I Lents, Multnomah County, Oregon, March 1. 1917. Subscription, $1.00 a Year FIRE HALL TO GET NfW MOMf BOOSTER SESSION FSIAtHISIILD Popular Young People Contracting Parties- Home In Readiness. INstusslon About Side-walks to In­ sure Mall Delivery Shows Senti­ ment lor Cement Walks. On the evening of February Ji lx>uis T. Robinson »»« united in marriage to Grace M Klock. The ceremony U»ok place ut the home of Mr. SU-pta-nson, Oorner of 70tb street an«l «Kfal avenue, J. M. Nelson, pastor of the la-ntx Bap­ tist church officiating. The parents ot th« brill« an«l gr«x>ui have liv««d in this section of Portland for some years. Only the immediate families of th« i-oiitracting parti«-« were present. I.ymie Tillman ucti 'l as l»*t man, while Pearl Cumming» accompanied tbe bride. Delicious refreshments were aervc«l al th«- conclusion of the ceremony. Tim bride was tbe recipient of many beauti­ ful priwnts. A Is-autiful basket of choice Howers was present«-«! Iron» one of the city gris-n hoilra-s, with winch the hritle had lx-en as«M-iat«*iii»-«liut< Iv in their home on Hath sln-i-t near 53<1 avenue, which I ik -I been furnished for them hy th«- groom's hither, r«-««ly for their ini- molintc oc year* frtw. Dancing included in price of ad­ A large anil appicciati ve crowd were Monday of this week the I «enta With the death Wednesday morning mission. The regular weekly meeting of the in attendance in the gymnasium of the Ix-ntx Improvement Club wiih held in Mercantile Company composed of the at Denair, California, at the ripe age of i new Franklin High .School last Friday to the new Fin- Hull Mom lay with alxiut directors of the stock company which ninety-two, of Amos Kenworthy the ' witness the second presentation of thirty in attendant«. Il wax unanimous­ owns th« Grange building, took over world sustains the loss of a most re- Sullivan’s Opera. “The Pirates of Pen­ ly deci( them had Funeral service» of Mrs. L. A. Tripp, chorus, but the verdict was unanimous I the firm will lx- the l-ents Mercantile (tjuaker) Church. In this time he trav­ him tlmt if all th«- rcqui-atx for road im­ elled al) over the United States and in whose remains were brought to Lents that Professor R. B. Walsh, music in- Company, 5805 92nd St. 8., E. provement w«-r«- c«»mpli«*l with ita- I i many foreign countries, having nia'e from Sheridan on Weilnesday of last . structor of the high school, had succeas- county would -till have $22,0» »• left out j many visits to Europe. He travelled wi-ek, were held at Mt. Scott cemetery ^’'Uy gotten away with it. There is of th«- emergency fund provide«!. entirely in obedience to what he l elieved . being reproduced Then- w »» a full discussion witn refer- Monday afternoon, in charge of «.uiG the local some talk of the opera 1 r Divine leading, and hie absolutely un­ also at Eugene, Corvallis and Salem. cure to llie kill«! of xi-lewalk» w Inch wavering faith ap|»eareu> being within the n-«uli of for June flection. The high esteem in which Mrs. Tripp Mabel. Probably the most appreciated i and he refused it, simply saying that ei«-ryoiie's pocket l»»>k. but <»lh«-rx felt olH«llen<-e to the prevalent spring feel­ tbe 1-ord had told him to do so. He was held by friends in her old home was solo and chorus was that by the Pirate that «»-niciit sidewalks wen- tl«- only ing. which is affecting us all more or Fight measure, were enacte«l by the made the next point without difficulty. attested by the beautiful floral tributes, King, Wylie M. Doran and bis band, kiml Wurth having, an-I that the lime to less them- «lays, Mr. Cieslinski has recent legislature to lie referred to the scotire«l it even more than usual, re­ He worked at his trade—that of a broom among which was s floral star, emblem “It’s a glorious thing to be a Pirate install them had r-sne. The discussion people at a -pecial election to lie held maker—wherever possible, and like of the order, which was contributed by King,” the vim anti harmony put into was indefinitely |»oetpouc«| )a-ndii>g tbe papered it throughout and put on a tine Harmony Chapter, No. 42, Eastern this number was truly thrilling. Really June 4th. The iina.uree are a. follows: coat of shining white enamel. It looks Paul was chargeable to no man. re|a>rts of th«- cost of installing si«l«»- Star, of Enderlin, Ji. D.: also a beauti­ difficult parts were those played by State issue of $fl,0U0,U0O In bonds to very attractive inde«*«!. Mr. Cieslinski Mr. Kenworthy held a two weeks ’ se ­ walkx ami gra«ling Hie street on WUh ful piece from Mr. Tripp’s Masonic Lorine Gingrich as Ruth, and Fred street, for which Comtuiaaioner Dieck has now been live years in the na me liegin construction of highways embrac­ ries of meetings in Lents, in a humble friends of Sheridan. ing entire state. ami unobtrusive way, about four years old stand. Kelly as Major-General Stanley—and was now having a survey completed. A Mr. Collier will be tbe guest of Mr. they succeeded amirably. The buffonery Expenditure of $400,000 to build a ago, and many have learned to bless «ximtnitUs-, consisting of Merer». J. 8. and Mrs. F. R. Foster while in Lents, was ably and concertedly provided by new penitentiary at Salem. him for hie help at that time. mt'ey, Ralph Stan». J R. G«a>imaii an i To raise |int«