Mount Scott Herald Page Three WAR IIMt PROHIBITION PEOPLE’S FORUM Commerce. Stlenee And Health De­ mand Oustlnq of John Barleycorn. Veteran Writes Of Trip. Grange Battle Mountain Sanitarium, Among many iuterenting question* Hot Springs, 8. Da , June 21 at, 1917. consiilered at the State Grange recently To the Editor:— held at Astoria was the abolishment of Thinking some of your reader* would i th« State Senate, the organization The Connecticut Manufacturer* A»-j like to know of my trip here I tho't I heartily endorsing such a measure. The soci at ion, representing over 200 of th* ! woukl write you about a few of the senate can be abolished in less than leading manufacturers of that «talc pa«*ed things I taw on the trip. I left Port- twenty words. The proposition was a resolution favoring complete War Pro- J land May 21 at and «topped over at put up to the people once and defeated, IE THERE IS ANY QUESTION lilhltion by a vote of 176 to 1. That wa« Penawawa, Wash, to visit relatives. but that does not mean that it will al­ remarkable. Mrs Clark remained there with her ways be defeated. We use*! to have in your mind as to my ability to fit Th»* American Medical Association, slater and I left there on the 28th for I two city councils in each city running gl.tHM»-» correctly, even after others have tin* most representativeliody of its kind Spokane. I left Spokane on the morn­ at the same time and hiding behind one failed to give satisfaction, read this: in tli<< world, ut its National Convention ing of the 29th, taking the Milwaukee another just as our two Legislatures do Hear Mr. Pratt: I am glad to report in New York this month adopted resolu­ road. The ride to St. Maries was thru now One legislature at a time is bad that the glume'* you fitted for me are tions declaring alcohol to I h * neither u a fine farming country and everything ‘ enough. There have been two » »sioris working finely. My eyes are l»ett«r now frtan*-e drift wood, logs, lath, lumber and even job if backed up by the people. North |wfore *he haea. All are very inexpensive »ml “Strong drink has stolen from every > yrorn (.he Hnow line to the bottom. In difference where they come from. use simple common drugs. if you need home in England one pound <*f food for a few placea the snow had drifted in "The party is built like other ppliti-1 help I want to help you. For further every day of the war. The «rain now hollows and the water had cut a channel cal organizations are. We hold caucuses information and copy of liook semi a used in the United Hates in the manu­ under it leaving a enow arch. ami conventions as other parties do. two cent stamp to lz»ck Box 618, ¡.ent* facture of alcoholic drinka would enable _ __ “We have been attacked bitterly in i In passing thru the tunnel at the P. O„ Portland, Ore. 2i)tf us to »end a pound loaf of bn-ad a day gurnlnit there was none of the discom- some states by some organs. We were to each of 11,000,OU) men at the front.” i fort of smoke and cinders sifting thru called‘socialists’ in North Dakota be-1 Ft)R H A I.E—FA It M LA NI >S. This statement '• being «ent out broad the cracks and the two mile nde under causejwe advocated the building of grain ' The Government need* Farmer* ns well a* Fighters. Two million three cast in the pre«* of the day. the Idaho-Montana line was a pleasure elevators by the state. “In the Western States we have been hundred thousand Acree ol Oregon A Hectiou 12 of the Army bill road« indeed. The same beautiful scenery California Railroad Co. Grant Lands. “Section 12. It «hall be unlawful to m il was to be seen on the east side of the welcomed by the farm organizations in Title revested in United Htate*. To Is* any intoxicating liquor, including lieer, mountains but there were fewer tunnels particular. As in Oregon, so in Idaho, opened for homesteads and sale. Con­ ale, or wine to any officer or member of and bridges. We dropped into the val-1 Montana, Colorado and elsewhere, the taining mime of the 1**1 land left in the military forces while in uniform.” ley in a few miles where man with his grange and union would adopt us as the United Hutes. Large Copyrighted The National Council of Women repre­ ingenuity has made the desert to blossom their own. In the East where we have I Map, showing land by sections and senting twenty-m v»n of the prominent as the rose and has made beautiful, made some progress, the farm organize- ; description of soil, climate, rainfall, woman’s organizations of the country productive farms where only the In­ tions are more conservative, hut’they i elevations, temperature, etc., by conn­ with a membership of about 7,000,000 dian and jack rabbit were to be found have made way for us without coming I ties. Postpaid, One Dollar. Grant ha« gone on record endoning national less than a half century ago, and thriv­ out in the open with their endorse-I laiml* locating G'o. Box 610 Portland, prohibition a* a war measure. ing towns and cities are found every mente.” Oregon. Two hundred men representing live few miles with all of the necessities of WANTED—Woman to do family sUstk ami fanning interesta of Minnesota modern life and most of its luxuries and WANTED—100 Berry pickers, women washing. 64<>3 92nd HL, H. E. I al*>r n-o-ntly wired President Wilson to su«-1 comforts. Night came down with her and girls. Red raspberries and logan­ sable shroud soon after leaving Mis ­ 127». Mrs. Brock. 'J6 pend the manufacture of all malt ami soula, so I wiil close this letter for fear berries. I. D. Hutchinson, 1 mile North distilled liquor during the period of 2Spd LOST OR POUND there; may not be space for more, of Lents. Tabor 2031. war. William Hearst owner of Kindest regards to all my friends at FOUND—Purse containing money on greatest chain of news papers in FOUND—Puree on Foster Road be- , Lents. tween 88th street and Lents about | Estacada car track. Owner can have worhl including groat dailies At R ev . R. H. C lark same by proving property and paving Francisco, Chicago, New York, Philadel­ JuneS. Owner can have same by I proving property and paying for this' for this ad. Apply this office. phia ami Boston, ha« swung hi* two ad. 26tf “Senatorial Diqnity California papers—San Francisco Exam­ FOUND: A purse, on W4th St. be­ iner and Los Angele« Examiner over to Washington dispatches advise us that tween 51»t and 62nd Avenues. Owner tight for ABSOLUTE, STATE WIDE, a certain United State* senator tillered a NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE can have same by calling at this office. BONE DRY Prohibition. bribe of if his son were exempted In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for | Multnomah County The 700 physicians in attendance nt from the draft. The party to whom the H. Cleveland, plaintiff, vs Albert W. Bahlke ' CALL FOR BIDS ON WOOD. oiler was made promptly communicated anti Eva Bahlke, his wife; F. W. Stock, unmar« i Bids will l»e received by tbs School the state convention of the Illinois the fact to the Attorney General of the ried. Jamea Cunningham and Julia Cunning ; medical association at Bloomington ham. hi« wife and V. Cladek, Terezie Cladek, Board of District No. 15, Multnomah his wife, J. M. Lovin and Bertha A. Lovin his i United Scales enthusiastically recommended the total wife, and Bob Conklin, unmarried, Defendant. County, for forty-flvecords of first class, j We are watching for the next act in By virtue of an execution, judgment order, abstinence abolition of the sale of alco ­ decree ami order of sale issued out of the above | first growth, fir cord wood. the drama of "senatorial dignity.” | entitled Court, in the above entitled cause, Bills to lie opened at the school bouse holic liquors in the military camps. 1 to me directed and dated the 12th day of June, Will it come? The Peruvian government oliers $.'«X) l‘.H7, UDon a judgment rendered and entered I in said District, at eight o'clock p. m., in said Court on the 6th day of June, 1V17 in for a temperance text l«»ok. Every favor of H. Cleveland, plaintiff and against I July 5th, 1917. Albert W. Bahlke and Eva Bahlke. his wife, ' The Board reserves the right to re- lxs>k submitted must be original ami j defendents for the sum of 91S00 with inter es|x*cially written for this contest. | eatat the rate of 7 per cent per annum from1 ject any and all blds. ( Delivery at the the .5th day of February, 1916. and the further Manuscript had to be written in Spanish. aum of fel.lft with interest at the rate of 7 per School House is exp»»cted at an early cent per annum from the 1st day of February, ' date.) J. Leitheiser, President. Mrs. LinnieCarl one of our own Ore­ 1917, and the further sum of 9126.00 with inter- ' at the rate of 6 percent per annum from Geo. F. A. Walker, Clerk. gon white riblHiners is National Young The response to the appeals for the eat the 6th day of June. 1917 ami for the further1 36 P.siple's Branch Field Secretary, after Red Cross fund in Oregon have been as mun of 136.9.) cost.« ahd disbursements ami the costs of and upon this writ commanding me to six weeks work in Tennessee word cornea patriotic as the response for subscription make sale of the following described real prop- ' to«u it : “Where ever she goes she wins friends. to the Liberty bonds. Like all organized erty Lots Fifteen (15). Sixteen (16), Twenty-five (25) Her address hero was one of the most charities there is no approximation to ami Twenty-six (36) in Block Seventeen (17) College Place, Multnomah Couuty, Oregon. inspiring 1 ever heard.’’ We are proud justice in contributions. The millionaire Now Therefore, by virtue of Saul execution, | order, decree and order of sale ami ot our Portland < iirl. food s|H*culat<>r has not contributed in judgment in compliance with the commands of said writ I'hoiiv, Tabor 3214 1 will, on Monday the 16th dav of July. 1917, at Every im'eting of the Mt. Hcott W. C. proportion to many of his victims. The 10 o’clock A. M.. at the east front door of the T. U. is of groat interest. Several new I millionaires of Portland contributed County Court House in Portland, Multnomah Dr. P. J. O’Donnell County, Oregon, sell at public auction (subject members have been r»»cently added and very small sums. There are grain to redemption), to the highest bidder for cash Dentist in hand, all the right, title and interest which a* lieautifnl service of reception to new speculators, potato «(»eculators, fish ! the within named defendantsand each and all speculators, meat speculators, timber lie- of them had on the 7th day of May. ¿906. the W.| ST. «nd POSTER RD. (Over Lent« memlwn makes each fee) that they date the mortgage herein torvclosed or since Pharmacy) long to a home protection army that is and lumtier speculators, and other kinds that of date had in and to the above described property or any part thereof, to satisfy said in Portland, who have made fortunes worth while indeed. r execution, judgment order and decree, inter out of the war already, and stand to est, costs and accruing costs. Word com»* from the National head­ Tabor »MB T. M HURLBCBT ^Sheriff of Multnomah County,Oregon ’ quarters at Washington to “keep the make much more. It ia safe to say that Dated this 13th day of June, 1917. First issue out of the Federal lists of millionaire« in wires humming.” This means that any June 14th, 1917. I.ast issue July 12th. 1917 l)r. Wm. Rees day action may tie taken by Congress on Oregon a dozen could be picked who J. J. Johnson. Attorney for the Plaintiff. some of the bills now pending for na­ could have contributed the entin» appor-1 Office an gripe. Price tie. business, and fellow townsmen do like­ than half a million a month that is levi-1 wise. Also continue sending telegrams ed by the food combine in our beautiful John Guy Wilson to the President, as commander-in-chief citv of roses and tax dodgers. LENTS PHARMACY Attorney-at-Law of the Army, asking that he exert his .«M PI Clock Rlock F. R. Peterson & Sons, Props. powerful influence for the safeguarding Tal«>r 2074 Office Consultation Evenings by Appoint men of the enlisted men. The Optical Shop W.C.T.U. NOTES WANT ADS PORI LAND S RtSPONSE 10 RED GROSS APPEALS May lie shown in many way*. One is by economy in the home. PREPARE NOW For the coming months. Buy yonr FRUIT JARS HERE ECONOMY, .SCHRAM, MASON, and E-Z SEAL also fixtures and jelly glass»-»* L. E. WILEY Tabor 1708 9040 Foster Road Economical Housekeeping Consists in studying FOOD VALUES AS WELL AS PRICES FOR GOOD MEATS and REASONABLE PRICES The Thrifty Housewife goes to Eggiman’s Meat Market Tabor 2573 5919 92d Street JOY IN YOUR HOME is easily attained if you patronize your HOME LAUNDRY Our plant is clean and sanitary, We return goods quicker, We make good on losses and injury We employ all local help. Our weekly pay roll is large We «pend our money here. We solicit YOUR business. We have not raised our prices. NEW METHOD LAUNDRY 5906 90tb Street Tabor 3614 HAVE YOU EVER tried the AINSWORTH AUTO SERVICE, 9101 Foster Rd. for Express and Moving? Those who have are still our customers. Evening» and Sunday«, Tabor 289S Tabor 7190 Portland Of.. JO» 1-2 Alder, Mar. 989 B. W. SINES (Successor to McKinley A Co.) Hay, Grin, Wheat, Oats, Barley, Chicken Feed and Supplies of all Kinds. Wood, Coal and Briquettes. Meat Scraps and Grit Tabor 968 9326 Foster Road DRAKE & MAUCK LIDS I 2 I BONES 2 JOINTS 126 Fourth Street Main 5493 349 Wash. St, Opp. Morgan Bldg. Main 8882 We publish the tieraid. $1.00 Per Year MT. SCOTT PUB. CO Professional Directory Losing ‘Pep’? I PATRIOTISM Non-Pdrtl/an Leaque. Tabor 7824 HomeJD 61 5812-92ntd St