H rr¿ilù 1HL Phone iih your news Items-—they are al­ ways welcome Thisjis a good time "to re­ new your subscription to the Herald. ✓ Subscription, $1.00 a Year REDUCE TAXES BY BALLOT Six Per Cent Limitation Seems Only Way Out. Big Appropriations Ahead Unless Limit is Set. If AU VOU»« dot>bl< • IM*.*» -'ll) t'i tnl Ilin alioh liit* Lud^ri* which liHV«* been ■ ompilrd during *lh<- pant two wwk* AteHild .* 4hMX),1 in«* i ■ ■ tin- or» ut I Nu w»ll infonuud ( h - ooii «tipjioses tur li tliiMix’iit tfiat thè luti r.-ntal valli-- lami fax aiu.-udim-ut tliat will )••• <»n thè iiu-.' iii l.nllot ibi« fall will lo- approvili by tbe voi. D« cbi.'f purp ~e i« io Ukc ibi- lami <>( Oregon awajr freni ili..«e wbi.i.wn il non unii give il b> otli.-rr, unii t' >• peripli» o< ibi» stai" bave no ile- Wll) File illlirlldlm-Ut w !l I»' ll.'irah'.l, But it i« not enough " HTely tn ineHi (*<»hdÍt¡O!YH and greater il‘ v«’i'»piiH*nt in ih* future it must be en <»w» d und« r mo <1. eply am t o h*!iv<> no dot ibi of tta$ Atti- tinte ©I the people ot thb« nah* on Much Pro«) »• «’Uv«* inventor* rn*nk me • -nrc. and hoint • ■ < !.<•!» i.'iiwl ite* Btfwilfrd that they can <* uu" »•> Oregon «i itb'Hit n. but Oflder onr In ». . .«U >« r b.» » •Ut« pu» Jrgitbih* ah our L appmp».* Appro I tì< »IH kin Vol. 14. BAPTISl COLLEGE WILL SECURE LNDOWMENT the ivtt 1 d> 4 p’| Al* t- ‘JJ.SV ä I» itiywiK'o v-ba. taxpaytu* u id I m «¿»ply Spdrrov - Must Go ’o¡ i a uè la f UÌ pi *'t rviiMndy h u4 lh»*y wìH i • il. The T ax tritono UM pnveei •.it »ou «n* Liimuin» in BìH vili LAJ.VIFhL th«‘ city «ÌLI Itfi•. Ii ron Id •Mihm uf o( PorC ■ ih X aod th»* .unuiiun v<»tnuih’ 'IIU9MM. 4 tr» te<‘ fo¡. tifo $ ri»«*mte’r* 01 tJu* l»«1X t ì« 1 <»i tip- Lu •1. li thf 1 .. « ¡»ii>’..: ■ > i., d. ! U VlllVt.i *« s > thia t Urd ba* 0 M 1 U htlid a u5 Iirre tb at It I m Ctl 1‘ '.'lUAlld 9 lax« Ameubli CUt ÌH mid >>inh ’ IJIV'M WÌU te* LlUiiu««t¡ lo VK liai. Ur» » ina «»Ut Ilk» louJor aOUK uud Lu nud that it I i . im be* they wen- tidM year p‘im •ix ¡n’r o'iii. a *< o iuu of whether we will It IIK’AU-* *$ tax rodiy tioii ai ;3U”,üü > for **’•’••• n : i h ap»irj’»\i to rei* l\»rt i«nd iOid lifìlf u iitlllìi. • » «h« l.ir- (or rv'Out « icr bird i io or «leatrojL It aud ♦ «i y oí tfiivcni* ’ i ri-, ¡nu tli<» Minte-— Hlid ll»t? *pe< h*M of U ni L*fUl Hil i llM'Ut « di1 noi te* iIII p«ui ri i it) th«* Milcht- ‘ j Imt ircd to inhabit est. It just melina il..- trimming of] fm;ns „u( the (rills. hind ’flic lea le licei da to Issue a proc- i lanuitbui ile. In: e .• war on the l'ir:li-ii > , ' H |" County Men! Votes 'sib:.' In April <>r May ... i.i-xt >i-:u. i > S. B. II ill County Agent ¡Ic derated < >peelul.y to viaglug it We . m nnve the tarn r« money if Tim governor» of every state will lie they «ill buy their clover -• ■< i now. asked to ui.| the work. Printed f the cam We ha- male nrr.r ........its with l.ilgn will be .nt to the mayors of several Yamhill Count'- farmer« by i all Incorpora i<*.| cities and village«, to which the fanner« in t o« section can I ilie hcnils of the school systems hi buy their clo'vr wed directly (mtn i" I ' oiit.ty. to coll, e pres 'etiti, to them. Tie price, range- Iroiu l.c to 2ik- ipiuicipals of preparatory s hooia. to per pound, mid al 18c 1 have Home . .. lie... 1 of the l> >y souts In each samples of very clean seed. 1 his same state and to other organisations which grade yon will pay the -eed na-ti 25c or ml, lit be expected to extend sympathy Mid al.!. probably more next spring. Any per­ Mathada of Fighting Winged Peat. son w anting t<> order seed now can we r"iir principal ii.etho.ls of action will samples by calling at the County Agent a I •• employ. I; Tearing down the nests, office any morning. These prices arc trapping the^bli.l-, hooting them un for immediate shipment. dor police stipcrv> I n and under li­ The first issue of the monthly news censes Issued by the police authorities letter from this otlice Will Im issiled in and. in cities where water pressure Is the near future It will contain season­ available, turning the hose on the birds al hints, the results of some of the nt night a.ler they have gone to roost The president . the league. eeh con­ ducted this year, and an exchange Shields, of Ilio Simpson s.ieet. New column, in which will lie the things for York, says he wittld like to hear from persons interested In the matter, both exchange which the farmer« have, ns those who favor the plan and those well as the want nud for sale depart­ oj>|«>sed. ment confining itself to things on the He makes the statement that in the farm. If you have anything to sell or caso of the hundreds of thousands of want anything such as stock, machinery bird boxes pin.ed in this country in or Mxxi you can get into the first issue the Inst ten years, fully 75 per cent by calling up Gresham 47, any morning. have been appropriated for their own purposes by the English apnrrowa. In cases whore bluebirds, wrens or oilier WAR MAKING VIEW OLDi birds that are desired by those who put HAIR SOON TURNS GRAY. the boxes up have taken possession of boxes, the sparrows have driven them The I'i'e. t of th,- war In pre­ out, thrown their eggs to the ground, maturely pgiiig tin» llgbthig tucn and taken full possession themselves. III all Hindi'« hns bee..me the subject of sorli.il« scientific dis­ Saw Bee 1 ree—Get Gas cussion In Englnml. Franco and Oermnny InvestlcnUon« have l.<.oii. Mo.—Just «.Tons the line from shown Hint men under thirty In northwest Missouri, tn liecntur county, a few months In the trenches la., two men wore sawing down a lice turn gray. tree, when they beard a queer noise The effect In noticeable not AA’hnt followed Is told by an' eyewlt only In the British nriny. but lies«. C. It Itllcy: “‘Come here. Riley Among the French alm and and listen. The bees are right down nt among German*, ninny of whom, the Ixittom of this tree. They snwed giving their ages ns twenty-one n Little more and the sound become to twenty seven yearn, present louder. I soon smelled gas and struck the appearance of men over a match mid placed it to the sawed forty part. A flume of tire came out mid "Tile gray hairs come quicker biased up the tree. The boys sawed to the oillcers than to the 'Tom­ n little more and.all of a sudden the mies.'" says a <'a mid lan nrmy Are shot out about three feet. The surgeon “I have never known lioyn, fearing trouble, left the saw and of hnlr actually growing white started away over the hill on a dead overnight hnt It often hnpjiens run. within the apace of a week or This gas find is lielng examined by ten <1aya ” an expert and a report will be given later.” No. 43. GREE ES CANDIDATES Rev. J. M. Nelson and Miss Daisy Davis were the Lents delegates to the Full House Hears Republican Legis- I Baptist state convention held at .Salem i lators to be. Strong Appeal , last week. Rev. Nelson was re-elected • Made to Protect Full Ticket ' recording secretary of the. convention A fine house listened at the school and was elected secretary of tbe ■ ministers conference which meet» ju«t auditorium on Wednesday evening, to | tiefore the convention. loud Sunday «peakers from the candidates for the next Rev. Nelson told his congregation of the legislature, to W. C. Alderson, candi­ . pledges given toward raising funds for date for County Superintendent; Joe. 'the McMinnville college. It appears Richardson, in behalf of Judge Tazwell, ■ that the late J. J. Hill pledged a gift of and John B. Easter, .,u tlie Direct Pri­ j 850,000 to this college providing the mary, its uses and abn-s-s ' O. l-auragard opened the discussions, college raises the sum of $300,000 by Nov. 1, W16. Other money gift- have | to be followed by K. K. Kabli an —D. C. : Ix-en pledged contingent upon the rais- ia-ww, candidates for the Legislature. t ing of this sum, which, taken all to­ I W. C. Alderson was then int’-odmied and gether, will make a fine endowment for > made a short address. Jos. Richardson i Mc.Minville. The town ami college Hpoke at some length on the influem-M ! friends have raised g'sxlly sums toward that wi re opposing the election of Judge 11,1 ak ing up the amount which is still Tazwell. He alleges that the opposi­ ■short of the necessary sum, the matter tion is hacked by political bo [ having been taken np at tlie co nvention fotuiil Mr. Tazwell wot il«l not b< | the sum of four thousand dol lars was j servient to their wishes while acli ¡raised, tn old white-* natreu ’«!'-“’ woman of Municipal Judge. Mrs. M. K Hedge rendered "My tlie Baptist church, . .teoding tbe cot>- Mel lent tylr, and was » to help the America’’ in ventioD, war >< ry a given a hearty iixire. Maur —’Wilhams «n IndiAnapoLsTiow«. II. Mad- j J'oung people by sen also gave t > deliglitlul ■ toward this school. Everyone i . mother of seven chil nd great enti ufuaeni wa.« iphown whenever i She had no £ lints were made. I). C. Lewi» tiie rnati a ch and n. T1 ot t»‘ie rlhttiin 1*11 il ? ü lu at rating t I m - envrm ity of held !h at th Ore-on Ul HOC tratte congres;-.oualappi•jpria- <4 Im- tb 'or the f 01 ’US. He showed Low thé StOûi)t( con < i se» wn >ropi iriatiow. in a Uli *9 i.i ?C T h !ac 9 **X 4 ■ d£tun to 4 aud c II 1 L:uce!fi, (r. reh z n-tut Tait, in- o lilt: , elu-ive. G k J3 at sum President McGrew of the C! of n tie? meeting over to t!»e di Port C >nnty Chairman, Jack Day, Th Unde Sam lo Censor Dancing sided aud introduced tiie speai to the It was announced that the n T'> t the United States government' 4on pt program by the Club would lx throngli its Indian agents. Is striving has^ T plat Minual rifl. day evening-of Nov. 6. to put an end to the weird snake dance ehoot for t TO I held every summer by the Hopi In­ 1 was held at th« Wl< UK-’M dians in Arizona and that this cere­ Direct Legislation That Would Help ■ftcj C'n'-kninas. i Jet to •> mony, which annually attracts i-eople larg •st ftlÄt ctuslve. and was th Out of the eleven iliri-ct legislation fr m nil over the country, may not lie At there •ing ever held in Ore held next year is the information measures on the l>allot in Oregon this teams entered from th various « just brought Lack from Qraibl, Ariz.. year, there are perhaps two worth vot­ ng ganlzatlons. ing for—tlie debt and fix limitation, by Miss Eva Wientge of Washington. A second immense In order to witness this dance. Miss ami the single item veto amendments. nt’P The former woukl stop increasing Wientge traveled on horseback from pro taxes and indebtedness faster than the Holbrook, where she was visiting rela­ '. of the state Any i, a Ma community develops, and the latter tives. to Oralbi, on the Hopi Indian of Orc- -i can vote tor prowideutial Inno vvTirks. appeared before the c would enable a fearless governor to electors -u any county of the state. round! asking the vacation of certaii reservation, a distance of 145 miles. knock out items of logrolling activity. "This is a long way to travel to see Attorniy 3ctieral Brow n advise*. «trects along the waterfront just north a dance.” she said, hi discussing the All the other nine are nnimportant Appio.v mately 70 carloads of ap vf Albina avenue, on which to con trip, "especially when the dance lasts from the standpoint of good government pies will be shipped from Douglas struct the plant. only a half or three-quarters of an and lower taxation—most of them would county to the eastern markets during hour. But the scenery en route was involve tlie state in further exploitation The first Vmattila county piano ha the presc nt season, it is estimated. •eon moved into the clubroom of th1 wonderful: It reminded one of the by the ever-active otlice-holding ciass. Henry Sefiield, a farmer living near Umatilla county library. The piano glorious Grand mnyon. One could see Halsey, reports a yield of 1800 pounds which still retains a melodious tone so far and the colors of sky and earth Evangelical Ladies to Dine of Rusaett Eurlmnk potatoes from the was brought to Pendleton by muli were so remarkable. Tourists' Eyes Bulge. planting of 18 pounds of seed in the team in 1878 from Umatilla, where Ladiee of the Evangelical Church will "Arrived at Oraibl. We soon realized spring. the instrument had been received by give a dinner the afternoon and evening that the Indian snake dance was well J. L. Berry, city auditor and police boat, its arrival in Pendleton brought worth traveling many miles to see. of Oct. 27 to assist in paying interest on judge of Seaside, was ousted from his out a large crowd. Plates wilt be served There were perhaps 300 tourists, who the church debt. municipal positions at a special recall me registration for the coming gathered round the Indians anil gazed at 25 cents. Tnere will l>e a sale of election, by a majority of 32 votes election shows a total of 189,937 re­ with bulging eyes at the weird cere­ “outing flannel’’ night gowns. The out of 35S cast. publicans. 77.703 democrats. 1435 pro­ mony about to be enacted with rattle­ supper will be a substantial one, well With the . xception of the drugstore, gressives. 7051 prohibitionists, 6991 snakes as the chief objects of admira­ fitted to replace the home meal. Sup­ the business section of Crescent was socialists and 9551 of miscellaneous tion. As far ns 1 could ascertain, the per will be served from 5:30 to 8:00 p. m. wiped off the map when fire destroyed affiliation, The total registration this IL pis gather their snakes from the two office and store buildings and a year is 292.670, which is 12,060 below mountain side, keeping them hidden Fire was put under the boilers of the hotel of 30 rooms. the number listed on the registration until the dance begins and after the ceremony returu them to their homes, first sugar factory in Oregon at Grants Nearly one tw elfth of the population books two years apo. at all times showing them the greatest Pass during tlie past week. of Oregon's prison was ordered fried The car shortage on the Portland reverence. by Governor Withycombe last week division of the Southern Pacific Fewer miles of railroad were built in "One theory is that the Ilopis be­ w hen he signed three conditional par­ mounted to a new record again Satur­ lieve in the wisdom and power of a this country in 1915 than in any year dons and 35 paroles. day when the company reported to •great snake' somewhere in the moun­ since the Civil war. The building of Lumbermen and officials from all the Oregon public service commission tains. and they wish the little snakes railroads is the real index to prosperity. parts of the western United States, that it lacked 2182 cars of being able to return to the 'tMta' snake and carry A hundred miles of new track make a British Columbia anil Washington, D. to fill its orders. The company had glad tidings of how well they were better reflection of sound conditions C.. enlivened in Portland Tuesday for orders on file for 2490 freight cars treated. Judging by wtwt we saw at than a hundred structures hurriedly the dance, the ‘little' sn* Lents, Multnomah County, Oregon, Oct., 26, 1916 / /