Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, May 31, 1917, Page 8, Image 8

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    Mt. Scott Herald
the following program was rendered: Sager Sunday afternoon.
Misa Judith Joy, who has just
Bong, “America,” by audience; song,
finished a very successful term of
(Continued from Page 7)
W’hitbeek; Reading, “Origin of Memor­ school near Lyle, Wash., ia spending
On Sunday morning member» of Wil­ ial Day.” Walter Shank; song. “Lib­ a few weeks visiting with her sister,
son Post G. A. R. and Relief Corp* were erty,” Gene Leonard; recitation, “The Miss Nina Joy, and her two broth­
preeent in a body and Rev. Jasper New Memorial Day,” Thelma Mollet; ers, Allen and Faxon Joy.
preached a patriotic sermon. The song, “Battle Cry of Freedom,” aaaetn-i Drs. L. S. and Laura Downing, of
church wan beautifully decorted, tlie bly; “Gettysburg Address,’* Mildred
Portland, were guests at the home
national colors being in rich profusion Boon; piano solo, Margaret Fransen;
of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Campbell
, recitation. “What ia a Patriot?” Cliff-
last Sunday.
The Adult Bible class held their orviZerung; recitation, “The Blue and
Frank Donley, who has a home­
monthly meeting at the church on Wed- the Gray,” Beatrice Davia-.aong, “When stead in Eastern Oregon, is back
needay evening. Major Reep, president Johnny Comee Marching Home,” aasem- for a few weeks* visit with his
of the class presiding. A short musical bly;addret« by soldiers( song, “The mother, Mrs. M. E. Donley.
program was given consisting of solos by Star Spangled Banner,” aamunbly.
Chas. Kennedy, of Lenta, was out
Mrs. Hamels and Mrs. Jasper, a duet by i t'omradre H. 8. Fargo, H. B. Thomp­ Monday looking after his place.
Mrs. Daniels and Mrs. Sells and several son and M. G. Langguth were praaent.
A. C. Ball, accompanied by his
selections by the audience, after which
mother, Mrs. E. Ball, and Mr. and
Rev. Homer L. Cox, of the First Friends
Mrs. W. F. Garrison motored to
Church, gave an intensely intereating
Lents last Sunday where they at­
address on “How to Study the Bible.”
tended church.
Tlie Service Sunday evening was large­ afternoon at the home of Mrs. Barriek.
Chas. Dahlquist Sr. has invested
ly musical. The Male Quartette giving
It is stated that a wedding occurred in in a new Overland automobile.
several numbers which were greatly
Mra. A. B. Olson, who came home
appreciated. The Quartette is broken up this vicinity on Monday, Mias Gertie
from the hospital a few weeks ago
at preeent, owing to Mr. Wilkinson de­
parting this week for California. This contracting parties. W’e have not l<een and who was thought to be on the
road to recovery, has suffered a re­
able to obtain further particulars.
will be a distinct loss to the church.
lapse necessitating her removal to
the hospital again.
Friends Church.
A. G. Sager and family, of Lents,
Ernest E. Taylor, of Newburg,
Now that J une is here we hope tor were guests at the home of his
preached last Sunday morning. Many­ more sunshine.
brother, G. N. Sager, of this place.
people will remember Mr. Taylor as
The few days of Sunshine we have | Sunday.
the executive secretary of the Pro­ had has helped the gardens and fields
hibition state committee from 1910 amazingly.
to 1914. He expects to devote him­
One thing, we are not blown away and
self for a while to building up the
lives and property destroyed as recently
They also serve their country who buy
interests of the Friends Church in
happened in Illinois and elsewhere.
a liberty Loan Bond.
unoccupied fields. As a result of
E. L. Banta has purchased a bran new
a narration of his call to the min­
Portland shipyards are working on 60
istry four persons were at the altar Edison phonograph, of the very latest ships coating $48,826,000.
improvement. It will imitate the hu­
Sunday morning.
Messrs. Bush and Kennedy represent­
The peace committee of the man voice speaking and singing to per­ ed the Oddfellows of Lenta at the State
church furnished an interesting pro­
Assembly at Eugene last week.
W. R. Allen has purchased a Ford and
gram in the evening.
The Woodmere Parent-Teacher As­
Emile Swanson outlined the work can now travel home from his job in sociation are meeting at the school
of the army Y. M. C. A. and took
auditorium this afternoon.
C. E. Kern, the road l»ss of this dis­
an offering for its extension.
If 1 were an automobiliat. I’d rather
Mrs. O. M. Tamplin discussed the trict, has a force of men employed ou the
a minute at a crossing than for­
attitude of the Friends Church to­
ever in a cemetery. Safety first.
ward military service and gave an have all the mudholes planked. He
Miss Maud Kadolph, formerly of
account of the work of the English has ordered 100,000 planks from the
Friends ambulance work in France. I mills. He had planned to lay crashed Lents, has returned from Hood River.
The British government speaks of rock, beginning at the West end and She will spend some time with Mrs. Ben
this work in the highest terms. Be­ gradually working west, but men prom­ Brumwell, of Foster Road.
Mrs. Lucia Faxon Additon attended
sides administering to the sick and inent in road work in Portland ad vise-1
wounded, British Friends are helping him not to do this as they said work the Commonwealth Conference at Eu­
the homeless to rebuild and get a would begin on the circle around Mt. gene last week and will present a report
start again in life. They are spend­ i Hood, through here, in less than three in the W. C. T. U. department of onr
ing $25,000 a month of their own years and that a different base wouid next issue.
then be laid. This will make the road
funds for work of this character.
Prof. Eric Bolt, of the Bend school»,
Mrs. George L. Carr very grace­ one of the most extensively traveled in has be£n visiting friends in Lents dur­
fully conducted the program. Ken­ the country and a part of the great ing the past week, coming down in a
brand new Faxon car. He left this
neth Tamplin and J. Sanger Fox Columbia Highway.
Miss Lillian Averell is now home from morning for Lebanon, Ore.
rendered solos.
Sunday morning will be Children’s her school at Sandy, enjoying her vaca­
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Anderson, of 90th
Day at the Sunday School and the tion at the Bungalow.
St. left Tuesday evening on a fishing
school will be reorganized into
Mrs. J. H. Averell, who has been vis­ trip to Eagle Creek, on the Estacada
classes conforming to the school iting her daughter. Mrs. Geo, fallen, line. They will remain over Decora­
Promotions will be made at Logan, for the past three weeks re­ tion Day.
in accordance therewith. The fol­ turned home this week.
The Swift Packing Co. have assured
lowing program will be given:
What a delightful task it was to mark all of their employes who desire to en­
Song by congregation.
all the goods np in the stores, but what list for farm service that their positions
Scripture reading and prayer.
a disagreeable one to mark them down will be ready for them when harvest is
Song by choir.
now that prices are falling. “Tie sweet over.
Promotion exercise by Cradle Roll to court, but how bitter to court a girl
Mrs. McNeil, of Foster Road, attend­
and then not get her.”
ed the Rebekah Assembly at Eugene
Recitation, "The Impolite Little
All men of military age must register as one of the delegates of Eureka
Dandelion,” Lucille Barker.
next Tuesday, .lune Sth. Men of this Lodge of Lents, and has remained over
Exercise, “Do
for age in the West end of thia precinct can to spend the week with friends. She
Someone,” Mrs. Fish’s class.
register at the Post Office, as the writer expects to return the first of the week.
Song, “Hurrah for the Red White is one of the regigtars.
Miss Maud Bramwell, formerly of
and Blue,” three little girls.
Lents, is very ill at the home of her
Recitation, Mildred Fish.
sister, Mrs. Carrie Starckey. at Tigard.
Gray’s Crossing
Song, “Our Colors So True,” Car­
Her condition is considered critical; she
rol Tamplin’s class.
has been unconscious for nearly a week.
Recitation, “The Preaching of house, 8114 66th Ave. This doesn’t look Dr. Rees is in attendance.
as though be intended to remain a
Betsy Lee,” Doris Mann.
Miss Elma Ames, of Fullerton, Calif.,
bachelor much longer.
Song by choir.
and Mrs. Lizzie Lamb, of Salem, Ore.,
Mr. Conch, of 65th Ave., has purchas­ are visiting at the home of J. C. Met irew,
Exercise, “The Flower Party,”
ed the Leslie home on 64th Ave. and 80th
Anna Bass’ class.
56th Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allen, of
8t. They will take possession the mid­
Song by Lois Barker.
the city also spent Bunday at the McGrew
Recitation, “Prayer and Potatoes,’’ dle of June.
Carrol Tamplin.
F. M. Peters, of 8115 66th St., has
The W. C. T. U. will hereafter hold
Song by congragation.
purchased a new five-passenger Chevro­ their meetings on the 2nd and 4th Tues­
Promotion exercises.
let. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hill, of days of each month. The next meeting
Sunday School convention report, Rainier, Ore., epent the week end at the will be in charge of the Flower Mission
Peters home, Mrs. Hill being a sister of department. Mrs. Fankbauser will Is- in
Mrs. Hadley.
Mrs. Peters. They went on to Hillgboro charge of the program.
for Decoration Day.
On account of Monday ar.d Tuesday,
Percy Harris’ auto is in the hospital June 4th and 5th, being State holidays,
Kern Park Christian Church.
at present, having sustained serious in­ one Election Day ami the other Regis­
Morning at 11 the sermon by G. jury in a recent accident.
tration Day, the Poitland clearing house
K. Berry is “The Tabernacle.” Eve­
banks will be closed and no busines
ning at 8 sermon by G. K. Berry is,
bed, but little improvement being noted transacted during those two days.
“Is Christian Science Scientific.
in her condition.
Geo. W. and P. A. Dilly and Jos.
C. E. at 7 o’clock.
Hartwig left this morning for Grass
Sunday School at 10 a. m.
Valley where they have a contract to
On Friday evening, June 1, the with rabbit theives of late. An investi­
erect a large stock barn and a bungalow
Endeavor Society of the Kern Park
for a wealthy rancher who is the largest
Christian Church will have an old- covering the guilty parties.
land owner of Hherman County. They
fashioned spelling bee at the church.
will be absent the most of the Hummer.
Everybody invited to come and take
Happy Valley.
Little Miss Arline Sauna Gossett,
Spelling will be from the
The last few days of sunshine and aged two months, was a very welcome
Champion Speller. Practice up and
warmth has started the garden to
A silver offering will be grow. Hope this kind of weather little caller at the “Herald” office on
Tuesday. She was accompanied by her
taken and luncheon served.
«will continue.
adoring father who very evidently thinks
Prayer meeting Thursday night.
Carlson & Kalender have begun she ia the finest thing that ever hap­
These meetings are an inspiration to work on the school house. The con­
pened, which opinion we are not inclin­
all who attend.
crete walls are in and work will be ed to dispute.
Remember June 10 will be Chil­
begun on the frame in a few days.
Rev. F. M. Jasper, of Lente Methodist
dren’s Day at Kern Park.
Three of the men are boarding at Church, will preside at a benefit concert
I the home of H. C. Ulrich.
to tie given at Salvation Army hall this
News From Nearby Points.
J. B. Hutchinson is cultivating and evening. Musical numbers will tie con­
hoeing his berry fields on the H. tributed by members of many of the
C. Ulrich farm, and planting one churches of the city. The Young Peo­
(continued from page 6.)
row of beans between each row of ple’s Corps of the Army will give several
Mrs. Alvord, who is in the Portland berry plants.
musical drills.
The people of Happy Valley were .
Medical Hospital and has been quite ill,
Mrs. F. R. Peterson returned from
is reported a little letter and hopee to lie glad to hear Rev. T. R. Hornschuch
Eugene the last of the week where she
returned as their pastor for another
home in the near future.
was in attendance at the Rebekali State
The “You and I” Sewing Club will year.
Assembly, representing the Eureka lodge
have a meeting this week.
of Lenta. She will present her rejx»rt
Commissioner Daly spoke at the Prin­
at the next meeting of the lodge. Mrs.
Pleasant Valley.
cess Theatre Monday evening. He was
McNeil was also one of the delegates and
J. D. Lee and daughter, Miss Al-1 will present her report at the same time.
well received and generously applauded.
Mr. and Mrs. Ransler Wilkinson, of
The Arleta school held patriotic exer­ thea Lee, of Portland, were callers
cises Tuesday afternoon, at which time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Lents, are leaving today for Loe An-
Church Notes.
NE*W Middles, Work SUrts, M17II7
11D W white Canvas Shoes, HDW
The Stevens’ Cash Dept. Store
5827-29 92nd STREET
gelea, Calif ., where they will make their
future home. They will be greatly
missed by a circle of friends, especially
in the circles of the Methodist Church,
where they have been active workers.
Mr Wilkinson is a member of the Male
Quartette and his place will be hard to
Small burgulariee are lieing success­
fully negotiated all over the city accord­
ing to reports and Ix>nta seems to lie
having its share. The latest to tie
brought to our attention occurred at tlie
Goggins home on Monday. As Mra.
Goggins was busy in tlie kitchen a screen
st a front window was cut, admitting of
the entrance of some one who made hie
get-away tlie richer t»y $11.00 which he
had secured. No clue was left as to the
We are in receipt of communications
from various of tlie candidates, stating
the reasons why they should receive the
support of 11 m * voters of the city. W’e
are not able t<> publish them for lack of
space. However, a mass meeting will
lx- held at the school auditorium of Lents
on Saturday under the auspices of the
Lents Improvement Club, to which all
candidates have been invited and to
which all citizens of this district are
urged to come.
Near Foster Rd.
Tab. 3681
Business Men
Bring your orders for State­
ments, Bills, Dodgers, Letter­
heads and Cards to your home
Our prices are the
lowest, our quality superior.
We employ all home labor.
Fell Lents Citizens Why They Should
Be Elected Fo Office.
B. S. Joeselyn, candidate for Mayor,
and G. W. Caldwell, candidate for Com­
missioner, addressed the people of
Lenta Monday evening in the school
Mr. Joeselyn based his claims to the
suffrage of the people on his record as
President of the P. R. L. & P. Co.
The city is a big corporation and a man
who haa successfully handled big cor­
porations has great promise of succeed­
ing as mayor.
It is doubtless true that Mr. Josselyn
supervised the expenditure of more
money in public utilities while head of
the Light i Power Co. than any other
man in Oregon haa expended in any
way. If He should work for the inter­
ests of the city as faithfully as he did
for the corporation he would make a
good mayor.
Mr. Caldwell emphasized the imiort-
ance of civil service; expressed himself
in favor of the Two Platoon measure,
and stressed the importance of electing
men to the city commission who could
refund the lionded debt of the city,
now rapidly coming due.
..2—] [ 1» A
Housewives Attention!
We publish the Herald. Are
you a subscriber? (Jet it to see
what your merchants offer.
$1.00 Per Year
Tabor 7824
Home D 61
5812-92nd Sf
Dr. G F. A. Walker, Optometrist,
residing on Buckley Ave., with offices
in Morgan Bldg., is just recovering
from a severe case of ptomaine poison­
ing, which nearly resulted fatally,
caused by eating mushrooms, picked
locally. He was discovered in his office
in an unconscious condition and taken
to the Good Samaritan Hospital, where
heroic efforts were made to save his
life, which finally proved successful.
He remained in the hospital nearly a
week It is now the third week and he
has not fullv recovered. His hearing is
affected and his limbs seemed to be
partially paralyzed.
The mushrooms were declared to have
been genuine; otherwise nothing could
have saved his life. The theory is
given that they may not have been en­
tirely fresh, or else they grew near
some fxiisonoua plant and being of a
porous nature they almorbed the poison.
The entertainment given by the Ep­
worth Ix-ague at the church on Friday
evening of last week wax well attended
and greatly enjoyed.
A program was
rendered including musical selections
by Mixa Dorathea Anderson, of Creston
Station, vocal solos by Mrs. Daniels,
Mra. Jasper and little Virginia Daniels,
a reading by Elizabeth Hyde, and a little
play in two acts, entitled “Young Dr.
Devine,” the scene being laid in a
young ladies’ seminary. It was a simple
little girlish comedy, such as might oc­
cur in any similar school. A wxsial time
followed the rendering of the program
which was greatly enjoyed. The Church
Improvement fund wax increased to tlie
amount of $10.00 as a result of this
Make our Store YOUR STORE
W’e are Ijocated On “The Hill" for YOI’R Convenient
tbe Upper Main St. Grocer,
Tabor 3292
We call and deliver
.. Express an<J Moving. .
For SPECIAL service, prompt delivery, low charges
arid careful handling, try
We have a new 2% ton covered van and are prepared to
handle anything in any weather.
Krening« sn<l Sunday«, Tabor 2X9» Tabor 11!»
Portland Of., J04 1-2 Alder. Mar. jm
lepair Work a Specialty
Don’t lose time, let me fix yonr
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and cheaply
Need well fitting shoes to do good
work—that’s my specialty
Miller & McGrew
|8u<-ce««ora to M N. SAtiLKR)
Are at your service. Tabor 5542
< omplete line of Plumbing Fixtures
Foster Road and 9:id Ht.
and Supplies always on hand