■%. MT. SCOTT H ERALO! Entered a* Second Class Matter February 19, 1914. At po*toffice. Lenta, Oregon, Untier act of March 3, 1879 Published Every Thursday at Lenta, Ore., by the M t . S cott PvatiaHiau Co. H. A. DARNALL, Forros ano M anaobk . Office Phone: Home D-fll. Residence: Tabor 2S13 I the human ear fails to detect The robin hops over your lawn, hears the earth worm at work in the soil and unerringly captures a meal. Certain sounds are dis­ tressing to human ears because the ear is not capable of receiv­ ing the vibration. It causes pain. This is probably the reason the dog howls when he hears the piano or other musical instru­ ment. At The Churches Arletu bdptlst (hurch 9:46 a. in. rtilila School. 11 a. in. I'reachlng rarvlca. 8:00 p. in. Evening aarvicea. 7:00 ii in. B. Y. I‘. U. inrating. s :0(i Tliiirmlay I'rayer meeting. EverylHxly welcoinu to any and all ol Hive» »ervu-ea. W, T. N. Sprlgg», paator. Millard Avenue I'resbyteridn Church (0 a. in. Nahbatii School. il a. iu. Morning wuraiilp. 7:p. in. Y I*. H. C. E. 7 :4ft p. in. Evening worahip. 7 :80 p. in. Ttiuraday. mid work aervic«. H p. ui. Tburaday, ciioir (iractlee. Rev. Wm. If. Ainua, I’aator. I he Curiosity of Sound ROM information at hand it appears that the German Under certain condition* the »ound KILLING AND DRESSING IMPORI- of ­ gun tire can I** heard at great «lix- ANI INMAKKLIING POU IKY people are perpetrating two out rages upon helpless conquered tanee.«. The tir>nS at Waterloo ia »aid Success in marketing dressed poultry to have been hcar«l in Kent, one hun­ nations of Europe. First, the dred . Ixiw Mara. crop ami iiitexlines, improves the 10:1(0 a. in. High Mara. every means of earning an heard in Somerset, one hundred and the keeping qualities, and makes tlie fowl 8:31) a. m. Nunusy School. existence. Nothing in modern twvnty-tivv miles distant. During th«» more attractive. 12 M. Clioll rehearsal. Week dava; Mara at 8 a. iu. history compares with this, un­ prerent war, artillery actions in Flan- i Bleeding—Since a well-bled bird looks «lore have been audible in the south tter and keeps belter, the kind of Seventh Day Adventist (hurch the Arcadians of early French I at places tar inland. But more re- stick necessary to make the bleeding is very important Hang the 10 a. in. Saturday Habliath School. Canadian history, presented so I markable than the fact that eannontlre successful 11 a. in. Saturday preaching. bin! al suit five feet from the ground, 7 :.**) p. in. Wednesday, Prayer meeting touchingly in story and song. can be heard at such long di*tanoe» is (irasp the head in the left band, coiub 7 :4ft p. in. Sunday preaching. But that was a mere incident the fret sometimes it cannot la* heard downward, with the forefinger, part the at short distance». All observer« near compared with this movement the western battle front remark tin* ab- hill With the right hand insert the Kern Park Christdln Church to exterminate a nation by rob­ , rence of the sound of the guns only a sticking knife on the right side of the Corner t(9tli Nt. and tilth Ave. N, E. naif of the mouth where the lames of 10 a. m. Bible Ncluail, , bing it of its men. Not satisfied 1 short way in front. Mr. Charles the skull and neck join. This severe a 11a m. and 7 :3o p m. preaching aar- with subjugating an innocent Davison, who discusses tlie subject in loading artery and the bint will bl««-d NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE OF on tin* day of -ah», lialanc* on conllrma- vice. lion of xnlo by said Conniy Court. REAL ESTATE. tl.30 p. tti. Chrixtain Endeavor. nation it proceeds to tax it to the the Quarterly Review, says tha; on one freely. The knife should be pointed ' occasion in 1901 not a soitnd from U m » C F. GROCE, 7: Sop. m. Thnrsduy, mid-week prayer verge of death and they rob it of Spithead guns could l>e heard in the and very sharp, preferably, two inches Notin' is hereby given tliat in pur­ (huirdian of the Estates meeting. suance of an order of th«* Ubtinly Court A cordial welcome to alb every means of revival. The I neighboring towns, ami that the nearest Jong and one-fourth of an inch wide. of Freeman Smith, Ed ns M Rev. <• K Berry. Pastor. of the Stat«« of Oregon for Mnltnoumli rational thing for every able j place at which any report was recorded Brain ■'tick:—11 the fowls are dry Smith, John It. Smith, Valentine A« County ma«le an*l entered therein on picket!, the brain is necessary. Sylvester Smith «mi 1 Joyd bodied Belgian to do now is to was tiity mil«-.« away, in Surrey. Simi- soon as th«* artery has l»*eu severed, in- U • ML day of Novemlw'r, 191th in the St. Pauls I plscopdl Churt h M< Millen. Minora join the allies. And the Ameri­ ‘ lar phenomena have lieen observed in sert tlie knife througli th«* groove in tlie 'M utter of the Guardianship o( Freemnn (Joe Id'M'k smith of Woodmere station First publication Nov Id, |9id. volcanic eruptions. Professor Gmori in Holy Communion the first Hivuiay of can people would be more than Japan, finds the sound area of the roof of the mouth into th«* brain This Suiith. Edna M Smith, J-9«n R Smith, each month at 8 p. in. No other »or- NOTICE TO CREDITONS justified in remonstrating against [ Asatnayatua. a very aclive volcano, to jiaraly««*» tlx* bird and catl»«s the Valentine Sylvester Smith and LJ*iy«l vicea tliat day. McMillen, minor». U m * timl«*n*ign<-«i. the Every other Ntinday the regular »er such unparalleled subversion of I consist of two sones entirely deta«-b«-d leathers to l*»»»en. In tin- Comity Court of the Slate of The birtl “boilId not I»* allow«« 1 to of th«* estat«*» ol said minors, vices will Is* aa Uattal. the customs of civilized warfare. 1 from each other. Mr. Davison fur- co«il or tin- f«-ather* to tighten, but th«* guardian Oregon for Multnomah County. Evening Prayer amt sernmn at 4 p. m. wdl “«-li at public auction to tlx- ln¿h«*»t Sun I,iv Ni-I, ol meet» li’ Lt* m. B. The second offense is the : nishes an ingenious explanation of th«* picking should start at once. Tlie bidder for cash Gohl Coin of U m * I nited In tin- Matter of tin- Estate of Philip j way in which tin* sound wave.« may I»* B atwriglit, Supt , L. Midrett, Bee. proposition to establish the | lifted by contrary winds over the heads breast feathers are tirst picked. and »tate» of America, and subject to con- I WK toll, I hs-i-atH'd. Rev. O. W. Tavlor Rector. kingdom of Poland with a Ger- 1 of obrervers and afterward«, by favor- then the long tail and wing feathen». tirmation by -aid t'oiiuty Court, on Notice is hereby given that the under- signed ha« been appointed admin­ Sa turila y the Irttl» day of Itco-mber, man ruler, after which the con- i able winds, brought down to the level C. S. A. Lents tvdnqclkiil (hurth 191G. at 9:3l) o’cl*»-k in U m * forenoon ol istrator of the estate of Philip iawton, : of other observers far away. He com- Hermon by the I’»»tor, 11 a. m. and dition is advanced that to enjoy •aid day, al the front donrul tlie County deceased, by the County Court ol the 7:1ft p. m this forced independence the : menu, too, on the curious sensitiveness VOL MI SI PKOVIDL PROP! R Court H oiim * of the County of Mttll- State ol Oregon for Multnomah County, Nnuday Bchool 9:45 a. tn., Alliert : of birds, «-«peciaHv pheasants, to the prostrate Polish government ; round of guns at a greet distance. Tip*; COMMUONS io Gt I WIN it K LOGS iK'inah and Stat«* of Oregon, all the and lias qualified. All persoli» having FankhauMvr, Superintendent. Y I’. A., fl :4ft p. in Paul Bradford, must organize and maintain an North Sea battle iu which tlie Blucher Mauy people Iwlicve that if (hey fur- rigjit, title, int>*re«t and estai* of said claims against said estate are ln-r<*|>y President. not,tied to present the same to me al minor» in and to all Uxra* certain lots, PravrS meeting Thnradav H p, ni. army in support of the central i was sunk cause«! great excitement niai iloi'f JS'-reo/. ( < hundred miles distant from tlie guns thap- is im excuse for their hens not j (f*i ami »ix (flk-iu Bt«**JÇ,F.*fc-W SHIM-. sf.N _ allies lose out as every one in Spniig.gmJ HiimiinV. -*.-a--r.« . ar-- lb-- way , row Mi^u'KU’'’**.-^ -r.it’- ’«j'dl nt t».*, u lov-BUde-v-bui»' vli Oh de rd • am - ■ s ;/■ wiioinVtisrtiw -f th- City of PoWaixl' ip S»id C i l, “4? • Europe now believes they must • The- above interesting para-; natiu-ai r mifs for- .1 IkHkio 3nfi»ni''i|M(vi»iA . I M. «i d ,loll\ VlXfvVfl** svwrrtfv. ren«t •<-* a> -jra 11 :tM) a. in prauehmK »erviof* tl.-y art mxITt/J } (Tirimgi. ITi,- Mill­ the. Polish, ftope for nationaliza­ < graph develops several- interest-i t'a«'r'j I ie made re i,.*ar TYrtna and errad¡ti«wi«'of »M- tion will.sjireV fail- as they can­ ' ing observations 'of phTiicisfJ ter, orditimi» mturt Tayihg M-.rem a* <4n!•! NS<'-r *i .. ra r Sound Waves Ir^vek 'in peculiar — T Te >.• ? ir 3:» tablish them as a nation'if. they •a i-rtr»*' g.t.’Hs-e tv'«R •the— • ,-r •h*_ 'jê» • M* -«i.iv » "• t' ■ • • ■ *1 ’ ‘ H I 11 f *’ oscillations, .that form ,“nude$.” j - i . • * , V VÌ«rt*t ■ now ally them selves with the lion. A» a proti-in or egg-prodtwing l-l points in spuce where the vibra-| • 1 iTnbn .imi Nat i* Rih-,, F»«toig -nt- rank in x-hj igh* r. Uvin.i ufv* Germans. It is crooked business tions are parallel or in focus. i» r ’•* i anil contain rpore iai tkau w Ix-at. It.- , all through and deserves the The shock from a modern big biuii pr-'Portion <>l hull to keru-l mak'-x lents baptist (’Kurth condemnation of civilized people gun develops such a mighty dis­ il bulky and unpaiatabie. Sprouting l.iinl'» Day, Blhli- Srl,. in VV^AYNESBORO. a town in while at points more distant, af­ Can be »prouted and fed at four or xix i B Y It U , tl.*30 p in. high more economii-aliy than 1 Copyright. 1910. by American Preet Atto«.letton. Virginia, has made itself ter a large portion of the waves | inches Evening woreliip, 7i30 p. in root» or vegetabl«*« can b*- produced. A i-<>rilial w*-l<-oini- to there rervin*» famous. It is the first place on have died out or been absorbed, Th»* litne reqiiiml for the grow th ix : LD Deacon Bedell was the cheeriest man í J. M Ni-I»buiiding. Rent on the j “nodes” are again found. The Portland, (ire Myrtle Park ILill, to 4“0 pound» of eui-etilent f<*ed. They could be a mighty sight wuas .Myrtle Park. building occupied cost less than more extensive the disturbance It ia an easy matter to con p, tu. r next Sunday troni 2 p. tn to Whether the example set had ference is the rule and the actual Preachihg 7:30 p. m. “The Lord in his goodness has It is hoj.il that this chungo a stimulating etiect on the city sound is better distinguished at Prayer mealing Thursday evening at sent us the rain 7:30. F. M. Jasper, pastor. of Hoquiam.iWash.. or whether points quite distant. To lay the discomfortin’ Residence ft?03 H trd St. Hoquiam jhas subconscious re­ dust.” The second interesting sug­ versions, anyway, whatever vou gestion in this paragraph lies in laurelwood M. t. (hurch want to call it. Hoquiam has like­ the manner ir. which sound af­ When adversity smote him it 9:45 a. tn. Bunday school. fell like the dew wise declined an expensive post fects different animals, even 11:00 a. in. preaching. On a mountain's imper­ office, and HoodJRiver has gotten different persons. Aside from 12:80 a. in class meeting vious crest, (¡ .TOp in “ ’ ‘ L ph ^ iip . Epworth itself into print for doing the I the volume of intensity of a 7:80 p in prpH<’hing for his simple philosophy same sort of thing. But then ; sound its pitch has ar. importapt 8:09 p tn. Thnrntiny evening, pmyor held to the view Servici*. you might expect Hood River U j part in its effect. Students of That everything worked Dr. C. U. Carlo», pastor. do that. The people up there the subject have variously es­ for the best. rely on something beside “pork” timated the range of wave ac­ And for others' misturtunet German I Vdnqelli al Reformed Church for their corporeal pabulum and tivity necessary to produce audi- -”" h» |pi> v to give him a ‘iii|»*r, pastor. to give. the fruit Jof ¡the EdetM of the I as a minimum, to 9000 as a .Sunday School Id a m. Morning Worship, II a tn. It seemed that he envied the Earth, are a proper sustenance maximum number of wave vi- Y. P H at. 7..'10 p. m halt and the blind , for people of such'moral standard ! brations per second necessary to German Schoo) ami < .'atechrtical dime Éhititrdny in a. in. The lives they were des­ so once again'Hood River ¡-cores ¡’ produce the sensation of sound. French Class to be Marl d tined to live. bj. main’lining its moral at­ That is, the ear would not be Anyorre who i* int»*ri*e(«*d irt n ronr-» .... . . - «. ( mosphere ¡on a par with its i disturbed by a vibration longer in the French language wonld do w I free Methodist Church One dry he wm caught In a reputation as an horticultural than 16 to the second or be able to consult Mr». Lina Jasper, 6703 fl 11 Nnnday Nrliool, 10 a. ni. thrashing machine street, or phone Tabor 4070. The cl era Preaching, Ilk. tn. and 7:30 p. m paradise. It cost him a leg, but h« to distinguish one shorter than will meet for organization on Monday Prayer meeting, Wednesday 7'30 p.m. said. 9000 to a second. Others have evening. Nov. 27 All are Cordially invited to attend The Pacific Coast Manufac­ *That*a gettin* oft cheaper than some I hsve seen, estimated the minimum as low them services. turer complains because the l*m thankful it waan't my head.” Mop I he first Gold Robert If.Clark, pastor. as 9 per second and as high as And alwaya thereafter he stumped on a peg Oregon law prevents using 4<)000. This difference is evident­ A colil does not get well of itwlf, The Or patiently went with a crutch. wormy apples for cider or jelly. LODGE DJRECTORY ly due in part to a difference in process'll wearing 'Kit a cold w«-ars yon Declaring. "I’m savin* a lot on ttiat leg — It is all according to one’s taste. Magnolia C.imp N<>. 40M, Royal human ears. Some refuse to re­ out. «nd your rough l*e<*