Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, June 21, 1917, Image 1

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Subscription, $1.00 a Year
Vol. 15.
Lents, Multnomah County, Oregon, June 21. 1917.
No. 25.
Ihrer Departments Sent Out from
Portland Io Save Suburban
Home-All loo Late.
J. M. Keele Drinks Carbolic Acid In Partlilpale In fraternal Parade- -Seat­ New Executive Will Endeavor To In­ County Agricultural Aqent Prefered
Petty Ihievlnq That Has Been Going
crease Membership And
Home Of Divorced Wife—first
tle Delegation Enjoy Trip Over
Io Distribute Free Bulletins Of
On For Months Now Revealed
Interest Parents.
Value to Every Household.
Aid Saves Life.
Columbia Highway.
To The Public.
Considerable excitement was caused
On Wednesday evening, June 13th,
in lamts Tuesday evening about six the local Assembly of the United
o'clock by the attempted suicide of Artisans held an open meeting. Many
J. M. Keele, a laborer. who sought to Artisans ami their friends were present.
end his life by drinking a quantity of Dr. Hchlegal, one of the supreme
House And Contents Insured lor carbolic acid at the home of hie di­ medical examiners was present. Four
vorced wife, MMli 96th Hl., H. E. Hie new members were examined.
$2200—Is A Total loss —Own­
A short business meeting waa held,
attempt came nearly lieing successful.
er Monroe lowe.
He had been heard to make a threat and ice cream and wafera were eerved
that be was going to end hie life When after the meeting.
The Artiaaria were well represented
Considerable excitement wan caused Keele saw the officer of the law, who
lu Ixmt* Tueeday afternoon by three bad lx-en summoned, he hastened to in the Fraternal parade. The Seattle
Portland hire Department Cotnjianiea swallow the poison, taking the second drill girls received the second prize.
which wer« Bent by Fire Department dose ladore be could lie prevented. He On Saturday, June 10th, the Supreme
Headquarters to a blaze in the residence ' was hurried to Peterson's Drug Store Master, H. S. Hudson, l/x>k the
of Monroe Ixwe nn Buckley Avenue, I where he was treated by Dr. McHloy, Artisan girls to Eagle Creek on the
near Foster I tool, ruine distance out- I living afterwards taken to Ht. Vincent’s Columbia Highway. All the girls said
Hospital by the Ambulance Service that Seattle had beautiful scenery but
aide the city limits.
The lent« Volunteer Department wa* Company. It is thought that be will the Highway, including Crown Point
and Multnomah Falls, surpassed any of
never notified, but the Arleta horse- recover.
drawn wagon, together with Engines 1<, It is said that Keele, who is the Seattle’s scenery.
Tilts ia a certain proof that the
and 23 from 36th ami Balmont, and 7tb lather of five children, has lieen trying
ami Harrison respectively, were ordered to |«rsuade his wife to return to hirn. Artisans in the neighboring states are
Arleta turned Irack at the city As soon as he entered the house he wide awake, as well as our own local
limita for lack of water. The other I threatened to take his life, whereupon > assemblies.
com panlee proceeded to the tire, but the policeman was summoned; he was i
were loo late to be of service. The , found to lie unconscious when help ar­
home was completely gutted.
The home stood tn a tract of 22 acre«, |
and waa occupied by Mr. (’. W. Lowe, a
brother. He and Lie wife left the house
Pomona Grange met
for about halt an hour and when they
(Wednesday) with
Evening Star
returned they found the kitchen in
Grange, Powell Valley, on the Section
flames. '1 he house waa inaured lor
Line Road, J. J. Johnson, Master, in
81400.00 and the content« for *MM). The
Mr«. Echo McCord and Mrs. t'lieeter charge.
Fire Prevention Bureau ia conducting
Routine busine«« occupied the morn­
an investigation. The insurance papers McGrew spent an afternoon during the
were all that ware saved, and Mr. past week in making a canvass for tlie ing session, several committees report­
Lowe claims to have loet
in cur­ purpose of securing a sufficient number ing, the Committee to arrange for the
of names to make poaeihle the organisa­ annual Field Day being the most im­
rency in the tire.
The Chief Operator at Fire Depart­ tion of a Red Cram Auxiliary at Lente. portant.
An often lecture hour was held in the
ment Headquarters slated that he had They were sucrawsfill in securing the
never hail instructions to notify the necessary ten names and met on Wed­ afternoon, an interesting program hav­
lents Department in case of fire in thia nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. ing been arranged by Mrs. Mary E.
who presided.
district, but admitted that had “Tabor C. P. McGrew, on 88th St. for the pur­ Palmer.
4141, Chief (toggiaa, IxinU," on the pose <»f perfecting the organization Five Henry Westbrook, Past Grand Master
list ol num tiers to Ire called when additional rnemls-rs were gained, mak­ of the Oddfellows State Assembly, gave
needed, and that he knew this would ing a vital of fifteen, with still others one of his masterful addresses on
pledged to join.
“Patriotism and Conservation." "Sol­
bring out the local company.
Izmta Volunteers have troth a ■ The following officers were elected: diers of the Soil,” was ably presented
Chairman. Mrs. C. P. McGrew; vice- by C. L. Smith, of Portland. Several
chemical engine and a hose cart.
chairman. Mrs. John Howe; secretary, musical selections were also given dur­
Mrs Myrtle M Sager; treasurer, Mrs ing the afternoon.
Ida R. Foster.
A brief closed session was held in the
Mrs. Nell ie McGrew, Mrs. Maud Dar­ evening at which the degree work was
nell ami Mrs. Echo McCord were ap­ demonstrated, following which an open
Author Of Monograph On Aldskd Bas- pointed e committee to confer with Mr. meeting was held at which a musical
Robinson regarding the poMdbility of program »»» presented, also presided
ketry—Published By Beaver Club. staging
a Red Cross benefit at his thea­ over by the lecturer, Mrs. Palmer.
tre in the near future.
T<> Misa V. V. Cavana, a teacher in
The next meeting will lie held on Wed­
the Lente achool belongs the distinction nesday of next week at the home of Mrs.
of tiring the author of the first I rook McGrew. There are many residents of
published by the Beaver Club, her i thia district who have joined the down
publication lieing a monograph on town organization. The suggestion ia
"Alaska Basketry,” on which subject made that all such meet with the l-enlx
»lie is considered one of the newt ex - | Auxiliary for work and thus nave time
The United States Civil Service Com­
periem-ert authorities in the Northwest. ■ and car fare.
announces that an examination
Only 102 volumes have lx-en nrinted, | Donations are requested of old sheets,
two of which will be for copyright pur- , pillow cases, table linen, etc., as well ax for stenographer and typewriter. Field
lersee. Seventy-two only will be offered . old ami new outing flannel and bath robe Service, will he held in forty different
for eulrecription. The type will be dis- | material. Anything in this line may be cities throughout the Eleventh Civil
tributed and the cut* obliterated, a proof left at this office or given to any of the Service District June 80. 1917. Both
men and women will lx* admitted to this
of the eraaerl cut to I»* inserted in each memliers.
examination. There is an urgent need
numlx-r an a pnxif t>v the Beaver Club
The sewing room of the school may be
of male stenographers ami typewriters
of the absolute exclusiveness of tile edi- i secured as a pla<*e of meeting.
for all branches of the service in the
mothers who have boys at the front will
The plan of the dull ia to bring out I be interested and those who have not Eleventh District, but particularly in
limited and unique editions of books will want to do everything possible to the Quartermaster Corps of the United
produced in Oregon which will not. only I safeguard the interests of other mothers’ States Army, at an entrance salary of
have a historical and artistic value in tsiys. They are “our Ixiys” now and $1000 per annnn. Typewriters without
the Northwest, but will have a par­ every loyal woman will feel a personal a knowledge of stenography are in de­
ticular appeal to connoisseurs and look ! interest in all the lioys who have mand and every eligible on the male
collectors. They will seek to secure ex- I answered the call of their country. typewriter register willing to accept an
entrance salary of $0*00 per annum will
elusive monographs, jss-try and other
Is* appointed. Male typewriters willing
productions from < Iregon |
to serve their country under the condi­
Let The Government Act.
tions nsmed should apply for thia
The fiMHlstuffs of the country art* in
examination. Applications and full in­
the hands of a horde of unprincipled
formation will be furnished by the local
scoundrels who are sucking the nation i
secretary. Board of Civil Service
dry in tlieir «Hurts to get rich quick Examiners, Post Office, at any of the
from speculative profits.
offices where the examination will be
They will continue to suck and bleed >
held, or by the District Secretary,
The next Sunday School Institute for ! as long as there is a pound or a dollar Room 303 Post Office Bldg., Seattle,
this district will be held in the Ixmtx | left unless the government is quick to Wash.
Baptist Church the first Sunday of July 1 act.
With the young manhissl of the na­
An interesting feature of Hie occasion
Methodist Eddies Hold June Sale. |l
marching out to war and death, it
will Is- a Fellowship Luncheon.
The ladies’ Aid of the lents Metho­
jwrson is to bring four sandwiches and is a crime against the state for these
two doughnuts, the coffee to be fur­ dastardly leeches to Is* allowtsl longer dist Church, will hold their annual
June Sale at the church on Friday af­
nished by the ladies of the Baptist to prey upon the helpless public.
The government should act without ternoon and evening of next w?ek. the
Church. All of the churches will unite
for the evening service. More complete an hour’s delay. It should jail every I 29th inst. Aprons, rugs, and fancy
one of them, and if the jails will not j articles will be on sale, a very fine as­
details will lie published next wts-k.
hold them there are plvnty of lamp posts sortment lieing in readiness for thia
and limbs that will.
Light lunches will be pro­
Music Recital At M. E. Church.
We are peace loving, but pleading vided also throughout the afternoon
Miss Helen Hansen, Organist, and and cajoling will not control the savag- ' and evening consi-ting of coffee, sand­
Mrs. C. A. Daniels, Chlor Director of ery of a wild Ix-axt.
wiches, cake, etc. A general invitation
the la-nts M. E. Church will present a
We crush the serpent tx-neath our is extended to all friends of the church
number of their music pupils in a joint heels, but we allow these heartless and to attend this bazaar and cheer the
recital, Wednesday evening, June 27, soulless baby roblierw to thrive in our hearts of the ladies in their efforts to
at the M. E. Church, Oth avenue midst.
realize a large sum for their hard work
L. W. Hansen, baratone, and Miss
It is unthinkable—it is intolerable. of the year in prepration for this an­
The food speculator must go.
Mary Thoms, both of Portland, will
nual event. A program will be ren­
assist. Everybody welcome. 8 p. m.
Let the government act.
dered in the evening.
Tlie Parent-Teacher Association of the
lent* School will not meet during the
Hummer months. Many of the associa­
tions of the city will devote the Hummer
to the work of the Red Croas, but inas­
much ax a Red Cross Auxiliary ia lieing
arranged for in Lenta and it is not de­
sired to duplicate effort in thia direc­
tion, many of the officers of the P. T. A.,
lieing intereated in the formation of the
Red Croas auxiliary, the association, aa
such, will retire from tlie acene oi action
until the opening oi tlie school year
The new executive have already laid
plana for an active season’a work when
school shall begin. They will concen­
trate their efforts during the early part
of the year in an active campaign to in­
terest more of the mothers in the work
oi the association.
Following are the offieers elected at
the last meeting oi the organization:
President, Mrs. Echo McCord; Vice-
president, Mrs. O. A. Hesa; Secretary,
Mrs. Thayer; Treasurer, Mrs. Otto
Katzky; Auditor, Misa Stella Smith.
Kirkendall, and Mrs. Maud Darnell
were elected delegates to tlie P. T. A.
Council for tlie coming year.
Lents Boy Plunges To HIs Death In
Chill Waters Of The Tualatin.
The “Oregonian" of Saturday, the
16th inat., chronicled the death by
drowning of Will Christensen, son of
Mr. Louis Christensen, a farmer resid­
ing near Sherwood. The unfortunate
boy is a brother of Mrs. Dr. Ogabnry and
is well known in Lente, having made
his home here with his sister for the
past three years. He was employed at
the Otis Elevator Works, leaving here
only a few weeks ago to assist his father
on his ranch near Sherwood.
Shortly after dinner on Friday of last
week Will, in company with a number
of other boys, all of whom had been
working on the farm, went for a swim
in the Tualatin river which passes
through the Christensen place. It is
thought that Will and Evan Owens, the
other victim of the tragedy, must have
lieen taken with cramp« brought on by
plunging into the cold water while in an
overheated condition. The liodies were
not recovered until eight o'clock in the
evening. They were found within ten
feet of the place where they were last
Mrs. Ogsbury went down to Sherwood
Saturday morning, the doctor going
down Sunday morning. The funeral
services were conducted Sunday after­
noon at Sherwood. Wrl Christensen
wax 20 years of age, while the Owens
boy was but 16.
A Good Chance To Show Your Public
Spirit And To Help Make I he
Kiddles Happy.
The Mt. Scott Park is now open and
rapidly liecoming known as a pleasant
place to while away the hours these
warm summer days.
Mrs. Travis is now in charge as lady
attendant to look after the interests of
women and children. Mr. Daubach is
also on hand to help the boys have a
good time and keep things straight.
The people of this vicinity are anxious
to improve the park as much as pos­
sible. To this end they are planning
to construct a tennis court. The park
commissoner has told Mr. Jesse A.
Dunbar that if the men and boys
would do the work the city would fur­
nish the apparatus. This seems to be a
fair proposition. It would probably be
a gixxl thing for those interested to get
in toncTi with Mr. Daubach and Mrs.
Travis and unite upon a program that
will result in a park that will be a
credit to the Mt. Scott District.
B. F. Miller, accompanied by a party
of Lents people, made a flying Tfij^to
Brightwood, bringing with them upon
their return some of the beautiful
Rhododendron blossoms that are so
plentiful tn that locality.
If you are interested in your winter’s
food supply, you will find information
that will be of value to you in the fol­
lowing bulletins which are being given
free to those who will apply for them.
The bulletins are written by people who
know their subject and the intormation
given in them can be relied on in every
detail. Send applications to the County
Agriculturist’s Office at Gresham,
Oregon, giving your name and address
and what bulletins you wish.
"Home Canning.”
This Bulletin
considers why foods spoil, sterilization
methods, equipment for canning, types
of equipment iur the cold pack method,
preparation of jars, steps and explana­
tions, classes of vegetables, list of culti­
vated and wild greens, handling of cab­
bage, brnesels sprouts, cauliflower, can­
ning fruits, and meat canning recipies.
“Garden Crop».’’ Describee method
of planting, growing, keeping and stor­
ing of vegetables. It also hae a list of
insects and diseases affeeted plants and
the methods of control are given.
“Preser vation of Fruits,” treating on
evaporation and drying of fruits, un­
cooked jams, frozen fruits, evaporated
vegetables, preservation in brinee. and
home-made evaporators.
Other bulletins which may be of in­
terest are:
“Potato Growing in
Oregon;” “Feeding of Dairy Cows;’’
¡“Field Beans;” “Breeds of Chickens;’’
"The Hen in Town;” and “How to
Choose a Sound Horse.’’
He Knocks It But Hollers When It
Falls To Come.
Sometimes dad says the paper some­
how ain’t got up right, and he does a
lot of kickin’ when he reads it Thurs­
day night. He says there ain’t a dad-
burned thing in it worth while to read,
an’ that it doesn't print the kind of
stuff the people need. He throws it in
the comer ai.J «ays its on the bum—
but you’d oughter hear him holler when
the weekly fails to come.
He reads about the weddings and
snorts like all git out, he reads the social
columns with a most derisive shout.
He'll read about the parties and he’ll
fuss and groan and say, they print the
paper for women folks alone. He says
that of information it don’t contain a
crumb—but you oughter hear him
holler when the weekly fails to come.
He’s always first to grab it and he
reads it through and through—he
doesn’t miss an item or a want ad. old
or new. He says “They don't know
what we want, them newspaper guys.
1’11 take, a day off sometimes and go
and put them wise.” If editors were wise
as dad they’d sure be going some, but
you’d oughter hear him holler when the
weekly fails to come.
And when dad goes 'way and stays a
day or two, I tell you he gets riled and
says awful things he’ll do, if the paper
failed to memtion him as being out of
town—well, he almost hae a notion to
knock some printer down. He never
does, however, when he sees one he is
mum, but you oughter hear him holler
when the weekly fails to come.—Ex.
Mr. And Mrs. I. Blaufus Surprised.
"Dirty Joe.” A Woman, And Some
Children Prey Upon Community
And Make Many Steals.
A series of petty burglaries and
depredations in t’>e vicinity of Lenta,
covering a period of several months,
have at last culminated in the appre­
hension of the culprits, who by their
own confession have carried on a
systematic business of stealing and
selling their ill-gotten wares whenever
and wherever possible. With one ex­
ception the gang is composed of chil­
dren, one or two of whom have long
been under suspicion.
The matter was brought to light on
Tuesday bv the arrest of Max Stark,
known in the district where be resides
as "Dirty Joe,’’ who was charged with
conducting a second hand store without
a license and also with receiving stolen
goods. It developed that hie place was
a clearing house for a band of youthful
thieves consisting of Frank and
Veronica Schumacher and Andrew
Frieeinger, assisted by a sister of the
Schumacher children,
Andrew Frieeinger was already under
sentence for the robbing of a mail box.
Most of the confession <••» —» •
Andrew, aged 14, and in
lowing burglaries:
A house near Kelly Butte, where a
gold watch was stolen; a bonoe on
Seventh avenue, where a phonograph
was stolen, later being sold to a street­
car man for 50 cents; a bouse at 7*219
Eighty-sixth street, where 'ndrew,
Veronica, Frank and Mrs. Suiiorst took
a quantity of linen, dishes, and a re­
volver; a bouse at Seventy-fourth street
and Fifty-ninth avenue, where a re­
volver, a gold watch and a bracelet
were stolen; 9719 Fifty-ninth avenue,
where Andrew stole seven rings, a gold
bracelet, a locket, a chain and a re­
volver and box of shells.
At 9015 Forty-fifth avenue S. E., a
bedroom window was entered by An­
drew and a meat grinder, two stick pins
and a watebebain we>e stolen.
Plumbing fittings from many resi­
dences in Lente were also stolen and
these were taken to Stark who bought
a quantity of them for a few cents.
The manner in which some of the
houses were entered was spectacular
and unique. In one instance all three
of the youthful robbers, Veronica, An­
drew and Frank, entered a house by
way of the woodlift, approaching that
trom the basement, he said. In an­
other instance, he asserted, the window
was forced.
Proceeds Of Day’s Business Io Be
Turned Over To Red Cross Nurse
Stationed In Popular Shop.
Chester is always wide-awake, pro­
gressive and patriotic. As a part of his
share in the movement to raise Red
Cross funds, which has taken the whole
country by storm, Mr. Cielinski has
arranged with Red Cross headquarters
to turn hie barber shop over to them
They will have a Red Cross nurse in
charge to boss the job, and see that
everybody works to capacity. All the
proceeds from shearing and shaving
will be carried off by her. Undoubted­
ly she will 1« good looking, so you had
better go in tomorrow and get your
hair cut.
A delightful surprise party was given
Mr. and Mrs. L. Blaufus at their home
8812418th Ave., 8. E., Sunday, June
17th, in honor of their forty-sixth
wedding anniversary.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
H. B. Gray and daughter, Helen ; Mrs.
Lena Hall; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ritcnie
an<l son, Lloyd; Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Drenkel, Mrs. Chas. Nachbigal; Mr.
and Mrs. Robt. Larson and children,
Miidred, Antonette, Robert, and El­
bert; Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Nelson, and
children, laona. Luella, anil Richard;
the Misses Hu Ida Blaufus, Minnie Nel­
son and Mr. Daniel Nelson.
Refreshments were eerved in the
The annua) school meeting wax held
evening by Mrs. J. F. Nelson, Mrs. at the school house Monday evening.
H. B Gray, the Misses Hulda Blautus There was a good attendance and mat­
and Minnie Nelson.
ters of interest to the district were dis­
cussed. It was voted to allow the Par­
ent-Teacher Association to put in some
Card Of I hanks.
playground apparatus. Mr. Eldon Bar­
We wish to thank our neighbors and rack waa elected director to succeed Mr.
friends for their kindness and many J. Leitheiser who hae served for the
favors during the sickness and death of past three years. Donald Enrey and
our two eons and brothers.
E. M. Calkins are the other two mem­
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Strucken
bers Dr. Geo. F. A. Walker was re­
Mr. W. G. and Viola Duncan.
elected clerk. The usual raise waa given
Boring, Ore.
the teachers.