Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, November 09, 1916, Image 1

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Phone un your news
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the Herald.
Subscription, $1.00 a Year
Lents, Multnomah County, Oregon, Nov., 9, 1916.
Mrs. Hedge Gets Surprise
Vol. 14.
Lents Grange Meets Saturday
Mr«. M. K Hedge wa« th«» victim of a
mbx-hlovous surprio* on laat Saturday
i evening the occasion Ix-ing h«*r nth
(no joke, tin* writer not being informed)
I hirflxiay. At least thirty g«xxi friends
joined in the ambush and her husband,
sad to relate* turm*d traitor and «u’t«*d as
spy for the invader*. The «««anil was
mad« about H 30 and was a complete
hii «- i '<- hh .
Th« d«*f«ns« was found ah«i lly
nnpr**|>an*d for th« atta« k. Aft«r an nt-
ta*iri|>t«d «-xcaii«, an nncornlitional »nr-
Tender was follow««! by n lengthy dr«iw-
iug pri-paration. much of which would
have l»-<-n avoided limi the invadere
exeri-is.-l iliacretion ami captured the
[loader mugazin«« ami other supplì«*«.
However, after some Marin argument
un a: regalile acreptano* »»« made. Th«-
invader« th«n pr«xse»*d«*<l to divi«!« the
»|xiila. principally mndwichc«, cak« and
Prize« were a war* led the most
brilliant in their tactic« and Mrs, Clyde
Sager and Otto Katzky t«xik tfie honors,
Mr» Peter Kennedy und Dr. Tidball got
No. 45
Ths f-ents Grange will meet caturday,
Nov. 11, at 10:30 a. m. Begining at
two o’clock the following program will
lie rendered: Vocal Solo, Mrs. Irwin
ML Scott Cars Strike Loaded Auto­
Selle; Piano Solo, Gertrude Katzky;
Popular Street a Slough of Mud and
Piano Duet, .Mildred Turner and
mobile at Woodstock and 92d.
Maze of Ruts and Holes.
i Katherine Goodman. Mrs. Alva L.
Four People Badly Injured, Ma­
\ Stephens, President of the Parent-! provement Movement Being Or­
chine Badly Damaged.
Teachers’ Council will speak upon
A machine driven by W. II. Sloan of
“Needed Legislation” from the view­
Seventy-second street is a slough of
BellroM* was badly «!«mug<«! and (our
point of the council. Judge W. N.
«s'ciipniiiM more or 1«**« injured when th«
Catena will lie asked to talk upon the mud, where it is not a maze of -chuck
Mt. Scott car arriving at »1:15 Saturday
subject from the view point of a judge. holes ami ruts. No one knows when lie
evening <-ri*»*e«! th«* track at 92*1 street.
Ella Watt will speak upon the value of starts down 72nd from Foster to Wood-
Tie* party hail ht-en to a funeral and
“Juvenile Insurance. The public is in­ stock avenue, whether he ia going to be
shaken out of his vehicle and drowned
wen- rcliir* mg home when tie* accident
vited to the two o’clock session.
in the ponds of stagnant water or vast
occurred The mai hiiie was struck |<m
Htretches of mud: whether his rig will
the left side ami twixt.-d arolimi ali«l
Pendilles of Ruthless Risk
not be wrenched to a wreck or his
thrown tip against the l*ank building
Tlx*-- in lie* parly were Mr. Sloan,
Once the precedent is established that wheels twisted off. Where the street
Mrs 1. II French, who sustain«*! •
getting killed is disputing right of way ' is not a heap of lioulders it is a quag­
broken ■ ilar Is me ami brim**# alsmt
with railway trains entails legal liability, mire or a lake of stagnant water. . It is
thebe«*!, Mrs. A. A. Fields of Wilson,
eiqiecially in case of wealthy auto- a menace to all sorts of traffic and an
Ore., injur«<1 in lie* back; .Mr«. Autmi
mobilists, recklessness at grade cross­ actual risk to the good health of the
Kitzinjcr *( IlctiroiH*, badly briWMal;
ings may be reduced in a meai tire. Ac­ '■ community. Days after tbe rain is over
and .Mr S oan, bruisvd alsmt the lead.
tions for damages instituted in , the this street is a seething bog and «iisease
Mr. and Mr*. Hloan were silting in th**
courts at Danville, III., reverse the es­ breeding, decomposing bed of filth. And
front seat
tablished order of litigations in this all this m spite of ambitions citizens of
lents Parent-Teachers Meet
Th«* an ’»mobile ms ** proceeding nt a
«•lass. There is not a railway in tlie the neighborhood. Several efforts have
leisiirt ly rate and did not >-ee the up-
United States that has not lawn sued . been made to g«t assistance from the
Lents Parent-Teachers’ Association
proaching < ar until it was right ut><<n will meet Friday, Nov. 17, at 2:4»
for fabulous sums on account of acci- ! Street Department. The residents have
them. TIi** car cannot Is* «ecu when O'clock iti ll'Siin 18 -if the 1.1'iitH school.
dents at grade crossings causing death i petitioned for improvement and a big
coining fr< n tie* west until one i« ulino-t
or pcrinani^nt disability. In the Dan­ majority of them have signith*d their
Tin* following »|iecial feature!«/ will be
««;**•«« the tru-k ami ns it was «'lining nt farmshedt Vocal 8 m »|'*, ny Mrs. Jack
ville case instead of actions at law be­ willingness to assume the bonded ex­
a g-ssl s,a-< I the wreck occurred almost« kro-t and instrumental duet by Mildred
ing brought by those next in kin to tbe pense hut some invisible agency oppose«
instantly a'ter the danger was «een. Turner and Catherine G-sxltuan. Th«
automobilist who wax killed by the train, the much needed improvements. A new
Mrs. French ami Mrs Sloan w««r>- taken remainder of ti>e pr gram will be <>( t|ie
the wife of the engineer who lost his lite movement is afoot now. A local im­
to »1 hospital.
Mrs Ritsinger went nature of » round table. Mr«. Farley
and tbe authorities of the railroad have | provement clnb is leing organized which
Ix-gnn separate action for damages will make it its business to promote the
will pre-« nt the subject of **Punish­
Tl « ■mt«-’ri.< of ib«’ac -clent i« thnt « ment Miss Dickey, ‘‘Father’« Place
against the estate of the <l<a«d automo­ improvement of «2d street, Such an ef-
change will tie asked.for tl«« servine al in the Home;” Mrs. E. P. Smith,
bilist on the theory that tie was re- fort ought to have support from every-
la'iits. This eros-mg is a diiug<*rou«
. sponsible for the wreck. All this might ; body in all Mt. Scott.
President Elect
mie The vara are now aceiiHtomed lo
have been obviated hail the man in the 1 Improvement of 72d street, Foster
stop oli thè far siile of Ilio Street, Corning
i automobile stopped and looked and road, 82d street, Powell Valley or 52d
Persians Sorrowful free
urni going. An exact revera«* of ar­
j listened before attempting to cross the street effects every*.t»e o: tha 25,000 resi­
rangement« would render Ile* Crossing
i track ahead oi the oncoming train, In dents of this section of the city, and
In tarofT I'ersln then* grow« n shrub
e<>inpl«b*ly «afe, ami it oilglit to be u» wliliii 1« ended llie sorrowful tree.
the interest of the automobile industry much of the surrounding country. It
satisfactory to every <>ne a« thè prvaent Another name for this tree Is the night
and of tbe public in general those who is to be hoped the n»w club will prove
arrangement. It i« to he h<>pe«i that JexHiimln«* or the «nd Ire«’ The reason
own or operate automobiles should be | to be a real “big stick” with lots of
¡»copie will support th<* movmnent now why It 1« called the sad or sorrowful PRESIDENCY LONG IN DOUBT. STATE GOES REPUBLICAN made to understand that they defy the i vim and plenty of'muscle back of it and
ts'ing forwardol to bring about tbi« tree 1« becauM« It blixnu« only nt night.
natural rights of others at their own that its efforts will not he without re­
M'hcn tbe first «tnr nppears In tbe
peril, whether they encroach upon the sult. It will succeed if its gets proper
sky tbe first bud o;>ens on the won
rights of a corporation or of an indi- support ami makes a vigorous, ceaseless
derful tree. As the evening advances
vidual.—Salt Lake Republican.
the bud« o|H*n more rapidly until the
The election of 1916 will go down in history as one of the most hotly con.
Is covered with a delicate bloom
Our Belt of Atmosphere
and tr*appears like one vast flower tested in the history of the nation and state. The campaign was the warmest,
In a contribution to the year book
It is undcrstiHsi that in time it will he Tbe bloom in quite fragrant and the
necivmry to apply to irrigation the old odor la like the (»erfuine of the evening educational campaign, not without an unnecessary injection of slanderous in- of the department ot agriculture Ros-
saying of the pioneers of the desert, prhnrua«* As tbe atnrs begin to grow ainuations that did no one any good and the victims little harm, The National coe Nunn of the United States weather
dltn and the dawn
•’Use the water to the last drop.” After flowers l*egln to fade, approaches the campaign has l*een an expensive one for both parties, and everybody ia pleased bureau compares tbe thickness of the
and by the time
atmospheric envelope that surrounds
At the meeting of Evening Star Grange
pioneer and planter, the engineer and the «un ha« risen not a flower can l»e to have it over.
The very latest figures give Wilson 272 votes, and his election Is con­ tbe earth with tbe diameter of th« on Nov. 4, the measure« voted upon at
electricity, 'Scarcely half the story has found on the tree.
earth itaelf.
the election Nov. 7, were well dis­
been told of man's «simplest of the
During tbe bourn of daylight the tree ceded. California and New Mexico both go Democratic.
A The ext
extreme limit of tbe earth's at cussed.
desert when- it stops at irrigation. a|>|>ears to be withering an If It hail
The next congress is assured of 211 Republicans, and 215 Democratic mem­ mosphere
__ j above the surface of the
Prof. R. D. Leigh and Mr. Horace
What about the “tall,”—the head of been lujured In some manner, but tn bers, with several a til 1 in doubt. The Senate will have 54 Democratic members earth Is estimated to be 180 miles. The
:ller of Reed College in a very con­
water when and where it is worth while reality It in «Imply regaining «trengtb and 42 Republicans.
earth's diameter is approximately 8.000
manner told of the intent of the
considering'* To paraphrase, the prin­
The votes from several states were extremely close. California, New miles. But the density of tbe atmos­
following night.
ciple of conservation as well as the This tree la held tn high esteem by Mexico ami North Dakota were the pivotal states. Wednesday noon California phere decreases rapidly as altitude in measures, and their effect upon the
engineer now enjoin, “Use the water to the natives of the country where It with Wilson 7000 ahead was conceded to the Democrats. Thursday noon cut this creases, so that three-quarters of the state; they also spoke of the ill effects if
There are several
mass of the atmosphere lies below the any might arise.
the last foot.”
grows and la looked upon aa a curios lead to 5v). New Mexico gave Hughes a lead of 250 Thursday morning and New
questions and they tried to give all
First, it will bring the light that is Ity by florists throughout the world Hampshire got into the doubtful list by reporting Hughes 170 in the lead. ] seven mile le*-"l.
Thus the solid earth has but a thin present a thorough understanding of the
now on sea and land to lift the life <>f When «'Ut down these trees «end up Minnesot t was among the doubtful for two whole days. Even if it is conceded, on coating
of air, at most only about one-
the (arm ranch above that of th«* sprouts from the roota that will mature the supertL-ial count that Hughes has the lend, four states have practically de­ fortieth as thick as tbe diameter of tbe proposed laws.
Mr. F. E. Qjulter spoke for the Land
pine knot and torch. If sufficient hand
cided on a recount. Thue tbe actual result will not be known for several days. earth, or If we consider only its really and Loan measure, commonly known as
is available, on the little stream nearby, time.—Apples of Gold
In this State Congressmen Hawley, McArthur and Sinnott are re-elected. appreciable extent, which is about for­ the “Single Tax Measure.” Mr. Robert
its electrical development by water
The Last Judgment
Ben W. Olcott will remain Secretary of State; Geo. H. Barnett and Frank A. ty miles above tbe earth, only one two- C. Wright spoke against this measure*
hundredth as thick as the dlameter„of
wheels, will lift the greatest burden of
The clock of Beauvais cathedral la Moore, Judges of the 8upretne Court; John D. Mickle, State Dairy and Food tbe earth. It is therefore a mere saying he thought it the most vicious
the homestead anil the farmstead,—the
Commissioner; and Freil G. Buchtel will bs Public Service Commissioner.
coating, not thicker, relatively speak­ measure yet put up by the Single Tax
«'«Hiking, washing, ironing, chores, and Mid to be composed of 02.000 separate
County offices are distributed as follows:
pieces. One sees on the fifty-two dial
ing. than the skin on an apple of or­ People. It means confiscation of all
innumerable calls for the hired man, or plates the hour, the day. the week and
John P. Kavanaugh, Robt. Tucker and W. N. Gatens will be Circuit dinary size When we consider the property to the state, which is some­
“neighbor John."
Yon can return the month; the rising and setting of Judges; Robt. 8. Farrell, 8. B. Huston, Gus C. Mosier. Conrad Olson, A. W. Or­
fact that storms operate only in that
John’s lift by your electric irone, churn, tlio sun, phases of the moon, the tides, ton, Senators; Herman A. l^wis, Joint Senator, Multnomah, Clackantas and part of the atmosphere which lies thing that all who have any property do
separator, or portable motor,—a veritable the time in the principal capitals of Columbia; A. C. Callan. H. F. Corbett, II. E. Goode, Herbert Gordon, K. K. within at-nt seven miles of the earth, not wish to see come to pass. There is a
jack of all trades.
Hie world, together with a series of Kubli, O. l.aurgrard, D. C. lewis, L, C. MacKey, J. M. Mann, 8. A. Mattbieu, and chiefly within three miles. It is certain satisfaction in the possession of
Better than that, run a line to John’s terrestrial and astronomlcnl evolutions. Plowden Stott and Geo. T. Willett, Representatives; Geo. Tazwell, County- truly wonderful what mighty forces a piece of property in one’s own name.
But snch measures as tins deprives one
The framework Is carved oak. eight
corner, and show him how you find
Judge; Walter H. Evans, District Attorney; A. A. Muck, Commissioner; T. M they generate and what vast energy
time to go to town, attend meetings, meters by five nalcra. or twenty-six Hurlburt, Sheriff; Jos. W. Beveritige, Clerk; John M. Lewis, Treasurer; H, E. they expend within that thin film of of the ownership of any land in Oregon.
Prof. Morris also spoke briefly in favor
look after worth-while rural invest­ feet by sixteen and a quarter feet.
When the clock strikes all the edi Recti, Assessor; W. C. Alderson, Superintendent; R. C. Boneer, Surveyor; F.
A storm condition may cover one- of the anti-vaccination bill, telling of
ments and betterments; and, in general flee seems tn movement The designer H. Dammasch. Coronor; M. W. Petersen, Constable.
third of the United States. The dis­ bad effects of compulsory vaccination
keep the whip hand. While your fami­ wished to depict the Inst judgment
According to reports the Brewer's Bill, the Pendleton Normal Bill, the
ly—but that will b« another story, they Thia wonderful work r.- nils the clock Single Tax Bill have been defeated while the Single Item Veto, Ship Tax Exemp­ turbance may be 1,000 to 1,000 miles tn which have come under his observation.
diametere but less than seven miles
Mr. Barber said a few words about the
will not move to town that winter, if of Strnssburg and Is <>r m«'<l«ru con­ tion, Negro >nffrage Amendment. Anti-Vaccination, Blue LaM- Repeal, Rural thick. In other words, the body of
tax limitations.
you can only get sufficient wat«-r n part struction. It Is <lie v.oik ot a Beall- Credits and Tax Limitation Bills have been passed.
air in which those tremendous forces
Miss Evelyn Lawrence sang two solos
of the time for th«* wheels, and, use valslan, M Peril • whi V. :!
work is of al»out the same proportions in a very sweet manner.
storage battery for the intervals, or |s*r-
as a postcard.
Third and Fourth degrees were given
or lose a» the vpte is close on these. Indications are that both passed by a nar­
haps boost a little with th«* auto engine. railway and who died l-i T<
As the striking b" •
■ ii’ *« t; crow* row margin. If present proportion of support is maintained by the vote outside
the forenoon.
With el«*ctric waterpower during the angels sound a rt-ii’u; *t nt th«* four
most favorable season of stream flow cardinal points, Iniltnfton <-f flames tip- of Multnomah, the Bill will carry by- 10,000 or more. The Anti-vaccination Bill
The funeral of Mrs. Carrie A. McBain,
Coos county plans exjx-nditure of
ami gasoline—electric power, for tin* pears from the i|«*iilii'.*» <*t little «tee- was carried in this county by 6823 majority; this leaves it a state majority at
aged 36, was held at Kenworthy’« I
rest of the year, it will be a cold and
present of over a 1000 with some to lose.
O in 1917 on permanent road im­
A soul. that of
«lark day when you are snowbound.— plea right irid left
Thursday at 2:30, Rev. Jasper of the provements.
Laat available figures on the other measures are:
the Inipeiiitint tile!. appear« ls*for<*
W. S. A.
Lents M. F. ChtirAh officiating. Mrs.
Blue Law Repeal. Yes, 50,721. No, 21,990.
the Supreme Judge It Is condemned.
McBain lived at 8013 Clayton street,
Negro Buflrage Amendment. Yes, 83,774. No, 74,077.
"il I’enfer.' n:id n demon armed with
nil th of Grays Crossing
Death was
a pitchfork s; -!rea It n:x! easts It Into
Rural Credits. Yes, 84,970. No, 70,103.
Do You Know That
The United Slates Public
the abyss, Next comes the soul of
Tax Limitation. Yes, 80,139. No, 69,180.
the just The angels advance and «-on­
One million two hundred
Health Service Asks
Single Tax. Yes, 34.252. No, 120,970.
duct it to tbs realms of day, sacred
four children. The burial was at Mult-
thousand Americans die each year,
strains being beard. —London Cbronl-
n >«pah cemetery.
it is estimated?
Normal Bill. Yes, 82,348. No. 91,247.
Believe in national prepared­
Single Item Veto. Yes, 118,882. No, 46,335.
Heart disease, pueumonia and
Solution of the Jitney Problem
ness anti then tail to keep your­
Ten cars of apple-* ship|>ed - from
Ship Tax. Yes, 96.868. No, 47,566.
tuberculosis cause more than 30
self physically flt?
Grants Pass on Sept , 10, will arrive in
Portland and Sacramento are adopting
per cent of deaths?
London and sell for $3 50 per box.
the franchise plan of solving the prob- j
wash your (ace carefully ami
Gilbert Parent-leathers Meet Nov. 10 lem of jitney competition with streetcar
Sickness lowers earning capaci*
Bellrose Woman Missing
then use a common roller towel?
The Gilbert Parent-Teacher’s Associa­ lines.
Card of Îhanks
The U. 8. Public Health Ser-
Go to the drug store to bny a
Mrs. C. W. Cochran of Bel I rose is tion will hold an evening meeting in
Jitney busses are to be operate«! on
is the nation’s first line of
tooth brnsh and then handle the
To the many kind friends and neigh­ missing. Incidents point to suicide. the Gilbert school Friday evening, Nov. streets not already supplied with street­
detense against disease?
entire stock to see If the bristles
bors we wish to express our deep ap­
are right?
Dieease is the nation’s greatest
preciation of the unstinted assistance suicide. She haal»een very unfortunate has been arranged so the fathers can be both ways.
The jitney franchise carries a bond
Swat the fly and then maintain
and sympathy given us during the ill­ and has hardly been able to, keep her­ in attendance. Prof, 8. F. Ball 1« the
Sunlight and sanitation, not
ness ami death of onr beloved hnsbaixi self and family alive. She has five liv­ main speaker for the occasion. A <le- that service will be kept up on schedule
a pile of garbage in the back
and brother. We also wish to thank ing children. Her husband has la>en an bate by the pupils of tlie eigthth gra«'e .iverceiAain flx«xl hours under rules and
silks and satins, make better
each and every one for the l*eautiful employee of the Damascus Creamery will tie a feature of the program, the regulation.
A female fly lays an average of
Risolved, th««
tha* th.***
Co., and they formerly lived in Sagi­ question b'ing, R««olve<i,
This plan gives the p»*ople increased
floral piece.
Low wages favor high disease
120 eggs at a time?
Prohibition. public m-rvice, protection against reck-
naw Heights. Details of the case are should
Kittie M. Rateman
Dorothy Sells and Esther Mitchell will I«”*’ driving and no destructive couipeti- L
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Bateman. not available.
furnish an instrumental duet.
lion where not needed.
Wood row Wilson
6000 MEETIN6