Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, September 21, 1916, Image 1

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    Phone us your news
Items—they are al­
ways welcome
Subscription, $1.00 a Year
tLtCIRIG CtlAlii
The death house at Hing King prison
was filled with activity uti the night
Russelville Meeting One of the Best
of July 2S, for there was to be an
In History.
Important Discus­ elactrucutloD the following morning
sions and Good Literary Pro­ Charles Fredori<-k Htlelow had been
»enteiictsl to pay the death penalty on
gram Features.
a charge of murder (hut morning. The
prison ministers were in III» cell, the
On» of th* best meeting* in I) h * history chair lind been prepared, hl» death suit
of the County Grange *»« held on had been given him. with the »Illa In
Wednesday at tbe Ruaaelrlll« Grange It fur the electrodes Illa hair had been
Hull on the B um * Line road tin» week. ¡cut so iiw lu make n clear space for the
deadly Instrument. The condemned
Th" attendant e w»< good »nd tbe tea* man's family bad said their last good
tur»« of tiiv day w«r» very attractive. by, and all hope hud disappeared.
Th« uaual morn I tie t>u»iiie»» »•"»ion, de­ Outside the prison, however, friends
voted to report» from the variuua were nt work on the case, convinced
granite» and »umtnarie» of financial con­ that a niau was aliuiit lu tai sent to
dition» w«r» rendered.
Everything the great lieyond fur n crime he did
pointed to a revival of grange intereat not commit. Htlelow was popular. A
Ph>a»ant Valley l*-a*l the other» with good mil tired. jolly German, he proved
the largrat ¡tiers»«« in mvmbenditp for himself to lie one of the most likable
men In the prison, and other prisoners
the quarter.
and guards were convinced that a man
After an unu»nlly good grange han- of bls disposition wa» nut guilty of the
qnet the work of the afternoon was tie­ «■rime with which he was charge«!.
gun. A di»cti»»ion <>f the l.itid and Justice Guy of the New York su­
| .mn menaur« was load by Hr. C. II. preme court then sent a stay of execu­
Chapman and A. I.. Vraaie. Mr. Chap­ tion to the prison In order that the
man discussed the ru*'ject for 30 evidence might be reviewed. This re
minute» with u 10 minute closing ar­ prière put new life and new bo|>e Into
Htlelow un.I Ids friends. They went to
Mi Veaki» »iu> given 10 work with renewed vigor In their en-
minute» to refute the argument» in ■leavers to prove him Innocent
favor of the measure, and to »how how
Now Irving Klug, a Junk dealer, has
the proposed Land ami l-oati measure come forward with a confession that
would remit un»ati»f»< torily to the •xoueratca Htlelow. King has admitted
people of the »tat«. Tin» diacureion Hint on the night of March 21. 11)15.
was followed by a dix u»»i«n by Mr» be killed agod Charles Phelps and Ml»»
Mattie Hleethe of the proposed Brewer’» Mnrgaret Wolcott, the object being rob­
bery. The confession I» also said to
Amendment. Following tin» reaoln-
exuncrate Nelson Green, who bi serv­
lion» were prevented In opposition to ing a seuteme in Elmira prison for
both the lj»n<l and Uraii la» and the complicity in th» crime.
Brewer'» Amendment and they were
Klug bad lieeti suspected of the
carried without a dissenting vote, »bow­ double murder for some time. HI«
ing quite plainly that Multnomah arrest followed week» of investigation.
granger» at least, are not favorable to Tbe story told by bis confession 1» this:
On tbe Ruuday of tbe murder be
the »ingle tag idea» l>ack of the Land
law, or the boose Influence» back of the went to tbe home of Mr. Phelps. He
arrived in tbe afternoon, made himself
Brewer*» amendment.
agreeable to Mr. Phelps and Miss Wol­
Considerable time wa» devoted to the cott and got an invitation to take sup­
conaideraUon of the rural credit per with them. He accepted this Invi­
measure» which are io tareating the tation.
people of the »late, and a report wa» The meal over. King engaged them
made on the ricent field day. Some In further conversation, and. tbe hour
deficit waa shown in the account» aud having grown late, he got an Invita­
it was voted to have the county grange tion to »fiend the night
aland the deficit», thua relieving the
Meant to Rob Hi» Host
local grange» of any rraponiibility in
He accepted It. aud some time before
the e»|ren»e» of the occasion.
11 o’clock lie wa« escorted to the guest
Th- evening wa* taken up with the room, which Mr. Phelps tn bls hoapi-
initiation of ten candidate« into the tajlty put at his dl«|>OKal In the room
fifth degree. Thia wa» put on excep­ he waited tgitll tbluga grew quiet. He
tionally well. Following thia a pro­ had determined to rob bls aged host.
Shortly after 11 o'clock King left bis
gram of literary, mutical and httmorou*
room and stole out. His mission wn»
»tuofa prepared by local talent waa en­ to rob Mr. Phelps He did »o. but
joyed try all. According to re;»>rt» aroused ttie aged man
Rnsaelvilio proved to Im an excellent
King confessed that he took his pis­
ho»t, ami the viait will not eoon be for­ tol and shot and killed Mr. Phelps,
got tell.
thnt then he took the same pistol and
shot ami killed Miss Wolcott.
The conviction of Htlelow was orig­
Parent-kdchers Club Will Meet
inally procured mnlnly through an al­
The regular monthly meeting of la-nta leged confession obtained by a private
detective. Georgs W. Newton. Htlelow
l’an-nl-Teeeher» Club will la* held Fri­ could not sign Ills tiHine. but Newton
day afternoon at 2:3<i at the »chool had him make hl« mark at the end of
auditorium. The new president, Mr» the typewritten "confession.”
McCord, will take charge. A round
badgered Into "Confessing.”
table discussion of important initiative
Affidavits were submitted in (notions
meaaitn*» will lie conducted by some one for n retrial asserting that a lawyer
coin|M>tent to lead the discussion. Every for Htlelow hail trap|ied this detective
parent in the district i" urged to lie Into r description of the methods by
which he obtained the alleged confes
«Ion. Htlelow has consistently told his
Iswyers that he made Ills mark to the
Republican Club at Lents
confession without realizing what the
A ”»ure enough” effort will I m * inaile paper was and simply to avoid con
»taut badgering by the detective.
to organi»** a Republican Club at the
Charles Phelps, a wealthy fanner,
Herald building hall Friday evening. A seventy-one years ohl, mid his house
large mutilici of people have agreed to keejier, forty, were found shot to death
attend and prospects are fine for a suc- In West Shelby. Orleans county. N. Y..
oe»afiil organization
All Republican» on the night of March 21. 1915. The
uinn was In Ids own home Miss Mar
are urged to attend.
garet Wolcott was on the steps of the
cottage across the road, w here Htlelow.
a newly onpaged farm hand, lived with
Advertised Letters
his wife and children; Nelson Green.
Advertised letter» for week ending
Ids brother In law, and the latter'»
September 10, 19lfl: Brookman, Mr». wife As Phelps was known to hnve
Mirtle; Lamberlin, Mrs. C.; Call, Ira had a large sum of money In the bouse,
E.; Campbell, Dale; Haokney, Mrs. B.; and ns tills waa missing robbery was
Kelly, Stella- Larson, Rev L. ; Par­ given as the motive.
Rewards aggregating SH.OOO were of­
sons. Ray; Richey, Mvrtle; Hitcher.
Mrs; Waggoner, Mrs. V. E.; Weston, fered, and before the month ended
A. J ; M27-92d St . (2). «006 Clayton Htlelow and Green were arrested.
St., Cor noth S. E.;
MOO-IMM Ave., They got "the third degree" from pri­
S K. ;012fl-83d St.. S E (fl); 629-fiSd vate detectives, who later produced nu
alleged confession. This wns unsign­
H. E.
Geo. W. Spring, Postmaster. ed. but at the trial In July. 1015, they
»wore It had been obtained from Stle-
Reuben Borland, after thirty-five low. He was sentenced to death, and
year» in the service of a great industrial Green wns sent to Elmira for life.
corporation at Yonkers, N. V., was
Four dates were set for Htlelow’» ex-
chosen its president at a salary of ecntlon and a stay granted each time.
$100,000 a year, lie began as a Isihldn
Named After Thirty-six Years.
boy; he winds up as a lioas. It la not
likely that he spent much of those After thirty six years as a candidate
thirty-five years hanging around legisla­ for one office ,1 Wortcn Keys was
tures and Congress trying to get laws nominated for sheriff by the Democrat«
enacted for his "fiecial benefit, which nt Rnllne county. Mo.. In the primary
no has Itcen a candidate for sheriff nt
would give him special advantage, or each election since 1«so and failed to
which would put him into t privileged win until this year Kev» la n farmer
class On the contrary, h” undoubtedly »nd stock raiser
stuck to his J ib. doing the best he could
All Want It.
with it every day—a"d in due time se­
Butcher—What kind of a cut of meat
curing his reward. Tne case of Reuben do you prefer, ma'am? Customer ibit­
Borland ought to point some moral to terly)—A price cut—Baltimore Amar
such misguided mind».
This is a good time to re­
new your subscription to
the Herald.
Lents, Multnomah Coumy, Oregon, Sept. 21, 1916.
Vol. 14.
No. 38.
Mart t-lously etlh-lent is the system
of wrecking machinery In use In these
days for quick work when a »mash­ Young Ladies of the County Prove
Skillful in Preserving Fruits and
up occurs on one of the great rail-
roads. Homo of the latest inventions
Vegetables: Winners Will go to
and appliances for clearing trucks aft­
State Fair.
er a wreck are described In the Popu­
lar Rcieuee Monthly. The magazine
The canning contest at the County
’ say»-
was one of the most attractive h-a-
"Wrecking trains are located on
, every division of Important railroads, tures of tbe Fair. I-arge crowds at­
standing Idle In the yards waiting for tended the demonstration each day and
calamity—a crane car. with sufficient a great amount nt Interest was »hown by
: ;>ower to lift a freight car as a child the sections of the County which the
lifts a toy; a supply car. containing teams represented.
ropes, cables, chains. Jacks, crowbars,
The important part of the contest is
I tool», lanterns, fire apparatus, dyna­ I tlie development which tiie girl» in the
mite, rails, tie»; a caboose for tbe , different teams have gotten while
wrecking crew.
‘ practicing for the contest. Some of the
"When the word comes over tbe wire I teams have practiced weekly and have
that the exprena and the fR»t freight
have tried to see which could butt tbe canned many kinds of fruit, vegetables,
other off tbe track tbe wrecking crew j fish and meats, as well as making sever­
assembles tn a hurry. They are pick­ al kinds of jelly and pickles. The most
ed men—these minutemen of the rails of the girls in the contest hail done but
-each with bls specialty. Mechanics, little canning before entering the club
trackmen, men skilled in explosives, but since have been of great help in the
strong men, slender men. at least one home, some of them doing the most of
small but muscular man. they come the canning this season.
from roundhouse and shop, freight
The following is the final score of the
yard« and office at the supreme call.
signed by the three judges:
Tbe wrecking boss takes command, the
s * 8
best engine available hacks down, and
with a clear track the wrecking train
—Starrett in New York Tribune.
s ¿
gets to the disaster, often ahead of the
y h»
»I*eclai Containing doctors and nurses.
"There 1» only one order to be obeyed
15 3-4 17
17 17
when the wrecking crew gets Into ac­ Teamwork
» 17 18 13 3-4 14 lis­
tion-‘save life.' But once the victims »kill
» 10 12 10
are extricated—and they are taken out Speed
S'eat new
ita» i» 17
In remarkably abort time—the order Prod oct
18 14
16 1-2 17
Oregon'» state fair will open at 8a tranth last May, was sentenced to life changes. It la not. as might be expect­
100 M MBS «3-4 7» 1-4 »»-4
ed. 'save property.’ ’ It is 'clear tbe line.'
lent Monday.
Imprisonment by Judge Bagley.
Bernice L. Cal way
‘ It makes no difference that five Jum­
The fifth annual Columbia county
To plan reforestation wofk in that bled freight cars contain expensive
Mrs. J. A. Beard
fair opened at St. Helena Wednesday. section of the state, Julius F. Kum- automobiles, or pianos, or phonographs,
H. A. Lewis.
Albany college began Its Slst year mell, of tbe United States forestry or fruit, which might be saved by care
The judging was done by each jndga
as an educational institution Monday. office in Portland, ia now on a tour . ful work. If tbe contents cannot be scoring each team on the several point»
The fifth annual Polk county fair of Inspection in Linn and Marion coun­ ! saved in less than an hour there 1» and the three scores on each point
only one thing to do. Ths big steam averaged to get the final score on that
la being held in Dallas, beginning ties.
Tbe annual fall shipment of beef crane is backed down to the mess; a point.
Monday witnessed the beginning of ‘from Klamath county has started in long, tentaclelike book descends, chains
Tbe winning team is eligible to com­
and ropes are brought into play, and
the 25th year of work of Pacific col­ earnest, and from now on until winter slowly, surely, almost daintily, tbe pete at the State Fair with tbe teama
lege at Newberg.
thousands of bead of beef >tock will crane swings the wrecked freight car from the other counties for the state
The fruit and vegetable-preserving be sent to the Portland. San Francisco and Its contents to one side.
industries of The Dalles are badly and Sacramento market».
"Sometimes tbe easiest way to clear
hampered by the lack of labor.
Twelve girls, inmates of the state the lines is to burn the wreck or blow
Isn’t It the Truth?
At the end of the first week the industrial school at Salem, escaped it up. Tracks can be quickly relald If
registration In the Oregon normal from th« Institution. The girls who damaged, but nothing can replace lost
time. The price of tbe cargo of auto­
school at Monmouth reached 385.
escaped, according to the police, dash­
“There is something radically wrong
mobiles is nothing against a five hour
During the week ending September ed away from the school while seated
delay, for the price of delay mounts where the merchant in a small town
14 there were 333 industrial accidents on the porch at dinner time.
In stunuing geometrical progression does not advertise in his local news­
in the state, none of which was fatal.
Willis C. Hawley, representative tn A few hundred dollars for the first paper. He may, it is true, succeed
A walnut tree In the yard of the congress from the first district, has hour, it may be many thousands of dol without availing himself of every facili­
residence of L. EL Blain, an Albany returned to his home in Salem fret, lars tn the second or third hour. A ty that is offered for bnilding up his
merchant, will probably produce 15 Washington, D. C., and e;-.tablishe<' stoppage of the lines may mean a stop business, but the effort is made the more
bushels of nuts this year.
headquarters preparatory to conduct pace of the whole railway system, with difficult because of the neglect.
hundreds of thousands of dollars'
A lookout station, slmila'* to that ing his campaign for re-election.
A live newspaper is on-* of the best
worth of freight tied up. confusion,
on the summit of Mount Hood, is con­
The largest real estate deal in man? loss, was*.
assets that a community can boast of,
templated for Mount Jefferson by the months was consummated at Albany
“And well be knows bls work—tbe i but no newspaper can properly repre-
United States forest service.
when Theodore Stalp purchased tin crane for this car. the jacks for that sent the interests of a town unless the
Jackson county’s sixth annual fair E. E. Upmeyer ranch, nine miles ea.' This engine looks like a scrap, but interests of the town are rvprested in its
opened at Medford with a free bar of Harrisburg, for $70,000. The tract probably will run: put her on the other advertising columns, not as a subsidy,
track. That engine looks all rigbt, but | or charity, but in active, aggressive and
becue conduced by local merchants transferred contains 8823 acres.
and attended by 3000 persons.
The stock department of the coming ' is vitally wounded; throw her off. This | intelligent effort at upbuilding.
Headed by their own band. 2000 citi­ Central Willamette Valley exposition ! car is too inextricably tangled with
The interests of the nflrchant and the
another in loving embrace to take to
zens of Ashland went to Medford in to be held at Albany in connection I pieces, part by part; bu^n it up and i publisher are identical, ami there should
a special train to celebrate Ashland with the harvest festival October 12. throw tbe trucks to one side. Tbe I l>e co-operation lietwren them, that the
day at the Jackson county fair.
13 and 14, will be the biggest held in small mail, a necessary factor, crawls ' town may have an effective medium of
Florists in Oregon do more than 81.- the state outside of the state fair.
into and out of boles too small for bis publicity on the one hand, and that the
000.000 worth of business annually, ac­
A special deputy sheriff has been stronger mates, attaching chains and : largi-st possible returns be given to the
cording to data collected by O. P. appointed at Prairie City who will ropes, reporting conditions, doing work , supporters of this enterprise, on the
Hoff, state labor commissioner.
examine all shipments of liquor ship as valuable as that of the Hercules i other.'’—Exchange.
Construction of six auxiliary schoon­ ped into the county. It has been al­ who with a crowbar heaves up a tan
gle of wheels that n jack may be slip­
ers for Norwegian interests. Involving leged that the law is being violated
Keep ahead, ahead of your business,
ped Into position.
$1.500,000, is to be undertaken by the and that whisky and beer is being im
“The doctors and the nurses and the ; ahead of yoitr town and community,
Heath Shipbuilding company, of Port­ ported labeled as beer.
relief train' have come and gone. Down ! Mr Merchant, for no business can pos-
Ned Underhill, of Boyd, claim» tho the line stands an impatieut express, | sibly keep up with the time« that does
To celebrate the return to popular­ tecord for yield per acre for Wasco behind it a long freight. In tbe other not have some individual ahead of it.
ity of the once-despised evergreen county and eastern Oregon. He thresh­ direction a local 1« tilled with fuming [ —Exchange
blackberry, Sweet Home held an ed 992 bushels of oats from a 12-acre commuters, and perhaps the president's
evergreen blackberry fair on Septem field. This was almost 83 bushels to spectnI is close behind All along the VET! RINAKLAN IS COM ~
and soon to spread through
her 20.
the acre.
tlie w ole system is delay, stalled
The management of the Benton
The next legislature probably will trains, trains waiting orders, trains
county fair has announced the post­ he called upon to enact a large num­ costing the company thousands of dol­
The high standard« maintained by the
ponement lof the fair until Thursday, ber of laws for the protection and bet­ lars a minute.
I veterinary colleges in this country is
Friday and Saturday, September 21, terment of laboring men throughout
"Over tho tangled debris one man | bearing fruit. The veterinarian is com-
22 and 23.
the state, according to information re­ stands supreme, snapping his orders : ing into his own. The recent army re-
The Albany postofftce will hereafter ceived by O. P. Hoff, state labor com­ like the crack of a whip, utterly un­ : orginization bill passed by congress
mindful of the property be destroys
be the supply distributing station for missioner.
1 gives a just recognition to the veteri-
that other property may move. And
all second and third-class postoffices
The Salem police arrested Archie as if by magic tbe lines clear. The : narian which has long been denied.
in Marlon, Polk, Linn, Benton and Turner, of Stanwood. Wash., as he
Prior to this time, the army veter­
last of the bent and broken cars are
Lincoln counties.
was passing through the city driving turned on their sides and slide down inarian had the pay ami allowances of a
Governor Withycombe last week an automobile truck loaded with tbe bank. The limping engine goes off second lieutenant, mounted, but did not
granted four conditional pardons and whisky.
The officers seized 248 behind a «witching engine sent for the have the rank of a lieutenant. He was
25 paroles to penitentiary inmates in quarts of bonded liquor, valued at purpose. If the delay looks long, a not in line for promotion and through­
temporary sidetrack has been swiftly out his servifiu waa carried at the bot-
accordance with the recommendation approximately $400.
of the parole board.
Four bids have been received by built and the several waiting trains I tom of the list. The youngest lieutenant
A new Industry has developed in j Engineer Hicks for the construction puff slowly by. The wrecking train I could rank bim out of his quarter» al-
Linn county from what a few years1 of the second unit of the proposed whistles. Its crew, driving the last | though he might have had a family and
spike to make tbe track secure, pull
ago was becoming a great pest, in the [ Sutherlin, Coos Bay & Eastern rail­ out jimmy pipes. The big crane folds I lieen old in the service.
H-* was rated
picking of evergreen blackberries for , road, which will extend from Suther- Its single arm and rests. The men pile < as a non-coml>atant and not allowed to
the Brownsville cannery.
( lin to the heavily timbered districts Into their caboose. The wreck 1.« off wear a saber, yet went to the tront with
Baker county broke the season's along the Calapooia river.
the line»—time, fifty-five minutes. The tlx* troops.
His dress uniform was
price record at Kansas City when a
With the receipt of the first 1916 wrecking t"ain has finished It» work.” «horn of shoulder straps and he was not
carload of 1430-pound steers, belong- ( crop of prunes in Salem, dealers re­
permitted to wear the insignia "U. S.”
A Straightforward Answer.
Ing to F. C. Oxman, of Durkee, was port that eastern inquiries are becom­
as collar ornaments, although he was
J. B. Lippincott once ventured to ask legally a part of a regiment of cavalry
■old at 10 cents a pound.
ing more urgent and the price dead­
Construction work on the north Jetty lock between east and west is break Oulda. flie novelist, how ahe came to or fleld artillery.
know so much about cluba. camp life,
at the mouth of the Siualaw river was ing. Advance sales of about 7,000,000
All this has heeu changed and the
barracks, gambling house« and other
finished last week, and construction pounds have been njade here.
place» which are only visited by men veterinarian is to receive the rank, pay
machinery has been transferred across
Enough people to form four local She pls ed her hand» upon her knee» and allowances of a second lieufenant.
the river to the aouth jetty.
associations to take advantage of the •nd. looking straight at her questioner He is in line for promotion and eiij -ya
Bennett Thompson, who waa eon- federal farm loan measure are ready •aid "It i« r
of vmir bnslneaa."
ill the social and other advantage» of
victad at Hillsboro tf the murder of to complete organisation in the live
Daveixk .i
|.i lull picked up a commissioned officers of the army.—G.
lire. Helen Jenr.tnn «<t the Gero stock section of ths Willamette valley.
52 ounce gold in gget recently.