Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, May 17, 1917, Page 3, Image 3

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    REV. ROBT. il. CLARK
atfilctad during thv past winter. Mrs.
Clark will spend some time with her
Church Directory
sister In Waahington.
Mr. Clark haa led a very active life.
Arleta Baptist Church.
He was for several years, in his young­ 9:46 a. m. Bible Hchool. 11 a. m. Preaching
er days, a whaler on the high seas and ■prvle« H:00 p. hi . Evening ncrvitM*«. 7:00
haa many interesting relics of those p. tn. H. Y. F. (J. meeting. M:(M> Thursday
exciting times. He served during the Prayer meeting. Everybody welcome to any
and all of three eervlere. W.T.M. Nprigga.
Civil War. lie haa been an itinerant I'aator.
minister for many years and active In
Prohibition work. He ia feeling as Millard Avenue Presbyterian Church.
’’fit'’ as ever if he could get the rheu­ io nf tn Sabbath Hchool. II a m Morning
worship. 7:oo p. tn. Y. I*. M. c. E. 7:46 p in.
matism out of hia ay stern.
The Lenta Free Methodiat Church Evening worship. 7:90 p. in. Wednesday, choir
week service
7:90 p. m. Thursday,
was placed under the supervision of the practice. Rev. Wm. II. Amo«, Pastor.
First Church, Kev. /, Beers, pastor,
St. Peter's Catholic Church.
Mra Beers and Frank Dawson, assist-
unta. Regular church services will be Bundays: 8:00a m. l»w Maas. 10:90 a in.
Illsli M*w. 8:30 a. m. Sunday flehoul. 12 M.
Choir rrht-Mraal. Wssk daya: Maaa at 8:00 a. m.
W.C.T.U. Notes
Special April Bulletin of Temperance
Kev. and Mrs Robt. II ('lark re­
W. (!. T. U.
Birthday Made Occasion For family
turned Monday morning from Hillsboro,
A moat important call come* to this
• Iregon, whore they hail spent several
Gathering — Tribute Paid To
department at thia crucial hour of our
daya in attendance at the annual («n-
national life. Our President, Woodrow
Ideal Home Life.
forence of the Free Methodiet Church.
Wilson, has »ent out a call to every one
Mr Clark haa boon “placed u|s>n the
of im to join the Great Hervice Army—
Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacPhee, ol
shelf,** as ho cxproaaod it. In other
the labor service of helping feed a na­ Division street, near 71st street 8. E.,
words ho haa taken a auporauuatcd re­
entertained a family gathering which
lation and ia leaving thia week lor Hot
Tlie shortage of foodstuffs is a serious included a few intimate friends, at their
springe, S Dakota where he will spend
problem and every patriotic citurn must home on Tuesday evening in honor of
some time in the Homo for Disabled
res|M,nd to the call to conserve tlie food Mrs. MacPhee’s mother, Mrs. W. F.
Soklicra, taking treatment for rheuma­
supply and increase it. While the de­ Kandall, of E. 9th street, the occasion
tism, with whieh ho has been badly
partments of Soldiers and Sailors and being Mrs. Randall’s 51st birthday.
Hi-lief of the Flower Mission will re- The little party wans complete surprise,
Seventh Day Adventist Church.
sfMiiid to tlie call of the Red Cross and Mr. MacPhee luring the guest of honor
¡0 a. in Balurday Hablmlb Hchool. 11 a. m. do their part lovingly and faithfully, let
to their home under the pretense of tak­
Baturday preaching. 7:90 p. tn. Wednesday«
the lalxir department urge the cultiva­ ing her, accompanied by Mr. Randall
Prayer meeting. 7:45 p. tn Sunday preaching.
diu FFF 1
tion of every foot of available land into and Kev. and Mrs, Beers for an auto
foodstuffs, even your back yard will ride.
Kern Park Christian Church.
Carner tatb HI., and oath Ave., 8. E. IO a. m. yield something. The time is ebort for
The evening was most pleasantly
*t St 0« H *« 4188* -*
Hlble School. 11 s. tn. and 7:110 p. m. preaching
H • 'Ar • r r El
sen I sowing. Get busy at once, please. spent. Several vocal selections were
■ ■t it SiL.i.f : ■
service. 6:S0 p. m. Christian Endeavor. 7:80
1 r
J 1 II 1111II111111
Listen ! Form C anning C lubs ; let no rendered by Mr. MacPhee and Mm.
p m. Thursday, mid week prayer meeting. A
If Chas. Wieneke, accompanied by Mrs.
cordial welcome to all. Kev. <i. X Kerry, bit of fruit or vegetable go to waste.
faster. 1880 E. Salmon.
cans give out, dry 11 m fruit and vege­ Beers. A new victrola provided de­
tables. To get the l<e*t methods, send lightful entertainment also.
Mr. Beers
Who is the Man
St. Paula Episcopal Church.
for pamphlet of government from docu­ in a very pleasing manner «poke briefly,
One block south ol Woodmere atatlon
Holy Communion U m first Sunday of each ment department that will instruct congratulating Mrs. Kandall on thus
WHO STEPPED into the breach and opened up traffic when
month st 1:00 a. m.
No other services that latent method. Economize in the home. happily reaching another milestone on
Every other Sunday the regular servlcea Everything done along this line is help­
Portland was snowbound?
will be a* usual. Evening prayer and sermon ing increase food supply. Form poultry her life’s journey, and also paying a
well-deserved tribute to her as an ideal
al CUI p. m
Sunday School meets at SNX)
WHO HANDLED the unemployed situation and put the
p. tn. H. Boatwright, Bupt., L. Mallet, 8 m . clubs.
wife and mother in bringing four
City’s help to the jobless on a paying basis?
Tne problem of Human Conservation daughters and one son to beautiful and
Rev. O W Taylor. Rector
wiiich this department haa over anil accomplished manhood and woman­
WHO CHAMPIONED the fight of the ship yards in the City
beats livangelical Church.
over urged and pleaded for, is now the hood, and though all but one daughter
Council, giving work to thousands of men?
Hartnon by the pastor. 11 a. in and 7:18 p. m. great imperative problem to help solve.
were now married and in homes of their
Bunday School v:U a. n., Albert Fankhauaer,
I trust vou read ray telegram in L'nion own, the mother was util! tbe center
WHO HAS ALWAYS been a consistent worker for the good
Superintendent. Y. P. A.. S:t* p. as.. Paol
Look for a letter and act around which the combined family life
Bradlord. Preaident. Fra ver meetins Tb un­ Signal.
of the greatest number?
day s:uo p. m.
A cordial welcome to all
promptly, please.
nachueh, Pastor,
Tlie high cost of living haa bit the
WHO HAS BEEN the leading figure in every emergency the
Mrs. Beer* made a few remarks ap­
laboring world hard. Every bit of in- propriate to the occasion, saying that if
city has faced in the last two years?
l ent» Friends Church.
1:111. tn. Blbla School. CllSord Barker. crease ol food supply means more Io tbe she were ever templed to envy any one
Il:vo a ■>. Preaching Mr- great industrial world than we can easily it would I* a mother surrounded by a
Vlas. St* p. m. Chrlitian Endeavor.
7:80 imagine.
family of children and grandchildren,
p. m. Preaching earvloa.
»00 p. m. Thursday,
The Department of Commerce at whieh was more enviable by tar than
mid week prayer meeting. A cordial welcome
Washington also urges every woman to anything that wealth or honor or social
Vote to make hin
to all three eervlcee. John and Nettle Riley,
save rags and al) waste paper and sell position could bring.
them to paper companies. Prompt at­
Mr. Randall also paid a tribute to his
Leata Baptist Church.
tention to this will afford genuine relief wife upon this occasion, speaking of
Pd Adq. 30
T/ord’a Day. Bible School, 9:46 a. m. Morning
to tlie ps[*r industry and also help ’ their 32 years of married life, which had
worship, 11 a. m.
Elmo Height« Bunday
Again I been complete and happy, tbe death of
School. 1:90 p. m.
B. Y. P I’.. 6:10 p m. replenish your own treasury.
Evening woreblp 7:90 p. tn. A cordial wel­ urge thia special work—C ultivate E very a beautiful young daughter last
Brings Experience as
come to these aervieea. J. M. Nel »on, I'aator. V acant L ot . If yon have a bit of land
Allen G. Rushlight
being the greatest sorrow which
and can not yourself plant and care for come to them.
Fifth Church Of Christ.
it, let someone have tbe use of it who
Tax Payer
Refreshment were served at tbe con-
Fifth Church of Christ. Scientist of Port­
land, Ore. Myrtle Park Ball, Myrtle Park. can. Some ol our women have already elusion of the evening's pleasure. All of
Employer of Labor
Services Sunday 11 a m. Bunday School 9:30 declared their intention of laying down the children of Mr. and Mrs. Randall
and 11 a. m. Wednesday evening testimonial tlie crochet needle and tbe embroidery,
Release Portland from Com­
were present with their husbands and
Meeting 8:00.
and taking up the hoe and band culti­ wives; also two sisters, a niece and
mission Form of Government
vator, and get busy, ready to can fruit nephew and a few friends, as follows
Lent» M. E. Church.
and vegetable* ; in fact, to turn to con­ Mr. and Mrs. W, F. Randall, their
Nunda y Boeooi 9:46 a. tn
Preaching lido
Bible Study Class, S:8o p. m. Epworth serving tbe family food supply.
a. m
daughter, Miss Edna, Mr. and Mrs.
Too many Laws
lxsaguc t:*> p. m. Preaching 7:30 p. m Prayer
Many a laboring man and woman Chas. Wieneke. Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Too many Mayors
meeting Thursday evening at 7:80. F. M. need* your aid right now.
Remember Wieneke, Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Jasper, Pastor. Residence STUB .88rd street.
Too many Inspectors
this awful war-call will taku thousands MacPhee, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Randall,
Too many Bond Issues
I of producers and put them in the army Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Hall and their son,
Laurelwood M. E Church.
Too much Extrayagance
9:4f a . m. Bunday School. 11:00 a. m. preach of non-proilucere of industry, into con­ Melvin, Mrs. Minnie Hyde and daught­
1^:90 p. m. claw meeting. >:<9p. m. sumers only.
Some of us must turn er, Miss Elizabeth. Rev. and Mrs. A.
Junior league. 6:30 p m Epworth League. more and more into product-re
Ix-t ue Beers, Miss Celestine Tucker, a.ol Mr.
7 90 p. m. preaching
m :<© p. m
“Be Producers, not Herbert Hanson.
evening, prayer service.
Dr. C. R. Carlos, I heed the call,
Wasters.’’ Economize. There is an
Mr. and Mrs. Randall have lived in
enormous waste now in tlie system of Portland for the past eleven years, com­
Representative government
marketing and distribution, Enough is ing here from New- York.
German Reformed Church.
from each ward
Corner Woodstock Ave., and 87th 8t.
Rev. wasted to feed the world.
It is eotimat*
Freedom for hobbled
W G. Lienkaemper, pastor. Bunday School
$6,000 ior
10 a. in. Morning
11 h id .
\ 1* H
Send for Candidates and
A release from home-consuming
nt 7 :ao p. m. German School and Catechetical every person in the country.
bond issues
Any one having waste paper or old
A free people, laboring in a free
Bills Presented.
liooks pleas«1 phone to Mrs. (vessel,
Pd ad
Free Methodist Church.
from page 1)
Sunday School, 10 a. m. Preaching 11 a. m
Tabor 4091.
Yours for service,
and 7:30 p.m.
Prayer meeting, Wednesday
ered, many of which have beeninoper-
Lucia F. Adiliton,
7 3o p. tn. All arc cordially invited to attend
National Supt. Labor Dept. ation for years, that never have appear­
these nrrvices. Robert II. Clark, Pastor.
ed upon the records and have never
paid a cent of revenue for the service
One large refrigerating plant alone
was forced to pay into the treasury of
the city the sum of $1,087.20 for back
Uses Aulomalic loom In Hedviny A very interesting session of the service at one time. In the street
Alumni Association of Lents school cleaning department $28.000 worth of
The food you put in your stomach controls the
Idncy Ruys. Pillow Covers, Etc.
was held at the school auditorium on new apparatus had been purchased,
activity of your mind. Pure foods create brightness
Thursday evening of last week. A notwithstanding
„ the appropriation
r ____________
and intelligence; p<x>r Axxl causes slugishness and
lutut Sunday Mr. Dunbar of the splendid program was rendered, for the department had steadily decreased
Herald dined with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. which great credit is due Miss Myrtle ! during the four years. Of improve- I
Hadley at 1141 E. Madison street.
He McNeil, who had it in charge. A piano i ments still needed Mr. Daly stated that
We sell PURE MEATS the kind that build up
found Mr. Hadley, whois an old friend duet was rendered by Misses Dorothy | increased lighting without additional
both mind and body, and make success doubly sure.
from Kansas some ten years ago. has re­ Sellsand Esther Mitchell. A vocal expense was one of the questions upon
cently set up in the rug weaving busi­ solo entitled "Mother,'’ by Edith W eb- which he was working, the secret of
ness. He weaves rugs up to 72 inches ber, a violin solo by Milton Katzky, ' which he believed lay in the establish-
Eggiman’s Meat Market
in width of several fancy weaves ami accompanied by his sister, Miss Gert­ ment of a municipal light plant.
5919 92d Street
with staying qualities equal to few that rude.
John M. Mann, candidate for Com-
you can buy in the stores.
Miss Luzelle Kearney gave an ora- missioner, gave a brief address, citing
If you have an old ingrain carpet Mr. I tion which for genuine merit is deserv­ his record in the last Legislature as to
Hadley will take it and deliver at your ing of more than passing notice. Her the principles for which he stood. He
door a nig to suit your taste. His pil- topic was "Opportunity” and she sought received the largest vote given any
low covers will make yoti comfortable to show that the opportunities for use­ single candidate at the last election,
ami please the eye.
fulness for such an organization as the and worked for all the progressive and
Mr. Hadley's name is in the phone Lents Alumni Association were great reform measures presented to that
books. He will give you value re­ and covered a wide field, in keeping the body—opposed the Bean bill and work­
ceiver! for your money ami deserves your i standards and ideals of the young peo­ ed for the Prohibition law. If elected
patronage. He has had some serious ple up to a high mark, and also provid­ he would seek to have an advisory
handicap* in recent years on account of ing amusement and recreation of a high board appointed, representative of the
which the Herald is glad to say a good order for all the young people of the commercial, industrial, social, civic and
won! for him, e*pecially since he has community, by acting as hosts and moral interests of the city and would
work and an article to sell which people hostesses at social events to which all favor the appointment of at least one
of Mt. Scott can use and can afford to were invited. A beautiful thought was woman upon this board.
expressed in the suggestion that the
Mr. Wheeler, candidate for Mayor, '
fathers and mothers be lured into this spoke briefly. He is a business man; I
circle and coaxed to brighten np their has been a resident of Portland for 40
Garden Lots Available
rusty talents for the entertainment of years and a taxpayer for 28 years; has
their sons and daughters, and all be never been in politics, but believes that I
There are still several parties in
A. C ("ALLAN, 698 Northrup St., Portland, Ore.
section who have vacant lots which young together. In fact a social com­ an efficient, businesslike government is
(Pai. I Adv)
they are willing to allow free use of for munity center was the aim suggested, what the city should have. Mr. Wheel­
| garden purposes. Also, there are still excellent reasons being given why none er stands for "economy without sacri-
, some people who are anxious to secure of the already existing organizations ' ficing efficiency; Oregon goods for Ore-
| the free use of lots. This office will be were fitted for this task, We would gon needs; encouragement of industry
glad to render all possible assistance in like to reproduce the entire paper for and manufacture; considerate and fair
I this matter. A few lots have been list­ the benefit of our readers, but space treatment of both capital and labor;
and enforcement of law.’’ He stated
ed with us and we will be pleased to forbids.
that city officials should bring every in­
give the information we possess to any
Bond eq 1C
Ruled d-q so
one who may be wanting the use of secretary and Miss Luzelle Kearney fluence to bear to eliminate speculation
was electad in her place. The other in foodstuffs.
Paper •?*>■*«*
Paper »fvialU
these lots.
oflicers are, Philip Strack, president;
Mrs. F. M. Jasper sang “The Star
lo Per Cent Discount if you Bring this Ad
Myrtle McNeil, vice-president; Carl Spangled Banner,' midway of the even­
. Wilson, treasurer, and Lynn Peterson ing’s program. She was accompanied
! sargeant-at-arms.
by Mrs. Hurd.
That Feeling
of Security’
Have you noticed the de­
creasing number of cords attached
to eyeglaisea ?
That ia largely because a recent
improvement known as the AO-
Loop makes it possible for us to
adjust Fits-U Eyeglasses to fit
your nose so that they poeitivsly
cannot fall off or blow off under
any ordinary circumstaiscsa.
ar* guaranteed to give perfect
comfort and you’ll certainly ad­
mit, whan you see them, that
they present a remarkably hand­
some appearance.
Drop in and examine a pair.
They vill surpriae you.
Dr. Geo. B. Pratt, Optoaeterist
326 Alder St.
Between Sixth and Broadway
Food for Thought
and for the Stomach
Trade Conspiracy Ordinance
Mt. Scott Publishing Co.
The Iterati MOO Per Year
Bush neh
JOHN M.------
■ i
Business Man’s Candidate for
He stands for strict economy, sound
business principles, protection of the
industries we now have and the en­
couragement of new ones, which
means more pay rolls and the de­
velopment of the natural resources
of Oregon, making a bigger, better
and more prosperous Portland.
K store with the same
W care that you select
your doctor.
b Trade at a drug
N store that pays more
a attention to making
W a customer than t< making a
£ sale.
Trade at the drug store where
can be sure that you are
-getting the most and the beet
■ for your money.
Trade at the drug store where
you can "feel at home '. Where you
can feel at liberty to make use of all
the resources a real drug store peca-
liarly has for your help, convenience
l ’ and
It is that kind of a drug store "
The relations between a drug-
■ wa
we take pride in running.
) J
xiet and hia cuatomera are akin to K
>o«e between adoctorand hia patients. Jy
The moment a druggist r
forgete thia fact he ceaaea to bo
a real drumrist.
We want you to make use
of all the advantages our Service
holds out to you.
We are always ready to
refund your money without quee-
I tion or quibble on any purcni
I you make here that ia not per-
k feetly satisfactory to yuu in ■
1 every respect.
F. R. Peterson & Sons, Props.