Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, April 05, 1917, Image 1

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ißt £>rott 'Hrralìi
Lents, Multnomah County, Oregon, April 5. 1917.
Subscription, $1.00 a Year
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Vol. 15.
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No. 14.
lm T b T,
Special Easter Week Edition 1917
An 6ASC6R poem
«a 1
I C |O)VI6, listen to
the anthem that
we sing!
Listen, and let your
doubts take wing
take wing
Listen, and let your
hearts be comforted
for Christ
Lord, is risen from
the dead
Chat tomb of stone no
longer is bis prison
Che door is open, and
your Lord is risen
Slbat Gaster
Should Mean
OER Easter mean to you only the
wearing of n new hat, a new
frock and the studying of fash­
ions ns worn by others? Do you let It
bring to your little ones only the rab­
bit’s nest of colored eggs or the fluffs
of yellow chicks? Docs it strike no
higher chord in your being than the
fact that spring is at hand and you
must have light and becoming apparel?
Easter ia more than all these. It la
the force in nature that brings the leaf,
. the bud and at last the glowing blos-
■ 10m from the clod. It la the reeurrec
| tlon of the life of those things we call
inanimate because they cannot talk to
ua; how much more than the spring­
ing into being of the good that may
be dormant in our hearts.
What the little ones should be told
this Easter morning Is that the life of
the world itself Is new; that the grave
cannot hold within its con flues the
mighty spirit of growing things. So 1
beg of you to not dwell too largely
upon the sadness of the cross and the
crown of thorns, but rather upon the
glorious truth that those were but
small in comparison with the glory ot
Christ's rising.
If the remembrance of the freeing
froiu the tomb means anything In
teaching Christianity " it means'the
beauty of the resurrection; It means
that the very spirit of “Christ risen
from the dead” is to be carried out In
real life; that joy and fresh, glowing
happiness are to be taught and believed
in. Gloom has no place on Easter
day. What is past Is past; troubles that
have come are gone; pain that has
been suffered and cured is to be for-
gotten, and this Is the meaning that
Easter should bring Into every moth­
er's moruing greeting to her little ones.
"You were ill yesterday, but you are
well today.” You are to live as if the
sun was newly born, the skies newly
washed In their sunny blue, the stars
but just freshly placed to shine to give
you pleasure, rhe moon sailing like a
beautiful round globe for your eyes to
All these mean a keener enjoy­
ment. a better understanding, and you
will And response tn each small body
and loving heart If the practice be the
teaching of the Golden Rule, not only
today, but all the year.—Emma Irene
Mcl.agan in St Louis Globe-Democrat
What Reading Does.
The profoundeet service that poems
or any other writings can do for their
reader ia not merely to satisfy the in­
tellect or supply something polished
and interesting nor even to depict
great passion» cr persons or events, but
to fill him with vigorous and clean
manliness, religiousness, and give him
good heart as a radical possession and
habit.—Walt Whitman.