Local and Personal lloine, D61 Pacific, Tal>or 7854 Phone Your Want* t<> The Herald Mnh I.. McKinley is on th«* sick list this week. WORK WANTED One cent a wont first insertion t one ball I ceni •iibee<|iient insertions. The Portland Stove Works will erect i DAY WORK or by the hour, or laundry work at home. Satisfaction a F30,000 plant. FOR SALE guaranteed. Washings calle,I for and The Saturday manual training classes delivered. Talx»r 7363. 5 tf of Portland are crowded. GRAVEL and SAND. R. Hey ting. Phone Tabor 2063. E. W. Elrod, of 92ml street, left Fri­ W a NTED; House work by day or BARRED ROCK eggs. O. A. C. weck. Will «Io nursing. Also tine laute dry, lace ciirtains, etc. Mr* L. Kelley, Strain. G *1 layers, f LOO for 1 •’* 9 per blind red 8831 Foster Road, lent#. 9811 5th Ave. 7 If Mrs. J. F. Wing. \\ AN TEl»—Qtulling and plain rewtng FOR 8ALE or will exchange for Mt. by the Aid Society of the letit.* Baptist 9 Scat property I lots in Clatskauie. Churvh. Call Tal«>r 7842. Every inch in berries or fruit. One year's crop ffiOO. Five-room house. Value f 1100. Apply this office dtf. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS day evening for a trip into Gilliam county. M. N. Sadler is recovering rapidly from the recent «iteration which he un-1 dernient for the removal of cataract The Ninth Anniversary Sale and the Formal Opening of the New Store will be Held MARCH 12, 13, 14, AND 15 See Full Details and Bargain Prices Next Week 5716 24 92d St S.E. W. I. Markle has purchased a stock of gnx'eriee ami openetl up a nifty little store at 88th st. and <>.*>th ave. SEVEN-ROOM house close in west Eggiman Bros., are installing an S x 10 Portland for sale or trade for lent» Want a«!» are time aaver* and money property. Hattie Yott, 9217 Si Foater refrigerating plant in their meat mar­ ket. Geo. W. Dilley i* doing the work. maker«. Try them Road. Lente.ti tf. Miller A McGrew are making some interior improvement* at their place of business on92nd street, ¡«apering, paint­ ing, etc. Rev. B. C. I»ewey is conducting a series of evangelistic *eivice* at Burling­ ton, Wash. This is the third week of their progress. WATCH LENTS Mrs. Hardy Adams, of Foster Road, was taken to Emanuel hospital Tuesday evening, where she will undergo surgical operation. HARDWARE All legal voters may school elections, except that only tax­ payers may vote on school boml ami •«-hool tax measures. Mr and Mrs Tom McSIoy are the proud parents of a little daughter who arrived at their home Monday evening, The little lady will be known as Mary bright. Mrs. Mary C. Jefferies of 98tl*t-A9ti avenue was very pleasantly surprised this morning by a visit from tier «laughter, Mrs. F. O. Baker of Spokane, Washington. Lents Millinerv Store Announce* a Formal t>f>ening and Annual Sale March 12, 13. 14 and 15 MRS. INEZ I. S. GULLIK, Piop Calls for a New Suit Our Suit* tell the Story of Competent Workmanship an«l Dependable Fabrics. Our Prices will Please You. TALKS JOHN MANZ 5940 92nd SL S. E. Talior 4596 You Can’t Bluff Old Age DR. GEO. B. PRATT OPTOMETRIST 326 Alder, between 6th and Broadway Keep Moving The terror* of moving from an unsatisfactory location have been minimized by Rose City Van Company’s Service Damage and Breakages are reduced to a Minimum, also the Cost of the Move THE ONE-WAY-CHARGE COMPANY 8822 Foster Road Tabor 1424-D 61 S’ SPRAYING TIME 9 9 Lime and Sulphur Spray 9 Prices as good or better than you can get in Portland 9 1 gal. can, 60c; 5 gal. can, $1.65; 50 gal. bbl. $9 9 MT. SCOTT DRUG CO. 9 9. Geisler Brothers Oregon X wkopo Brugger’s Bakery W 11 m v □ the Reason sells more Brcad than any other store in Lents. Try our BIG 5c. LOAVES and you’ll find out * 9112 WOODSTOCK AVE. Only bakery in Mt. Scott using machinery They will be FREE! Watch for announcements ADMINlSl RA TOU NOTICI The large auto truck stuck in the mud ’ NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. on Woodstock avenue and 85th street, on Monday evening presented a sorry appearance. It is safe to assume that | In the County Court of the State of any one of the dozen men wading Oregon, lor Multnomah County. around in the “soup” up to their knee- [ In the Matter of the Eatate of Emil endeavoring to extricate the machine Paul Schmidt, Decease«!. will be ar«lent supporters of any road Notice is hereby given that the under­ improvement movement that may be signed, Martha Schmidt, tin- executrix ' of the estate of Emil Paul Schmidt, ur church column of the silver Oregon, for Multnomah County Notice is hereby given that tlx- under- tea to 1** given by the Baptist Ladies Aid at the church parlors on Weinteeen State Bank, lente, ttregon, within six move«! fiom Foster Road to 5929-92nd months from the ilaU- hereof street, next door to Becker’» market. Hated ami first published March I, Everything is as neat a» a new pin ar.«l 1917. by the time the building get» a coat of II. E. BI.OYD, Administrator of the paint on the outside to match the im­ estate of J. II Miskimins, deceased. proved appearance on the in»i>le, the .1. N. Penny A E .1. Mendenhall, shop will prove very attractive. Attorneys. 13 SUNSHINE TAILORING COMING 9 9 9 9 (Continue«! Fr«»rn Pair«' 3.) NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Bellrose-Gilbert. In the County Court of the State Oregon, (or Multnomah County. In the Matter of the Estate of Matilda Altman, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the under- signeil, Arnold J. Altman, the executor of the estate of Matihla Altman, de­ ceased, has filed in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Multnomah County hi* Final Account as such executor, and that said County Court has set and fixed Wednesday, the 4th «lay of April, 1917, at the hour of 9:30 o’clock in the forenoon of said «lay, in the County Court Room of the Court House of Multnomah County, Oregon, as the time and place for the hearing of said Final Account, together with any objections there may be to the same, and the settlement of said estate. This notice is published in the Mt. Scott Herald by order of the Hon. George Tazewell, Judge of the above en­ titled Court, ma«le and entered on the 24th day of February, 1917. Dated and first published, March 1, 1917. ARNOLD J. ALTMAN, Executor of the Eatate of Matida Altman, Deceased. J. J. Johnson, Attorney. 13 The snow storm blocker! the moving which was intended in this vicinity. Tuesday evening the 27th inst.. a sur­ prise was given Mrs. N. May Is- and her ■laughter, Mr*. Irwin, for which Mrs. Smith was responsible, *« she worked to gather up the friends, vis. Mr*. Fred­ erickson, Mrs. and Miss Hurrle, Mis* V. Clark, and Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. Every one was the better for the genial fellowship of the evening. Mrs. C. Valentine has sol«l her home to Farnsworth Co., ami will make her imine in the city. The Ladle* Aid met on the 28th inat., with Mrs. A. A. Kindle as a farewell meeting with Mrs. Bateman, who says beet regards to Bell rose March 1st. Report says Mr. L. Bishop intends to see Alaska. The good will of all will be with him like sunshine. As a com­ munity we shall miss the boy and his clean, high, manly worth. Mr. E. D. Hurle is an artist of marked ability. Aside from their artistic merit his pictures have found purchasers, thus helping him to solve the problem of the high cost of living. KEEPING STEPWITH THE TIMES It is hard to do in an ill-fitting, unshajtely shoe. Your f