I' Lieutenant-Colonel May voters of Yamhill a $590.- was unanimously elected by the com- mandrra of the Third regiment. Ore- 000 bond issae to hard surface a total sf 87 miles of roads. nathmal guard, to be colonel Iding contracts estimated at reporte« ding Colonel Cienard McLaui were placed this week by lustrisi accident com L. who retired to rejolr A. O. Anderaen &. Co. with Portland g No­ United States now and Columbia river shipyards. 3lx vi-ere yards located in Portland now have ed In central ly, of a, and svili n contracts t ‘a! in Examination ot officers of the c< of the state troops gene this week, is required by the war semi annually, under the n ill bi Portland : tUS ranch •tment army ht & i the ♦Jtlott ; in the c ie commissi of the coa I part e out­ il lu Ï GROW rgest ranch deal 'i ' ' €1 $90.1 the recent the F. W. mi. en Hold at End introi, pleaded tor a prison superin­ treat them “i u- and one who had or poMce officer. W£ ?d by more than !rf Tn I I etMIUhii. lation, tho lhereaao being |3? The government's ordinaFJt totaling $779.664,552, were au of 337,186,107 over those of dlnary disbursements, $72 were $6.610.698 leas than tlv- pr-'ce« .Ing y«nr. and the surplus on ordluar transactions 856,171,654. I a i BEQUEATHS MAID $20,000 MILITIA EASY FOR RAILROADS Have Ampl0 Faoilitiea, They Report, to Take All Troops to Border. Tbe railroads of the country say they arc ready for the greatest prepared­ ness test—moving of the nilllthi of tbe country to tbe Mexican border. Ilallroad officials cast and west unite tn declaring that ns fast as the admin­ istration orders state troops moved they will be ready to transport them. The way la cleared for the movement of troop trains, and engines and cars sufficient to handle tbe thousands of meu are said to l>e available. The problem of transporting supplies may be more complicated. The eastern mads are just emerging front a serious freight congestion, but tbe mnnagers believe sufficient enrs will lie available to handle the additional business. “Western railroads, facing their great­ est teat for efficiency, can move the 80.1MM» to 1OO.9OO militia summoned to tbe Mexican border without a bitch and without affecting regular passen­ ger traffic." This was tbe statement of railroad officials who schedule the operation of most ef the troop trains. Painting Overhead. When It Is necessary to paint a win­ dow or any object overhead tbe paint or liquid usually runs off the handle of tbe brush and then over the work­ er's bands. If you will take two pieces of tin soldered at the ends, says C. II. Thomas In tho Popular Science Month­ ly and tack them on either side of the brush below the bristles, you will have a little cup which catches thia over­ flow paint. Each time tho brush Is dipped Into tbe paint can the shield Is automatically emptied. Mad leal. ••The farmer snfd that one of his lit­ tle pigs was sick, to I brought it some augn r." ‘ oiigar! Whnt forT’ “For madieino. of course. Haven’t you ever heard of sugar cured hams?" —Philadelphia Ledger. TOOTH Dentist Trail F With Com- I .yun. M:U " the sit- in« i nths-nld pet ent of Dr Fred Hettle Holbrook, assistniit in the dental laboratory of Me or John 8. Burbank, la sporting u gold crown In the lower cuspid of the right Jaw. Half Angora and half Maltese, “Snoodles’’ broke the top of her tooth nn.1 hud been much troubled by It. Dr. Hettle was taken with tbe Idea of making an Impression In wax and soon had tho gold crown ready, Tbe cat submitted to the operation without protest and evinced Interest only when the cementing process took place by licking the cement. Carl Strakosch Renumber» Faith! Servant In Will. Winsted. Conn.—" The will of Ca el,«» lot., Ciar Stmkoach, bdghand Louise Kellogg, tbe admitted to probate Tli«* estate U estlnui Elpstone. tbe Strak Hartford, la given to Mrs. Myra Mat thews Parsons of Chi-ngo; $20.900 Is bequeathe«! to Miss Julia Harris Strn kosch of New '«ork. an adopted daugh­ ter. and $2 o . ik .) o is willed to Celia Go­ ranson of New York, a maid in the Straknsch home for more than fifteen years. The remainder of the estate goes to relatives. FOUND ANCIENT CITIES, Harvard Expedition Explorer Reports Discoveries In Peru. Panama.-Dr. XV. L. Moss of Balti­ more. returning from the Harvard ex­ pedition into the valley of tho Mara- non, iu Pfru, a tributary 'of the Ama­ gon. reports the discovery In this Publio Land Opened For Settlement. hitherto unexplored and virtually un­ President Wilson has Just signed a inhabited regio» of two ancient cities |ir of It being of the a marvel. One pound of raisins In this lH»»t quality, and could have 1>eon sold respect, according to a doctor, will for enough to pay for the entire roof. more than equal “a pound of beef or live pounds of flsh, two iiotnuls of eggs, I four pounds of potato’s, two quarts of milk, half a p«- k «»f appl-’s or a dozen 9 bananas.'* And the nd.sntnge of the sugar tn the ra'.Mn 1« thpt I* U alntost tmnn'dlatvtv diytoiied. assimilated transformed Into energy. Not • Representative. Mr*. English- Is your hnsbnnd a rep­ Tsksn at His Word. Creditor—SirpiH’s«* I'll hnve to watt resentative American? Mrs. C. S. A.- No. Indeed! He’s • till the day of Jn'ilgtncnt for what you rtwe. Debtor—Yes; call lato in the day, «•on tori— Life. though.—Fliegende Bluetter. uthwestern Klam- bed of Tula jf the Califor- cally assured irrival nath Falls of rch and a party of govern- before it t lrveyors. who are to survey •es ot land on the Oregon and n the California sides. Colonel H withering statistics on the ict. Li off as that. of Ia- dt ’ o T'« x indus- trv in the state has made such rapid within the past tew years us »bile. Hoff fin is that there iuaately 250 public automo- nual ages and repair shops in Ore pped bunebi 1916 from the Appropriations of $141,185 and $218. and crop is "almot 536 for the years 1917 and 1918 will celery for Christmas and Tha igsgtv- be asked respectively from the nett Ing dinners will be imported I legislature by the Oregon Agricultural Contending that all of the state's college and the university of Oregon. business should be transacted in the I according to estimates filed with Sec­ open, several members of the coming retary of State Olcott. The amouuts legislature have signified their Inten­ | needed by tho Oregon Agricultural tion of introducing hills providing that | college and state university for the the sessions of all state boards and two years, respectively, are 1992.185 commissions shall be public. and $796,936. Most of this will be Oregon hop growers are taking a supplied by the millage tax. pessimistic view of the situation and The budgets of the Oregon AffrlcuP assert that hundreds of acres of hops will be plowed under regardless of tural college and the university of the duration of the English embargo, Oregon include several proposed new while if the embargo continues, thou­ buildings which will be erected pro­ sands of acres are likely to be plowed viding the estimates are accepted by the coming state legislature. under. The rural credits law will not be The anti-saloon league of Oregon spent 111.3X4 In the recent campaign operative until after the legislature which put tbe state “bone dry." and has provided stich statutes as it shall perfected one of the most powerful deem advisabh- for carrying out and Inter-church and Inter-society organi­ administering the act. according to sations that has ever been built up In the attorney general's office. The Beaver Cement company's fac­ any state ta carry through a prohibi- tory, located at Gold Hill, a few miles tion campaign. W Official returns reodved from all east of Grants Pass, 0.1 .lie Southern the 35 counties in Oregon by Seore- Pacific, work upon wh'rh wu begun tary of State Olcott of the result of about two years ago by the Hunt En­ the election of candidates for member­ gineering company, has L.nal forests. accord- ’h zetory at Grants Pass ha i m ill first di istributlon of Ing to fis; tures obtained by O. P. Hoff, leltvered stat, - labor < mmissioner, from fed- lent for b ch scks at th«* ctor between the <1 atei s Oc- eral off! uls, At a meeting of the West Side Far tober 23 and 31 1. In this first d trib- clfic Highway association held at Me- wers par Ipated, tha ution 117 gre Mlnnville a committee of five was payments am •.nting to $'’5.540.61, annotated to draw plans to submit to A C V-S P. Hc?f, . frbra July 1. 19’5, l*Tld ires of ' vacant to setUe- ct tl entry under the pros. - tans I.ir-n (•< this of the homestead laws. f.* are «t.> y'd. am ■»lint F’. ; 42.! - * in the year TIfy of 104,269 acres and t»33.037 acres since July L 1914. With snows deepening on the sur­ rounding range tops and a djcided winter nip to the atmosphere, creha'd- iats of the Hood river valley who, ac­ cording to estimates, have at the pres­ ent time 400,000 boxes of fruit unpro­ tected from excessive frost, are wor­ ried. Because of the shortage of re­ frigerator cars, the storage plants of the valley, holding an approximate 600,000 boxes of fruit, were closed F,»>•♦!» ox* i vzirv 4 Sure. Mrs. Smiley—Here we’ve betyt mar­ ried ten years, and my husband etill says I’m an angel. Her Friend—But does he really mean It, my dear? Mrs. 8.—Perhaps not But don't you think I'm lucky to have a busband who pre­ tends to menu It?—Pittsburgh Chronl cle-Telegraph. Architecture. A distinguished philosopher spoke of aychttecture as froxen music, and his assertion caused many to shake their heads. We believe this really beauti­ ful Idea could not be better reintro­ duced than by calling architecture si­ lent music.—Goethe. His Cholcs* “A bad beginning means a good end­ ing- “That may be. but If I can have my choice I’ll take the fine start every time.“—Detroit Free Pre»* F Don't Let Skin Troubles Spread Trivial blemishes are sometimes the first warning of seriori» skin diseases. Neglected skin troubles grow. Dr. Hobson’s Eczema Ointment promptly Stop*, the progress of ecxetna, heals stubborn cases of pimples, acne, blotchy, red ami scaly skin The anti- ptalitie* of Dr. Hobson’s Eczema sep' Ointment kill the germ and prevent the spread of thy trouble. For cohl sores or chapped bands, Dr. Hobson’s Ecsema Ointment offers prompt relief. At your Druggist, *Oo.