"One! Two! Three!" “How long will yon Is* gone?" sb«* Don’t Let Skin Trouble; Spread At “twenty-five" the elder man grop queried. ed Ills way to the often Imy window "Oh. I haven't d<*’Melemi*k«*i are sometime«« the 1 uml liowed at the carriage beneath. however.” he replied J.i a tone that l>e first warning of seriotM skin iliwanr«. Arletd Baptist (hurch There cum» the aotmd of hoofs and wlh'ered her. "It !« the first vneat! in Neglected «kin trmibl«*« grow. Dr. 9:45 a. m. Bible Bcboo). | rolling wheels, uml the doctor, who lind I ever had. I want to make the u -st ilobawm'« Eeaema Ointment promptly 11 a. m. rraachiag service. takan stand becd>- him. suw Miss of It.” H:00 p. m. Evening service«. stop« the progress of t-czema, heals ! Moore turn In her seat and wave them "Yoa—were going away without say­ 7:00 p m. B. Y. P. U. meeting. >i last adieu, ¡'he blind man continued ing goodby to—your old friends?' Her stubtorn ca«M of pimple«, acne, M :00 Thursday Prayer meeting. blotchy, re'• felt Id« way back to the nrm- bad he s»-en it, but he ha ! only her tone Ointment kill the germ and prevent the I < hulr it lid sank limply Into It. to go by. so he nnswerc'i iudlffeiently, spreiei of the trouble. For cold «ore« or “(Jone! I—I’ll never tie able to see "AH my nrrungi-ments were made. I chapptsi tiands, Dr. Hobeon'« Eczema Millard Avenue Presbyterian Church couldn't wait.” her agn!n." Ointment offem prompt relief. At your ¡0 a. m. Babbath Hcbool. “Y’ou are offmxled with me.” said Druggist, fiOe. HI* it** eats caused Huydum's throat Il a. m. Morning worship. Mlits Moor«* after a pntiHe. “How have 7 :p. m. Y. P. S. C. E. to tighten miserably. 7:45 p. m. Evening worship. A company at Eugene will incorpor­ I hurt you? What is it. please? 1—1 "Could you see her nt all?” 7:3-5.00ff to build logantjerry juice “Only the outlines, Hut when »be bar«* b«*«*n loo forward jieriiap«.” H p. m. Thursday, choir practice. He dared not trust himself to nn- factory. j coiiu - h back in the fail i'll lie as blind Rev. Wm. H. Amo«, Pastor. ‘ swer. and when lie made no sign she us n l>at!" He raise I an unsteady t ham! to bis head and closed his eyes. went on painfully: “I am sorry. I dl«l not want to seem | "I can i.'tnnd anything except that! St. Peter s Catholic Church j But to lose sight of her dear face”— oold. I owe you ho much. We were 'Sundays: . The for- <• of bi« emotion wrenched a i such g'xnl friends”- In spite of her 8 a. m. Low M ims . the new I efforts her voice nbowed her suffering. I groan from him. 10:90a. m. High Mans. 8:30a. m. Sunday St^iool. k "I don't know what to make of her." I The man felt Ids loneiy heart swell 12 M. Choi i relu arsal. «a«*! t i<< other. “Why1 didn’t you let ■ with Itnpo! •• to tell her all. to voice Week days: Mass at 8 a. in. 91 and Foster me go. Ito'i? It was her Inst goodby. ! his love In one breath!«-*« torrent of ! words that would undtselv«* her The j She vva; ted to be alone with you. She STOVEPIPE j strain of repression lent him add«-d might have“— Seventh Day Adventist Church ELBOWS “TimCs ft!*' exclaimed Austin. “1 brisquenv. « when In* strove to explain, 10 a. m. Saturday Sabbath School. was afrnhl of myself; afraid I'd speak «nd it left her sorely hurt. HU cold 11 a. m. Saturday preaching. STOVE and FUR­ 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. Praver meeting if 1 hud the cluin-e.” His voice wax Iniliffercnee fill«*d her with « hciim «» of NACE REPAIRING 7:45 p. m. Sunday preaching. like ii moan as he went on. “It's hard betrayal nnd <-h««-ked tin* Impn'-e We make all kinds of chicken —ban!, for sometimes I think she loves ; yearning In her b-cant. 8l«e had tmt Huppliea, champion Sanitary tie, she's *o H*ve< t uiid tender, n d In ; tbsl long with tierself liefor«* coming Kern Park Chrlstain Church those moments 1 am u god. But 1 . and now repented «a«le him adieu 7:30p. m. Thursday, mid-week prayer Want out of Sheet Metal nesK. I plav n part—the part of a lum­ when the occasfon came nnd with ach- meeting. bering. stupid lout, while my heart Is I Ing throat went blindly out and down GUTTERING and ROOFING A cordial welcome to all. breaking." He liowed Ills head In his the stairs. Rev. G. K. Berry, Pae'.or. Bring in Your Repairing, No Job hands nnd l meets at 3 p. m. B. He was battling like a drowning $1.00 Per Year Boatwright, Supt, L. Msffett, See. me!*' Amlin r*-e as if frightened. man. for iu truth the very breath of Rev. O. W. Tavior Rec'or. "She miglit yic'd to her iinfiuise au<* hia life was leaving him. A drumming marry me, for sl:e has a heart of gold, -ante into his «ars. He felt that be but It wouldn't last. She would learn must call to her before it was too late. Lents hangelical Church some time that it wr n't real love that He was «stunting aloud now. his voice Sermon by the Pastor, 11 a. m. and prompted the sacrlii- r. Theu 1 should like the moan of a man on the rack: 7:15 p. m. Sunday School 9:45 a. m., Albert die." “Nme! Ten!" Fankhauser, Superintendent. Tin.* ape- lulixt from Berlin came, but i A frenzy to voice bis sufferings Y. P. A. 6:45 p. m. Paul Bradford, refus«*d io o|H-iate. «!•** iariug bluntly ' swept over him. but he held himself. Stop The First Cold President. that there wan no use. and all during Only a moment more and she would be Prayer meeting Thursday 8 p. m. th«* long, hot. summer days Robert gone. Her life would lie spared this A cold doee not get well of itoelf. The ! A cordial welcome to all. Austin »at beside his open window dark shadow, and she would never proc«*s8 of wearing out a cold wears you \ T. R Hornschuch, Pastor. wati hiug th«* light die out of his eyes, know. out, and your rough becomes serious il i waiting, uniting for th«* time to make Toward the last he was reeling, but n«-gl<*cted Hacking coughs drain the his sa* rlfi<-v. Lents friend’s Church he continued to toll the seconds with Buydam reiul Marmlon’« ch«?ery let the monotonous regularity of a time­ energv and sap the vitality. For 47 9:15 a. m. Bible School, Clifford years th«- happy combination of soothing ters aloud, wondering the while at the piece, his every power centered on the Barker Superintendent. wistful note that sounded now and process. The Idea came to him that antiseptic balsams in Dr. King’s New 11 AX) a. m Preaching services. then. He* answered them In his own he was counting his own flickering Discovery has liealed coughs and relieve«! 6:25 p. m. Christian Endeavor. handwriting, which sin* hod never seen. i pulse throbs for the last time. With I cong«*stion. Young and old can testify 7:30 p. m. Preaching Services. 8:00 p. m. Thursday, mid-week One «lay < nme the announcement that a tremendous effort of will he smooth­ to the effectiveness of Dr. King’s New «he was returning th«* first w«*ek in ed bls face and felt his way to the ! Discovery for coughs and co)enned the careful sentences, from the street below. He felt that did you come back?" he demanded Lord’s Day, Bible School 9:4ô a. m. wondering if the hurt of th# deliber­ for all time th«* torture of this moment brutally. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Elmo Heights Sunday School, 2:30 “I forgot my— No! God sent m«* would live with him. p. m. back!” Then he smiled. He smiled blindly B' Y. P. U., 6:30 p m. There was a pause, during which the out Into the glaring sunlight and bow­ man strove to master himself. Then be Evening worship, 7:30 p. m. A cordial welcome to these eervicee. ed. and bowed au«l smiled again, cling­ j asked her in the same harsh accents: J. M. Nelson, Pastor ing to the window casing to support “H-z- long have you been here?" himself. By now «he must have reach­ "Long enough to see—and to under- ed the corner. He free«l one hand and I stand.” Fifth Church of Christ waved it gayly. Theu with outflung { “Well, you know the truth at last. Fifth Church of Christ. Scientist of arms he stumbled back into the room, I—have gon<>—blind!" The last word Portland, Ore Myrtle Park Holl, the hot tears coursing down his cb«*eks. caused bls lins to twitch. He knew Myrtle Park. Marmlon Moore halted upon the , from tlie sound that she was w«*ep!ng Servie««* Sunday 11 a. m. stairs and felt mechoncally for her bitterly. Sunday School 9:30 and 11 a. m. j gold chatelaine She recalled dropping Wednesday evening testimonial meet­ “Plense don't. I have used my eyes ■ It upon the center table as she went I too much. Unit is ali. It is—nothing." ing 8 p. m. ; forward with hand outstretched to “No. no. no”' she said brokenly. greet Austin and turned back, then “Don't you think I understand? Don't hesitated. But he was leaving tomor­ Lents M. t. Church row. ne would not misapprehend the you think I see it all now? But why- Sunday School 9:45. a. m. why didn't you tell me? Why?" i meaning of her reappearance. She Preaching 11:00 a. m. When he d'«I not answer she repeat­ meditated, so. summoning her courage. Bible Study Claw, 5:30 p. m. ed: "God sent tne back. I—1 was not I she mount«xl the stairs «juickly. Epworth League 6:30 p, m. «neant to be so unhappy. ” The door was half ajar, as she bad Preachihg 7:30 p. m. Austin felt himself shaken as if by a Prayer meeting Thursday evening at i left it in her confusion. Mustering a ! panic. lit* cri«*«l hurriedly: 7:30. F. M. Jasper, pastor. | careless smile, she was about to knock, “You s«*e. we have been such good Residence 5703 8 ltd St. then paused. Austin was facing her friends. I knew it would distress you. ! | in the middle of the room, boating time. I ! want's! t.> spare you that. You ! I He was counting aloud. Rut was that w«*re a good c«*mrade to me. We were | Laurelwood M. E. Church his voice? In th«* brief instant she had i like chums. Yes, we were chums. No j I been gone lie ha<1 cbauced astounding* 9:45 a. m. Sunday school. friend «multi have ¡teen dearer to me ' ly. Moreover, notwithstanding the fact 11:00 a. ni. preaching. than von. Miss Moore. I never ha«l a ; that she stood plainly reveal«*«!, he tfster, you know. I—I thought of you | 12:30 a. m class mee ting 6:30 p. m. Epworth League. ately cliosen words would prevent bet made no sign of n*i*ognition. but mere­ ihnt way. ami I"— He was struggling , 7:30 p m prearhing. ly counted on .-vid on. with the voice of sensing the truth back of them. A- it'-pcrately to save th«* frt, but his in- 8:00 p. m. Thursday evening, prayer th«* days passed he Judged it bad. for a dying man She divine«! that some •olierent words died on his lips as he service. thing was sadly amiss and wondere«l no answer < uuie. Dr. C. R. Carltw, pastor. fblt her come ' lose anil lay her check The apartment was stripped an, for nn Instant if he hail lost his senses. ttgeinst his arm. She stood transfixed, half minded to - bare, the trunks packed on the after “You must not try to «leceive me any noon ix'for«* Austin’s departure. All floe, vet licltl Isonu* pitying desire to more." she said gently. “I was here. German Evangelical Reformed Church help. Then she saw film reach forward through the dreary mockery of the I know the truth, and —I want to be Corner Woodstock Ave., and 87th St. process he had wlthstooil his frieml'i nnd grope his wav uncertainly to th# happy.” Rev W. G. Lienkaempcr, pastor. appeal, his stern face set. his hear; window. In his progress he stumbled Sunday School 10 a. m. Even then he stood daaed and disbe­ Morning Worship. 11 a m. heart full of a despairing stubbornness aralnst a chair. n<* had to f«*el for lieving until she continued: Y. P. 8. at 7:30 p. tn Now, being alone ut last, he groi>c«l Ills the «’aslug Then she knew. German School and Catecheti«*al Glass “T know that you love me, and—< She found her«elf inside the room way about th«* premises to fix them In Saturday 10 a. m. his memory, then sunk into his chair staring with wide, affrighted eves at love you.” “It is pity!” he exclaimed hoarsely. him, one hnn ii ti|•*«>u her own. ”' swung hla bend slowly from side to few men. LODGE DIRECTORY "And you won't go away without me, Magnolia Camp No. 4028, Royal prised me.” -♦ side as If 11«tenlni “The doi tor's orders. " ho Halil care­ “■Whnt !'• Th*» word came like the will you?” she question«^ fearfully. Neighl'or«, meets regi» ar Seco» ' “No. no!" he Weathed. “Oh. Mar* "’they say I liar« broken crack of u irun. 1I'hen after a moment. le-alv. and Fourth Wedne-dav-* of ea«-h down." month at I. O O. F. Hall. Seco«*! "Marmlon!" Tie spoke her name as if inion. Go«l has been very kind to me?” Wedneafiaya»ocial lueettns Neighbor.* “I kitow! 1 know w lint <-nus«*«l It!" tO test his OWD hearing It was the bring year taiioli«**- and friend*. ahe pi lilt «1. “You r ex er wovereil first time « he 113< 1 ever heard him use "it one city the size of San Diego Fonrth W<*dne*d*y, business. A l from l Il t «i< «■Ident. Y ou di 1 not tell her maiden ran kill the sparrows «tnd drive them N>-igl«N«irH r«-qu**ate the■ t it!i. 1 hav«* iulna; a felt you She sllppr m I for1ward until-within an • Ity In ti««* land order < f the C>mn ig something ifrom me Wliv? arm's longlfh of him. then stretched can do it, and we believe that at least were h Tol«*do votes down a 12 mill spetn.il Oh. wl forth a wl!«Hr shiak'ng hand and |*asn- W per «ent of the p«*ople In this coun­ "Non eus«*!" He undertook t<> Inu Ii. «si It iiefore his unwinking eye* as she try will npprt'Ve a war of extermina­ tax levy. but fai led hi a gllnstl.v iu ntu-r. "I've still disbelieved. Then he heard her tion against this coudemn«*d niilsaiiee, Richiami will lx>nd for a 915,000 been w< rkln* too bar 1. Now I'm pay moan. »nd that they will Join henrtilv lu It." wider system. Ing th.- neral v.” "Marmii'u! he cried again. “My God. little girl! I—heard von go!" At The Churches COME TO Continued from Lost Wack an fe«*tiiiu tny M ay through Ui«* mi obJ<-> t of pity, a «tutu bl I hk , iii|<>t<* thing that ini« no phlC«) til till, 110 <*b.«< t to work for. I1O one t> ♦.•»»«». God, I'm not iiio a«>rt to K<> blind! Whera'n the justice of It? I've lh«xi <*l«-un. Why? Why? 1 know whut the world 1»; I've I wen u part of it. I've aeon the spring mid the an tiiniii colors and I've watched the ann- Beta. I've looked Into uh - ii ' h fail*« mid reud their souls. and when you've done that you enn't live In dnrkueaa. I can't and-* I won't!" "Whut do you menu?“ “I'm going uMuy.'* "When? Where?” “Wlicn I can no longer see Mannion M ihh ' v and liefor» my atOtcllon ...... . kin'Wu to her. Where you now. for the ttunc 1» b>o fresh hi her memory. She might learn the truth ami hold herself to blame, but when «he I a i loot the first shock of It I shnll Walk out qunlly. and *hr will not even su-ptwt Other bitcri-ta.M fll come Into tier life. I will be only a memory. "Then"- After a pause ho went on, “1 couklu't lienr to aee In r drop away with the rent." Hist face writhed, and hla luuwillnr bands clcu< lied theinaelvca tIglitly. “iHiu't give up yet.” urged the physi­ cian. "Shi* la leaving for the summer, sml while ahe Is gone we'll try that Berlin chap. He'll la» here In- August” “And he will fall, a* the others did. He will lecture Home clinic about me. that'« all. Mariniou will hear that my eyes have elven out from overwork or something like that. Then I'll go abroad nnd I won't come back.” Aus­ tin divined the rebellion In lila frlend'a heart and continued quickly: “You're the only one who could «-till :htc ■ her. I»oc. but you won't do It. Yon owe me that much.” "I—I aupi>oac 1 do,” ncknowhslrod Huy dam slowly. "I owe ou more than I can ever repay"— “Wait!” The >dck man raised bls hand for alienee, while a light blazed up in his fa< c. “She's coming!" To Hie doctor's trained ear the noises of the street came in a confused mur­ mur, but Austin spoke in an awed, breathless tone, as If lie were entering some holy place. “I can hear the horses She's com­ ing to—see me." "I'll go!" exclaimed the visitor quick- ly, but the other shook his bend. “I'd rather have yon stay." Austin was polsc-l In an attitude of tiie Intensest alertness his angular, awkward body drawn to Its height, his lean face lighted by some hidden Are that lent it almost beauty. “She's getting out of the carriage!” he cried In n nervous voice, then felt bls way to his accustomed armchair, guydam was about to K»> to the bay window when be paused. regarding his friend curiously. "Whut me you' doing?" The blind man hud begun to beat time with h's hand, < otmlIn;: under Ids breath: “Obe! Two! Three!" "She'll ktu> k when I rca h twenty- five. Sb-sli." lie con .nr.«:! Ills | into- niinie, and Su.vdnin real cd that from repeated practice he hud gitjued the aeqonds Marmlon Moore rvi|U.rvd to mom I the stubs uml took this means of holding bltuaclf In cheek. True to Austin's predi'lion, at "twenty-live" n gentle knock sounded, and Suydittn opened the door. . “Cotne In. Marmlon!" The girt paused Cor the briefest in­ stant on the threshold, and the spenker noted the Heeling d. np|K>il>tincut hl her fin e. Then she took his blind. “This is s surprise!" she exclaimed. “1 haven't seen you for ever so long." Her anxious glance swept past him to the big. awkward figure against the window's light. Ai st.n was rising with apparent difficulty, mid she gilded to him. ’Tiens«* don't rise! How many times haie 1 told you not to exert yotirscli'?" Hnyduni noted the gentle proprietary tone of her voice, a.id It mna-cd him. “I mu very glad that you <-ime to see me." Tlie afillcted man s voice was Jerky mid unmusical. "How are yon today, miss?" “He should not rise, should he?" Miss Moore appealed to the physician. “Ho is ver, weak and should not ex ert him elf." Tlie doctor wished that his friend might see her fine ns ho saw It. lie began suddenly to doubt Ilfs own |udg moot of women. "Oh. I’m doing finely." Austin an noiineed. "Won’t you be seated?" He wined a hand comprehendlngly. and Tin Shop in Lents •'8»s! I brought thooo flower* to ehoor up your room.” i Suydam, marveling at the manner lu vhleh he concealed his infirmity. >u*ht a chair for the newcomer., "I came alone today. Mother is ! Ir |i|dng." Miss Moore was saying ■ bee! 1 brought these tlowers to ch«-« ' p your room." She li<-ld up a great i i ttcb of sweet|s-as. "I love the pin'. I - i «*•." Austin addrcssisl tin- doctor. “Mb« i l iote has Iss-n very kind to me. I am I Iruld she feels It her duty“— "No, no!" cried the girl. "She rarely misses a day. and she al •v.iys bring flower*. 1 am very fond of bright colors." Huydam cursed at the stiff formality i the man's tone. How could any w<>- laun see past that glacial front and limps«* the big. aching heart beyond Even at ls*sl Austin was harsh and cpellent when the least lilt self con kc . ouh , and now he was striving delib­ erately to heighten the effect. Hhe was Impulsive, dainty, high bred, with a la e of rare sensitiveness aud a figure tb'il told of fine physical Inheritance. I’hlle be was awkward and inapt nt everything to which she was accU' lO'netl. The physician wondered why be had gone even thus fur In shoe- In : her gratitude. As for a love match between two such opisadte types. 8uy- dam could not conceive of it. Even If ho girl saw the sweet, simple nature of th«* man and felt her own affe- bus answer to his he liclleved he I l ew th«* women of her set too well to l:t tglne that she woul