Hrralù DHL Subscription, $1.0(>a Year GEO. PERKINS ON INDIVIDUALISM ( hdlrman Of New York food Com millet Showi Marked Changes In Industrial Relation. Lents, Multnomah County, Oregon, June 14. ¡017. Vol. 15. No. 24. STILL SOME MORE IN LAURELWOOD MAUDBRUMWtLL ENTERTAIN ARLETA Inltlate Large ( lass fwo Meetings In Was Charier Member Of friends A Large Percentage of the Class Will “Irade At Home” Should Be Slogan— A Lew Important Businesses Crowd­ Succession Sends Delegation Attend High School. Interesting Prosperity Of One Increases Church—Assisted In Organizing ed Out In Last Week’s Io Peninsula Park Assembly. Exercises Held on luesday. Prosperity Of All. Christian Endeavor Society. Busy Issue. Tlie local assembly of rniteal Artiaana The New Method Laundry, of Lenta, Twenty graduates—thirteen girl« »nd A large congregation of sorrowing met as usual last evening ( Wedriestlay.) has been asked by Portland laundry­ ten txiya — face«! a larg«« audience Tm*s- Although this was the first evening of relatives and friends gatliere I at tlie men to raise pricas Mr. -VL lrougall FriendsChurcli, Ijents, Saturday after- ■lay afternoon in the amlitoriun. of the feels that in justice to this community food legislation Considered Violation the Rose Carnival and as there was no mam l>nu School and received from the of last week to pay the last sad parade echeeechee were ago, since which time she has reside«! in instecd of the rough dry weight price. lections by members of »be c a-s. in Mrs. Teeny; they were formerly located One of tbe grreteet stumbling blocks | made by F. Smith, .if Fram Aaxeinbly ; fa-nts with the exception of the past chiding piano solos by Lather Abley ami I Other laundries have raised the prise at Kern Park. They have a really gcxxl of rough dry from 5 cents to 7 cents per |a progress la the human Indlnutlou to E. E. Parker, of la-nta, ami E. F. Ben­ year which she has sjs-nt with tier sister at Tigard. Her «inaili wa« due to Chari >tt«» Wern-r: a vocal ask her death last year. They specialize in crochet Maud was c nverted als.ut thirteen “Far Away the Camp Firs Btirii,” Hy their neighlmr« to ro>pon«l to tin« call of years ago. She was a charter member «mixed chor'is. ami ‘ Gooil-Bye, <■«>>! cotton, for Mrs. Teeny had manv fancy "Arti«anship.” BI Y’ou," iiy th«- entiri- «•..«-- work pupils last year. They have a On Monday evening, June llth, a of the Lents Friends Church and assist­ Tim «la«- prophecy wa« given by specially good trade in hosiery. | large delegation front Izmts atteml<«l a isi in tie- organisation of the Christian Camille Cloverio, was a cl««Ver pro­ ■urpriae party given al Peninsula Park ' Endeavor Society, in which organiza- duction, revealing a strong tmaginati «n. lion she was an active worlcer as long a- A«M«inhly In honor of II. S. Ifmison. laurelwood Filling Station. The regular meeting of tbe Lents The entire audience joineii iu a salute the Supreme Master Artisan of the hvr health permitted. She had licen ill A little farther east, and across the Alumni was held in the school audi- to the Flag. i Fraternity. He waa present««! with a for alsitit thns- j«-ar-, Is-ing confinisi to street, we found H. L Dickinson run­ ’ tori uni on Monday evening with tbe Diploma- were prewnt»*d by Prof. gift from hia Qi«nose of so many of them in going mencement ami Rose Show festivities, picking up Dicely now. He uses Associ­ on to High School, predicting that this Tigard, Ore.; Mrs. Lulu Farrow, of for the first prize. This alolle goes t«> I ' many of the participants failed to ap­ ated Gasoline and specializes in lubricat­ da — wouhl distinguish it«s*-lf as previous prove the iiicinlx«ra here arc standing by ; Portland, Ore.; Mr». Pearl Perry, of pear. A reading wa« given by Miss ing oil, having a kind for every pur­ da — • — ha«l done by making a success Wenatchee, Wash., and Mrs. Anna Mr. Bennett in th«« contest. Two him- i GEORGE W. PERKINS. Ellen Anderson. Miss McNeil gave an pose. We judge him to lie a good busi­ ifr««l m«w member« have been a«ided t«i Bass. Her mother, Mrs. Kate Brum­ of lite. address of welcome to the June class. ness man in the best sense of the term Many parents were present, most of well, died six months ago and was •kewly. We riia* •» dlffb ull to «trike th«« rank« of Arti»an«liip «luring th«* first All joined in singing “The Star Imcause he does not handle automobile them temlering sincere thanks to the -rventeen «lays of the contest. Fully buried in Multnomah cemetery, where Spangled Banner, ” Miss France« sundri«n in competition with Mr. Nor­ eut along eutlrely new line« teacher« who ha«l given such faithful five hundred niemlx-r« ar»« expected to the rrn^tal remains of Maud were laid wood (whose write-up appeared last Hartwig, pianist. atti-ntion ami painstaking effort in be ­ Thomae Jefferson. In ill« <>1<1 nu*e. lie taken in iH-fore July 7th. rest la-eide her to await the resurrect to tin week) because Mr. Norwood does not A very pleasing social hour was en- half of tlie children through the years of wr>uo h letter In which h«« »«Id July 14th, Saturday afternoon, all mem- lion joyed, dancing being the chief featnre, carry gasoline in competition with him. their school life The heartfelt sympathy of the entire ' t«era securing two new inetnlien« will lie Nuiiio inru ascribe» to the tDCti of the for which Milton Katzky and F rances That sounds to ns real horse sense. given a free rouml-trip paasag«« to S««a- community is extended to the bereaved pr»*LMiM»r w lint (hey did to the balance being furnished by the for he keeps his stand qpen iromt! a. m. tiy’ll. S. Hudson, Supreme Ma«t««r, to sorrow I m * b**y»'tjd iiinrndtn« nt. I kti«*w thut to 9 p. m., every day, Fna tells every­ I Victrola. curry the’ m< rry-niaker« to Sea«i«l<« to ag<* I<>f the Rexulution] well. I be­ body that if they want him after those longed to it and labored with it. It enjoy a “dip in tin« >■«■«," and returning hours all they have to do is to call bis drnerved well of itn country. It aux July l >th, Sunday evening. residence phone, Tabor 461, and even if very like the preavtit, but without the I .aat y«-nr an excursion waa held and in the middle of the night he will get R. A. Loomis, of North B«*npl«« of la«nta are re- on Thursday of last W£ek, the following aftermsm at the Kenworthy Undertak­ an all-day Institute at Arleta Congrega­ getting into the habit of stopping here tliote that art- not coming year: President, Mrs. W. M dose of thè ReVoluUonary War to Jcf Artisans base your neighlior explain Alsd; County President. Mrs. G. F. Honey of Vice-president. Mr« Alice Cemetery. Mrs. Loomis is a sister of Mrs. C. W. Gresham, will give an address. She will fervoii'H o|d ago umile il deep linprea- th«« rates ami Iraternal Iwnetits derived Durtin; Secretary. Mrs. A. H. Nelson; laurelwood Bakery. The fol­ Welker, of lx«nts, ami Mrs. A. M. tell how to get men to attend the even­ aiou <>n lite iii I ik I; yvt sa we look bn«k from tbe society. Are you ami y< our Treasurer, Mrs L. A Clark Nearly two years ago Joseph Kuby, lowing committees were also appoint««!: Thomson who formerly resided here. ing meetings. Mrs. Stella Wilson, Mrs. with bis wife and daughters started at tbem frolli tlila distance they seem neighbor going with us to Seaaide? Membership, Miss Mattel Clark, Miss Her mother, Mrs. David Thorne, is also M. Alice Hanson and others will take business in the Laurelwood bakery. iuflnltealiiiiil wlieu compare«! with tlie part. . Foster and Mrs. Leslie; Program, Mrs. a n*»i«lent of Lents. They of course do all their own baking, changca flint bave taken place in the • Ttie date for tlie Multnomah County and it tastes good, for we have lunched | W. A. Dickson. Mrs. Hurd, ami Mis« World thè Inai quarter of n ccntury it nd Convention is set for September 12th and there twice. Julia Spooner; Conservation, Mrs. A. H. They have a delightfully Hoffman P. T. A. Gives lecture. thè treiiieiidotia ebangra taklng place 20th. Nelson. Mrs. Hogue. Mrs. Kimlerman. light, white loaf which they make, wrap The fluff man Parent-Teacher Associ­ Mrs. Sleeth is a firm believer in the and sell as “Mother’s Bread” a title Mrs. G. C. Saunders, Mrs. J. J. ■ow „ ation held a very interesting meeting gos|«el of optimism. She says it is her which down town bakeries have at­ Hawkins; Publicity, Mrs. Alice Dustin, George Wnalilngloti »a« a repretenta The little soil of Mr. and Mrs. Frank in the school auditorium Friday even­ “mission in life to make two grins grow tempted to appropriate to their own Mrs R E. Thomas Uve of tlie la««t type of Anicrhmi a Monroe, of 99th str««««t and ,a»th avenue, The Association lias secured Room 10 ing. Mrs. A. J. Montgomery gave a where a grouch was betöre.” use. Their motto has already been eentury and a bali ago. He waa a two yean* ami three month« of age, took of the sc I kmi I building for use during the lecture, taking for her subject “Mt. stolen bodily, it is “Made Clean. Baked ecbtSar, a aiddler uud a stateamau, set it into Ilia wee head to see the world on summer, as it is intended to hold meld­ Jefferson,” illustrating it with lantern Clean, Sold Clean.” They have ten and Tuesday and started oil on his adventure fifteen cent sizes. We cannot just un­ he did not know as much atsiut •cte» •• about noon without bidding his fond ings each month as usual. The next slides. The new lantern recently pur­ chased by the school was used for the meeting will Is* held June 21. derstand why all the local stores do not as n young schoolboy of today. parents farewell. He was aubw queiitly The past year has been a very success­ first time. An instrumental duet was handle this bread instead of patronizing missed and a search instituted. After Thomas A. Edison typifies the scien­ ful one for this organization, many acts contributed to the program by Mrs. the down town bakeries, for it seems to tist of our time, but the gap between an hour and a halt of intense anxiety of kindness having been performed in Charles T. McPherson and her daughter The first graduating exercise* for be at least the equal of any of them. and fJimtie searching he was found in the man of the Edison t.v|ie anil Wash­ addition to the usual business, which Miss Eloise. This association will de- Franklin high school were held in the Wake up. yon local folks and patronize the street on the South side of the car ington Is probably greater than the gnp track, near John D'a store, having has received the careful attention of all. vtoe the Summer to Red Cross work. school auditorium on Tuesday evening, your home baker, a« his product merits at which time 16 students were given it. between Washington and tb<* man walked something over a mile. No diplomas. A large gathering comoosed whose bones were recently discovered doubt by the feeling of his little legs he of friends of the students witnessed the Pollyanna Club Gives Luncheon. will consider himself a muchly traveled near Trenton, N. J.. Said to have lived exercises. The Pollvanna Club met for a farewell youngster. 125,000 year« ago. Dr. Alan Welch Smith, of the School luncheon in honor of Mrs. Sybil la Betz The advances in aclcnce, Intel .onr Board, presented the diplomas and M. and her daughter Mary at the Betz We Need It To Pay Our Own Bills. A llumdne Society. mu n ir nt Inn and In universal ednca- S. Pittman, of the Oregon Normal home Saturday, the 9th inst. The la­ The American Red Star will hike a school, delivered the commencement dies of the clubserved the luncheon and place beaid«" the American R««l Cross in address. Principal S. F. Ball announc­ a very pleasant time was spent. The Friend Subscriber, if you owe us a dollar, or two dollars humane work on th«1 l>atlletiel ship for attendance at the University up her work in the Franklin high initiateil in th - iD-t ml xecoml long enough to THINK IT OVER you will force us to go of Oregon. gaged in dangerous work. An organiza- [ at til«« in««r« ing.-« «■: «n. school fully refreshed. They are on to the bank and BORROW MONEY with which to PAY The . .. ......... wa« not as large as i lion similar to th«« Red Star i« «aid to their way to Umatilla in company with OUR BILLS. u«nal, owing umioul»t««lly to tbe fiu-t have saveil 165,091) out of 150,Olt) wound- > friends, making the trip in the new car Mrs. McNeil Visits Lane County. that ttie nice weatlier brought witli it ed horses in Europe. Our bills MUST BE PAID, whether you pay yours or Mrs. McNeil, of Foster Road, returned lately purchased by Miss Betz. many demands for work in gardens ami not. Our bills represent dollars where your subscription Saturday evening from 1-ane County, upon the farm. An interesting program Pleasant Surprise. represents cents. where she has been visiting friends sub­ fancy Work from British W. Indies. wa« given «luring th«« lecture hour how­ sequent to her attendance as de'egate to Mrs. Hedge, of 92nd street, has re- Several of the friends of Mi«« Carrie I You can pay us without borrowing, without even feeling ever, ami according to custom the par­ the Rebekah State Assembly at Eugene. ceived some colars and handkerchiefs. Dorsey gave her a very pleasant sur- ticipants were mostly ehiblren. Recita­ it. It is but a bagatelle to each of you, a matter of a dol­ She bad a moet delightful time, having | of tieautifnl Mexican drawn work de- tion« wen« given by Laura O'Donnell, pri««« on Saturilay evening at her home. lar or two. But there are many of you in arrears, and it been feted and feasted and right royaly sign, from Marie Simmon«, of the Carrie Bohna, Florence Htmlersoli. 4912 86th street. runs into money. entertained by the hospitable people of British West Indies, which have been A most delightful evening was en- Esther Il«a«fer atpl Dorothy Farley. A that section of the Valley. While placed on sale at Katzky Bros., store at Shall we pay our creditors our own money—that which song was giv««n by a das» of Imys from joy«««l, lasting until the “we«« sma’ absent she was the house guest of Mrs. a very modest price. Mies Simmons hours. ” Refreshments were served. Miss Chapman’» room of the Lents you pay us—or shall we go to the bank and borrow, and J. A. Jensen, formerly of Lents. She writes that the people of this island are Th«« following were present: Ethel I school. Brief aildn ases were given by pay interest, because YOU DON’T PAY US? brought with her upon her return in destitute circumstances as the con­ Mr. Bcnetivl, Mr Daruall, Mr. Hotckkiss Hull), Helen Hull, Mildred Rice, Esther Your move next! gorgeous bouquets of Rhododendron and tinued drouth has caused all vegetation and the Master, Mr. Kreuder. Only Mitchell, Ethel Bak««r, Irene McGann, Larkspur, having visited Florence while to dry up. Mrs. Helge is making an Karl Retherford, Earl Page, Nora a short «««»«ion was held. MT. SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., on her trip, which is the seat ot the an­ effort to dispose of the articles sent as The dinner committee provide«! an Dorsey, Philip Drake, Buddy Hazelett, nual festival in honor of the former quickly as possible that she may refund excellent meal «luring the n«s>n hour, to Alliert Boatright, Mark Mayo, Randall J. A. DUNBAR. Circulation Manager flower which is ia all its glory at this the money where it is evidently so Hudson, Harold Hesse, and Harvey which ample justice was done by those season of the year. greatly needed. Carver. present. "IS AS DEAD ASA SMELT" TRY MOTHER'S BREAD TENTS ALUMNI WELCOME JUNE CLASS MONDAY WOODMERE P. T. A. ELECTS OTTICfRS THE COUNTY W.C.T.U. WILL HOLD INSTITUTE A ï WO-YEAR OLD BABY lAKESHIKt FRANKLIN GRADUATES ITS TIRSI CLASS HOW MUCH DO YOU OWE US?