In the grip of some sweet wild passion, When You Have A Gold ‘ montiM. you nine ouneaose«. Blood rushed to the dwarf'« face till no inkling of which had approached Give it attention, avoid exposure, tie It grew black and coqgeatad, then him until now Its Intensity, Its vol­ ume. swept his tnlud whirling into a regular and careful of your diet, also failed until he lay white and silent, Arletd Bdptlst (hurch shaking In the rigors of suppressed drunken tumult, delightful, distracting commence taking Dr Klug’s New Dis­ 9:46 a. m. Bible Schoo). acutely painful. "Marry the girt ” Ah. covery. It contains Pine-Tar, Antisep­ hate. 11 a. m. Freaching service. “Nobody ever took a shot nt me and marry her! Yet why not? Why tic Oils and Balaams. Is slightly laxa­ 8:00 p. m. Evening services. not? He loved her, ’ for this must sure ­ got off with It. but I might have let 7:00p m. B. Y. P. U. meeting. ly l>e love, ami what els«* mattered? tive. Dr. King's New Discovery eases K :0o Thursday Prayer meeting. you go If you hadn’t killed the Itld. your cough, mki II m -« your throat and Ills great «-best swelled to bnr»tlrig I Everybody welcome to any and all of "bld he die? Tell toe! Tell me! bronchial tubes, etacks your cold, starts these services. 'Twa« Id« first job, and be got so rat- lie stretched Ids long, iron muscled W. T. 8, Spriggs, [>astor. tied lie let you plug him. The paiw-rs term« He picked the blue fmge tender to ciear your lo-ad. In a short time don't «ay what becomes of him, but 1 ly frotu the floor. and as be did so Its you know your cold is U tter. It« the want to know. Quick.” He shook the dying Incense reached bla nostrils. standard family cough syrup in use over Millard Avenue Presbyterian Church Moreover, as he stooped tie saw him 40 years. Get a bottle at once. Keep j dwarf. 10 a. m. Subliath School.' It wan not fright that silenced the self—saw hl» distorted figure—and at it in the house as a cold insurance, .-fold 11 a. m. Morning worship. the vision the frenzy In him died Icily I 7:p. rn. Y. P. 8. C. E. little man. but a blinding, speechless at your druggist. 7 :45 p. m. Evening worship. rage. Never laid such an Insult gone With a despairing cry he crushed the 7 :30 p. m. Thursday, midweek service. uneaten. Bart hud gibed at his de­ letter to him; then, a» If jealous of tbo Will Sloan’s Liniment Relieve Pain? 8 p. m. Thnrsdav, choir practice. formity, bad gouged roughly at his tight, be «battered the lamp and, hurl­ Rev. Wm. H. Amos, Pastor. one most paluful spot—and that un­ ing himself into tils bunk, bld bis hope­ Try it and see—one application will less face In bls arsis. justly, too, for no one Luck iu Call prove more than a column of claims. fonila carried less of a hunch than St. Peter s Cdtholic Church James 8. Ferguson, Phila , Pa. writes: Shorty*«. Nobody had firmer, cleuner Sundays: “I have had wonderful relief since I The Automobil« Craze muscles than bln. nlbelt the legs be- 8 a. m. Low Mass. used Sloan's Liniment on my knees. To 10:30 a. m. High Mara. ! neath were odd. Speech refused him. Continued from Last Week n» ii »<» <>y me ruegy guige. 8:30 a. m. Bunday School. think after all these years of pain one preparation«. A stranger npjx-un-d running ex< tted Inxtead, ho spat vp-lotisly, «put unerr­ 12 M. Cboii reheareal. “There are 3,500,000 automobiles in application gave me relief. "IxH.k here What the deuce doe" ly down the trull, autunon<*d from tin- ingly at his captor, and a sentence Many Week days; Mass at 8 a. m. thia mien? 1 m<» lri. 10 a. m. Bibl- 8ch clearing, beyond which I» n forest schedule, but be h«<| not planned be In hln passion, while his voice was still nearly all ’ profit. cumlate money very fast even then each month at 8 p. m, No other eer- of wlil»p< ring, smooth backed tree«. yond a recovery of the claim. Tho tioarse. We. make all kinds of chicken ' vices that day. The grivelly trail winds up dong the : problem wah «utili complet. The tro­ “What does this menu? It says Link ! Now they do cot raise horses for the de- ; supplies, champion Sanitary Every other Sunday the regular ser- i rnand for horses ban so fallen that there > frothing river, ami over all Is the puls­ I men needed money, not mh hi le plu' er CuMliiug's alive—in Houoiulu." Fountains, Grit and Shell ! vice* will be m nsoeL ing. cooling ■ ■•ng of tin* stream. Imine, but quirk mmeÿ "ritta “ money ! "Drop it. I say!" shouted the prisoner, ; is no profit in raising common horses 1 Evening Prayer and sermon at 4 p. m. Boxes, Dry and Wet Mash As day broke sounds becario audlb'e 1 for all be know. Sunday School meet- at 3 p. m. B. kicking savugeiy. "You le’me up an* Rut they buy autos and ga*oline to run j Hoppers and Troughs. from the shn' k. Smote drifted front A h th<* diye pa 4elt at you with a pick han them. Boatwright, Supt . L. M»ffett. Sec. What is to I m * the outcome for I the pin- And tlicio <> . iirr< I tie rattle i upon Shorty. It wi x not fear of the die that s 11 I want—Jest one wallop such farmers M mortgage their homes I We will Make Anything You Rev. O. W. Tavtor Rector. of breakfast prc| n: utlon... Nate Wil I Wl’klpa' return, but ilmt letter stariuz I’il learn ye to rend letters." Want out of Sheet Metal to make that purchase? And what is b> | khv nt .'-ml. shirt sleeved and yawn­ iat him r<-|iron<*hftiliy from It» shrtm* Bart forced him roughly buck. Lents tvangeilcal Ghurch 1 the ultimate effect <>n farm labor? GUTTERING and ROOFING ing pt - dj .-•♦t*l> "ster | s I' hand. lover the table. "Shut up. or I'll silt your gullet!" Sermon by the Pastor, 11 a. m. and i Will not such iartners each try to get Bring in Your Repainng, No Job As tin* door swung Inwmr-i tinder Ills He produced his strung box. a buk The other only bounced on his bed in 7:15 p. m. | loo Small hand lie «t.irted. ii. :t with u< 'lug [Kinder can. and estimated his a q-nroxy ui of abuse, his one iutel- along with one hired man lees? Snnday School 9:46 a. m., Albert tool" r ent nt " t: ' toot III» <•»--- (III 1 cleanup«. Before *he receipt of that vast sum | ■ Fankhsuger. Superintendent. !i.. ' - i ut i.. l - running. "I ain’t no A. PEARCE the oi.: Ide of tin- <1 or. pinned thereto "Thtimji-r an' mudt Here I’ve grub i from abru.i l iu 1898’Ml. the farmers _________________________________ Y. P. A. 6.45 p. m. Paul Bradford, by a huge clasp knife, wan n written j tied dirt like a steam drudger nu' them President. kept th'-ir boys and girls out of school to I “ The buy did me a good turn up Emi ­ document. As lie scanned its opening ain't enough to buy the girl u stack of Prayer m«L Wilkins Hoy sail Mine and |Htaa up tor drive at both of you. I busted your Having no other place to invest their ! prayer meeting. kn-ps this hare Golden Fieus Claim to ESTIMATES FURNISHED Winchester lock an' creased the kid. I money they built up one city after A cordial welcome to all these ser- Mias MUllcant Cushln« or liar airs Now tbrowed him in the wagon an' drove another prematurely. That was why in and torvirr world without end. Amen ; vices. John Riley, Pastor. ou. When I found he was her brother, the mighty depression that whole row of Yours trulay HU-nod In the presenta of ■ — ■— of course I couldn't give him up, so I northern cities from Buffalo, New York, II B. HOFFMEI8TER ----------- told 'em at the Wire bridge that he to beyond Minneapolis, Minn., took on Lents Baptist Church PBTKR JOHNSON ----------- was a [Missengcr an' had got shot in , their abnormal and premature growth, Appended to this model of brevity Lord ’ s Day. Bible School 9:45 a. m. the holdup." We carry a Complete Line of Plum b- wns a note: Morning worship, 11 a. m. For some time the outlaw remained and in which the boys and girls from ing Fixtures and Supplies I leer Plr »nJ Friends. I’lei» etna at yr the profitless farms lost themselves. Elmo Heights Sunday School. 2:39 silcut. arty co- vane and duck out or I wl'.l da p. m. Is that history in a way to be repeat- by didn't you tell me that just Phone Tabor 5542 tec. <-■ » com a» It »;• t lito enuf to a hoot B Y. P. U., 6:30 p m. now?" »aid he. "I came near killing i ed soon, w hen as is predicted and ex­ Tlie v. rilar I-* le-qs-Yitully hid out In th« Evening worship. 7:30 p. tn. brvah* and boa i it you covered at th« you." pected there will be one automobile for M. N. SADLER A cordial welcome to tliese service«. pre-ent d.*te Wishing you n pt*-'".' .1 "Re au: c I ain't no humpback!" every Jweuty-five persons? J. M. Kelson, l uster Journey. Tours a.n«‘«roly, HIIORTY Lents Station yelled the little man loudly, reverting This is not to try to discourage people Fnructblng In this unuattal notice ex­ to tils u .’ a ; eakable ind;gnlty. "Le'tne who are able to buy antomobil<*H. They Portland, Oregon cited r' th- tn tin old- Wilkin", up and light I.'ke a tuun." fifth Church ot Christ ■ are a great convenience, of vast utility He gi ir-lt nro-ly ren hlng t<> puU Tho <.;! r i < ,• ee:i too good enemies not . a failure of his crop, or either of a by the wlckisl bark of a ride among LENTS PHARMACY ; ing 8 p. m. t > l.A good Mods. Von saved that 'd 1 ■: not infn'quent .mlti- ». will tí- pines Phon Tabor 3214 b , and I u >.M- to —u——uu iu a »e I ililS ItUiiiV. —OlXXXHUl S V» CVKijt. "Iley, what's the matter with you?" hoard considerable about you. off aud *■ \ yelled Nate from within the calila. Lents M. f. Church “Oh, I'tfl nil right," boomed the little "For God's sake let up!” y«ll«d a voles, on.” Sunday School 9:45. a. m. lie cut the lacings, and Shorty rolled man. "BeNcr si^n that deed, fer 1 Barnum &, Baily Circus Coming Pteaching 11:00 a. m. j nightly custom, mid fell dejectedly into | out. feeling bis many bruises gingerly. ain't goltt' to Ire jewed down none In Services at Bennett Chapel at 3 p. m- terms. You < an *glt bionkfu-t down at Ills bunk. As n miner he «as nut a sue | “I never went back on a partner." Epworth Li-ague 6:30 p, m. cess. continued Bart, "but you've done more At last the welcome news has been camp, otherwise I'll lay you nil out Preachihg 7:30 p. tn. Some men sleep sltiggl»hly hi n lethal ; for the boy than I ever could, and announced that the youngsters and Cash Shoe Repairing Shop Praver meetiug Thursday evening at side by »Ide an' pick daisies for you.” As he censed apeBklng lite spurted * c 'ina which requires bodily violence to when you need any help let me know. | oldsters of this vicinity will have an op-, 8009 92nd St. South of Station, Lents : 7:30. W. R. F. Browne, pastor. from tho cabin wludow mid n bullet break; others, necustomed to tbo . 1 feel like I owed it-to you.” i portnnity to visit the Barnnm A Bailey I .dorms of life In the open, maintain a ■ Shorty's mind acted quickly. Residence 5763 8 >rd St. glanced from tbo bowlder behind ie:i ■one»» of wvrtuhi nerves which a ¡Greatest Show on Earth. This great I "I'll take some right now. Ye notice which he crouched. I itplomntlc rela mere unfamilinr presence will disturb. ■ that letter ssya they're plumb busted l circus will lie within easy traveling dis- j In this claKs Shorty tnul considered I —the girt an' the old lady. Well. I've tan^e when it exhibits in Portland on Ldurelwood M. L Church Wagon Repairing and General himself, but tonight ilia exhaustion and j tore this flat all up lookin' for gold. Sept. 8. 9:45 a. in. Sunday school. discouragement dulled film, and so it i I've wallered in work disgraceful to a Thi» year Barnum dt Bailey announce I 11:00 a. tn. preaching. BLACKSMITHING was that be invoke suddenly to find j section gang till I've wore blisters on an all new novelty circus, composed of 12:30 a. m class meeting 6:30 p. m. Epworth League. himself lighting with desperation. It every shovel handle around the place. I more foreign acts tnan ever before. 'An Matt Greenslade, Foster Road j 7:80 p. iq. preaching. was too late, however. Ho had been For results look ut this an' weep." Ttie pastor is assuteil by a chorus choir He displayed his tin can. with its ; important feature is the new, Oriental pinned to Ills conch ns lie lay and now spectacular pageant, ‘ ‘ Persia, or the and the Amphion Male Quartette. In his atruegles felt the heavy weight meager yellow »‘outeats. “Now. a'pose 8:00 p. m. Thursday evening, prayer nnd writhing muscles of a large man you blow in with some of that ill got­ Pageants of The Thousand and One Nights.’’ In this gorgeous display more crushed upon III« arms nnd chest, while ten wealth of your’n." Dr. C. R. Carlos, pastor. "■Bet I will." heartily replied the tall than 1,360 persons participate. The a hot breath beat into his face. They Stared at th« Pap«r. Tabor 3614 man, and from each pocket be pro ­ "It's the big Wilkins," he thought, Oriental music incidental to the produc­ lions thus severed, Shorty wasted uo "nnd the others la waitin' ’longside for duced much currency, tossing it upon tion is rendered by 360 musicians, and QUICK SERVICE German Evangelical Reformed Church more time in Idle chatter. Instead, tho finish." tho table until the watcher's eyes grew 3,600 costumes «re worn in the various Corner Woodstock Ave., and 87th St. FIRST CLASS WORK sighting closely, he began to shoot the lie fought till the blood thrummed romid nnd wondering. As each explo­ actions of the pageant Rev. W. G. Lienkaemper, pastor. ration resulted in an ndded roll, the chinking out of the cabin. dizzily in Ills ears nnd the breath Sunday School 10 a in. The circus program will be one of un ­ "tineas I'll have 'em under tho bed wheezed from him. but amid crncklug dwarf remarked: "You remind me of Morning Wonihip. 11 a. tn. shortly,” he said. "Soon as I get this Joints bls arms were noosed by his that pnssnge in the good book about usual novelty and variety. More than Y. P. S. at 7:30 p. m. German School and Catechetical Class chink shot out I'll take tho one below.” sides, nnd a moment later be lay pant­ the Widder Cruse's oil—you never seem 4S0 arenic artists will appear in the to run out. Sceris like your business various acrobatic, aerial and riding The Herald is Only ' Saturday 10 a. m. It Is emburrnaslng to cower In a one ing within the coils of a rintn. roomed log hut while Its chinking« are numbers, and an army of fifty of the Then speech frothed out of him, and bus It« redeemin’ features." "Yes; there’s easy money in it for funniest clowns on earth will keep the $1.00 Per Year aystematl-ally shot ous from corner to lie roared fenprecationa nt tho tribe of Third United Brethren Church corner. Bullets are apt to glance errat­ Wilkins, rich In Imagery and marvelous . nervy men," said Bart “1 need a part­ audience convulsed with laughter. ner too.” 10 a. m. Sunday School. ically and with (Higgling method. In western word structure. The object "Wouldn't wish any, thanks." quickly Among the new «cts to be offered tor 11 a. m. Preaching. Nhorty exposed nothing of lilmself for of his obloquy worked impassively and the first time this season are four great I replied the other. 3 p. tn. lunior Christian Endeavor. a target, whereas the "middle" Wil­ with ninrvehma dexterity for one 6:30 p. m. Senior Christian Endeavor. “Well. I guess you're wise.” The troupes of Chinese artists, presenting a j kins, as a result of too mail en savor, reared east of the Missouri; then, bls 7 JO p. m. Preaching. reeled from the win . ml. < ttie me task completed, struck n match, light­ dark man sighed wearily. “It'« n fast complete Chinese circus, replete with, life. They'll get me some day. Don't thrilling aerial and acrobatic feats. The :¡.ater il fiat ing the shelf lamp. of one arm and so let the women know where that, money famous Hanneford Family, champion I tened ball rl portation, as is also Signor Bagonghi, I kins. Shorty bpheld the silhonette of a 11 a. n>. Preaching service. er, and, ultimi i i ' ì. iti ì . db r.'.i* tall, clean walsfed, wide nhetildered marry the girl.” Italy's fnm--iis dwarf equestrian. More Rev. W. L. Witaon, Pastor. 1"» c. | ii | vu*- man with the long black hair of an In j The little man stood a moment but «paraci;, hi than twenty trained animal acts «ill be' bleeder, an I th.- si ! i of t—d in «u<’h dlan. He turned and the light gleam- I dumbly, theu leaped savagely at the door. included in the program, headeil by i -1*1 thè trkk demoralizing <| ■' LODGE DIRECTORT cd ycllowly on the sallow, sinister face I “Here, you”— But Bart had melted Pallenlierg's two marvelous troupes of' 1 * >u've killed of Black Bart, the road agent “For God's i ik Magnolia Camp No. -6)28, Royal Into the night, and there came only trained liears. 82nd St. and 45th Ave. Neighliors, mee»« regular Second Bud!" yelled a v . Tho sounds from tho prisoner coas­ the echo of his laughter nnd a rustle The Barnrtn A Bailey Circus is larger and Fourth Wednesdays of eaab "Thanlt- • up!. . . : r. < ontluuln« t'd sharply, and lie lay rigid, following j Phone Tabor 2063 month at I. O. •> F IralL ^ecood -, i't."- bang!-- the other's t -ovcuients with blazing across the carpet of pine need!««. this season than ever before and require ! his Activities Shorty closed the door, trembling so 89 cars tip transport it. It carries 1,4 i M)I Wednesday«social mwling Neighbor» -‘.'t.V jet." glances. “alffîied that" b bring your families end friend«. I crack lie- "I'd love to fini- i < "Mv t ii tonight,' oh?" the outlaw that tho latch rattled beneath his persons ”86 horsv» and a greatly en-1 F" r o Wednesday, bq»'i-««. AU touch. A strange new light had (lood- ’it» w-bllr spoke »ii- - ugly. Short} inHide<1 foro qulttiu' tii . *. Neighoirg request'd to -ome. By od him, as If from a sudden whipping larged mcnagi'rio of 108 cages and 41 , ifnslon the roe t lug ol' J>; ■ t ‘T' k Icon on yuur f»r two , all of »n«W order of the C-vcr*. elephaht». XT«fl> . i, u.iilllplled iu the early morn At The Churches | I ICOM15 TOI Tin Shop in Lents Coffman & Spring Lents Plumbing and Heating Reliable Shoe Repairing HORSE-SHOEING NewMethodLaundiy DO IT NOW ! Washed Graded Gravel Plastering Sand R. Heyti