Newsy Items from Nearby Towns “THE HOME THAT JACK BUILT” FOR NEWLY-WEDS A DEPARTMENT CONDUCTED BY OUR SPECIAL CORREHPONDENTH. 1 Grays Crossing. Cherryville. w . (Overlooked last w«k.) Every Ixidy delighted with the Little Lyle Peters who has l*-en suf­ weather. fering with a gathering in Ida head for More min was re|x>rtrd in April than some time h some better 'and lias re­ haa fallen in that month for more than turned to school. twenty years, Tlw people of this section are rejoicing H c I kki I closed hers this week Monday over the news, just received tiw first of and th« teacher, Mias Roach, of Da­ the week, that they are to Is- included mascus, ha* been engaged to teach iu tile free delivery mail service to be another term. Heretofore given resident* of lamia. There was a big run of fish nt the dam this distrist has been served by R F. 1» last week, over 100 comiog up tne dam No. 1. in one night. Over 200,000 egg* were Mrs. A Wright, of H2nd street, en- taken and i-veryb to Roseburg to work on a build­ fully recovered. Her condition is con­ ing. He says ills nephew. Frank sidered critical. Hirvia, of Ashland, who formerly lived liere, lias enlisted in the U. H. Regulars Millard Ave. and Iremont. and Is stationed at Ft. Steven«. The monthly workers' conference of The ilonkey engine got acroM tlie river last Sunday under it* own steam, the Millard Ave. Church wax [held at but struck a big rock when nearly the home of Mra. Tronaon, of Lenta, on aero** ami was bung up until the ruck Monday evening, the 7th Inat. Much was blasted. They will skui I*- running important business wu transacted in­ in full blast and will give steady em­ cluding the election of delegatee to the Bunday School Conventional Roseburg. ployment to more than thirty men. Music ami refreshment* comprised the Dave Douglas, who runs the big entertainment for the remainder of the Revenue Rain I > near Sandy, was out on evening. liis ranch here last week doing some work. He will run thia ranch this year 1 in connection with the place win-re he is liesides being road Isis* in the Marmot Church Notes district. His family will lie on the ranch lx-r<- tills Summer for tlie Item-fit Baptist Church. of his wife's health. Revival service* will continue at this P< men and didn't run A week from Sunday the church will over anything but some hills in falli ng ' celebrate it* tenth anniversary. back from the French army. Tlie pastor will have charge of tiie service Lord's Day morning. Tiie theme of the sermon will be, “Forgiving and Happy Valley. Forgiveness.” Tlx- good weather of the past week fiaa permitted the farmers to get the Evdnqelkal Church. majority of llieir Spring croj* planted. On Bunday morning service appropri­ L. 0. Becker and family drove to Portland last Sunday in their auto U> ate for Mother's Day will tie held, and the pastor will not forget tlie Fathers attend church. in his message upon this occasion. The Mrs. L. C. Becker was called t<> the orchestra will give a special selection home of her daughter, Mrs. Ernest entitled, “A White Flower for Mother.” Ulrich, of 6427 H9th street 8. E., on This will be the last Bunday service Tuesday. May let. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Ul- n.llu” ” on before tlie annual Conference which rich were in receipt of a •<>... “bundle that day containing a 10,4 lb. boy. convenes next week at Monmouth. Biahop Sager, of Naperville, III., will Mother and babe are doing tine. présida. On Monday evening at 8:00 The Riverview Creamery A Dairy, of o'clock Bishop Sager will speak at tlie Portland, are taking all the milk of the Evangelical Church, al E. 6th anti Mar­ dairymen of Happy Valley, They use a ket Sts, tine auto truck tor hauling. Tlie Convention of the Woman's Mis­ Hereafter the'address of the patrona sionary Society, Oregon Conference. of the R. F. D. No. I, from Lenta, will Branch, convenes at Tacoma, Wash tie Portland, Route 3. since city delivery this evening, continuing over Sunday. baa Iteen established at Lent*. The Portland delegates departed for ihe city on the sound this morning. Mrs C. 8. Bradford, Mrs. E. M. Bclieuer- Pleasant Valley. man, ami Mrs. J. L. Scheuerman rep­ Mrs. • W. N. Mre NlU»n<Í0<Í the resent the l.ents church at this gather­ the Mt Women’s Grange Citili nux-ling ing, and Lydia Zinxer and Pearl Reb- Portland library last Friday. stock the Happy Valley church.’’ Mrs. .1. Q. Churchill and Mrs. C. E. Allhritton of Alderdale, Wash., visite Ì