I M MT. SCOTT HERALD STATE MASTER SPENCE Df MOSS FAMILY TO DE HERE SOON AT NATIONAL GRANGE Entered as Second Claas Matter February 19, 1914. At jKWtortice, l^nta. Oregon, Under act of March 3, 1879 Published Every Thursday at lents, Ore., by the Mv. S» x * tt P tbushinu Co. J. SANGER FOX, M anaging Entro*. MRS. MINNIE I. HYDE, N«w» Kono*. J. ALLEN DUNBAR, (of Long Beach, Cal.) A ssociât «. family Of Entertainers for five Gen­ full Report Of Year s Activities for erations. With Two Marvellous Oreoon Members Shows Much Boy Prodigies Here Soon. Good Work Accomplished. federal Regulation Should Not Be Al* lowed To Exclude Exercise Of (or A rare musical treat la State Authority. A copy of the National Grange on the people of lolita and At The Churches Arteta Baptist Church 9:46 a. tn. Bible School. 11 a. tn. Preaching servie*. 8:00 p. tn. Evening *ervice*. 00 |- m. B Y P. U. meeting. 9:00 Thursday Prayer meeting. Everybody welcome to any and all of these service*. W. T. B. Spriggs, pastor. Millard Avenue Presbyterldn Church Monthly has just been rec«*iv«*»i at the Wednesday evening. Jan. 17, at which j 10 a. m. Babbath Bchool. Outlook office, containing a full re|*l the this issue the "Herald” 7 :30 p. m.Tliureday. midweek servie*. Washington city last month. Evangelical Church. This gift»*»! family 8 p. m. Thursday. choir practice. ers upon its 15th year of prosperity before their more Among the interesting things to be Rev. Win. II. Amua, Pastor. have for five generations ia*eti giving sleepy neighbors. What are we, continuous publication. It is our lound is the report of Stat«* Master their musical entertainments in all of wish to broaden and increase its as a community doing to bring C. E. 8pen»*e of Oregon. The full re­ Gives Newlands Committee Ills Views the cities of America ami in in<«t of th*> St. Peter s Catholli ( hurt h sphere of usefulness in this com­ prosperity, or to hasten its re­ port follows: citi»*« of Eur<>|H>, having ap|*var<*d Indore On Railroad Control- Railroad Sundays : The grange in Oregon continiH*s to do turn? A few points seem very the royal courts of the old world as well munity. but in order to do this 8 a. m. Ia>w Maes. its duty in whatever field opportunity Stocks Should Be Stable. a* la-fore the I'nwidenta of this country. 10:80 a. in. High Mass, we must have the active support clear to us. In the first place, if offers ui th«* intenet of agriculture. The 8:30 a. in. Monday School. Th»* pr»*«ent family Include tw»> little and co-operation of every organi­ all the money which is earned social and educational advantages are I'.' M. Oboli rehearsal. prtahgie« who constitute the third zation and industrial or commer­ by those who live in the Mt. not negl«*cted. lx*gislativt* work is made Washington, l'ec. 11.— William J. generation of this branch of the family Week days; Mass at 8 a. tn. cial enterprise, as well as the in­ Scott district were spent with an imiKirtant part of our program and Bryau. who «tnrtled the country ten of musicians and entertainer*. One of is ineretising each year. Seventh Day Adventist Church year* ago by adviaatlng government theae littl<* l*>y* plays lea a. in. Saturday Habhath School. other the flute ami both sing moat ownership of railroad*, appeared be ­ In other words, the measure of will do from twice to ten times were hel»l this year than ever liefore, and 11 a. u>. Saturday preach.ng. •• ““ ■ * “ I'rayrr * * * lieautifully. Two ineintn*rs of the p. in. “ WediiiMHiay, Hireling support which we receive from the amount of business it is now a number of granges co-operat«Hl with fore the Newland* Joint Committee on original l*eMoi* family ol seven who t 30 Interstate Commerce last week lo «up- 7 45 p. tu. Sunday preaching. the community will very largely doing. In the second place, county and district fair* and aided in port of the claim that the statre should started their concert work forty-three determine the extent and effi­ under such conditions each mer­ making creditable exhibits. Th«* grange be allowed to retalu authority over the years ago will tak<> part in this enter­ Kern Park Christaln Church wm an important factor in legislative ciency of our service. This rule chant will be able to branch out, matters regulation of all transportation line* tainment. Watch for our next ia*ue (or Corner 69lh St. ami tilth Ave. H. E. and has asisti-d this year in th«' holds good in all organizational will be able to employ more Mt. enactment of some important legislation, within their borders. Mr. llryan ex­ further announcements regarding price 10 a. m. Bible BchooL 11 a. tn. and 7 :3o p ui. preaching ser­ admission and more complete details and community life. Co-opera­ Scott people in his business, will including a rural credits amendment, plained that be had long regarded gov­ of In the meantime make a memorandum vice. ernment ownership a* Inevitable, but 6:30 p. m. Christain Endeavor. tion is essential to success. Shall be able to buv in bigger and which is simple and comparatively in­ only because of railroad opposition to of this date ami plan to attend. 7:90p. m. Thursday, mid week prayer expensive, and can be put into itn- 1 cheaper markets, will be able to we unitedly work for a greater meeting. mediate operation with little additional effective regulation. A cordial welcome to all. Mt. Scott District? We are at give better service and a greater machinery than that now employed ii. Against Government Ownership. Rev. G K. Berry, Pastor. variety of wares, will become the service of all who so decree. "Personally I caunot *ay that I de loaning the stat«* school fund. It will more optimistic and more ready supply the requirements of many of our sire government ownership." ho ex­ M. I. H. St. Kauls I plscopal Church to unite in and insist on public isolated settlers who will find it diltieult plained, "Itecause I lean to the Indi­ On« block south ol Wtsxlmere station. vidual Idea rather than to the collec Square Deal vs. Commercialism. Holy Communion the first Buuday of improvements so sorely needed to organize loan a.-*si<*ciationH under th«* tlve Idea; that la, I believe that gov- each month at 8 p. tn, No other sor- Federal law. In the past few year* tlier»* has b»v*n vietai that day. TJROF. ERIC BOLT. Principal to make our community attrac- At the election two years ago the sal«* emmeut ownership ia dealrable ouly an enorinona increase in government by Every other Bunday th* regular ser­ of the Bend schools, sounded tive. In the third place, under and manufacture of alcoholic liquors where com|H*tltlon Is tni|x>«alt>le " Alfred P. Thom, counsel to the flail Now if Hoiiiething had vice* will I m « as usual. a timely warning in his address such an impetus our empty was prohibited and the saloon was vote«i way Executives' Advisory Committee, commission. l«*en lop|H-d off when the commiMioUS i Evening Prayer and sernion at 4 p. m. at the Methodist Church of Lents stores will be rented, our empty out of < iregon, but the law enacteti by previously had presented before the were created, so that th»* expense of Bunday Bchool meet* at 3 p. an. B. Boatwright, Stipi . I . Mallett, Hee. on Sunday evening, against houses filled once more, our un­ the legislature |>«*miitted th«* importa­ memt>er* of the Newlatuls ('ummlttee government wo»ild not I m * increaaed, the Rev. G. W. Taylor Rector. tion of a lirnite*! amount by indivdnals. aa oue of hl* reason* for urging a bet allowing the commercial spirit employed given steady positions, The brewery intereete this year in­ ter Italanced and more sy*tetnatlc reg commission might have been justified. But the creation of the first com- to so control and dominate as to our community benefitted be­ itiated an amendment designed to give ulatlon of railroads the argument that Lents Lvdnqrlkdl (hunh was only an addition to the Bwrmon by the Pastor, 11 s. in. and crowd out the finer things of yond measure: other parts of them the privii«>ge of manufacture and this I* the only alternative to govern miasion meat ownership Calling attenUon to -alary list—more olticea had luvn created 7 16 p, B life, citing an instance which Portland will be inspired, our sale of malt liquors within the state. the Bunday Brhool 9:4A *. n>., Aliiert restrictions imposed u | h > ii the Encouraged by the venture the job would be regarded as too exag­ state will catch the vision, stored This attempt to annul the action of the transportation lines by conflicting *tate hunting c I hsh moved for a thick of com- ' Fsnkbsnsvr, Bu|ierint<'ndent. Y. I’. A. (I 15 p. m. Paul Brsdfurtl, voter at the previous election, aroused gerated to be true were not its up money will be drawn out of I the dry forces and an amendment was law's and regulation*, to the practical missions, and now we have Mime ten or President. authenticity vouched for: An the bank vaults, and prosperity placed on the ballot which will prohibit ► cessation of new construction «nd to the ti(h*en state commissions. Each com- \ Prayer meeting Thurmlay 8 p. m. lni|xmsilitl|ty under existing conditions A curdial welcoine to all. Eastern packer is said to have will be here. A dream? No, the importation of all liquors for bever­ of securing the new capital needed for rniwioner draws a salary ranging from T. R. llornachiirh, Paator. 93,UDO per annum up. and all expense*. visited Oregon during the perhaps a vision, but who ever age purposes. The last reports show extensions and la-ttermenta of railway Now, like Wisconsin we are to have a , Autumn and was taken by a did anything worth while with­ that the brewers’ amendment was de­ facilities ho warned the Congressmen commission to regulate commissions, i lents friend's Church feated. Thus the liquor forces lost that unless they provided a fair and friend out the Columbia High­ out a vision? Isn’t it worth try­ ground where they hope»! to gain a reasonable system of regulation that The next thing is to have regulator* to ( 9:43 a. in. Bible Bchool, Clifford way that he might view some of ing? What do you say?—J. S. F. stronger footing. would enable the railroads to moot the regulate the comtniasions, and then we Barker Superintendent. will of cours»* n»*»*»l regulators lo regulate 11 :90 a. tu Preaching service*. the scenic beauties of the State. The good roads question is a live issue growing needs of the country's bu«l •1:25 p. tn. Christian Endeavor. the regulators Is there not some way ness the national government would with us and to sho«' that < iregon has Arrived at Crown Point the 7 :3O p. m. Preaching Service*. Soldier Home From Europe. tie compelled to take over the owner to get us all on the salary list? Salaries \ 9:00 p. tn. Thursday, mid-week not been backward in r*»ad work, will machine was halted for a more ship of the lines with all the evil* at­ are exempt from taxation.— l^*aven- prayer meeting J say that in 1914 our state made the high­ tendant upon such a system worth. Wash.. Echo. extended view of the beautiful * A cordial welcome to all theae ser­ (Continued From Page 1.) est expenditure per capita for roads of The alsive is simply a sample of what | vice*. ' ' Preservation of Competition. panorama which greets the vision arm having been paralyzed several weeks any state in the Union and ranked 13th John and Natila Riley, l'astore. at this spot. The visitor gazed as a result, and will undoubtedly never in total amount expend«*!; in 1915 we Mr. Bryan, ou the other hand, bolds many states are afflicted with. that the further extension of federal out over the landscape for a mo­ regain its normal strength. At the same rank«*d second in per capita expenditure authority over the railroads would I* Lents Bdptist Churth Huntington (Pa.,) Era—How pleas­ ment with unseeing eyes, then time he was hurried beneath dirt and de- and lbth in total amount; it ranks 11th a step In the direction of government in percentage of rural roads surfaced. ownership. He adrauced the view that ant to know Congress ia giving liquor bree, only bis head and left arm show ­ Ixird ’ * Day. Bibl»* School U 43 a. tn. turned to his companion with the ‘ We are steadily increasing otir co-op«*ra- the centralization of control In the legislation its aolier attention. Morning worship, 11 a m. ing above the h«*ap of ruins. He was query, ‘‘What do you think will Elmo Heigiits Sunday School, 2:30 dug oat by his companions in an uncon­ tive operations and each year shows hands of the national government p. in be the price of hogs this year?” scious condition from which he did not some advance in that line of grange would impose too groat a burden upon WANTED: Several boys to work tip II V P I , . 11:30 • p in. regulating Is.dy, would offer strong One would feel a profound pity recover for forty-eight hours. He car­ 1 work. More of our granges have learned the Evening worship. irship, 7 7 :30 p. ni. n paper route. Only boy* who can give temptation to railroad* to interfere lu for a man so lost to all sense of ries around in his pocket as a momento the advantage of tbe cash purchase of politics and would encourage the gen referenc«** and ar»* steady and |*ers»*ver- A cordial welcome to tlicwe service*. articles in large quantities. They J. M. Nelson, Pastor era! movement toward centralization ing ne»*l yol,r ,t,ni|y* My method* cure, I.KNTB, OR9GON. Wednesdays social meeting. NeighEor* is also true that the eastern nothing can save it if they leave that Terms reasonable. LORA C. LITTLE, cent, thus nhowlng an almost contln nous decrease throughout this six yr»t bring your families and friends. Health Expert. 420 Henry Bldg, Port ­ states are enjoying unusual pros­ safety in other hands but their own.— Fourth Wednesday, business. All period. It wns announced thnt Hal K. C. Wiley Tabor 141*, B 4111 W. Allen land. Neighbors requested to coine. By perity, which is undoubtedly Webster. ford Erickson, formerly chairman of order of the Camp. the Wisconsin Rnllronf Commission, Wiley and Allen and surely coming this way. It would submit more complete informa The Old Reliable Real Kfitate Firm can also be taken as axiomatic Patrons of the Herald will be glad to Walsh hae a stock of good gasoline all tion on this sublect to the Committee Begin the New Year right by rabaerib- learn that a Pacific phone has now been the time at prices as good aa can be Fire Insurance, Rentals, Notarial Work ing for the Herald. Only 91.00 a ynar. that the livest towns, the most installed. Tabor 7824. at a later date. I found anywhere, tf. Corner W<1 Htreet and WoodMock Avenue It should be in every home in lente. rbone»: Tabor 7824 and D-61. COMPETITION PREHRRt D COMMISSION GOVERN­ MENT INCREASING r Professional Directory "w