Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, October 26, 1916, Image 2

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Entered a* Second Class Matter February 19, 1914.
At postoffice. Leu ta. Oregon, Under act of March 3, 1879
Published Every Thursday at Lenta, Ore., by the M t . Scorr PrauaHiNu Co.
H. A. DARNALL, E ditor
Office Phone: Home D-61.
M anaukr .
Residence: Tabor 2818
T least two of the Republi­
can candidates are meeting
with organized independent ac­
tion. namely George Tazwell and Mr>. Julia Scott and Mr-. K. Sommer-
W. C. Alderson. Just who js te dt are li.'ii.e lr, :i the -tat' c Men­
back of Mr. McBride it is diffi­ tion at Pendleton full of enthusiasm
cult to say th.» Ta:.well’s friends and ready for a year of active -erviee.
say it is the political bosses he All of tlie Hate officers were re-elected
the exception of vice-president at
formerly refused to serve. The with
large. Mrs. Nettie Brown of Albany,
evidences they offer of Tazwell’» whose illness has caused her to drop
disqualifications are warmly dis­ out of the woik. A former member of
Mt. Scott Union. Mrs. Ward Swope of
puted by his friends.
In the case of Mr. Alderson, Arleta, was elected in place of Mrs.
Brown. A great many people at th<
his opponents are putting up a Convention
wanted Mrs Swope lor-tat
vigorous fight. Mr. McCormack, preaident as her active service in the
candidate for the superinten­ past has made her familiar with the
dency before the primary, is one duties and responsibilities of the posi­
of the leaders in the opposition. tion, and it is not unlikely that when a
is made. Mr-. Swope will lx* the
Mr. McCormack gives as his change
standard fiearvr.
reason that Mr. Alderson won Mrs. Sarah Fankhattser. the oldest
mis­ i member of Mt. Scott Union, has lieen
representing McCormack’s re­ honored by that organization by being
lations to the Jitney Driver’s made a life member of the state con­
vention. A certificate of membership
diverting will soon be isatted conveying this in­
the entire support of the telligence to her.
street railway men to Alderson. The next meeting of Mt. Scott Union
He says, too, a good many people will be held at the home of Mrs.
voted for Alderson, having in Walsh. Reports of convention doings
will be given by the retorted delegatee
mind City Superintendent Aider­ and
Mrs. Mary Mallet, a state worker
man. The Woman’s Political especially popular in this vicinity will
Science Club are opposing Aider- be present and epeak upon the desira­
son on various grounds and giv­ bility or undeeirabilty of certain candi­
ing their support to Mr. J. O. dates for office. This meeting is on the
last day of October.
Hall. Several other organiza­ Reports come in that some men who
tions are actively opposing Al­ voted against prohibition two years ago
will vote for it in November. These
Outside of this the Republican men formerly indulged in liquor, in
ticket looks easy. Judge Gatens some instances going upon three day
They have found they can get
is making a big fight for re­ sprees.
along without liquor and that they are
election, and is getting a strong better off and happier under prohibi­
non-partisan tion.
women. In none of these cases Ex-Governor, Oswald P. West has
will the result be safe until the published a letter in which he says :
The ‘Brewers’ amendment’ proposes
ballot is counted. All of them to “ create
a condition such as has not
teach one big lesson: No public been seen since civilized government
official or candidate for public was set up in Oregon. The sale of beer
favor can disregard public senti­ is to be permitted in every nook and
ment or opinion on questions of corner of the state, in clnbe, restaurants,
theaters, and dancehalls, on
official propriety.
People are hotels,
steamboats, and trains, near schools and
alive to all these matters now- churches, on Sundays, holidays, and
days and will be satisfied.
election days, to minor, lunatic or
Speaking of elections and party
fealty: People will never again
“vote her straight.”
have changed the standard. The
next step forward is an improve­
ment in the ballot, the disposing
of the primary’ and voting by
first, second and third choice.
This advance was proposed some
time ago, but the people were
not ready for it. The time is
ripe for another effort. Aside
from eliminating party corrup­
tion, it would greatly reduce
election expenses as there would
only need to be one election
where we now have two.
Mr, and Mrs. A. C. Taylor and Ernest
liar)« of McCoy viaited a couple of days
last week with Mr. and Mrs. T. I*.
Mrs. G, H. Richey of Corvallis was
the guest of Mrs. G. N. Sager last Sun­
Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Moore, accom­
panied by their soil Clyde. viaited with
their daughter, Miss Laura Moore, who
, is teaching school at Colton.
Alfred Johnson of Tremont spent a
i lew days last week with his sun, Ruben
Candidate For
J II. Nolta entertained friends from
the city over Sunday.
Member c! Legislature
Frank Hill of Portland was out Satur­
Multnomah County
day looking after his place.
Hon. Geo. M. McBride, aocompiutied
by Mr. Mnrjffiy of Portland, was in the
Valley Saturday evening. Mr. McBridv
is running independent for county judge
rhe sclos'l l*oard i- haring plans
drawn for a play shed which they pr»> Conservation o! Human Life as Well
pose to have en*di*il in the near future
as Natural Resoun cs
for the convenience ami comfort of tire
-. land eliildr>-li.
Laws Protecting the Home and
Mr and Mr- W. F. Garri~>n attend­
Safeguarding Childhood
ed church at Damascus last Sunday
F. V Richey has invested in a new
25 Years Experience in
potato digger.
Ernest Olson has got his new house Social and Uplift Work
about ready for occupancy.
1„ Dvmartine and Jo- Barbagelata of
W. I.. I’luctor of Portland was a caller V
Portland were transacting business in at the home ot E. I. Anders* u on Mon­
our midst last Saturday.
Mrs. Mary L. Mallett
I Stand For Humanity
and Justice
To borrow money, and you don t
Have to pay it back.
Interest instead oi PAYING it.
If you have a bank account at
4 per cent on Time Deposits
Safe Deposit Boxes for rent
The Multnomah State Bank
Lents Station, Portland, Oregon
The Pannt-Teactier Association ol the
Gilbert school met October 13, and
elect.«! the following officers for the
coming year:
President, Mrs. Ferris;
vice-president, Mrs. Burgoyne; treas­
urer, Lucile Brackett; secretary, Dorcas
Fred laMear is expected borne this
Mrs. R. Henderson is still »lowly im­
Don’t forget tl.e preaching service next
Sunday afternoon at three o’clock. The
pastor i» a live man wiU> a great mes­
sage lor us all.
Mr. F. Peters is report«! by the
physician to be in a very serious condi­
The members of the Epworth League
gave a farewell social last week in honor
of Fred Dozier, who ex|M*cta to leave
soon for hit home near Newport. The
evening was spent in singing and play­
ing games.
Refreshments of fruit
salad, wafers ami chocolate were served.
He will Is- greatly missed by the mem­
bers of the la-ague as he has been an
active member and officer since the or­
ganization of this chapter two years ago.
As the harvest truly is plenteous and the
laborers are few, may he Iw as faithful
in his new field of work as be haa been
in the (Mutt.
Mrs. 8. E. Johnson and family are
moving into the Dawson house near
Republican, Democratic, Progressive
Design JW, by Glenn L. Saxton, Architect. Minneapolis. Minn.
drunkard, without regard to the will of
municipality or county.
“It makes no difference what the
supporters of the bill intended to say or
believe that it says, it is the business of
the courts to construe the law.
“Nearly all of the District Attorneys
of the state have joined in the opinion
that nothing in this bill will prevent the
opening of bottle-houses where beer
may be sold in bottles of any size.
the face of this opinion, expressed by
the men whose duty it is to construe
and enforce the law, it is idle to say that
this amendment will not open the
A recent investigation made by the
U. 8. Public Health Service in connec­
tion with studies of rural school child­
ren showed that 49.3 per cent had de­
fective teeth, 21.1 per cent had two or
more missing teeth, and only 16.9 per
Patrons of the more or less cent
had hail dental attention. Over 14
legitimate drama express the be­ per cent never used a tooth brush, 58.2
lief that better plays will be per cent used one occasionally and only
given in the future. It is diffi­ 27.4 per cent used one daily. Defective
cult to see how improvement teeth reduce physical efficiency. Dirty,
suppurating, snaggle-toothed mouths
could be avoided.
are responsible for many cases of heart
disease, rheumatism, and other chronic
Now that automobiles are affections. The children are not re­
being sold on the installment sponsible for the neglected state of their
plan, no harried householder teeth. The ignorant and careless parent
is to blame for this condition—a condi­
knows when he will stumble tion which hampers mental and physical
over a new Flivver in the dim growth and puts a permanent handicap
hallway of his humble home.
on our future citizens.
School teachers
can and are doing much in inculcating
habits of personal cleanliness on the
Attempts to “baby” the mem­ rural school child but this will fail of the
bers of the national guard have highest accomplishment unless parents
never met with the approval of co-operate heartily and continuously.
Her« la a bouse that has been built a number of tlm—, and every one who
the guardsmen. They are grown This is a duty which we owe our
teas built after thia plan la pleased with the result
men and dislike to be made
Thia plan haa a central hall, with stairway in the rear, combination up
from the kitchen. IJvtng room in front connected with the hall by column
THE LADIES’ HOME JOURNAL, archway. There la a library In the rear of the living room, with large open
SATURDAY EVENIG POST and fireplace. Fireplace worked out so that it take« care of the kitchen heating
One of the indoor amusements
THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN wish to plant, also fireplace, thua making a saving of 975 to 9125 for an extra chim­
that the average man used to en­ secure the spare time of a man or ney. The dining room la yell aranged; haa built-in sideboard, beamed cell­
gage in every fall was putting woman to act as a local representative ing and the aides of wainscoting. Thia room la connected with a kitchen by a
up the stovepipe. In some re­ in Lente and vicinity, looking after the butler's pantry. Built-in cupboards In the pantry and built-in cupboards In
the kitchen. Roer entry, with small porch In rear. Balcony above same.
spects life is becoming less com­ renewals of their many subscriptions in This
also baa grade door built In the rear. There Is a splendid piazza across
the front and round the dining room side. Second story contains four good
lications to new readers.
Payment will
balcony both front and rear, large closet space, linen closet and
If human beings 3,000 years tie made in salary and commission. chambers,
good sized bath. There is a full basement; first story, nine feet; second story,
ago had possessed the mechani­ Previous experience is desirable but not eight feet six inches. Size of house is thirty-two feet wide and twenty-eight
cal knowledge that man has to­ essential. For details address, with feet flwp over main part. First story finished In red onk or birch throughout;
references, Box «54, THE CURTIS second story pine to pnlnt, with birch doors. Cost to bnlld, exclusive of heat­
day, would there be anybody ¡PUBLISHING
COMPANY, Indepen­ ing and plumbing, $3,300.
left on the planet?
dence Square, Philadelphia.
Upon receipt of 91 the publisher of this paper will supply a copy of Saxton's
book of plans entitled "American Dwellings.” The book contains 240 new and
How do you like our new
Lane county candidates are campaign­ up to date designs of cottages, bungalows and residences costing from 91,00°
Autumn so far this year?
ing for tax reduction.
to 90,000-
The Harmony Improvement Club,
sometimes known as the Old Settlers
Club, meets the second and fourth
Wednesdays of each month.
It met
Wednesday with Mrs. Galowgy. It
usually has a Hallowe'en social enter­
tainment and celebrates Washington’s
birthday with a general good time
The Ladies Aid had an enjoyable
meeting at Mrs. Thomson's last Friday.
Th«-y are to meet Thursdays instead of
Fridays hereafter. The next meeting
will lie at Mrs. Adkins.
There will be a pie social at the Bat­
tin school Friday.
A good time is ex­
Mr, Schroeder is just completing a
second large chicken house and is going
to build one still larger.
Mr. Crniksiiank is building an addi­
tion to his dairy for an engine house.
Mr. Peterson haa built a silo for his
The pastures are drying <i|> and price
of feed is advancing. Canned milk and
butter are going up in price and we
naturally expect a raise in fresh milk.
We notice quite a few people looking
for houses to rent.
in a |s>liiical point of view ia the prob»
able election of five or aix Koalailst
members to Congress, among others,
Eugene 18*1« from Indiana.
The loganls*rry juice men could not
fill their orders so great is the demand.
Now they have invented a process for
evaporating »trawlsTriea ao they will re­
tain their color and flavor. Anyone can
produce from 9450 to 95*0 an ««-re with
these berries as no country in lie­
world produces berries in such pro­
fusion as western Oregon.
Considerable improvement la (Olng on
liere this fall. Mr. Frail Hr., will re­
build his barn crust its I down by the
snow and
L. Hugh and H. C. Runyan
will build houses on their railroad
claims north and south of town.
The agony will aoon be over now and
the signs ot tiie times indicate th« re­
election ot Wilson.
When such Re­
publican papers as the New York and
Chicago Tribune and ths New York
Evening Poet taka a gloomy view of the
outliMMik the prospect is poor for Hughes.
Tlie betting too haa dropped to even
chance or od<la in favor of Wilson.
Rheumatism follows Exposure
In the rain all day is generally fol­
lowed by |>ainful twinges of rheumatism
or neuralgia. Hloan’a IJniment will
give you quick relief and prevent the
twinges from ls*coming torture.
quickly |M*nrtral>-e without rubbing ami
soothes the sore and aching joints. For
sore, stiff, exhausted muscles tiiat sciie
and throb from overwork, Sloan's Lini­
ment affords quick relief.
sprains, strains and other minor in­
juries to children are qnickly soothed by
Sloan's Liniment. Get a Isittle today at
your Druggist, 25c.
in the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Multnomah county.
In the Matter of the Estate of F. I*.
Keenan, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the under­
signed has lieen appointed executrix
of the estate of F. P. Keenan, deceased,
by the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Multnomah,
and has qualified as such.
All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified and re­
quired to present the same, properly
verified as required by law, to the un­
dersigned executrix at the store of F.
P. Keenan Co., 190,4th street, Portland,
Oregon, within six months from and
after the date ot first publication of this
Dated and first published Beptemlier
7, 1916.
Mary B. Keenan, Executrix of the
Estate of F. P. Keenan, Deceased.
Dusty dajs and dusty ways.
J. J. Johnson, 314 Bpaiding
The record breaking drought still con­ Building, attorney for Estate.
The streams are the lowest ever
known at this time of the year.
Another cabin was broken into last In the County Court of the State of
Friday or Saturday.
Thia time it was
Oregon, tor Multnomah County.
the house of Kam Cox’s on his claim In the Matter of the Estate of Emil Paul
north of town. Nothing was destroyed
Schmidt, Deceased.
but a gun and some eatables were Notice is hereby given that the under­
signed, Martha Hchmidt, haa been ap­
Jack Frost,
Deputy Sheriff from point«! executrix of the estate of Emi
Oregon City, was in town last Saturday Paul Schmidt, deceased, by the County
trying to get a line on some of the Court of the State of Oregon for the
house breakers but could get no clue.
County of Multnomah, and has duly
Jack the Ripper broke into the Maid­ qualified ax such.
All persons having
ing» home between Welches and Tauneys claims against said (-state are hereby
last week, during the absence of the notified and required to present the
owner. The same work of destruction same to the undersigned executrix, at
was carried on as at Galarneaus’a. The the office of her attorney, J. J. Johnson,
entire contents of the house was either 314 Spalding Bldg., Portland, Oregon,
destroyed or scattered about.
It is the duly verified as required by law, on or
work of some cunning maniac ami a before six months from the date of first
pack of hounds ought to be secured to publication of this notice.
run him down.
Dated and first published August 3,
M. V. Thomas of Bull Run was in 191«.
town last week making arrangements
Executrix of the Estate of
for a Socialist meeting at the school
Emil Paul Schmidt, De­
house on Friday evening of this week.
cease* I.
Mr Thomas says Wilson will be elected J. .1. Johnson, Attorney for Estate,
blit the best outlook in sight to his mind 311 Spalding Bldg., Portland, Oregon.