S Miwso Allot* ami Stella Hefty left Wednesday evening for Bakersfield, Cal. THE“GREATER OREGON read »vutti or Kt liliali station, ixprcie Wlth hiilhlln««. initc>h eatltf.-icliefi ¡»ith the manner in MIMÌ BMIflV ....................... is ¡-pent pini- «Arull v, tlir < ni b «•»••!t » •»< ihr|"i» ♦* ili !»«».’•» Il* Lil el- * which the road 1» to l*e paved. In the ÌntUrlli »par, T m »- m I mf . Hri»lrm1»rr 14, ItlY. weil* s« ned. no: pc N| wm lui imiuhiM I»* <’«»••»•••♦*»•**r. .Inuri»’»lUm. paM lb* du-t hi'»* lie, ti wry )>r a dirtimv el nluul two miha, ni tali««Mi n. *>n lilt trip to tn ttaln» rat» »1 >«••»»'♦* lhn«i »»»»•♦•<. il»li • lung wuh Ibe C'M-ksir.«« county («*<■» n l»u tiri In ri* Culli I*»«» »VMHtoHd iutertu'-dlati-- in (lihiih 1» aln'lit two Ut ck» routli of iHiuiMlum». ’•»«'iiiiig. Th«-y K< i tail Station) and eliding two mile« T m HI u « i FwMb lfo*rw.tot I«4 far uitu and far Mrs. Li t is off QU f 92*1 Wohirn K m »»«*«'»» a two «•-*- u reiitb. «•Iti« Writ* tur I lie lialiin sctuK*! house has l*eeti UNIVERSITY Or OKEEON There will be an exhibit of ralla bas­ iv ii a new coal of paint, which greatly KIKIKNM, UKKOOM kets made Hl the Leut» pl.ljgrvuinta nt 1 imprewa It ap|»*.'*>l ! i .ras.» ■ a jux . The trophy cops received by the ill-door laiitrd Mr. an Mr«. F Earle Cone annotimi* base Indi teams will l*e exhibited al the H E. Tamp i of 83>i street, near George Ham is »¡Hilding the wnk *. and have an ex •••Hi nt toni*i effect on the arrival of a seven pound la>y Augtist same lime. Foster -i,d. ha* new- auto. I visiting friends in the vieiuliy of Scio CHERRYVILLE I I tl i* entire system. .Makes you feel like the tenth. | .ind Jetfersou. living. Only 26c. at druggists. M b . and Mr»- William Eatchel art' Harventiug and I* hm * l>atl do not lull. Clareucv J. t'nmmmgs, former ¡*ai«lor Walsh has a stock of good gasoline ail What is the matter witli this weather? ■pending a week at Seaside. Sditgudfd limi ( hlld the time at prices as good as can be of the Lent» s. D. A church, mutisted by At i«*a**i that I» the appurent rea.* >ii (or Can you l«*al it? Virgil 1‘. Hubs.*, Will begin a series of the dirci*ntinnati*.n of the Sun lay games found anywhere, tf. The little showeis of the |>»"l two Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Menig have rr- . important Bible Iz-eliins iu tlie church on th»* local grounds. Several of the wis-ks did no harm but did a great deal If y»ur child 1» pale, dull, nt tirili*« turned ’’roan a trip to Newberg leading players, however, »ay the game» of good. * The women of St. Peters Church w ill building, one block east oi Oddfellows flushed, irritable and fretful you should ImrvrHititf in will be reaiitued lifter the Our local weather mill says tills kind attend to this condition nt onee «• tiw* j give a card party at the church Friday Hall. Such «ubjei-t» will la* luusidervd as tlie Worlds I'reseiii Crisis, Conditions as completed. Mrs Ch.irley E.itchel was taken to . night Sept. 1. ‘bt weather will vxten«l into the fall und cliunees an* y*ir little one is suffering The r*»ad work south of K< nd all will that we will hare an unttaunlly tine full they Exist in the Present Financial and the hospital Wednesday. . from worms Klakapcwi Worm Killer Is lie delayed a few days on aix'uunt of a «easou. ; Social World, lax-lures will be held I what you should get This well known Mr. Ransom L. Oune writes from ! each evening except Saturday. AU I an* breakdown to MtNne of the machinery Notaaly tired go hungry this year in remedy in lo«>*ngi* form is plea-ant to Mrs. Ge thing and daughter. Gertie, Newberg that a nine pound boy arrived Th, y had lo wnd io San Francisco for tl»> connlsc as th« crop of vegetable« arc are at tl.-* l-*»«*h for a couple of weeks. . at their house August the seventeenth cordially invited to attend. take ami ox|H*I« the worms al once, the repair«. very fine and of great abumlance, and cause of v»ur child’s suffering Only Next Friday, August 2d, an entertain­ itKxt all kiinl« of fruit are plentiful. 31k* at al) aek Friday from a trip to the beach. I Spring house on Fourth avenue to the hotm • under the auspici*» of the Ladies on t> eir raiH-h one-half mile eaat <•( tire The Arleta W. C I’ . U. was held al 1 Drake place at 63*1 avenue ami S9th Aid. Weirs orcheetra, vocal sol*» and post, tli«-*-. The renter, J J. Hteenka, the home oi Mis. F. W. Prailen Hl Mrs. Pngh ha« rent»«! ber home on S2d street. literary readings are on the list of en- having drawn a inhialile tract of land in Arleta, Tucstisy, .tugust II Mrs. M «tree-, south of the car line. j __ , . v ri.uiiiiivni». No admission will I»* tlie Colville Rrevrvation is anxious to Fraucas bwope preside*!. Mrs. .Minnie » *»*-; tj Kissing has become a public exhibi- Hyde of the Prohibition I cadq-tarters charge,!. Everybody cordia'ly inviteli uiov<-on to Ik an*l will move off fr<>m Tin* o|w*u air «lane«- al Tremont at­ the Pot kin ranch ««Kin. Miss Bertha Camp has been elected jloIl between two of tlie young people of »puke *>n the Amendments. Afros the traete s number of the young«*r people superintendent of tlie Adventi«» Sabbath the town. But then why mention it, fob L nevtiug Mesdames Hwope, Loekwixxl from tl>ie e*rti«in each Saturday night i Roy Shiitrittn, who Ii»*» in a suburb *•0. HWiFI ? r. j Aiio’. the poor souls need someone’s sympathy. of Portland, was visiting with his |M-ople »» M I * ‘ft ' and Wilson called on Mrs. Mary Fi»h- J. I’. Nelson’s two eldest sons and ' a »U. tlçj«., »•kvUi.« d ufo n r .r f last week. Ili» wif» is u daughter of | Guru retiring president of the union, The Lent.- public library was close,! unti rr’fMn’t <*» Mrs. Charlie Eatehel and her sister j who left last Saturday for her new daughter have euuie I < Kendal) fur u i Mrs 0. W. Miller. Mr. Shutrum owns ! «mb» ur nw fr ” . VfìU» f two day- this week for a thorough frinii- of .'alt Lake, in Lents to attend the | boule iu Spukane. The regular bi- brie! slay. The lall* r liave t»en run-. a tli.y* wheat ranch near Pendleton, for' of 3U3 (tcMtelud In v«m tkura. larm in e«st<*ru Í ning .Mr. Neiaoit ’ r gating funeral of Mrs Wm. Eatcliel last Mon- I montiily meeting »»as held hist Tuesday will* i he g- t» $7.0,1 an acre cash rent, j • day week, returned home Tuesday i at Mrs. btelia Wilson’s, at winch the n last w eek I birthday dinner, which she greatly en- Mr. and Mrs. G*ock and family, with The Ladies Aid will hold a U a Thur»- wealth of tin* country wits in the rising1 Mrs. A. E. Mo- ternde and daughter 'joyed. a sist'-r visiting lrom Illinois, left last «lay at ih home <>f Mrs. B. T. Duvi* generation, tin* potential fathers an I' ANYTHING of VALUE of «2,1 ~:re. t, went t.» Hillsboro Wednes­ Tuesday morning for a week’s trip to l!. W SIMMONS Fred Doaier leturued last w»ek from , mother», and to kill them off or impair I day for a vacation. J. H. Donaldson and family spent Crat«-r Lake Master Harold Boon ac- Smith Beach, Newport. i their iiM-fuln*-«« iu their early years was Houle I, Box 292A Lente, Ore Sunday on the Columbia Highway look­ eompanied them. ilelativM from MeMlunvillo »¡ent : worre limn folly, it was a crime so FOR -ALE—2 good milk cows. A. ing tor something unusual, and found it. Mr Howard Hunt of Company 11,' Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs , grh".,sis tiiat It cn«»l to Heaven for re- I Sehuo’-l. '.Vii- .. »tuiiuu. G resi: am, Ore. Fortunately the trip was devoid of ex­ First Montana.,, is vi iling at the hmm j Farnsworth. i tenge. The Senator took h fail also out citement . 8-3-10. of his aunt, Mrs. W. O. Boon of Kern ! A iiumlaT of friend» and relatives . of the manner <>( handling the Initial s Park. He is ou his way home t'* gave u »nrpriae parly in honor of Jolmie un, ,-r tie antiquated s, '"in. His des­ Oa Fri'iay evening of this week there Calispeli, Mont , from th*- Arizona J Brandl last Monday. The evening was cription oi the condition of tlie Black­ Bar gain on three fine lota on 91st fill Indian» was frightful. street. Saginaw Inquire at Herald will be an ice cream social at the M. E. border, having just finished his term of I enjoyed by ali present. Church grounds. The quartette com- enlistment. office, f-ents tf. Pt it. Dearborn of ll,«*man. Montana, Whin Cats Were Sscred. posed of Mesas. Frost, Burgette, Wilk­ of the stat** Agri- ullural College is visit-1 Mrs. John Rogers of Kern Park and Hclentlsta consider Unit the cat was ing with his family at tl,<- home of his WANTED—To exchange well drilling inson and Repp, will give several num­ her daughter, Mrs. Mabel Roberts, left Introduced originally into Egypt from former a»«**x-iate. Prof. Cooper, one-half Mt. Scott, Leals and Portland bers. this week for an extended trip East, in­ for aut »mobile. E. W. Simmons Rt. 1, cluding New York, B*i«ton, Washing­ : the south and that the credit of do mil*- north of the ¡wartoflice. Tin* Pro- Bx 292 I.**nt«. i mesttcaUng it belongs entirely to the Mrs. C. L. liesell ha:■ public library has the frame up Mr. Floyd Hamilton of Marcus, Iowa, for the rest of the way. of the Moslems it might have been Tlie Presiilent'a course in the Uireal- .Mr-* Etta Hill of 1327 E. 7th N'., atid extirpated ns n pagan object of wor­ and enclosed. visited at the C. L. Geeell home this leave Ravvage Check ami Address i-ned railroad strike was not only right un, Master ichi week. -Mr. Hamilton made a trip ship. The Egyptians M’cin to bave ami just but it was eminently wiw* us nt Plummer Drug Sion*. friends at Nashville Station la«*t Wednes­ kept their cats in nisi liicloauree, and Third mid Madison St. any other course would have been Mrs. Walter Tyler, who was taken ill through Colorad-,, California and other day. it Js perhaps a trait of heredity which suicidal to his political future. The while v - . er mother up the valley, points, returning home over the uorthern * route. The Lanrelwqpd M. E. Sunday School causes them to remain so faithful to raflruad Presidents raise a gn at howl, ia rep* ■ I improving. i« haring a contest in th«- decoration of o bouse in which they are domesti­ a« they • iey have done don«* in every in-tanc* !■ - f- ■ y I - t i- I ii . cated. Whenever a b*>ude caught fire ' when they were obli ■d to make any for r Sunday Harry Julian reports fishing fine at the chief cere of *bo neighbors V*SM to beach («làuta, »i>d »»»m« hunting Hear < iarerw Wbit'.ii baVC save the * ata. The men and wouieu I impr*iV(-uM!«il in their management of ar*- plentiful along ihe coast this summer turns are the Senior Bible claw, Mrs. might lie burned In the rains, but the ! their railrmd nystems. Tliey any that and one ww* shot quite near their camp Perry’s class, the Pollyannas, the cats were to 1« saved at all risks. ! the President's ruling spells ruin for Frances E. Willards and Mm. F.|A When n ent died a natural death every them, a» they can not run their romls on at Brighton. The R' tlierford family of 91=t street, Carlson’» class. The last-named deco- inmate of tlie house shaved his eye a paying Irasis if his plan is adopted. nom , have l... .. frolicking at Columbia rate*! for August twentieth w ith a pn,- brows, mid when a dog died they shav i Rais! la*t thi-m cut out tiie wnter on WANTED—Used summer clothing Bea,- >, th : Mr-. G. J! -*lii fusion of color«, varying from white, e*l all over. Chamliers* Journal. • 1 Stock* and ill«-) ran easily pay that cun be used or made over for pink, yellow, blue»*... -shades, to deep vei­ i iliviibmds on their actual physical children -Any one desiring to aseit in Tennis as an American Game. Miss E- vet-red. Th*- botiqae ls were gracefully value. Senator Norris of Msbru-ka »aid this matter may kindly phone Tabor Tennis Is ns old ns the hill*, basically, arr' ve I M joined by sprays of mock Wandering- in the I'. S. Senate last week that from 6511. Mrs. B. C. Dewey. definit Jew, a feature ftirni-bed by Mr. Miller though it htt'i undergone many changes 74) to 60 |»*r cent of all railroads wns for the better. It wns played by the The boys of the clar*« w ho can e loyally water and mighty dirty water al that. Tie family of Rev. W. G. Lienkaemj»- on the preceding afternoon to arrang.- Greeks and Romans under the name« of "sphafrfsls” and “plla." As "¡sums" ' Th,,». Fortune Ryan of Now York City AT er, pastor of the German Evangelical j the flowers are Oliver Clarke nnd ft Is mentioned In the Arthurian ro ! » ii*i that fully 7*5 per cent of all«railrond R formed Church, and the family ol| Francis McGeorge. manors and In the earlier records of I stock was water. In order to pay Rev. Wyss, pastor of the church at I the ilnrk ng **. In the fifteenth century J dividends in all this fictitions value rnii- Columbia Slough, made up a party i it enjoyed great fnvor in France, and Rev. W. R. F. Browne, w ith ' road employees must work long hour« Wednesday for the Columbia Highway ! In England from tlie sixteenth century 170 Fifth St., Opposite fui trip. lig family, returned from a very to the present time. As ft seems to lie 1 far Is yond th*-ir enduranc«», to the great stay at Oc*-an Park in time for ti regu- the Post Office mote *>r less mixed up with about ev­ danger of the travelling public, liovern- lar church service» last Sunday. ery aort of race. It may be callet) traly , mental ownership of all railroads is in The evening service oi the Grace American, especially ns we have ponr. sight and the sooner the lielter for all Evangelical Church will be given over rd It Into our melting pot to boll and concerned. There ia acnreely a conntry Thoughtful People wonder VVhat the Fred Williams of Grays Crossing had to a temperance rally Sunday evening. simmer and have seasoned it to our tn Europe but what owns and *qw»rate? th' misfortune to chop off the index Attorney Baker will lie flu* principal Rapidly Transpiring Events Mean liking. But ns an adopted pastime we their railroad systems, aud believe ine, fing- r of hi« left hand while preparing speaker, explaining the workings of the The Bible 1« the key that unlocks the can hardly call It our national game, the Great United States, easily the fore­ kindling wood. as national seems to Imply home grown four per cent beer amendment. door of the future that we may see into or native. Yet we have developed ten most nation in the world, will be doing the future and know what will follow nls, speeded it tip, perfected it. Amer the same. Reactionaries nnd stand­ H. B. Wag-tafT of Woodmere, took a ( Special Prices by the ton) Europe's war. and the ¡»Til.» that con­ iennized It so successfully that the patters might as well go away back and Mrs. E. B. Anderson, now of Porta- hike to Hood River, taking in the beau­ fronts the United States should interest game ns wc play It today typifies the sit down becaiiflh they an* lu*a