Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, March 01, 1917, Image 2

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ter. The reasoa is their desire
to learn the English language and
ot obtain a knowledge of American
institutions and government so
Baptist Church.
Published Every Th urxlay at Lent*. Oregon by that they may be qualified to en­
The Evangelistic Team, of the l’ori-
T m * M t Seov-r PvnLi.aiMi C owfamv
joy the privileges as well as as­ land Y. M. C. A., will have charge <>(
J SANGER FOX. Managing Ed Ivor
sume the duties and responsibili­ the services Sunday evening, Thia will
ties of citizansh ip when acquired. la- something go<xi. You ought not to
J. ALLEN DI NHAR, AuocUte (Re.lSence,
■t. Scott Herald
Church Notes
______________ Long Reach, Cal.)_____________
Entere 1 aa second claaa mail matter Febm
ary 14, Itti, at the poet office at I^euta. Oregon,
under act o( Congre«*. Man h S
•u boeri pl ion price
>1 a year. In ad vane«
T amo *
7*H. D 61
| Orarci Directory |
Arista Baptist Clnsrch.
»:«*• ni »ibis Scbool. Il a m. l'rvachtns
Mrvies. S:O# p. ni Rvenlng Mrvlem
p. m H V. P. V. meeting. » 00 Tbunday
l’rayer meeting Everylssly weh-ome tu any
and all ot lhv*e *ervk-r*. W T 8 Sprlgg*.
miss it.
Millard Avenue Pre ab y tartan Church.
The pastor will begin a aeries of ser­ lo a. ni Sabbath Rcbool. Il a. m Morning
mons on "Prayer” Lord's Day morning. worahip 7:00 p. iu Y. P S. <!. K Ttt p m.
Evening worship 7 SO p. in Wednesday, mid
Rev. T. Broomfield, of Gladstone, Ore. »wk eeivlce 7:IW p. m. Thursday, vholr
lias l*een inviUsl to conduct a aerie« of practice. Rev, Win II. Ainoa. Paator.
meetings just prior to the Ihx-emual Cel­
St. Peter's Catholic Church.
ebration of the church. The revival Sunday»: S.'OOa ■>. U>w Ma» lt:*>a. m.
services will Innin the last of April.
High Ma». »:*>a m. Sunday H c I khi I
11 M,
A missionary program in charg«* of ! I'hulr rvhearaal Weak day«: Maaa al IK» a. m.
Mrs. A. M. Randolph
held in con­
nection with the meeting of the Aid So­
ciety on Wedtutkiay of this week at the a,tur.l»y preaching
The Ladies' Aid, of the Baptist
kern Park Christian Church.
Church, will give a silver tea at the Corner6Mh
Hl .sixl 4Slh Ave . S. K 10» tn
church on Wednesday afternoon of next Bible School, tl a. tn. anti 7 mo p. tn. preaching
I »ervice. 6:S0 p. m. Christian Endeavor. 7::»>
It’» a priceless |>osacMion. It leaves you
free to center your mind on the big prob­
lems of life. You can have that rest of
mind when you
Have you ever wondered what
the result would be if the people
of this town thought and said
nothing but good of each other
for thirty or sixty days? Think!
It would work a revolution in
both mind and body. The best
that is in each would have un­
consciously forced its way to the
front and nobility of character
would have made rapid strides
toward supplanting the ignoble
and vicious in man and woman­
kind. Our town might not be a
p. tn. Thutiday. nlil-week prayer meeting. A
1 cordial welcome to all
k Berry.
Garden of Eden, but it would
I Pastor. I An) K Salmon
come nearer to it than any spot
Evangelical Church.
St. Pauls Episcopal Church.
on earth. And it wouldn’t cost The series of evangelistic service«
One block uouth ot Woodmere »(Alton
us a penny.
' which Rev. Hornschueli has lieen con- Holy Communion the rtr»t Sunday ot each
The utterances of certain "pre­
paredness” advocates are diffi­
cult to reconcile. In one breath
they soar to lofty heights of
what they consider patriotism,
running the full length of the
preparedness scale and back
again, advocating universal ser­
vice and every other modern
idea which tends to make twen­
tieth century warfare so terrible
and so repugnant to all hu­
manitarians. In the next breath
ducting at Happy Valley for nearly month at 3:00 p. tn. No other service* that
they exhaust the English lan­
Every other Sunday the regular »mice«
The year 1917 may see us shut three weeks were concluded on Sunday <Uy
will be as uaual Evening prayer and »craion
guage in sarcasm over the ab­ off from all sources of supplies last. They were characterixtsl through­ at
4:oo p. in
surdity of sacrificing the man­ from the outer world and de­ out by gissi attendance and gnat inter­ p tn. B B
hood of all Europe, and then in pendent entirely upon local pro­ est. concluding with excellent results,
»event«*!! pnde'smg conversion.
the end to have a dozen diplo­ duction. Facing such a possi­
Lenta I vangelkal Churvh
The Ladies' Aid meeting is Is-ing held
mon by thè pastur. Il a ni and 7:16 |> ni.
mats more or less gather round a bility, it is incumbent upon every at the church this afterinsm.
I») “chisd
». in . Mln-rt Faiikliautt r,
table and settle the question farmer to cultivate to the limit The pastor will take for his topic Sun­
V. I* A . 6:Vi |> in . l'aul
lord, l’n «l-lenl. l'raver mci-llng Thur,
which might just as easily have of his acreage and ability and the day morning, ' llensi and John the Bap-
»:■« p in
A cordisi wi-h-ora» lo *11
been settled in the beginning in town resident who has a vacant ti-t.'* • » At 7:15 the half hour song and
praise wrvi.* will commence, at the con­
the same manner.
lot should do the same.
clusion of which the young ¡Ms.ple will
Lents Friends Church.
The great trouble with this
assume charge of the evening service, • :4Ô a . m Bible School. Clifford Barker.
class of people is that uncon­
II:<O a rn. Breaching *er
The following ¡3 credi ted to a the delegates to the Stat«- C. E. Conven­ vicr »cjr» p. in Christian Endeavor 7:B)
sciously they have been carried
tion at Salem furnishing a program con­ p. m Preaching aervice. - 00 in. Thur»«l*y,
along by the progress of civiliza­ Missouri editor: “The wind sisting of “EchiMv” of that inspiring mid-week pr*y«r meeting A cordial welcome
all thvec se rvices. John and Nettle Riley.
tion without realizing how far bloweth, the water tioweth, the gathering of fifteen hundred young peo­ to
they have come, and then when
with s,M*ial music.
l.ents Baptist Church.
such a jolt as the conflict in oweth, and the Lord knoweth
Fight young people of the Evangelical Lord’» D ay . Bible School. t:46 a . m. Morning
Europe jars them to conscious­ that we need our dues. So come society the State Convention worship,
11 a. tn.
Klmo Height» Bunday
ness their minds instantly revert a-runnin' ere we go a-gunnin’! as follows: Paul and Harold Bradford, School. *2:10 p. tn. H. Y. P <J., A:*) p m.
Evening uorahip 7:» p. in
A cordial wcl
to the place which warfare as a I This thing of dunnin’ gives us Louis and Esther Aobley, Ruth Holland, come
to these »ervtcea. J. M Nrlnon, I'aator
.Myrtle McNeil, Gladys Gilbert and Fay
means of settling international
Horn schlich.
Fifth Church Of Christ.
disputes occupied in the public
Fifth «'tiurch <>( Chrlwt. Hclenll«! ot Port
mind before they went to sleep.
land. Ore
Myrtle Park Hall, Myrtle P«rk
bring us a spud on subscription. to the house the most of the week with a Services Sunday 11am Sunday School 9:»
Hence the contradictions.
severe attack of the Grippe, He is im- and II ». rn. W'cdnexiay evening U-*tlrnenl»l
Those who have kept awake
proving however, and hop«« to be able eeting “:00
Children and Baby Talk.
and kept pace with the onward
to conduct his services on Sunday.
Lents .VI. E. Church.
progress of civilization, in fact Do you encourage baby talk in your
Sunday fleeool
a m
Preaching ll:on
children? If you do you are making
have been largely responsible for a great mistake, according to V. M.
a. tn
Bible Study Claaa, 5:30 p. nt. Epworth
Mends Church
League ft :t0 p. m. Preaching 7:30 p. m Prayer
this progress, are the ones who Hlllyer. the well known educator. Here
Rev. Riley will preach at th«- >unday meeting Thursday evening at 7:to. P M
are blazing the trail for "world subject in his book. ••Child Training:" morning service. In the evening Geo. Jasper, Pastor Residence r»7ft® Hard street.
peace’’ and international arbitra­ "The mispronunciation of words, due V. McClure will preach.
Laurel wood M. E Church.
tion. and while just now they to inability to articulate or more On Tuesday of next week the Ladies’ • :4T » m Sunday School.
a m preach
usually to incorrect bearing, may tx» Missionary Society will rn«*t with Mrs. ing 12:*> p m. cla.a meeting 3:<S p m
are receiving the criticisms and amusing
and delightful on account of
Jnntor League. «.-30 p m Epworth League
insults of would-be patriots, its simple naivete, but it should t>e Riley.
: JJ p in preaching
s:no p. m Thur.-lay
evening, prayer .ervice
Ur. <’ K. Carina,
their day is coming, in the not corrected and. above all. should not
imitated by the parent or teacher ‘Oo’ Miss F'dna Burn- represented theC’hris- Paator.
far distant future, when their and
‘’title* may be ■ mining tn a three- tian Endeavofers at th«- state Conven­
attitude will be found to be the year-old. but it is silly for a grownup tion and report a most inspiring time.
German Reformed Church.
Corner Woodiitock Aw , and N7th8t. Rex
only one consistent with the to use such expressions in addressing Several others had planned to go, but W <i. Llenkaeinpcr. paator Sunday Reboot
the three year-old. like talking •pigeon’
10 a . m. Morning Worship, II a . m.
Y. I’ H
times in which we live—M. G. H. English to a Chinaman, but what Is were prevented by the storm.
Bank With Us
You know, absolutely, that your savings
are SAKE. Ami you know that they are
EMPLOYED, too, as we pay I per cent on
all time de|M>sits.
Lents, Oregon
When you think of a tender
Steak or a Good Roast, think of
Professional Directory
intelligently straighten out the will last forever. He was never beaten
a battle. His very name was a ter­
tangles of wrong conditions by In
ror to hte enemies. He died in 1424,
legislation or otherwise.-M.G.H. while besieging Praxabtslaw, at the age
of sixty-four.
There is a great Americaniza­
tion drive on all over the coun­
try. Hundreds of thousands of
the adult foreign bom of the
United States, who are candi­
dates for citizenship,! are attend­
ing public night school this win-
Grapas and Wins.
Moat people think white grapes make
white wine and dark grapes make red
wine. It la a popular error. Red wine
la made by fermentine grape juica and
grape aklna together, and white wine
la mad« by f a rm an ti eg grab» Me*
It’s more than likely he can’t help
■tumblingor calking himself. You’d
■tumble, too, if you wore misfit shoes
We Fit the Shoe to the Foot
Home smiths fit the foot to the
■hoe—which may be si) right for the
Try us on that stumbling horse.
Foster Road and Olid Ht.
Morterud’s Market
While Waiting for the Car
make yourself at home in the
Waiting Room Confectionery
at 7:30 p. m. German School and Catechetical
worse. It gives an incorrect model for
' mm Haturday at 9:00*. in
the child and thus prolongs the time
Back Yard Farming.
he will take to speak correctly. Pre­
Methodist Church.
Free Methodist Church.
If the high prices of food pro- cision in the pronunciation of one's na­ The pastor will take for his topic Sunday School. 10a. m. Preaching II a in.
tive tongue is always delightful at any
7:90 p. ni
Prayer meeting, Wrdnraday
ducts results in a universal Rar- age and an earmark of the well bred.” Sunday morning, March 4th, ••Our 7 and
:f>> p. in. All are cordially invited to attend
Father,” (The Lord's Prayer.) Among these service». Robert I! Clark, Pa»tor.
dening campaign, utilizing the
the special musical ‘eaturcs of the morn­
Loyalist* In ths Revolution.
thousands of acres of idle land
Adams estimated that one-third ing “ervice there Hill i»e a solo by Fred
which are to to be found in all of John
all the people in the colonies were B. Frost. The topic of th« evening ser­
suburban districts, and raising Loyalists—that la. opposed to the war mon will 1* ‘'Jetins’ Teaching Concern­
thereon countless bushels of with England. A minority of these ing Himself.” Mr. Anderson, from the
favored obedience to the English laws,
vegetables and food products, it but the great majority opjtosed the i city, will contribute two solos to the
will prove to be a blessing in dis- English methods with the colonies but mu‘ic of the evening service.
Rev. Jas(>er will preach each Sunday
quise. No one can deny that we wanted a peaceable settlement. War
drove the Loyalists to armed resist­
Calder & Allen
are the most wasteful nation in ance. and in New York state alone afternoon hereafter at B>-nnett Chapel,
on the E»tai'a'la car line.
colonists took up
the world, wasting our resources more than
for the British. Out of a total
Yott Build In.-
as well as our substance. Col­ arms
population of less than 4.0<)0.000 more well under way. The work of those
umns might be written dealing than <».000 Loyalists left the colonies who are donating time is greatly a[e
with various phases of economic during the revolutionary period because predated. The«- improvement“ will be Phone. Tabor 321
extended as funds admit. The complete
conditions which admitof corner­ of their political position.
Dr. A. Klaptocz
rejuvenation ol the church is the aim of
ing food products until prices
iHt« l iiivt-rnlty Vi«-nr>a, iwlu
The Cat end the Tail.
the [>a»tor and official board.
Physician and Surgeon
soar skyward, but when all is Once upon a time a ent who prided
The adult Bible cla— held their regu- '
said and done, if every one who herself on her wit an<l wisdom was lar monthly meeting Wi dne-.lay even- , • c and R* -i.I.-rx . . <M ST. and F< ER RI>.
prowling about the bam in search of
(Over Lent» Pharmacy)
could do so would raise their own food and saw a tail protruding from a ing at the home of Mr. and Mr«. Bur­
vegetables the bottom would fall bole.
gett, *fith St. After a short husine““ .-»•«- 'labor 47'4
is the conclusion of a rat.' “ion a [irogram was renderixl. Vocal
out of the h. c. of 1. problem. It ■he "There
would be more effective than Then ■•■lie crept stealthily toward ft jolos w« re contributed by Mrs. Ja-per.
Dr. C. S. Ogsbury
Mrs. Sell.« and Mrs. Daniel». A wy in- I
legislation. By this means in­ until within striking distance, when teresting pafs-r Has read by Mr .lasjs-r'
made a jump nnd reached It with
stead of developing a constantly she
her claws. Alas, it was not the ap­ I entitled “Typical Immigrant Litera­
growing army of discontents, a pendage of a rat. but the tall of a ture,” setting forth in a very abb- man- ,
more even balance would be snake, who immediately turned and ner the wealth of thought which has , Phone, Tabor l /.f»
Notary Public
her a mortal bite.
been contributed to American literature,
struck between the number of gave
Moral.—It is dangerous to jump at esjs-cially in the way of tributes to the
Lents Real Estate Co.
producers as compared with the conclusions.
greatness and freedom of the country, by
number of consumers, which
those who have sought a refuge among
A Remarkable Man.
City and Country Property
would solve another problem. It John Zlska. the great Hussite leader ns from various European countries from
is the consumer who is the prey of the fifteenth century, was one of 1 (Colonial times down to th«- present «lay.
of monopolizing economic condi­ the most remarkable men that ever Refreshments wen- served at the con­ Phone, Tabor 3214
Ills life story reads like a ro­ clusion of the program.
tions. In becoming producers,, lived.
mance. Nothing In history Is more in­
Dr. P. J. O’Donnell
even in a small way, they would teresting. more thrilling, than the ac­ Make up your mind that you are a I
acquire a new vision as to what count of his heroic deeds. Though I gentleman ami in time you may Iteróme
and always greatly outnumbered. | one.
eM 8T. and FOSTER RI>. (Over Lenta
constitutes a lawful and just blind
Zlska invariably beat ills enemies and
profit and would be able to more eetabtlsbed for himself a fame that
\\ . «T\ • •
Light I. iiih I h -*
Is Uncle Sam’s
service ‘de luxe*
Lents and way points Furniture and pianos moved
and stored.
We Handle Bicycle Supplies and
Tires and Repairs.
Tabor ite»
Lents Garage
Dr. Wm. Rees
Office «nd Realden«*. JM E Vnh St.
n «
», i*..... p« ». ICE CREAM
Begin the New Year right by subscrib­
ing for the Herald.
Only |1.00 a year.
It sltould be in every home in Lenta.
to «.