Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, May 31, 1917, Image 1

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Subscription, $1.00 a Year
Lent«, Multnomah County, Oregon, May 31.1917.
Vol. 15.
No. 22.
Lenls Improvement Club Arranges
Special Meeting Saturday Night
In School House.
Reall/lng Importarne ot Mt. Scott
Wstrk tltandldates Canee! Other
Dates Ior thls Meeting.
What promise« to be one of the
biggeat political meeting* of the
preeent city campaign will be held
in the achool houee at Ix>nta on Sat­
urday night, June 2, under the aus­
pice« of the Lent« Improvement
Practically all of the can­
didate« for both mayor and com-
mi««ioner have lignified their inten­
tion to I m * preaent. It ia hoped and
believed thut a large crowd of vot­
er« will tnke thia opportunity, the
la«t before election, to aize these
men up in per»on und make their
choice. Tlie present election prom-
i»ea to I m - m > cloae that it ia of the
utmoat importunée that each elector
ha* the fullcat possible information
in order to vote intelligently. Each
apeukcr will only be given a very
few minute«, and there will be n
chance to a«k them question*. Come
prepared to teat them out.
Rule Of Precedent Blocks Progress
Elevator And Dock Facilities Essential
Street Car Employes Would Receive
High Wages Under Munld-
Speaker Before Improve-
—Many Lessons Might Be Learned Little Ford Tries Conclusions With
To The Future Commercial De­
Winton Six-Both Much The
Iron Other Nations.
pal Ownership.
ment Club Last Week Now
velopment Of The City.
Worse for The Encounter.
Presented As Promised.
Wa have a at range condition of
mind among the average Americana.
We are unwilling to learn from other
We bitterly turn on any one who
triea to tell ua of problema of gov­
ernment, economica or administra­
tion partly or wholly eolved by
(Continued on Page 4)
Carnival Of flowers Proves Popular
—Large Audience Greets Sec­
ond Performance.
The Millard Avenue Presbyterian
Sunday School repeated their canta­
ta, "Carnival of the Flower«,” on
Friday evening of last week to a
lurge audience. The program waa
lengthened somewhat by the addition
of aeveral muaical number«, includ­
ing solos by Mi«« Williamson. An­
other delightful feature of thia sec­
ond entertainment waa aeveral read-
inga by little Miaa Roma France«
Gillihand, of the Sunnyside Metho-
diat Sunday School. Miaa Roma ia
only eight yeara old, but already
«how* rare ability a« a reader, an
added charm being given by her
«weet, childish unconsciousness and
the spontaneity of her efforts. Her
I contributions were much appreciated
' by those in charge of the program.
G. A. R. And Relief Corps Guests
In reproducing the cantata the
young performer« kept up the high
01 Honor—Tribute Pdld To
1 standard of excellence set by their
The Blue And The Grdy.
first appearance and did further
credit to those who had trained
A splendid patriotic program wm j them. The merit of their effort ia
rendered by the pupil« of lamia school demonstrated by the requests which
in the school auditorium on Friday | have come to them to give the per-
afternoon of laat week in honor of the ' formance before various churches of
Grand Army veteran« and ladie« of the ! the city, which requests have had to
Relief Corp«, which organization« were | I m - denied owing to the near ap­
preaent in a body. The entire «chool proach of the holidays, several of
was in attendance a« well a* many vis­ the children leaving soon on their
itor*. tilling the assembly hall to ca­ vacations.
Aside from the delightful enter­
pacity. National color* were in evi­
dence everywhere. Muaic by the Fife tainment afforded, the cantata has
and I'rum Corps was interspersed proven a financial success, which
throughout the program, to the great amply repays for the work repre­
delight of the younger contingent of sented in its production.
The entire chorus, dressed in cos­
the audience. Pupil« of the 7th and
8th grade« carried large boquets of tume, visited a "shut-in” of the
lilac« which were later diatributed neighborhood, singing to her many
among the di»tingui»hed anti honored of the individual parts of the play,
thereby giving great happiness to
Prof. Herahner and hia corpaof teach­ one who is deprived of all such
ers arc certainly to be congratulated pleasures, and themselves learning a
upon the excellence of the program. new lesson in the joy of service in
It was up to the minute in sentiment. so doing.
In the loving tributes paid to the hia"-
lion's honored dead the Blue ami the
Gray were both remembered, several
of the aongs and recitations being
along this line.
Among the many numbers given it is
difficult to select any for apecial men­
tion An exerciae by the ungraded Ford Auto and Henderson Motorcycle
Collide At Corner Of 92 nd
room entitled “Honoring the Blue and
Gray” and closing with "America,"
St. And 55 Ave.
all the children carrying (lags and the
little girls dressed in the national colors,
Monday evening about 6:30 J. C.
was very pretty and wus well executed.
"The Dream of the U. S. A.,” by a Lampshire, of 565 E. Couch street,
class of Sth grade boys, was exception­ driving a Ford car for the Western
ally well rendered, as was also the Fluff Rug Co., of 546 Union avenue
song, "The Old Flag Never Touched north, collided with “Cope” Wood,
the Ground, ” by another group of boys. riding a Henderson motorcycle, at
An exercise entitled, "The Hoe Brig­ the corner of Ninety-second street
ade,-’ by four boys dressed in over-alls, nnd Fifty-fifth avenue S. E.
Both men sustain«! cuts about the
containing the "catchy” phrase "the
and face. The windshield of
best kind of ammunition is a spud, ”
was enthusiastically received. Other the car was broken out entirely, one
numbers given included "Our Country’s front wheel crushed and the axle
Flags, ’ "Garland the Soldiers in Their sprung. The front wheel of the mo­
Coats of Blue and Gray,” "America.” torcycle was badly sprung nnd also
"The Red White and Blue," "Sleep on parts of the frame.
Brave Soldiers," “.roudiy Our Flag • We know nothing of the speed of
Floats O'er Ua Today,” and "Our the machines at the time of the im­
Country'a Flag.” Goldie Mann, of the pact but it is a fact that Mr. Wood
graduating class gave "Barbara Fritch- went up Ninety-second street north
ie" in a very pleasing manner and of Foster Road at a very high speed,
Elizabeth Hyde, of the 7th grade, re­ and that Mr. I.ampsheir cut across
cited ‘’The Blue and the Gray." A ’ the corner at Fifty-fifth avenue. Im-
recitation entitled, ‘"fhe American ' mediately after the accident a by­
Eagle,” by a little girl of the 5th grade, stander two blocks south of the ac­
was especially tine. A composition on cident said that fellow on the motor­
“Our Flag,” by Gokiie Ixjck and a reci­ cycle got what he deserved for rid­
tation, "The Flag is Passing By,” by ing through town at such a terrific
a 5th grade girl deserve apecial mention. speed. It is almost a miracle that
Commander Elrod, of the Q. A. R., either man was not hurt worse.
gave a brief address to the boys and When will men learn that city thor­
girls assembled and displayed some rel­ oughfares are not meant for speed­
ics ol the battle of Gettysburg and oth­ ing and that the rule« of traffic
er battles, also making announcement should be observed at all street in­
of the services of Decoration Day.
Ur Of M. Morris Of Maupin Crashes
Into Kenworthy At Inter-
section—Admits Blame.
One of the hardest «mash-up« we
have lately heard of occured yester­
day evening on Division street. A.
D. Kenworthy waa driving home up
Division when a Ford car driven by
M. M. Morris, a visitor from Mau­
pin, Oregon, came down the rather
unfrequented street of 52nd street,
he having come south from Haw­
thorne to Division. He was coming
at a good rate of speed and was
talking to the passenger on the
seat beeide him and did not see Ken-
worthy at all until he crashed into
him. Mr. Kenworthy saw him com-
ing und us he manifestly had the
right of way he expected the other
car to slow down. As he did not
do so Kenworthy opened up the
throttle in an effort to get past. He
would have done so had the other
car been on the right hand side of
his own street, but he proved to be
driving on the left, so that he struck
the Winton Six amidships and crash­
ed both machines into the sidewalk.
Two occupants from the Ford, a man
weighing about 200 lbs, and a little
girl, were both thrown out, but ap­
parently were not much hurt. The
other occupants all remained in the
cars and it is a mericle that no one
was hurt. Bystanders immediately
exonerated Mr. Kenworthy and Mr.
Morris admitted his blame and
agreed to pay the damages. The
front end of the Ford seemed to be
pretty badly demolished, while the
Kenworthy machine lost one wheel
entirely, and the running board and
fender will need renewing.
Kenworthy estimates that it will
cost almost as much to repair his
machine as the other car was worth.
He phoned for a machine from his
garage, and came out under his own
power. The Ford had to be towed
to the nearest garage.
The employee« of the «treet car sys­
tem are out with a circular urging the I
people to aote against giving tbe people
who carry passenger« the same right«
to the public street« a« those who carry
bogs, wood, fish, meat, groceries or Captain Greenfell of Engine 23 Gives
Convincing Talk On Hre
Tbe employees intimate rather broad- ■
men's Side Of Question
ly that if tbe public will follow direc­
tion«, they—tbe employee«—will secure
A« promised last week, we preaent
further increase of wages.
The bonding of the jitneys is all right' herewith a report of the speech made
enough, a. many people will think ; but bV Captain Grenfell before the Im-
the JOKER in the measure is tbe last Provement Club in the interest« of
thing tbe streetcar employe«-« will tell [tbe Two Platoon Committee.
us about. Itistbia: The provisions of I are sorry it was crowded out last
the bonding mea*ure practically reatrict week, but on account of a report
the jitney to two companies, whose having been given a few weeks ago
rates are prohibitive. It is a neat way , of the meeting addressed by the
of knifing the jitney underbandedly. ! fire chiefs against the proposal we
The giving of the jitney bus the same 1 feel it is only fair to now present
right to carry passengers alive that the the firemen’s side.
Captain E. Grenfell, in charge of
undertaker rias to carry them dead is
I Engine 23, at East Seventh and
considered an awful perversion of
i Stevens, made a quiet, convincing
rights of government.
talk, answering the charges of the
However, tbe funniest thing in
fire chiefs in a way that convinced
world is a circular letter issued by
He stated
ployees of a public service corporation. many of his hearers.
It says tbe company can't afford to that the Two Platoon System was a
raise wages, but did it, all tbe same, in success in Chicago, where it was
spite of tbe jitneys.
adopted without any extra cost at
By order of tbe state public service . all, without the closing up of a
commission tbe company is ordered to single company or the adding of a
reduce its rates (a very little) for light single man. He claimed that the
and power to the public.
underwriters’ report that is publish­
It has been charging too much even ed is the same argument that has
in tbe estimation of the public service been used in every city to try and
(Continued on Page 5)
defeat the plan. The fact of the
matter is that the underwriters are
(Continued on Page 4)
Voting Machinery Of The Nations
To Be used In War Census
War Cei sue Day 1 Tuesday, Jun* 5 i
It will tie a legal holiday.
Every male resident between tbe ages | Patriotic Exercises Held and Soldiers
of 21 and 30 years, inclusive, must ,
Graves Strewn With flowers-
register. This includes aliens, as well as >
Children Participate.
men who are eick or crippled. Exemp­
tions from military service will be de­
termined later.
Memorial Day was fittingly observed
Register in your home voting precinct. in Lente. At an early bour in the morn­
Booths at regular voting places will be ing members of Wilson Poet G. A. R..
open from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. Abeontees accompanied by school children, visited
must register before War Census day at Mt. Scott and Multnomah cemeteries to
the office of the County Clerk of the strew with Howers the graves of the Na-
county in which they happen to be.
i tion’s honored dead.
Pastor To Be Retained.
Men of military age who are sick must
At ten o’clock a company of citizens
There are a few instances on réc­ -end a competent person to the office of assembled in Odd Fellows’ Hall, where
ord where men, supposed to be dead, the County Clerk to arrange for their a patriotic service was held under the
auspices of Reuben Wilson Post G. A.
have read their own obituaries and registration.
The penalty for failing to register, or R., the Poet Commander, Mr. Walrod,
had the privilege of ascertaining the
regard in which they have been held for giving false, misleading or incorrect presiding. An interesting program was
by the citizens of the communities answers, is imprisonment without option rendered at this time. The 2nd grade
of tLe Woodmere school gave the open­
where they have lived. Rev. T. R. of fine.
ing number which consisted of a salute
Hornschuch, of the Lents Evangel­
to the Flag, followed bv the song,
ical Church, is not exactly in that
“There Are Many Flags in Many
class, but he is certainly next door
Lands.” It was very well done and
to it. The annual conference, recent­
brought forth hearty applause. Com­
ly held at Monmouth, assigned him
The Laff-O-Lot Club met at the home rade Hamlin read the Memorial Orders,
to the Salem charge. Preparations
for the change were in full blast, of Mrs. Effie Clark, of Kendal) Station relative to the origin of Memorial Day.
good-byes were being said and reso­ on Thursday of last week. A delight­ Mrs. Boatright, of Woodmere, sang a
lutions of appreciation for the ser­ ful time was enjoyed, every member of song entitled, ‘‘United We 8tand,” of
vice which he had rendered during the Club being present. A stork show­ which she was the author and which
his pastorate here were the order of er was given to the hostess. The oc­ had never before been given in public.
the day, when word was received casion was also the birthday of Mrs. The Gettysburg address was given by
early in the week from the church Diller, a sister of Mrs. Clark, which Mrs. Wittie. A chorus composed of pu­
authorities that it had later been even was included in the festivities of pils of Lents school sang “Flag of the
Free.” “Old Glory,” by James Whit­
deemed best for him to remain in the afternoon.
Riley, was rendered in a very
Lents and Rev. Plummer to retain
pleasing manner by Mrs. Armstrong.
Lents Man Kills Large Rat.
his position in Salem. The wisdom
William Quinlin, of Lents, had an en­ Four boys of the Woodmere school sang
of this later decision seems appar­
with a large rat on Second St, “Tenting Tonight on the Old Camp
ent, as both pastors can undoubtedly
Ground,” giving it with a degree of per­
do better service in the communities near Bumside, the last of the week, in
fection that showed careful training as
where they are acquainted with the
rat measured considerably more than a well as real talent. They certainly de­
people and local conditions.
foot in length. It offered but little in­ serve special mention. Also, two girls,
sistence and it was believed to show sisters, from the same school, who sang
Post Extends Thanks
some signs of disease. . n investiga­ “The Star Spangled Banner.”
The address of the occasion was given
In behalf of the members of Shilo Cir­ tion is being made to discover whether by Bev. O. W. Taylor, rector of St.
cle and Reuben Wilson Boat I want to or not there is an epidemic among the Paul’s Episcopal Church. “A nation
thank the Principal and the teachers and 1 rodents of the city.
that has had no wars, no sighs and no
scholar* of Is'nts and Woodmere school«
tears,” said Mr. Taylor, “if such a thing
for the tine and Patriotic entertainment
could be, would be a nation without he­
they gave us. Woodmere school served
roes.” The heroes of all the great na­
ice cream and wafers. I also want to
tions of the world were mentioned and
thank all those who helped ns on Memor­
brief note made of the circumstances
ial day. and those who helped us finan­
which result«! in giving them to history.
Mrs. Sarah A. Baum, wife of Frank
cially and with their autoe, ami I want
present world-wide situation was
to thank those who took part in our pro­ Baum, Superintendent of Oregon Distri­ summed up and the fact emphasized
gram. and also Rev. Mr. Taylor who buting Co., at 35 E. 7th St. N. died at that many of the nations of the old world
gave us such an interesting and enter- | the Good Samaritan Hospital Wednes­ were looking to America as never l>e-
day morning. The family resides at
taining talk.
fore for a pattern of government to meet
3532 E. 49th St.
J ohn W ai . roi *, Commander.
Funeral services will lie belt! at the the demands of the people who have
Kenworthy Undertaking parlors on wearied of autocracy. A tribute was
Do not expect a good corn crop in Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock, Rev. M. paid to Old Glory as representing De­
Western Oregon unlees you plant ac­ Nelson. pastoJ of the Anabel Presbyter­ mocracy, no symbol of royalty appear­
climated see«!. It has tsken years of ian Church, of which she was a memtier, ing upon it.
Tbe exercises were brought to a cloee
selection to breed the seed from which officiating.
good crop« have been ripened in this
Several little children are left to by the singing of “America” by the
mourn the loss of a mother.
The Dock Commission'« proposed
plan for elevator and increased dock
facilities contemplate« the erection
of a first unit elevator of 1,000,000
bushels, with provision for increas­
ing this capacity to 2,000,000 bushel»
when the demand for thik is appar­
ent. A two-story shed or warehouse
for handling grain in sacks for Cali­
fornia shipment« and partial ex­
port cargoes will also be provided.
Pending bulk handling facilities be­
ing provided in the interior, which
are now being constructed as rapidly
as possible, wheat will come to tide­
water also in sacks for several years.
The two-story shed or warehouse
will also be used for general cargo,
when the other docks are congested.
In connection with the elevator
and shipping terminal it is also pro­
posed to construct pier and slip and
to furnish rails, structural steel, soy
bean oil and other heavy and special
commodities. The absence of such
facilities have for a long time been a
very serious handicap to the port’s
While the people will be asked to
vote on a bond issue of >3,000,000
at the June election to provide the
facilities already enumerated, and
such special facilities as may from
time to time be demanded by ship­
ping, it is, of course, to be under­
stood that no part of the bonds will
be sold or disposed of until money
is actually needed for purchase or
the site and for construction and
that the unsold portion of the bonds
will be held in reserve for future
work or facilities and will draw no
interest. This is the course adopted
by all successful ports and insures
the best and safest way to attract
and retain shipping, in meeting com­
petitive conditions of other ports.
Patriotic Program At Which G. A. R.
And Others Are Served
With Ice Cream.
M oodmere school gave a patriotic
program on Tuesday afternoon in
the assembly hall, having members
of Mt. Scott Post G. A. R. and Re­
lief Corps as guests of honor. A
delegation comprising about half the
pupils of the school met their guests
at Rayburn Avenue station, pinning
buttonhole bouquets on the coats of
the veterans and escorting them to
the school house.
The program consisted chiefly of
music, singing of patriotic songs,
with a few readings and recitations
interspersed. Miss Lena Foster, one
of the teachers of the school, gave
a reading entitled, “A Perfect Trib­
ute,” which was greatly enjoyed.
Miss Eva Gentry, a teacher of one
of the Washington schools who was
present, sang two solos, “Dixie
Land” being one of them.
The music by the Fife and Drum
Corps interspersed throughout the
program was greatly enjoyed by the
The guests were served ice cream
and wafers by the pupils at the
conclusion of the program.
Much of the program given upon
this occasion represented the mus­
ical work of the school year and has
been acquired gradually throughout
the term.
Celebrates 91st Birthday
Tho«. Robinson, familiarly known as
"Dad,” celebrated his 91st birthday on
Thursday of last week, at the home of
hi« daughter Mrs. Joe. Hartwig, of Fos­
ter Road. Only tbe immediate |family
were present, but a very enjoyable time
was spent. Mrs. W. 8. Payne, a sister
of Mr. Robinson, residing on 92nd 8t.,
made tbe birthday cake, but owing to
illness in the family was unable to be
preeent herself. As she is the possessor
of manv blue ribbons won at county
fairs for tbe superiority of her cakes, tbe
excellence of this important adjunct of
the birthday feast is assured. Tbe
“Herald” extends congratulations to
Mr. Robinson and expresses the hope
that he may live to round out a century
of time.