Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, May 17, 1917, Page 4, Image 4

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    Mt. Scott Herald
C. J. 1 arson is sole proprietor of an munlty who »re In indigent circum-
ii|«-to-»lau< Home Bakery, grocery, and stance», etc. Strong »mphaai» was
f«*«sl store Mr. lareou taHight lot» at placed upon the results oblaimel from
thia corner aome years ago, built a go*sl such unit work in times of revival. Each
home in th«» rear uf which he operala«! unit is supposed to engage in iiiter«*ee-
Avenue Go lo farm.
bakery for some lune An increas- •ory prayer for thecoii»titti<-nt members
Ml. Scott Yount) Man Wins Bride—
ing business caused him to laiild the of their group; to talk with them per­
Pretty Home Weddlny Sto-
corner »ton* room which he uow «»•- sonally and seek to lead them to make
Mr. and Mr». A. M. Lull of dH10-6l«t
ciipiee. Things in the store have acleaii, a public confeesiou ot Christ, ami ulti­
re., S. E., have trad«»I their home
Mikes lhe [vent.
frveii spjsstram-«*.
The front window mately IwM-oine members ot Hi«* church.
with other property for a farm in tlie
display of veg«*tablcs and fruit in attrac­ When »«ich work a» till» precede» the
Willamette Valley a bow Saleiu. Th«*y
A very pretty hum« wtxidtng occurred
Jej**rt«-d for tlie country Ttieeday morn­ at the heme of Mr. and Mr». W. II. tive. If you arc a little exbau»t«*«l Mr financial canvas«. tlie problem of the
ing by auto. Mrs. Lull i» a member of Fellow, ot 1066 E. Washington street, I arson will rail you grwp«> juice to tom* church fund» becomes a seromlary mat­
lhe Lente Friend» churvh. Tlie many Tneedsy evening of this week, the 16th you up. lie ha» a line of light hard­ ter aud re»|K>n»«M«|c<>me readily.
Dr. Todd, of Puget Hound College, di»-
friends of U h - family will mis» Mr. and Inst., at which time their youngest ware. ami a t>eep into the back room ro-
Mrs. Lull ami their children.
The dsughter. Miss Audrey, became the v«*al«*d a large amount uf Hour. This cutset! the world progress o! the church,
Herald IMtevre many other people, were bride of Carl A. Swanson, of 7K27-62nd enterprising merchant will «Mirer your showing that in tl>«*ee »lays we are m>
g»»d»> any where from Greehaiu to Itmgi-r
longer cltisens
citisena of
<4 a alate
state or nation only.
th«*y able, would follow Uie example of Ave.. S. K.
The wedding ceremony
Another thing which but of ths world. Kapitl travel, com-
the Lulls and return to rural life for a was performed at S :t)0 o'clock by Rev. to Gladatoue.
will iliten*»t the ladtta is lhe (act that munlcatiou by wirelees, men of different
Homer L. Cox, pastor of the Sunnyside
Mr I arson gives green trailing »tamp», rac«*» lighting in tlie Irenclie» together
Friends Church, using the ring cere­
The people South of ICfml aveaue will ' have built up a bond of sympathy and
The w«*dding march was ren­
find it very convenient to leave their brotheriitssi among meu which i« going
dered by Mr». Iena Dycus. Miss Edna
orders with Mr. I .arson a« Uicy go to to make |<oa»ible the spread of Chris­
Burns ot lent», attended the bride,
work and find tlie gessis at horn«* bg tianity and ilemocrati«* Government
while Emil Swanson, brother of the
among all races.
Wa« born in Hpringtb-ld. Mu . where
groom, acted as beet man.
Another point which l>r. Todd em­ lie well III re. I a common raliool «niucatioU
Phone. Tabor 1214
The bride was (»eautifully gowned in
phasised was the fact I fiat thera waa not inelmimg the grammar gra»lra. Al an
white embroidered voile; she wore a
lhe Howe Grocery.
Dr. P. J. O’Donnell
a high churchman now in the British <-arly »ge I k - began tlx* trade <4 printer,
veil of white silk net, caught up with
On S2nd street, third door South .4 Cabinet ; that I »avid Lloyd George I» a which lie followed until July, lul l, w I m - u
“Ships and Shops Portland’s Great­
he look up lhe iluties >4 In» pnwnt po­
orange blossoms, and carried a shower the Mt. Scott car line you will am» the
product of non-conf--rmlet teaching; that sition a» t'ommiratuner <»f Publie I'till-
WM ST. «nd FOSTER RP. (Over Lent«
est Needs.”
bouquet ol white rosee and liliee. Mias sign, J. C. How«*, Grower. Ou inquiry
Joffer. id Franile, came from among the ties
Myrtle Chapman l«tng the fortunate »we find Mr. Jlowe senior, departed this
Our City GovemmentlNeeds a Tned
In the Fall of H*t>2, Mr Italy »am«
people and that Woodrow Wilaon is a
maiden to capture the magic flowers. life last I tec-tuber and two sons and a
Business Man.
product of Protestant education and willi ill» family l»i Oregon, »»ent the
(Paid adv)
M im Burns was gowned in white voile. daughter are running U m * busines«. Thi»
23 Tabor S5»
Winter in Salem, ilien came to I'orllaod
Democratic-development. He inali- tlie wliere he ha« rraidril continuously ainre.
Miss Gertrude Cook sang "Just Because is a splendid opportunity for young
prophecy that when the I'eace Confer­ After foiir years on the various new«-
I Love You," and "I Love You Truly.” people to make good, On Ute shelve» on
ence assemblee the (ixlrrated churches |>a|»erw in II»« ciay. an»l lour year« in the
Dr. Wm. Rees
Dr. A. E. George rendered two solos lhe south «ide of the «tore the Howe'»
uf America will lie on hand In the employ of tlie Portland l.inolyi»* Com-
Office and Residence. Jte E 5cHh St
entitled "A Dream so Fair," and “’Tto have a tin«* display of Gohlen Went
Mr Italy <-»lal>li«ta«l th»- port-
"Upper Room" to eer that the Christian
i»i Monotyi«* Company, which Iu* dta-
The Air of You.”
coffee which you can make your» at 40
church aliali have a part in formulating |MM«*<I <4 iu 1913.
About fifty relatives and intimate cent» a pound.
On the north aide
terms of peace, laving emphasis n|»>n
Mr Daly ha» a wif»-an»l four eliildren,
friends of the contracting parties were among oilier thing» are found breakfast
Rhone Sell. iJO
He has
the rights of men to the freedom uf tlie of whom Iu- ta ju»tly proml
The bride was the recipient cereals of varums kinds
Ou table« in
world, eelf government and religious been a member of th»- Chriatian Ghtiroh
of many beautiful presents. Ice cream tne center of tlie mom are varielitw of
■luce buytHxnl, and a iDember uf tlw
Drs. Calder & Allen
l(»»li.ry Avenue < »»ngrvgation »luring hl«
and cake were served at the conclusion ayrupein different «in«l can». Oulvide you
The ladies of lhe church served a residence In thia citv
lie ha» «erred a«
Yott Building. LENTS. ORE
•umpluoue tianquet at six o’clock which (»midenl of tin» lootl Ty («»graphical
I Í Mr. and Mr». Swanson will reside at lettuce, cauliflower, |*aa, etc. And if
Inion, four rear» a« prooioent of the
Chiropractic Adjustments Relieve Chronic
wa» greatly enjoyed and appreciated.
359 E. 3xth St., where Mr. Swanson lias you have not written to your sweetheart
Oregon Stale Federation ot Labor, anti
Ailments. Examining Consultation FREE.
two year» aa preatdent of tie* Central
purchase. 1 a new borne for hi» bride. or mother for a long time buy a bottle
l.abur Council of Portland and vicinity.
I Their many friends unite in wishing of goo«l ink Iwfore you go. And don't
Mr. Italy waa app»>into«l by Governor
them all the joys of life and few of ÌU forget to write an item for the Herald
C. E. Kennedy
W«wt a« a member »»f the l*rieon Reform
storms and trials.
once in a while.
CommilUw*. was a imraiber of tie* com
Real Estate and Notary Public
miltec appointed to draft tlw* Public
Dock» AnM»ndment to the Charter lie
Wnd and Car Line
kart Zletjdr’s Shoe Shop.
•rrv«*»l two year» ««('oiincilman al Large
Tabor JM3
Die Shoe Repair Shop of our worthy Good Rea son Why t very Home In I he ami i« now elraung a four-yeat trim »»
Cotniniraionrr of Public I'tfllt
friend Ziegele's is on Woodstock ju*t
Wstrii I Should Read I he Ml.
(Paid Adv)
Tabor 4754
e»«t of K2nd »treet.
He ha* been in tin-
boaineaa 22 year» in Portion»!.
Dr. C. S. Ogsbury
In these trying hour» tfiere may arise you can get a new pair of h«*el» ami »ole»
a few who will try to get rieh quick at for *1.60 unl«w your understanding» <c-
You live in the Mt. Hcott district be­
the expense of tlie nation and its people. eupy too much territory in which case cause,
But it will be neither profitable or wise in these wax tim»e you may have to pay
You can do better in buaiceea here
for them to attempt anything of the I •
than anywhere elee, or
A. M. lull Aid tamlh Of tlfty-fIrsi
City Commissioner
Golden Rule Candidate for
B.1W. xa
E*>i aac
You can live here more cheaply than
If their f-usinées if national in it« l C. M. Wolfard. Dry Goods A Notions. anywhere else, or
I »cope, tlie government will handle them
John Guy Wilson
You like the people, the schools, the
If you live in the vicinity of Grays
Pledged to Do the Right Thing
without gloves, The president fia» wo Crossing it will pay to walk around to churches, and the social life of the coin-
warned them
at the Right Time
3X> Plttock Block
I H127 Woolstock avenue and examine | j munlty, or
If their business is local in its char­ Mr. Wolfard« stock <4 merehamlua- l»e- , H>> that yon can enjoy tlie privileges
(Paid Adv)
23 ! Office Con«nlt*tion Ereninr» by Appointment
| of s large city and at least route of lhe
—————I———«——— acter, we. tlie people, will see that they
for»- yon buy on the we»t «id«- ot the
get their just deserts.
river for the ram«- price or a little more. charms of the country, or
There must Is- no price I »coating, no Our reporter found Mr». Wolfard in th»-
For several of theee reason« rolled
gouging, no angling for st mdden wealth ■»tore and learned that th»-»«* worthy I into one
tor the few at the expense • of misery for ;«ople have lieen in bu«iiM*ra at thi«
Three thing» being true it follows a«
As a candidate for Mayor, the many.
stand for the past eight months. For a naturally as night follows U m - -lay that
The man who can not be a patrot number of year» preseedmg their start you should lie a rra-b-r ami booster ot
I told you last week of my from
choice mti«t have it thrust upon in bn.-in»—a here they were locate-1 at your local paper, the one institution
ten year’s experience at the him from neeeraity.
Kern Park. At your re»|U»-«t Mr». Wol­ that does more than all other« to boost
The people ar»- mighty ami their will fard will »how you «h»«-s or ginghams, j the district, The Mt. Hoott Herald.
City Hall—six as a news­ must
prevail. It must be a perio»l of men's furnishing goods, or ribbons,
The business men are using
paper man and four as secre­ loyalty and live and let live.
button» and embroidery silk.
If your 1 column« to a»lverti»e their go<»l».
tary to Mayor Albee.
min<l doe» not run to th«-»e thing» walk should reail The ilersld to learn of
’»ack to the rear of the store and in­ bargains they are offering
That experience should be
spect tin* display ot landscape painting» lrarn»*d yet that you can buy cheaper
worth something to you.
which are the pro»luct of Mr. Wolfard'» here in l-enta than in any other part of
-killed brush. Judged by the ordinary Portland?
A good bargain is always
Yoa shoul<l read The IIrral-I if you
observer theee views will b»- as satisfac­
(continued from |>age 1.)
(Former Civil Service Commissioner i worthy of consideration by
tory as those coming from the hand <4 want to kwp iu touch with the great
Mr». Westover's Sterling stereliasd crepe
thoughtful people.
more pritentious artists for interior »-vents that are hapjieunig in Greater
napkins and while you ar*- about it you
Inasmuch as you must se­ would just as well get your supply of home decorations. Sup|>one you order Portland.
If you want to know what onr
to cheer up the wifi* who is more or
lect one man from among oranges <4 her at 16 cents and 20 rent* one
The People’s Representative
schools, churches, elab» ami fraternal
less »hut in tbew- rainy day».
(Not their Boss)
■ocielie» are doing, you can timl it in
the many for your Mayor, tlie dozen.
The Herald.
Efficient Administration
why pot choose the only one
Williams, lhe Real [state Man.
H. A. Scott, lhe Barber.
Y’ou cannot get the local news items
Civil Service without Politics
who has had four years of At Gray« Croving proper there ar»- a Next door East of Mr, Blackburn's from any other source than Tlie Herald,
Smash the high cost of Pavement
well kept »tor»- on Woodstock »venue
actual experience right in numlier of neat ami well supplied tner- you will find F. I*. Williams engaged in m> matter what price you pay.
Results—not Promises
Are you using the services we have to
cantile house- a» well a» a barls r »hop
Cut out the Red Tape. — An open the Mayor’s office during plumbing »hop, and »hoe shop. Mr the real »-tat»- l>ti-ine»». Mr William» offer? Uncle batn ha« agrve»l to de
re ail- the Herald and is a friend to all
commission government.
office door to everybody
Scott is rea<ly to give you a good shave, men win, ar»- willing to give tin* other liver the pap--r regularly to your door
All he a»ks is that you
No grand stand play for Political
I earnestly ask your con­ hair cut, and --haiiipoo at I nion price» fellow a Square »leal. lie h »-I) s farms every
any time you want them. He »ays In­ and eity prop-rty and looks ofter rental- leave your name ami a-lili»-»«, and »-i «•
sideration of this proposition ha- b» »-n in tin* busin»-»» i!0 y»-ar« and in
1 »lollar with our office. Phone order«
very »-arelully.
Mr. Williams will
Reduce expenses in every De-
all that time found only on«- creeper on make out a d»s-»l or iriortgoge for 50 are a» »-eptable, Talior 7H.’4, or |i. HI,
Pd ad)
Atk for .1 ,U
a man’» head. Pretty clean trade that. cents or a ♦! .00 for which service you (local number Illi
Besides hi« regular line of work Mr. will pay a -lollar or a dollar and a half Ihliibar, the i-iH'illatioii \| ur«g»-r, lie'll
M-ott will handle your laundry promptly, on tin- West si»le.
Vote For
Why pay mon-'.’
safely, and Well.
You can depen<i on Get your notarial work don»- at home.
him. We know for we have tri»-d him.
GEO. W. CALDWELL To The People 01 Mt.
Scott District.
». -« V » r , «
Gray’s Crossing
Business Houses.
For Commissioner
CIVIL I NfllM-l k
38 Year»* I xpericnce
Candidate for
Believes in »1» mg ||. >| »’»IPwitli one
dollar »vbicli ah« hn .-l.r ».in do with
two dollar- aft» r » fadiioo Thi» is th»*
true purport <>l mi »-ngiii. » r
(Paid A Iv)
[he Blackburn Mercantile Store.
Candidate for
On the |.-oilth »i»le of Woodatock
avenue at »2ml »treet, you will find h
well kept grocery owned by W. Black­
burn. Thi» agreeable gentleman han
t»e».n -erving the public at thin corner
for the pant seven year» an<l if bin plead­
ing manner an»l well-fille<l »helve» are
any evidenee we predict he will continue
to do no two or three timea seven more
y«-ar«. Here you can buy flour for $3.10
<■ «ack if you ar»- real »piick alxiut it
Ht-re you g»-t your goo»l broom« at 40,
50, fM) rente each. If ntationery,
chicken f»-»-d an- j
plat»-to buy them,
are over and th«-,
ri in to Mr. Blai-k-
Has had ten years’ experience
as City Auditor, and as such he
has conducted the affairs of his
office in a most economical, effi-
cient and courteous manner.
The general principl of a
Oregon Goods for 0
him as
(lore Industr es and B gger Payrolls.
to the
More Confidence, Greater Progress.
More Efficiency for Less Money.
He has made good as
on Every Lot, Every House
Larson’s Home Bakery.
Auditor and will cantinue to
Just South of Grays Crossing at the
make good as City Commissioner
(Paid Ady)
22 (Pd adv)
23' corner of »2nd street and 62nd avenue
In our round this week we were un­
able to see three of the ItuaineHH people
of tlie Gray* Crossing district. We
shall endeavor to tell the people about
them next week.
Lents Group Meeting
(Consulting Civil Engineer)
(Continu»-»l from Page I.)
to the iieney olpneea ami the loi al bu<lg»-t
»in an eqaal basis; fourth, a universal
collecting »levic»-, snahaa the duplex en
velo[»es ; fifth, two distinct b»idg»-ts an»
two treasurer-; »ixth, money colle»-t«l
for bi ne, -lence- to be reinitt»»i
The above plan contemplate»
vision >>f ea»-b chnrch into the
church ami constituency roll,
into units or groups, the duties of which
Candidate For
inclade, in addition to tlie financial du­
ties, balking after irregular attemlants
at church. Sunday echool and League,
administering to the jieople of the com- (Paid A>lv.)
Elect a successful engineer
with I I years’ practical experi­
ence and otherwise <|iialified as
executive for thi- ('ity engineer­
ing department
I ho Desert Land Board of Ore­
gon, including the last two Gov­
ernors, have endors<*d his ability,
energy find efl'p- <-ncy ns an engi­
(Pulci A'I vi-rt iwuiFjit )
■ I ■ IM I
the Job
) t
(Paid Adv)