sunday School. 12 M
the l'nit«*«i Stales. Law Copyrighted condition, but I heard the same story, the farmers to finish their haying in choir rehearsal. Weekdays: Mass at
a. m
Map. showing land by aeclion» and •‘the searon is three weeks late.
good shape.
d««Hcriptioii of soil, climate, rainfall. Woonsocket is a very pretty town and
The atrawlierry season is about over.
Seventh^Day Adventist Church.
elevation», temperature, etc., by coun­ growing. There is a pretty lake on the Prices were good and a good crop makes
10 a. m. Saturday Sabbath School. 11 a. m.
Postpaid, One Dollar.
tirant north side of the town fed by an artesian the growers fee) happy.
Saturday preaching. 7:30 p. m. Wedne»day.
Ijinds Iss-ating Co. Box »dll Portland, well.
; Prayer meeting. 7:46 p. m Sunday preaching.
John Deardoff han purchased an auto
I was surprised at the way they park
< Fregón,
truck. He will use it for hauling wood
tbs automobiles in those prairie towns,
St. Pauls Episcopal Church.
into the city.
WANTED—100 Berry picker«, women
One block south of Woodmere station
for they are in the middle of the street
and girla. Red raspberries anti logan-
H. C. Ulrich anti family motored to Holy Communion the first Sunday of each
and crossways also so that it leaves a
lier rie», I. D. Hutchinson, 1 titile North
No other services that
the month at 8:00 a. m
good driveway next to the curb on each Oregon City Sunday evening with
day Every other Sunday the regular services
of l^rnta. Tabor 2831.
side of the autos. They were planting
will ben :. us, Evening prayer and sermon
Word was received by telegram la t at 6: jo p. tn. Sunday School meets »»*3:00
I corn tn some of the Helds, and since the
F. R. Peterson & Sons, Props.
In other words my electrical and
*5? other treatments remove the cause
of disease and so allows nature full
sway, rather than merely alleviat­
ing pain, the commonest symptom
of disease.
Another Letter from Dakota.
Send for free booklet and testimonials or come
in and consult me FREE.
Church Directory
tvenlnq Star Grdnqe.
Saturday. July 7th «a» celebrated as
“patriotic day,"
by Evening Star
Th«- Worthy Master, in the almrnce of
th«« lecturer prcpar««<l the following ex­
cellent program :
Song, “America” by Hie Grange.
Song. “Flag of the Free," Juvenile
Recitation, “B«-at Decoration” by
Covell Smith.
Duet. Martha Billiter and Alice
Cheek a.
Solo, Mias Grace Rudd.
Patriotic Address by the Rev. C. E.
Cline. He gave some very Rood advice
as to how to live during three war times.
Ilia talk was very timely and well
Solo, Mrs. Ruth Rcegan.
Mr. C. C. Thomason, from City Supt.
Alderman’s office told of the coming
seeaion of the N. E. A. and advised as
many as possible to I m * pnwent at some
of the meetings some time during the
coming w«*ek.
Miss Tooley, of the Gilleapu* School of
Expression gave as a rcu ling “Star
Spangled Banner,” and for an encore
she gave “I Know the Four lx'af Clovers
The reading of these two |>opular
wings was quite an innovation and much
County Agent, 8. B. Hall was present
and told of the good work ls*ing done by
that department, ol the retaining of
several thousand acres of the very I lent
land along the Columbia Slough ItoUonis.
Large crops < an lie raised on this land,
thus helping to reduct* the present short­
age of food stuffs.
Denny Memorial fund Started.
farmers of that section have gone into
diversified farming they have made
money. There were good, substantial
houses and other buildings on most of
the farms and many silos.
I bad a long wait for a train to Wess-
n Hprings, till after 7 p. m. reach­
ing there in time for part <f the com­
mencement exercise- of the Free Meth­
odist Seminary. . was in time to hear
an address on “Glimpses of Europe”
by Rev. B. L. Olmstead, O' Fort Wayne,
Indiana, who
delivereti the
Friday that Benjamin Loebar was
dangerously ill at the Mare Island
a musician
hospital. He enlist'd
from thia neigh
six weeks
ago. Q *
. .,a
goes out to the
Maffet, Sec.
6146 Foster Road
Family Medicines,
Druggist Sundries
Genuine BUHACH Insect Powder for chickens
Owing to the backwardness of the season the exhibition of the
flowers in the Foster Road Sweet Pea Contest and the awarding
of the prizes will be postponed to July 19.
Both Phones, Free Delivery
Lents Evangelical Church.
Sermon by the pastor. 11 a. m and 7:16p. m.
Sunday School v:46 ». tn., Albert Fankhsuser,
Superintendent. Y. P. A.. 6:46 p m . Paul
Bradford, President. Praver meeting Thurs­
day 8:00 p. m. A cordial welcome to all
T. R. Hornschuch, Pastor.
The dry season is all right.
Fifth Church Of Christ.
Fifth Church of Christ. Scientist of Port­
land, Ore. Myrtle Park Hall. Myrtle Park.
We are in the war and we must see Service» Sunday 11 a m. Sunday School >:*O
and 11 a. m. Wednesday evening testimonial
it through to a successful conclusion. Meeting 8:00.
Fine weather for the hay makers.
baccalaureate sermon Sunday morning
On Friday afternoon forty autos, The government, which is the people,
mostly furnished free by tiie citizens of are very much in favor of completing
the town, took the students and visiting
the downfall of the German military
friends of me school for a fifty mile ride
Brutality and greed must not
thru the country. It was a treat to all
that went on ths ride over gently rolliug rule in this enlightened age.
prairie. We passed thru the towns of
The big prospect for cherries thst
lane, Woonsocket and Alpena, and the were made early in the season has been
change that lias come over that Coun­ a disappointment as they have mostly
try is wonderful, but indicative of the fallen off. The erop of pears will also
true American spirit that conquers be light
every obstacle that lies before it.
Miss Helen Arnold has gone to Port­
One of the surprises of my visit to land to attend the N. E. A.
She will
Wessington Springs was that in conver- return the last of the week.
nation with the man of the home where
A constant stream of autos is going up
1 was entertained was that he and his
into the mountains every Saturday and
sister held the series of meetings in
Ontario, Canada that Mrs Clark was
The government cruisers have moved
convert««! in when a girl of thirteen. I
was surely an honored guest alter that. over to Marmot, but will return here
The exercises were conclude«! Monday next week. It is said they expect to
night with thirty-six graduating from move South as Winter approaches and
the different departments of the Semi­ expect it will take them nearly two
years to complete their work.
Mrs. Miller, at the hotel, has a pullet
The Seminary will start in as a Junior
College with a bright outlook for the not much over six months old that has
future. The president of the Faculty is a brood of chickens. Can you beat it.
an old friend of mine, Rev. W. B. Olm­
John D. Rockefeller has the high
stead, and he has made a success of the cost of living beat. He takes his lunches
school work this year, and will continue at a cheap Japanese restaurant. Noth­
at ita head for another year.
ing like economy.
Between Woonsocket ami Mitchell, 1 An epidemic has been raging here
8. D. the crops were farther ahead and among stock on the range. Two differ­
corn was up two and three inches in ent parties have lost six head each, and
many fields.
others have I oat one or more.
I was entertained at the Free Meth­ think it is a poisonous plant they get in
odist parsonage in Mitchell till after the woods.
10 p. tn. and at my request the pastor
We need rain for the gardens and
toofc me to the train at that time as my
grain, but not for the hay makers.
train for the west did not leave till
Cool nights and absence of insect
1 a. m. It was nearly 2 when we pulled
make this Summer season delight­
out for the west. My trip thru the bad
lands of Dakota I will reserve for my ful.
It lisa tieen discovered that the widow
of the Honorable N. Denny, who wax
the tirat man to ship Chinese game
birds to America in 1882, is now living
in Portland anil in need of funds to eave
her home. It is estimated that if each
sportsman in America would contribute
One Dollar or more each the sum of
$10,000 would l>e raised to save Mrs.
Denny's home as a living monument to
the memory of Judge Denny. Portland
began last week to raise tier share of next letter.
thia amount. W. R. Hchmeer, Cashier
The treatments here arc helping me in
An all-<lay session of Lenta Grange
U. H. National Rank, Portland, has been many ways and I walk much easier and
will be held on Saturday. Work in the
appointed treasurer of the Denny Me­ farther than when I came.
the third and fourth degree will occupy
morial fund.
R ev . R. H. C lark ,
the time of the morning aeeaion, to lie
followed by dinner at the noon hour,
Slacker acres are owned. Tax
with the usual upon lecture hour in the
tnem into use.
The HwaM $1.00 Per Year
p. in. B Bostwro ht Supt., L.
Rev. O. W. Taylor, Rector.
Foster Road Pharmacy
Laurelwood M. E Church
9:V a. tn. Sunday School. 11:00 a. m. preach­
ing. 12:<0 p. m. cl»»« meeting. I:i6p m.
Junior League. 6:30 p m Epworth League.
7:30 p. tn. preaching
8:00 p. m Thuraday
evening, prayer »ervlce
Dr. C. R. Carlo»,
Garman Reformed Church.
Corner Woodstock Ave., and 87th St. Rev.
W Q. Lienkaemper. pastor. Sunday School ,
10 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 a. tn. Y. P. 8
at 7:30 p. m. German School and Catechetical
Class Saturday at S:00a. m
Free Methodist Church.
Sunday School. 2:00 p. m. Preaching .1 t>. tn.
each week. Prayer meeting, Wednesday at
7:30 p.m. All are cordially invited to attend
these »ervlce». Rev. A. Beer», Pastor.
You don’t quit eating meat when summer comes.
You simply eat OTHER KINDS-And we sell those
other kinds.
A juicy Porter House Steak is acceptable at all
seasons, at 22c per pound. Pot Roast 16 to 18c lb.
Boiling 12 to 15c per pound.
Just now some of our Lamb Chops are fine.
Our line of Salted Meats and Sausages cannot
be surpassed.
What kind do YOU want? We can furnish it.
Kern Park Christian Church.
Corner With 8t., and 46th Ave.. 8. E. 10 a. m.
Bible School. 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. preaching
•ervlce. 6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor. 7:30
p. m. Thursday, mid-week prayer meeting. A
cordial welcome to all. Rev. Q. K Berry,
Pastor. 1330 E. Salmon
Lenta Baptist Church.
Tabor 1914
6340 Foster Road
Lord's Day, Bible School. 3:46 a. m. Morning
wonhtp, 11 a. m.
Elmo Heights 8unday
School, 2:30 p. m
B. Y. P. U., 6:30 p tn.
Evening worship 7:30 p. tn. A cordial wel­
come to these service». J. M. Nelson. P»»tor.
I.ents Friends Church.
3:46 a. tn. Bible School. Clifford Barker.
11:00 a. tn. Preaching ser­
vice. 6:26 p. m. Christian Endeavor. 7:30
p. m Preaching service. 8 00 p. m. Thursday,
mid-week prayer meeting. A cordial welcome
to all these service». John and Nettie Riley,
What Do You Want?
Arleta Baptist Church.
8:46 a. m. Bible School. 11 a. m. Preaching
service. 8:00 p. tn. Evening services. 7:00
p. m B. Y. P. U. meeting. 8:00 Thursday
Prayer meeting. Everybody welcome lo any
and all of these services. W.T. 8. Spriggs.
The Ainsworth Auto Service Co. have |
moved their office from its former loca-!
lion on Foster Road to 94d3 59th Ave.,
where they are ready to attend to all |
transfer orders. Their down-town office I
Alder 81. Marshall 289.
No Matter, We Have It Here
Tabor 900
4624 67th SL S. E. 1-2 blk N. Kern Park Sta.