Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, November 23, 1916, Image 1

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Phone us your news
Items—they are al­
ways welcome
Subscription, $1.00 a Year
French and English are Considering
Plans to Flood the Vast Sahara
Desert, Once Bed of
If •!><• u III ch win tbu wnr frunce and
Eliminili togetlu-r will uwn nearly tliv
whole of Africa. They lire aliead.v
dinking i >I miim tu co operine In the rapid
development of (but cuurtuoua terri
lory, uml otic <>f tliv projects niiiiviu
pinte I In the flooding of u greet part uf
the Si'lmr.i deaeri
Till», fii'tii mu engineering vlewpoiut
will n«t l>e « very difficult uffiiir in
the ur-terii Mnlinrii títere I» u vn»< de
|>re»Ki. ii or "sink'’
feet below th •
level of the ocean mid covering nu men
of about , if.(H»l «quill ' Utile». All that
I» ink
ry la tu cut a rana! »ix mile»
luna In iirder to let lite m - m Into It.
The ilepi v*alim I» called by tile Arab»
KI Juf. -i the lloifow. It I« it
level philo extending fruui the vl levity
of vaia* J i by ion the northwest •-,ia»i
directly opposite the tiitiat*) island,>»
southeast to within Ito) mile» of Tim
bukt il ita greatest breadth. KW mile*
la toward the south
To the north
WMI It gradually iiuirowa, terminât
iug In the dry channel which repre
aenta Ita former connection with the
Atiantk. ,
Once an Inland 8»a.
Not uiucb.iuore than l.toXI years ago
El Juf waa an inland sea—lu fact, au
arm of the Atlantic ocean. But the
entrance channel (thirty tnllea north
of Cape Juby) was at about that time
btbdied by sand, the waters of the
golf that ooeupled thè great hollow
were dried up by evaporation, and the
This is a good]time to re«
new your subscription to
the Herald.
Lents, Multnomah County,
Oregon, Nov., 23, 1916. 4
There Im» »I .»-¡i.i-.l In the KHItnuii
Ja ru rrgldii h <i< rii mi norusn uurrloi
wb<> 11 h-uding a fot' ■ >>f native troop*
without tin- is»i«uiu<e uf uu> other
Europviin. *
a ó *| ali li frolli l'ape
Town. Hout li Afri a the Mouuhiius of ibu Moon thl*
dcKpetme wuiiuin I* wnclng a guerrilla
warfure »gainst the allied force», and
thrilling Mtm en »re i- Id of ike «tniiiuc
wild life which »I h * und her black fei
(öwer» lead.
The native «tory I« that »he I» tile
widow of » German cuoinisndant wbu
waa killed In the fight which tiaik
place ui l.muriilo <>u Refit 23. 1911
Hile w»» »o grief »trlckeii over the
death of l;cr liualuilid thill »he iqienlj
declared her d'-c i- to la- revenged.
The native«, who «poke of her «» a
mail woimiti. »aid that her auger ws«
particularly comentiuted again«! the
King'» Afrlcnn rille*, In M »klrtulxli
with which force her ii <1 had
ta-'-ii »light Iv wonitded. and tliv Kahl
African niountei! rifle*
In the e ri il i » o' the East African
catnpnlgn. liefere and even after the
»rival of the tndlin troo|:s In Novem­
ber, 1974. there was a great deal of
guerrilla fighting, and on both »Ide«
tli -re were retirement» tiefore superior
force«. The woinuu wa» »ecu on sev
ernl om-aaioiis. her forte varying from
ItXi to ‘Jixi native». Through gla««es
many officer» of tbo I’.rltlah forco»
have (con thia white woman com
mender in her kraal, surrounded by
black*. Nover since the Longldo fight
ha» »he been «eco lu the compauy of a
Rhe I» described •• • Mg woman
with flaxen hair. Bhe ride» astride
anti 1» armsd to ths tseth. Rhs seems
W bars « womdarfuf eootrol over bur
taittvu gsltoweru.
* -»-til
FALLS 3,000 ft ET AND
Obanksgívmg Proclamation
By QJooâimvCflilton
.Wi.e.»*«*.......,.....«..... ..... . .lign».«,.I*.*-...«««««»»».««!*.«««*.
Obe season i$ at hand in which it
h& been cur long respected custom
as apeepk to him in praise and
Ckanks^ivmg to ShnighfyGod
for Kis manifold mercies and bless
mg* to was aT2alion.TlowTbe»eten.
I.QJoodiwCH’l$on,Pnmdenl of
the Gnited Side* ci Hmerica^do
hereby deeignak ihelasiOnirsday
of Hoverober next as a day of dunks
and prayer, and invite the
people throughout the land to cease
from fbeh* wonted occupations and
in thdr sewn] bonMs assd j^cgsef
w onrbip ro iid — ftu id u to flhtngWy
Moonshine distilling of
whiskey is a new industry on Coos Bay.
One industry helps another.
prosperity helps the lumlier trade. Cop­
per sales at 30 cents makes firmer
prices for lumber.
“1 CbMk Cbee, Cord”
I Thank thee, Lord, for every
moment dropped
Into my life that had some
sweetness in it;
For all the golden hours when
friendship met
And gave up heart for heart
and thought for thought;
For all the love that faithful
hearts let fall
To drop into mine own; for
every look
From loving, eyes; for every
smile or word
That gladdeoed me; for subtle
TiaTtaL mo stront tear
Lord,! thank thee.
I thank time. Lor« I thank
thee for the hours
When flowed my tears;
When fell those grief wrung
On lips that murmured, “Lord,
thou knowest best"
For all the love born sorrow,
hidden pain;
For all the cares and burdens
of my life
(For, glad or sad, thou givest
for the best);
For all the strength thou gav-
est me to bear,
Dear Lord, 1 thank thee.
- Rose Pastor.
purpose in destroying germ lifo.
formula, whieh we are reproducing,
should be saved for reference and used
One-half bushel unslaked lime, 1 peck
of »alt well dissolved in warm water, 3
pounds of ground rice boiled to a thin
paste, stirred into the mixture when
boiling hot; half pound of powdered
Spanish whiting, 1 pound glue previous­
ly dissolved over a slow lire.
Five gal-
Ions of hot water complete the mixture,
Stir well and let it stand for a few day»
before using. Protect it from dirt and
extraneous matter. It should be put on
while hot.
One pint of the mixture
will cover a square yard if pro|»>rly ap­
plied. This can be used with brushes or
with a machine. The salt and tlie lime
both poMseas disinfecting qualities and
the glue gives a lasting finish and pre­
vents the whitewash from rubbing off.
Anyone who has used the ordinary Bo­
lution without glue will lie Hurpriwd at
the great improvement this makes.
Comanche. Okla.—When R. L. De
Lung, publisher of the Reilex here, was
married thirteen years ago he prom
hied to take his bride ou a tour such
as other brides take.
“To Niagara Falls aud all that?” she
"Well," said young Mr. De Lung,
“not right away. Yeu'll have to give
■e time, my dear,"
Mrsi De Lung gave him time-thir
teen yean of it-« nd had nearly for­
gotten «about his prenuptial promise.
In the warly years of their married
Kfe she need to inquire now and then
about that promised honeymoon Jour­
ney, but De Long always said bo was
too busy.
“Some other Umo.” be would say.
Recently the newspaper man's con
science went to work on him and gave
him the drubbing of his life.
I "You ornery cues,” bis conscience
said to him. “you have been promising
that good woman a honeymoon trip
thirteen years. She believed for a time
that you meunt It, too, but now she
knows better. Rhe must think you
have a soul about as big as a mustard
seed, you tlghtwnd, and that yoijr
word Is worth about aa much as a Mex­
ican peso."
Editor De Lung sllpiied out and
bought an automobile. Then he learn
ed to engineer It without lettinif his
wife know almut it. When nil wns
ready he Invited her to take the honey
moon trip They are now tquring
Texas and New Mexico and having
the time of their Ilves.
No. 47.
A young Liverpool member of the Oregon’s Beauty and Scenic Won­
royal flying eon«, who Is now hi
ders to be Published World Wide.
training somewhere In England, came
on scat lied. except for a bruise or two,
Financial Harvest Will Repay
from a thrilling exiieriemv when his
machine fell from a height of 3.000
feet on a house In a i«<i»uloun part of
The best estimates of the value of ail
London. He tells of bls feelings dur­
Oregon crops of grain, iruit, fish, vege­
ing the descent at the rate of 1,000
tables, live stock aud dairy products for
feet a minute as follows:
“I was leading a reconnolssance 1916—at war prices — is placed at
flight and had to ge up to 3.000 feet, *130,000,000. Iu the grain districts and
when I signaled to the others follow­ the livestock renters the farmers are
ing by tiring a pistol. The pisto| ex­ mighty prosperous.
But if some man
ploded and bit me on the bead and came along and showed these farmers
broke my propeller, and the back of where tliey could get »neither *100,000,
the engine caught Are. Both controls
000 added to the circulating medium in
were cut away, so I only bad the ele­
vator control left and could not guide this state, would they take it?
question number one.
Yet. that is
‘ The broken propeller tore a large exactly what is proposed by the North
hole in the plane. It was very windy Pacific Co.vat Tourist Association. They
and damp, and the wind carried me up intend to bring a crop of tourists to
toward London, dropping me about a Oregon,
1,000 feet every minute. 1 shut my Colombia and to have those tourist drop
eyes and dro|>ped and landed half on
*KC,000,000 every year in the laps of
a bouse and haif iu a little alley. I
was covered with petrol and got an Oregon farmer», laborers and merchants.
If the Association should get only
awful knock on the head and was
dazed when 1 hit the ground. My *50,000,000 a year from tourisu it would
right wing went through a wtndow. lie more money than is brought Wito the
and the whole machine was »mashed.
state by wheat and cattle ; it would
"When I crawled out with my head about double the value of the combined
In my bands, the first thing the lady fruit crops; it would be more money
of the bouse said was. ‘What on earth
than Oregon gets for her potatoes, corn,
are you doing here? So I said, ‘I've
come for tea.' She said. ‘You've killed barley, rye, oats and hay.
The Tourist Association has adopted
one of my chickens.' The machine was
the same plan, with improvements, that
a wreck.
“It was a nasty feeling, as 1 had no haa been successful in
getting the
control, and it was just luck that I did tourist to California and to Switzerland.
not land on a church steeple."
They will combine the big scenic at­
tractions ol the Northwest and adver­
tise them as one tour. It is intended to
feature the summer climate o*. ths
How the turkey canoe by Ito name Nasthwest sad to-induc« toortrta tosto*
has been a moot question lor a length»«
The Thanteagiriarfowt laha Americaa
bird which waa iMrodbaat -te Barepa
from the new worM and had nothiag
«Maroa M dkwWh Tnabaff *r Twits,
Wto Ifante »e Trtay?
-aulì a: .ÿi—
tottM. a water grip «T XSQS altea will
bring the traveler witbin a abort die
tance of Ttmbnktn. tbs “mysterious
city“ that wad never eve« soon hy a
white man until teas than a century
El Juf I» today a hopeleae region
destitute of vegetable and animal life.
With the exi vptlon of one small vil­
lage on It» eastern border. not a single
human habitation exists throughout
the Irnsln. This village. Tnudeny, I»
on an nneleut i nni van route, and salt
mln<"< are worked there to supply the
Budini inn r« et«. the stuff being qunc
ried out 111 bir »lab*
Vol. 14.
Tuesday. Jauitary g, 1*1»..
Pslk eouaty’s yteM of apples this
fall to believed to bo the largest ta the
county's history.
Building operations to the valufi of
*24.243 were begun In Eugene during
the month of October.
The second annual corn and land
products show waa held at the armory
in Woodburn last week.
The annual meeting of the Oregon
state hotel association will be held
in Portl. nd December 1 and 2.
Hood River's apple loss from the
early ccld weather is placed at be­
tween 10 and 15 per cent of the total
A farmers’ co-operative cheese as­
sociation has been organized by dairy­
men in South Silverton and the Waldo
Postal records In the Albany pont-
offlce show that postoffice receipts
there have more than doubled in the
past 14 years.
The planing mill of the Stoddard
Bros. Lumber company at Baker was
almost destroyed by fire, with a loss
of about *15.000.
None of the 275 accidents reported
to the state industrial accident com-
mission during the week ending No-
veniber 16 were fatal.
Work on the 125.000 sawmill to be
erected by the recently incorporated
Applegate Lumber company at Med­
ford. has been started.
Eight thousand dollars la appropri­
ated in the Clackamas county budget
for 1917 for the construction of an
armory In Oregon City.
Charles E. tlughes carried Oregon
for president by a plurality of 6965.
accordlag to the- official returns from
«very eouety in -the atete. « ..
Thu adoption hy the people of Ore-
•on of the "bona-dry" prebtblUon tow
haa stimulated to. a marked degree
receipts of liquor in the state.
Over 1400.090 la to be spent during
1917 by C om county for good roads.
Of thia sum **«2.000 comes from sale
of bond» and *240,000 from general
The Pendleton normal school com­
mittee spent *14.302 5« in the recent
campaign, according to an expense
statement filed with Secretary of
State Olcott.
The city of Bandon has completed
the reconstruction of ita water aya-
tem and has an upto-date distribution
and a pressure said to be entirely
The state fair board in its estimate
for 1917-1918 asks the legislature to
appropriate *225.800, as compared
with *35,195 appropriated for the 1915-
1918 biennium.
As the result of a freight car short­
age on the O W. R. A N.. the Baker
terse« ta etoee dowu its planer, threar-
Ing M men out of work.
Oregon's estimated population for
1914. based upon the school popula­
tion. ta 884.515, aa compared with a
population of «72.765 shown by the
federal census of 1910.
Plana for the holding of the first
southern Oregon corn show in Grants
Pass are now under way. It is pro
posed to hold the show during the
early part of November, 1917.
Fully 20 conventions and confer­
ences will be held during the annual
farmers' and home makers' week at
the Oregon Agricultural college dur­
ing the week of January 2 to 6.
The president has commissioned
Calvin U. Gantenbein, of Portland, as
colonel of infantry in the officers’ re-
serve corps, United States army, or-
ganized under the new army law.
Glen O. Dassett. manager of the
Spaulding Logging company of New­
berg, was killed when a log slipped
from a car. near which he was stand­
ing, struck him and broke his back.
Simply to give liquor away without
subterfuge in the giving to obtain
recompense some other way is not
violating the prohibition law. Circuit
Judge Knowles has held at La Grande.
Two women narrowly escaped death
and damage estimated at *25,000 was
done when fire swept over Rock Is­
land In the Willamette, near Milwau­
kie. and destroyed the big clubhouse
on the Island.
Put out of buaineaa as jitneys by
action of the city council, Portland
owners of the automobiles arranged
to operate as taxicabs and “for hire”
oars, aad attempt to operate ever
their old routes
8lnee the removal of the |> bounty
on coyote« nearly a year ago, thia
post to again becoming very nuaaoroua
near John Day. Reports of damage
among ahaep in ths Bear valley and
lass regions are frequent
The biennial budget will ba ready
for distribution to all the members of
tbo legislature early In December. The
law provide» that the budget shall be
fn the hand» of each legislator SO days
before the session ¿pena.
Pomona grange ot Lane county nas
adopted resolutions inviting the fed­
eral government to assist the farmers
in exterminating gophers, moles and
squirrels, believing that they cause a
loss tn lane county annually equal
to the total school tax.
In the two years ending September
30. 1916. the state of Oregon has re­
ceived from all sources a total of *1S.-
219,513.95, according to figures com­
piled by State Treasurer Kay. In this
period *11,473,452.43 In warrants have
been redeemed bv the state.
nalli applied toJbe Jowl which, is^non
HiKaswy OisMta«d.of Pwttand, to
B. 4* UMa. .si
knoWdaa Uw guinea fowl, aad etHd* jmsidant for O n ««-
fiatlron in the aixteontb aad aevuataeadh Medford, R. E. Scott, of Hood River,
centwriM eoubmaded the Oso apMWt. XH.Kofc.of Eng«*, Tilfort TafHfc.
ofPendfoton, W. J. Hoftnaon ot the
and better known, to quote the En­ Oregonian, Phil Metachan, Jr., repre­
cyclopedia Britannica, “tbs distinction senting the hotel men of the state, C.
was gradually perceived, and the name C. Overmire for the automobile mtn,
turkey became restricted to that from and Mark Woodruff for the Portland
the new world, possibly because of its Chamber of Commerce are the men be­
repeated call note, to be syllabled ‘turk, hind the scheme.
With such a roster of directors for
turk, turk,’ whereby it may be almost
said to have named itself.
The turkey, Oregon the plan escapes being branded
so far as we know, was first described by as a “Portland scheme.” It is an all
Oviedo in his ‘Sumario de la natnral Oregon move. With all Oregon inter­
historia de las Indies,’ said to have been ested the legislature will be asked to
finance the North Pacific Coast Tourist
published in 1527.”
Association for *25.000 a year for two
Death of Mrs. Ewing
Columbia will do tbeir part.
If the legislature refuses to make the
After an illness of over two years,
the plan will be dropped.
Mrs. Nora J. Ewing pass»*.!
Nov. 20, 1916, aged 73 years, 10 months It would be impossible to raise the
And it is
and 12 days. Death was caused by the money by subscription.
hardening of the arteries of the brain. doubtful if it should be. Every citizen
Mr. and Mrs. Ewing came to make is benefltted by the new money brought
their home at Mayger, Ore., until the here by the tourist, and why should not
death of Mr. Ewing May 16, 1904. Here every citizen pay the few cents that this
Mrs. Ewing was laid to rest Tuesday, sum means to each taxpayer in the
Nov. 21, beaide her husband and only state?
sou, N. C. Ewing, who passed away
Lakeview votes *20 (MM) bonds to buy a
The funeral services
Dec. 25, 1908.
were conducted by Rev. D. Johnson of railroad right of way.
Clatskanie at the M. E. church of
Mrs. Ewing was a noble
Christian woman and loved by every­
one. The living children are, Mary A.
Ewing of Boyd, Mrs. Rose E. Watts of
8cappoose, Mrs. Lily McLane of Arleta,
Wisely and well in earlier
Mrs. Daisy L. Hazen of Lents, all of
Or-yon, and twelve grandchildren and
happy day was chosen
two great grandchildren.
That, thouch the earth crow
The relatives are grateful for the
many acts of kindness shown by friends
stiff and hare,
and acquaintances.
The many floral
Our hearts mitht not be
offerings from iriends of the family were
highly appreciated.
JI Glad CbaRksgioIng
TtattaU by fall and year by
< f• > » *•
To the members of Pleasant Valley
Grange, we your committee appointed
to draft a resolution of condolence, do
hereby recommend that, whereas the
Almighty Father has seen fit to remove
from our midst Brother Q. H. Bateman,
who was a consistent member of Pleas­
ant Valley Grange No. 348, be it re­
solved by said Grange that a copy ot
this resolution of condolence be sent to
the bereaved 8ister, and relative«, that
a copy be spread on the minutes of this
Grange, that one be sent to the Grange
Bulletin, one each to the Mount Scott
Herald and Gresham Outlook, that our
charter he draped for 30 days and that
members wear badges reversed same
length of time.
G. N. Sager
J. W. Frost
E. L. Anderson.
•• .
Roseburg will improve three street»
with 20«M) yard» of crushed rock.
know no teclin-