Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, May 31, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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    't. Scott Herald
People’s Forum
My Thanks
My Purpose
Much a« I would like to, it will In*
im|Mmible for me or any of tic !<)•••
wifi liars l> 5)n close to uh * io llie
last few weeks io
each and every
friend of mine but I want to take
thia mean« of expressing to you, my
appreciation of your iff >rta In my
Wl>«*th**r the piiblio accepts my
record an*! pledge ami c I kmmcs me
Mayor, or whither the ideas of an
other will in its opinion mean more
lor Portland and it accordingly puts
another in office, I shall continue to
put my l»*»t effort» t<> whatever will
most help Portland.
In them* last days of the cam pain,
every indication l* s*l» me to Iwlieve
that the public does a**cept my
record and my pledge aa a step in
the advancement of Portland, If
what I have done has lieeti nul
progress—and my friends l*»s***l the
campaign on their belief that it is—
then I can "••** in the prewnt an I
prospective progression
much more work and many op­
To th**»« who have workixl in my
ts*hall and to those who will pledge
their conthlrme tn me by their vote
on June 4. I can only say, that to
the beet of my ability ahd every
hour of the day, I will give every
oume 1 have to accomplish the
things which will mean a Is*tier
Portland for every man that baa al
heart the welfare of this, our home
Geo. L. Baker
Bush nell
(Continued From Page 2.)
the money to he uaed on the roada I
woukl have been willing to pay four
times aa much, knowing, aa 1 do, that
I could have aaved every dollar of It In
increased milleage on tires and gasoline
and in wear and tear on my machine.
I hear some one say "the paving
companies were too actively engaged in
! seeing the measure go through," but
dear friend, if there waa a projected
j improvement in your vicinity out of
which you would realize quite a aum;
wouldn't-you be for it? I think you
woukl. Aa for graft we have that with
us always 1 sin sure you woukl not
refua«* to buy or sell for fear some one
wouki try to beat you. You would use
your good sense to forestall them. We
can do the same in this case.
The .bond issue merely determines
whether the money shall be spent in a
haphazard way, as in the past, or
whether it shall, as in other states, be
»pent in a modern business like way.
Everybody knows how the method we
have been using has failed; a shovelful
of dirt here, a culvert there and an
apronful of gravel some other place,
and atill the average Oregon road is im­
passible half the year. What dee could
be expected?
A days drive over most of the roada
we have now is more tiresome than
plowing all day. My husband has done
both and ought to know. The result 1s,
we, with hundreds of others, stay home
for half the year and never buy the
things we would have bought had we
gone out.
To thoee^who havn’t machines; Every
automobile owner will vote for the
bonds; since they won't cost you a pen­
ny- Don't be a dog in the manger and
defeat them.
Wake up. Vote for the bonds and let
ua make at least a small showing when
compared with other «late«. ln;t ua
quit being the laughing atock of the
rest of the country, and if you don't
think we are, read the article entitled
"Portland the Spinster'' by Wilbur
Hall in the May IVth number of Collier's
Yours for Improvement,
M rs . O scar . F. F rkeburg .
He standa for strict economy, sound
business principles, protection of the
industries we now hsve and the en­
couragement of new onee, which
means more pay rolls end the de­
velopment of the naturel resources
of Oregon, making a bigger, better
and more prosperous Portland.
Do not expect too much of the local
market for perishable product» as green
corn, peas. etc. There are likely to be
more people offering these things than
nraa!, and lewer consumers, as many of
the lat er will have been called swsr bv
the wi»r. Raise something that will
keep until it can reach a market. For
each there will be a demand at high
Vote 109 X NO
Because it Means Delay-Inconvenience-Extra Cost
Extra Cost: Both Companies must add the extra cost of the in­
terchange service to their regular monthly rates—this
means increased cost of service to all telephone users.
It means a Slower Service.
SECTION IL Every such public
utility shall Include in its regular
monthly charge to its subrcribers an
Neither Dependable nor Satisfactory Service—Responsibility di­
vided between two operating companies.
amount sufficient to fully compensate
it tor the additional expenditures or
investment required, if any, and the
additional service thus imposed upon
It would not eliminate competition or the nuisance of dual tele­
phone service.
it, and such charges shall be pub­
lished with other tariff charges,
and shall be subject to revision
by the duly constituted authori­
ties of the city of Portland, or
other duly constituted authority.
No saving to those who now use both telephones
A vote against Telephone Interchange is a vote for a fair, square
deal to all.
Vote 109 X No
The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company
W. J. Phillip«,
Division Commercial Superintendent,
(Continued from Page 1)
Jokers In Jitney Bill
commission, not st all inclined to take
th«* public interest into consideration.
The reason a public service cor|>ors
tioo raises wages is not from charity,
and not because of profits. It raises
wag.*« when it has to do so to retain its
efficient men.
That's what as well as "what's what."
Han Francisco pays much better wages
than the Portland Railway Ught aud
Power Company on its municipal road,
and has an eight hour day. and makes a
profit of 60 per cent on ita passenger
There is good grounds for believing
that the P. R. L. A P. concern can
operate for 1.E8H than Han Francisco
since its electric juice costa it nothing
whatever for water power, the gougbing
on private light and power paying for
If the Portland people want better
service, snd the employees of the trans­
portation combine want better pay, let
them both get together and vote for
! publie ownership.
It costs less to own the public utilities
than to have them own the town.
If the jit is driven out of the town
people will buy more automobiles,
mortorcyciee and go-devils of various
Thst sort of thing is what is getting
under the hide of the transportation
combine, and not the few little, half­
starved, slyly persecuted little jitneys.
| They cut very little ice in the transpor-
. tation problem.
They can lie driven off the streets en
mass in three daya by giving the people
eight street car tickets for a quarter.
Why don’t the tinterrified, unin­
fluenced, unboeaed, free and independ­
ent, suffering, harrowing, and woe-
ridden street car employees advocate
eight tickets for a quarter?
The company would make MORE
money that way, and tie rid of the jit­
neys, too.
Since its pay rolls are charity it would
increase its charities if ita income were
1 more.
Business Man’s Candidate for
Mr. and Mrs. Miller French, of Pos-
som Trot Farm, I.aFayette, Pre., visit­
ed in 1-ents the first of the week, the
guests of Mrs. Minnie Hyde, of the
Because of the effort which is being
made to increase the amount of corn
gro n in Western Oregon this year it
may be of interest to know that Mr. 1
French last year planted six acres to
corn. When harvested this crop tilled
a .35-ton silo which carried 13 head of
cattle and three horses through the
Winter, only a small amount of hay be-;
ing used in addition as roughage. In
addition to that which went into the
silo there remained a sufficient amount
of the corn to fatten 35 hogs. If any
one in Western Oregon has a record to
beat this we would like to know about it. !
29 Per Cent In Expenditures
Reduced Cost of All Pavements
Opposed To Needless Improvments
To The People Of Lents And The
Mount Scott District
During the campaign I have been trying to tell you briefly
of what I consider are my qualifications for Mayor.
If experience right in the Mayor’s office as secretary for
four years, together with a clean record for doing clean things,
plus a pledge to do my best for you in the future, appeals to
your judgment, I respectfully solicit your consideration for a
first, second, or third choice vote.
If you put your faith in me, I will not betray it.
On behalf of Mrs. Warren, our seven children
and myself, I thank you in advance for any
consideration given on election day.
Confiscatory Assessments
An Engineer of Highest Standing
Practical Experience In City
Not A Politician, But A Trained
(Paid Advertisement)
Trade Conspiracy Ordinance
He Promises Only the Same Clean
Without Fear or Favors
Will help our ship building industry and protect
it from unnecessary agitation. Will stop picketing
and the violence committed in its name.
No. 27 On The Ballot
Commissioner Dieck is one of the candidates who
is making no loud promises to solve every ill of the
community which always appear at election time, but
is making a quiet, effective campaign, appealing strong­
ly to those who have a real interest in the City’s wel­
fare, who believe in a record of experience and train­
ing and are not influenced by loud promises or won­
derful theories.
(Paid Adv)
A. C. Callan. 698|Northrup St., Portland, Ore.
(Paid Adv.)
Has made good as Commissioner
and should be
He ijas earned it
— r,M
Tab. 1450
— * ■ ■■ Candies, Confectionery, Fruits, Soft
If L A |V| Drinks, Bakery Goods, Tobacco and
A Cigars, Light Lunches
We owe it to him
We owe it to ourselves
Vote For
Paid Adv.