4 Piye Tint Mt. Scott Herald Published Every Th ir-la) at Lenta, Oregon by Tn« Mt 8< mtt n mi-Hi—i t onraNv J RANGRB FOX. Mauasln« F.liter. MINNIE«,orta- tion trust to keep them from be­ ing used. As part of a National­ ly owned and operated transpor­ tation system the rivers would be utilized to relieve conjestion. So would tne ocean. Sunday, July 1st, has been designated as “Food Saving Sun­ day.” Herbert Hoover has ap­ pealed to the ministers of the country to preach upon the sub­ ject, advocating the elimination of waste from every home in the land. Our allies in Europe are fast approaching a condition of i Tnere are more traitors in Con­ famine. If we have any patriot­ gress needing to be sent to mili­ ism we cannot do less than take tary prisons than in any other no more on our plates than we aggregation in the United States. can eat. The saving of one slice They talk while the people are of bread in each home per day plundered, and they know why would be the equivalent of the they talk and for how much. wheat grown from 400,000 acres. In view of the world crisis and who The food speculator the people on the other side of charges one-third for his risk and the sea soon to be in want, let trouble may be a pirate, but what loyal Americans eat less meat, of the big land speculator, who provide fewer expensive Sunday does nothing and raises prices as dinners, dispense with extrava­ his community labors and plans gant evening partiesiand thus to increase production? help win the war for the de­ The state administration ¡stak­ mocracy of tne world. ing no steps to dispose of the We hope every church, civil, fraternal, and patriotic society in state farm loan bonds. They are the Mt. Scott District will help a good investment, but the local to spread the "gospel of the banking ring in Oregon says NO. clean plate.” Many men can We are to pay for a complete not carry arms. Women and set of new roads for the trans­ to. children are not expected portation trust in this country But all can do their part in help­ and give that trust the entire ing to cut off the general wastage system for nothing. of the country which Secretary of Commerce Redfield says would, Wake Lp America. in one year, pay off the $7,000,- Fault finding and railing at Congress 000,000 war loan. The Government expects every is not a pleasure to any editor. It is u naisance—it leaves a nasty taste in the person to do his duty. — J. A. D. mouth. But there are times when rail­ Cities Are Judged By Homes. It's the homes in a city which index its progressiveness. The business district soon loses it’s freshness and attractiveness in the discriminating mass of brick and mortar, glaring signs and noisy automobiles, a sight tiresome to the eyes and weari­ some to the nerves. But, in the residence section is where one forms the opinion whether they would like to live in this city or not. Modern homes portray char- acter and individuality, radiating cheerfulness and contentment— a standing invitation to become a member of that community or city: an assurance of neighborly neighbors, for who would like to live in a city where they would not have good neighbors? Cities with modem homes are cities with high standards of morals, so modern homes better a city morally. Land Monopoly. Collect up a herd of 1,000 of the most stupid donkeys in Mexico. The four-legged kind, I mean. Place them in a pasture suf­ ficient to comfortably provide feed for 40,000. Would they starve? Would there be a shortage of provinder? Not unless these donkeys were fools enough to allow four or five of their number to keep them off 95 per cent of the grass area and drive them to the scanty and rocky hills. There is plenty of land, and plenty of labor in this country. Who and what keeps them apart? The socialist machine in the; United States and in every state in the Union is so absorbed in re­ volving its own machinery that it only rattles around when there is anything to be done. That is why the socialists get nowhere. Their machine is more likely to fight fundamental reforms, as a I machine, than to help pull any­ thing along the road of progress. CHURCH NOTES bantielkdl Church. Regular services will l*e hekl at the Evangelical Church on Sunday morn­ ing. There will I m * no evening service at tlie congregation will join iu the union service at the Baptist Church. Children's I'ay was observed last Sun­ day with appropriate anti pleasing ex­ ercise». friends Church. : ♦♦ ♦ ♦ Millard Ave. Presbyterian Church. TRADE AT HOME Published by order of d,“Xf 7? hXn’Z,™«: THE LENTS IMPROVEMENT CLUB St. Paul s t piscopdl Church. l'lie otlicera of the Vestry of til. I'aul'« Episcopal Church for liie coming year area» tolloas: Senior warden, I'eytou Taylor; juuior wardeu, R. B. Wood; clerk, I*. R. Dunbar; iioard of directors, >aiuuei J, Alien, Ray Sheppard, Rohl. 1'. Wai, C. L. Geaeil, R. Smith, Fredrlc Geaell ami I*. 1'. Harris. St. Paul'« Guild: President, Bertha Boatright; vice president, Ellen Forey, secretary-i treasurer, J. E. Glover. 1'he church closes a most successtul year in «pile of prevailing hard time« The presents rector, Rev. O. N. lay lor is a most able ot>lor aud much lieloved by Ina people. Rev, Taylor officiated al lh«> recent weddiug ot Miss Ruth L. Geaell ami II. B. Wagstaff. St. Paul’« congregation wish them a long aud happy life. They will reside at Woodmere. St. Paul’s was well represented at the Episcopal Church picnic at Paninaula Park Tuesday, Y MULTNOMAH STATE BANK % MILLER MOWREY LUMBER CO IN TOWN. I • Does Money 'Rurn a Hole In Your Pocket? = Have a String to : Your Dollar If you are • landlord th« DOL­ LAR WILL COME BACK IN RENT If you ar« employed la town R will be RETURNED IN WAGES. I! you tend M out of town R REMOVES IT TROM CIRCU­ LATION HERE. Christian Endeavor society. Outside ■ |H*akers bave lieeii luvited «ml an uti* usually interesting meeting 1» promised. Everyone is luvited to attend. I'lie double quartette oi the Ampiilon Male Chorus » ill l*e present al the Sun­ day exeiung service amt render several »elections appropriate to the patriotic program ol the evening's service. Come ami hear lheui. The services Sunday morning were conducted by the pastor, Miss lain'im Terrill. Rev. F. M George, of Sunny aid** church Quarterly Meeting Superin­ tendent of Evangelistic work w»< pres­ ent to introduce Mi.*« Terrill to the church and give her Ilia support at her tirvt appearance. The new minister ha.** a pleasing deliv­ ery. is logical in the presentation ot her | th“me, has a wide range of information 1 to draw upon for illustrations, and above all preaches thc“whole gospel’* to the. satisfaction of the moat devout. large mini of money on your person there always is u In the evening Geo. L. Carr, I. Allen temptation to spend, llow often is it said that “money Dunbar, J. Sanger Fox and Mrs. Geo. L. burns a hole in his pocket?” It will not burn a holo in your Carr gave re|*ort!< of the various sessions pocket if you liank it. Don’t procrastinate. Open an account of the yearly meeting just held at New- II 4 with us today. lierg. Mrs. Tamplin presided over this; part of the meeting alter which the past­ or preached a short discourse Lents, Cregon On Tuesday the Missionary Society met at the home of Mr». M V. Spencer. w«t«t«tMR«r«t«t«tstststR«t«tn«t«i«tit«t«tK«iMR*MststatM».*tMstKamsmn«uutsuut *.M22, Foster Roa«f it lieing the occaasion of her birthday. A sumptuous dinner St. Peters Church. was served, Mrs. Spencer receiving tine Food Saving Sunday will be ooaerved ( OUR REPUTATION cakes as well as many presents in honor and a sermon on the subject will be , of the day. fur M|iiarr dealing stands Mrs. Wong, a Chinese la«iy was pres­ preached by the priest. Rev. Bentgen, a synopsis of which follows : The world buck of every foot of luinl»*r ent and addressed the ladies. The subject of the lesson for the day war is the greatest tragedy in history hi - «<*11 It must give Mtis- was “Peace and the Kingdom,” the last l he Christian world is praying for peace but the men who are in the lead at the | (action to th« purchaser, of the series for the year. Tuerslay afternoon Miss E*lna Burns« seat of government think the end may whether hr lu< a contractor took her class of girls for a hike up1 not come inside of five years ordering thonsamls of feet The President, dearer than ever to , Johnson Creek They report a go«>*l . the people, is endeavoring to prevent , time with no accidents worse than ten- of lumbr <>r a ■mail pur­ dor tiesh irritate«! Gy stinging nettles. the exploitation of the resources of the chaser. Besides Miss Burns the company in­ i-ountry for the enrichment of the few cluded Ma«igi- Tamplin, Alice Ca rr 1 and is exhorting each of us to “do our Myrtle Deeth, Mabel Littlefield and bit to help win the war." Bi Each American family is wasting i Master Leslie Burns. a year in food alone. V ; l^t us save the ounces, the extru Kern Park Christian Church. slices of bread, and cut off all self in- ! ■ V a V The Pastor, Rev. G. K. Berry, will dulgence. Let us use our parent's« V V preach a patriotic sermon on Sunday methods of frugality and thrift by w v morning, In the evening at ** o'clock he storing supplies from the garden ami Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Sasb and Doors, Nails, v will give a lecture on "The Religion of , orchard for winter and serve the I a xiuth America.” This subject will also remnants of our me d in another form • Builders’ Hardware, Rooting and Building Paper a a Is* di-s uMed in the Christian Endeavor at the next. We owe it to the world a to be its goorv., where tie will spend the week j every day in the year, I labor >116 lioth St., 4 blocks from foster Home ¿411 holding evangelistic services for a n»*w congregation that is being established in There is one Cro«» we sboul«! all that place. cheerfully shouhier. Trial's the Red I I iMKkl) The last eight chapters of 2nd Sam. Cross. will be studied in prayer meeting on Thursday evening. A very special C. W. B. M. meeting is to be held at the church Thursday after­ noon from 2 to 4 o’clock. The special music was groatly enjoyed at last Sun­ Tabor 2181 5927 92nd SL S. E. day’s services. The Christian Endeavor rally will lie held at the Sellwood Christian Church I on July 1 Sth. Prizes will lie given tothe society having the larg»*st attendants* on that occasion. ing is not only a virtue, but an alisolute necessity if the people an* to la* protect­ ed from petty thieves ami highway rob­ ber barons. The retail price of potatoes is a fair illustration of the results of congression­ al slacking. Up in the potatoe districts of Wiscon­ sin farmers ar»* reported to lie receiving a dollar a bushel for their output. In Chicago, only a comparatively lew miles distant, the consumer is paying four dol­ lars a bushel. Who gets the three dollais? If there was ever a time in the history of our country when the American peo- pie should rise up in their might and de­ mand congressional action that time is RIGHT now . Robber food barons will suck the blood of the consumer just as long as congross dallies and slack« and does nothing, and with a few notable excep­ tions the national law makers will do Methodist Church. absolutely nothing until they are literal­ On Sunday morning next Mr. Jasper ly kicked to the point of performing will preach a patriotic sermon. The their sworn duty. evening service has been taken up, the Speed up the kicker! congregation will participate in the union service to lie held in the Baptist Church in connection with the Sunday School Institute, which will begin at 3:»i. Remember the Ladies’ Aid Bazaar tomorrow (Friday) afternoon ar,<1 even­ There will tie a lot of »plendiil ♦ ing. : articles on sale, including aprons, rug-, fancy articles, etc. Light lunches will be served during the afternoon and a substantial «iinner at six o'clock. Take the afternoon off and take the family i down to the church for dinner at six o'clock. There will lie a program in the evening. Troop 2, of the Boy Scouts, accom-J panied by Mr. Jasper, took a hike up to Mt. Scott Tuesday evening, where they enjoyed a camp fire council and a lunch. The Epworth lyague have arranged a “hay rack” ride for the Fourth. They will leave about 8:30 in the morning of that day for Clear Creek, Clackamas County, where they will sjs*nd tin* »lay in a royal goo «1 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ALWAYS FRESH TOMATOES PLANTS NOW IN PPVICP C l\ V 1 vz C, S is the key that unlocks the door to The SUCCESS of our business depends upon our SERVICE UCCESS Our select family trade likes to’say satisfying our customers JOHN D. Tabor 1477 MY GROCER 92nd St. and Woodstock Ave MADE AT HOME GOODS All kinds of sheet metal supplies. Chicken Foun­ tains, Garbage Cans, Roof Gutters and all Galvanized Iron Sundries. You can pay 10c to go Portland and buy OUR goods and carry them home, but you can buy them cheajier right at home. A. S. PEARCE; The Tinsmith, Foster Rd. (Opposite P.O.) SATISFIED? It’s long odds that you are not- if you are ruptured and wearing one of those common crude trusses. No need of remaining in this condition. Call at our branch office and let our representative tell you what the Brooks Ap­ pliance can do for you. Consultation and Examination Free VAN SICKLE RUPTURE APPLIANCE CO., RUPTURE SPECIALISTS. Graduate nurse always in attendance. Branch Office Mt. Scott Pharmacy. Office hours: 2 to 4 p. m., Wednesday and Saturday of each week. r I hdwy Rm°"" »u«oe toaa 4