Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, May 17, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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    Newsy Items from Nearby Points
Heawnl Valley
Lents Grange.
I merit Station at Union has been getting
The "Unexpecti" Club" h*l » (fe.
An interesting session of Ix-ntx Grange {extraordinarily to<xl results with silsge.
was held on Saturday of last week. A Furthermore, silage will keep indefinite­
¡art, th*
jh||| , , at
at lbw
the home
home of
of Mr
Mr. class of four was initiated at G m * morn­ ly and if not used this coming winter
and Mrs. J. I,. Johnson. The attend­ ing session. The sumptuous dinner at
may be kept until needed.
ance was not as large as usual as several noon did credit to the committee and may also I m - sown for hay wlien it is too
of the members have lieen doing extra was greatly enjoyed.
late to get a crop of grain. Bald barley
duty In the gardens during the nice .lays
An interesting program win rendered makes very fine hay and oate and com­
ol tin- past week and in ooneeqnence at the open lecture hour, presided over , mon barley is also grxsi. L
ln lite drier, j
Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Campled! enter­ have been forced to deny themselves by the Lecturer, Mrs. Darnall. The en- friwtier districts rye is good.
tained Mr. and Mrs. John Macnemier, some of the social ¡.ieasures of life for a tertaning features ol the program iu-
There is a great deal of talk nowa­
ol Portland on Sunday,
time. However, those who were pree- ciuded a violin solo by little Mies L'p- days about U m - necessity of raising mon­
Won! has Just been receive.I that Ray ent hail a g<sid time.
dyke; recitation, ‘Win-re Mother Is,” live stock but live stock can not be
As usual the “eats" comprised the Vernon Hay gar th; duet, "Mother,” grown without tee«I and there is no use
Kesterson, eon ol J. II. Kesterson, has
You need not be well informed on home building or sit
joined the msrlne corps and baa been first item on the program. Thirteen Gladys Julian and Hilda Field; reading, in talking about more live stock until
|s*o|>le art down to a well-filled table. “Molix-r” Myrtle McNeil; recitation, by feed is produced at priies cheap enough
up nights trying to plan one.
sent to Bremerton.
No fears were expressed because of this A<ielii>e Rogers Laura O’Donnell and to justify its uku for feeding. Tbe man
A. <*. Ball, accompanied by his moth­
Let us give yon tbe latest ideas on home building thiough
er, Mrs. E. Bail, attended the Oregon unlucky numlx*r except that lliere Mabel Smith gave a Elag Salute, after who accumulates a lot of stock without
"Ye Planry" Building Service. The World’s Master
I m * thirteen jiieces to Mrs. which tlx* audience joined in Ringing knowing where be is to get U mi feed for
Conference, of ths Free Methodist
Architects. For we are as eager to serve as to sell.
Johnson's chichen pie, but when it was "Tin- Battle Hymn of the Republic.” them is only courting disaster, and,
Church last Bunday. This annual meet­
U m * supply was ain|>h> for
G. B. Hegardt, Chief Engineer of the while his efforts may be inspired by tbe
The "Ye Planry” Service has a home for every taste—
ing was held in Hillsboro thia year.
every one to have a second Irelplng ail Portland I*ock Commission, spoke in purest motives of patriotism, the result
tor every purse;—shown by actual photographs
The names of Pleasant Valley boys fears were dismissed.
tiie interests of U m * Ikjck Commission's would be a iletriment instea<i ol a liene-
with detailed floor plans attached. Complete working
who have so Isr placed their names on
Mr. Anderson brought his "ghost”
fit to his country.—E. L. Potter, Pro­
plans and specifications accompany each photograph.
Uncle Ham's Honor Roll are, 1 aster along. This rtlM*rial |s-rsonagr is com­ propped elevator and «hipping terminal.
fessor of Anima) Husbandry, O. A. C.
Richey, collated from the O. A. C., ing to I m * a regular attendant at the 1 He mi>'needed so well in impressing iiis
The "Ye Planry" Service is free.
commissioned second Lieutenant, Offic­ mertings of the "Unexpected" Club, tbe audience of tbe positive necessity ol
If you cannot call at onr office we will bnng the albums
ers Reserve Corps; Boyd Brosswell and mrmls-rs seeming to have familiarised ' "putting the port in Portland,” if we
to your home.
Kalis Forsgren, for the Aviation I »apt.; themselves witti its prraence, but U m * 1 would keep tbe city on the map as a
harbor city, Utat every last granger
Hay Kesterson and Jake Cornelly, with stranger present for U m * first time is
went out to Isxsrt. henceforth from now
the Navy, Verl Parker, In the Cavalry. made Ute target for all the "ghostly”
until election for the measure.
G. H. Kesterson has purchased a pranks. Mrs. Brace was tbe victim
Mr. Miller, a son of A. F. Miller, was Portland Concern Buys Milk at 4 cts
three-quarter ton auto track, with which upon this occasion.
1 present from Ixje Angeles and gave a
Wholesales It at 9 cts and
he intends to deliver his coming berry
Quality First, Service Always
Mr. Henderson was master of cere- very interesting talk on the "High
crop to the market.
monies for Ute entertainment of the Points of the World.” Mr. ______
Attempts Retail Control
Tabor 1371
MIS Foster Road
Miller ____
Work on F, II. Gilchrist's new resi­ evening. Every one present had their visited the points about which he spoke
Here is one plain cause of tbe High
dence is progressing rapidly, notwith­ little stunt to get away with. Humor­ anti gave very vivid descriptions which
of Living. A representative of the
standing adverse weather conditions.
were very entertaining as well as in­
“Herald" happened in J. H. Donald­
m * "gasoline” to structive.
G. H. Richer, of Corvallis, was call­
Mr. and Mrs. Green, of Evening Star son's store this morning when tbe Da­
ing on friends In the Valley Monday. start the "wheels” going around, which
mascus Creamery man called. He want­
were present as guests.
Mr. Richey is on his way to Malbuer
ed to sell John D. seme milk and John
ElixalieUi Hyde gave a couple of read­
County for a few month's stay.
D. wanted to buy. However, the Da­
ings; Mr. Henderson provided a good
Il the attendance at last Saturday j deal of amusement by singing "Nellie
Farming Idle Lands.
mascus man insisted that he retail it at
night's meeting at the Grange hall, Gray" backwards, and also by giving
The Secretary of U m ? Interior, Frank­ 12 cts. This John D. refused to do, say­
pursuant to a call for the observance of a practical demonstration of the dif­ lin K. I Mine, has made an observation ing that be was running bis own buei-
National Defense Day, is any criterion ference between an ordinary song and that is most practical and worthy of nes. and even if he wanted to retail at
by which to judge the patriotism of this an anthem. Mr. Johnson read a little Government consideration.
He says a loss, that was bis affair, accusing the
community we certainly will not »core original ¡MM-m, which follows this ar­ that no one should own land and hold it Damascus people of trying to effect a
many points to our credit.
ticle. Music by the graphaphone was out of use. Secretary I Mine calls atten­ combine. The Damaacue man admitted
This is more readily obtained by buying
tion t<> some 700,000 acres of tillable that tbe company were paying the farm­
much enjoyed.
our well known shoes
Those present were, Mr and Mrs. land in reclamation projects which have ers 4 cts per qUait, were wholesaling It
J. L. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. water available and urges that this land at 9 cts. and attempting to force the re­
They are in various styles, and everyone at­
The farmer«' patriotic meeting at the Anderson and little son, Elwin, Mrs. be made to produce crops. He further tail price up to 12cts. The driver of one
Grange Hall Baturday was well attended Rindlev, Mr. Ambler, Mrs. Bruce and points out that these lands are not pub­ of tbe dairy wagons coming into I^nts
tractive. The workmanship brands them at once
and (ubiecte ¡tertaining to farming ware ■laughter, Miss Dorothy, Mrs. Herrle, lic lands, but own«I by private owners. stated recently that there was not tbe
among the superior makes.
Mr. Henderson and daughter, Miss In his statement he says: "These lands shadow of an excuse for any raise in tbe
Mrs Burr was «hopping in DoU Bat­ Stella, Mrs. Minnie Hyde, of Uie are not public lands. They lielong to price of milk at this time when feed was
They are made of leather throughout—inside
"Herald" and daugter, Miss Elisabeth. private owners and if the latter do not so abundant; should tbe high price of
as outside—thus guaranteeing satisfactory
utilise tiu-ir property, the time will not grain continue until Fall it might be
M ai 12. iwi7.
Miss Clara l.ingvl, who is attending
be far off when our National needs will necessary to do so at that time, but for
U m Lincoln High Bcbool, is on the sick When days are dark and gloomy
require confiscation and Government the preeent they were not going to do so.
And you get lonesome too,
list and has lieen absent from «cbool for
This earth seems. Oh, so roomy
cultivation. No one is entitled to that
Now here's tbe remedy. Go to your
You will not find anywhere a more serviceable
two weeks,
As if no one thinks of you.
which he does not use."
In all numbers, lasts, grades and prices.
Mr. Schenk lost a valuable farm bor«e Just then a friend comes rapping,
Here is a suggestion that our Secre­ mascus milk, or that of any concern em­
A tap-lap at your door
tary might apply not only to reclama- ploying like tactics. When followed
wonder if your napping
Ml«« Mattel Elliott is recovering from You
projects but millions of acrra of courageously there is nothing so effec
For there seems a dosen mon*.
an attack of the measles.
.tillable land throughout our Nation held tive as the people’s boycott. On the
And still they keep scorning.
by land s|M*cniators with no thought of 1other hand, there ie nothing so disas­
Mr. ami Mr«. Chas. Roger were visit­
Until your little home
making them productive, These men trous ar public indifference and the pub­
ing at the Hall home on Sunday.
Is tilled up full and bubbling
5935 92nd St
With grand, g*xxi, friends who come. and groups of men are, in mild terms. lic itself is to blame for such conditions, i
Julia and Ixmiae Krotcii drove out to
merely modern buccaneers, holding idle
f-ogan and spout Sunday visiting the And the' you bid them welcome,
farm land adjoining improved farms,
Parents encourage your boys and
You don't know what to do,
Bridenstue family.
To liiank them for their kindness,
profiting by the rise in land values I girls to avail themselves of our 40 per
Mrs. Hileny and daughter, Perl, were
In i-oming to see you.
through the improvements made by in­ cent commission offer. Until June 16
calling on Mr. and Mrs. Burr Bunuay. If kindly words ami greeting
dustrious farmers and disposing of their we will give any boy or girl 40cts. on
Mean so much for you and me.
The news of the death of the seven-
biddings only when land values rise. the dollar for all new aubecriptipne to
year- old eon of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence I've been thinking at tiiis meeting
Not only does this land prevent settle­ the “Herald," for three mouths or more.
Oil! What must Heaven be?
Miller, formerly of this place, was re­
ment by those who would be producers;
ceived here last week. The family are
it also prevents community develop­
residing at Vancouver. Wash, at present.
ment and prohibits contribution to a
Happy Valley.
Miss Gladys Burr, who lias t>een
The fruit trees of every kind are full greater food production.
We Sell Better Groceries for Less Money
teaching at Linn's Mills the past three of bloom and from all appearances
The present system of holding land
years, has returned home for the Sum- fruit is setting for a bumper crop.
for speculative purposes is wrong. The
mer vacation.
suggestion made by our able Secretary is
from tbe NEW firm of
The arrival of an Mt* lb. bundle at the
Mrs. Carlson and children spent Sun home of Mr and Mrs. Earl Deardoff, a good one, but why not go a step
GIVE YOUR BANK ACCOUNT a chance to grow.
day evening visiting at the Burr home containing a young son, on May 11th, further and right a wrong that has long
Mr. Colton recently purchased a new made glad the hearts of the proud existed, and reach out to a larger field,
Chevrolet and was out initiating it Sun- parents. Mother and babe are doing so that millions of acres of idle specula­
Headquarters For Seeds and Fertilizers.
tive lands may lie put under cultvation,
$35 Suit for $30
tine, but tbe father don't know what
thereby increasing crop production. I
size bat to buy.
much needed at this time and for some | Tat.. 4596
5940 92d St. S.E.
Miss Lydia Z.inser is attending the time to come? Let’s hope that out of
annual Woman's Missionary Conven­ the present agitation for greater produc­
Tabor 1708
9040 Foster Road
(Too late for last issue.)
tion of tbe Evangelical Church, which tion, our Government will seethe light
The I-adieu' Aid is to meet at Mrs. is Iteing held at Tocoma, Wash., as a
and remedy the present pernicious sys­
Thomson’* on Friday and will hi lave a delegate from Happy Valley, Miss Perri
tem now fastened upon a great agricul­
busy day as they have not Icen meeting Rebstock accompanying her and visit- .
tural country such as ours.—Western
Dealer in
for aoine time on account of sickness in log friends in Tocoma and Seattle.
Ladies’ and Gents Fine Shoes
Home of the homes. Then* has been
Last Friday evening the Light Bear­
several cases of meades in the neighbor­
ers class of young ¡ample of the Evangel­
I he Biggest Waste Is In fruit.
ical Bunday school spent a pleasant
"The biggest waste in food products
School will I m * out soon and the chil­ evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
in Oregon is in fruit," Mys Prof. H. P.
dren will I m * able to improve the vaca­ H. C. Ulrich.
Baras. Pathologist, of4he O. A. C. Ex­
tion time by working in the garden.
Fifteen of the Happy Valley people periment Station. "The cause of the
Foster Rd.
Prof. Keenan, Principal of the school, went to Portland on Monday evening to waste, says be, "is chiefly worms, scab 9133
We give S .V H" Green Trading Stamps^
has I ms *« secured for another year, to hear Bishop Lawrence Seager, of the and scale. It may be reduced very
the satisfaction of all concerned. Miss Evangelical Church, of Na|>eville, III. materially by proper spraying.
Dawson, a new teacher, has lx*en se- Their efforts were well repaid as the first spraying of the most susceptible
cur«! to take the plait* of Miss Chap­ Bishop preached a powerful and inspir­ varieties can be done at once in most Still Moving
ing sermon to a large audience at the parts, if the weather permits. The
Mr. Maxson, formerly of Colton, has First English Church.
Station would like to assist the growers
* HIV Candies, Confectionery, Fruits, Soft
purchased a new home near Bell and is
Mrs. Orville Johnson, of Oregon City, in making this the one year for clean
helping Home of the neighlxirs do their spent the week end with her parents, fruit without waste. Send to the Col­
The One-Way-Charge Company
lege for copies of the bulletins on spray­
Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Ulrich.
Then* will I m * considerable more land
Tab. 1450
See Us For . . .
put under cultivation in this vicinity
—----------------------------------- ---------------------------
than usual. Mr.|Hain is cultivating all
Late Crops For Stock Feed.
Every little bit of sunshine helps.
the land on| Ids new home place, the
There are several crops which may be
Great weather for grass and grain,
Tab. 1*24 D«1
S222 Foster R.
(Megon Home Acres.
planted very late which will afford a lot
which are looking fine.
Miss Morrow, who is employed with
Fruit trees are unusually slow in of stock feed. In many parts of Oregon
Woodard, Clark A Co , is having the
The lienta Station Barber
corn may I m * grown for the silo and it
is now located at the
two ¡u-rex of one of the oldest homes in bktoming, but the prospects for a big affords a large yield of valuable feed for
When in Lents
the Oregon Home Addition prepared for crop are very good.
cattle and cheep. Nearly all parts of
Your valuable paper contained
Western Oregon will grow good silage
editorial on the “High Price corn ami
9137 Foster Road Opp. P.O..
Mrs. Nelson, formerly Mrs. Burgeson,
the saiim * may I** said of all
. Get Your Meals At The
has rented their | former home to’ new of Living” last week. It is hot stuff all but tbe highest altitudes of Eastern
Shave 10c
Tabor 3614 *
parties« Mrs. Orris lias also rented her right, and true in every particular. In Oregon, Roughage in Eastern Oregon
three acres. So there will I m * many more
especially scan-e the past win-
Hair Cut 20c
"spuds” grown around here than usiinl. “from hell to breakfast.” In the mean­ ter and the indications an* tlmf it will
time prices keep continually soaring. b<* scarce again next winter.
.......... A silo full i
Mr. Thornsgn, Mr. Newton, Mrs. Where are the poor per pie of the cities | of
corn in connection with hay is a
Gowler, Mr. Carson and many others, to get off at?
wonderful help in wintering rattle or
A. KNAPP, Prop.
have their gardens in in good shape.
(Continued on Pago 6.)
sheep. The Eastern Oregon Experi-1
Otto Bmlth. of the Tremont*«,
wee in our midst on bu.inm. one day
nswu •
ki —
1» t
Mrs. A.
B. Otoott, who ----
serious operation at a Portland hospital
sometime ago, ba. returned to her home
and Is on the road to permanent recov-
We are as Eager to Serve
As To Sell
Copeland Lumber Co
Intelligent Preparedness
Means Sensible Footwear
xs Tota“°
Cottage Restaurant