Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, August 10, 1916, Image 3

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snri-KHt ot lu« outlaw nts gun tx I he,
again, and Hhorty felt the paralyzing
atroke of u missile, while tl>e rlblxma
slipped from hla left baud
“Ye got lu»!** be Ix-llow«!, then tie
wns whlsk'-d peat and. kneeling, shield-
ed his abort laxly la-hind the vehicle
top. sheathing hla six «hooter.
They swung down to Hie flat amid a
sputter of gravel, «plaahed through the
’ ford of Hie North fork and rested
s> rumbling up tlie bank to the Wire
bridge toll house. Old Charley Crane
appesrnl, follow«! by Winters, the
Wells Furgo mesaeuger, and n «trau
ger. doubtless Ills companion- Both
| carried abbreviated shotguns
i "Wliut'a up, Shorty?" questioned
I Winters, «|H-aklng with the restrain«!
curiosity of the rnouotalneer "Bound­
ed ll|)>' a gun play thick yonder."
"Ye don’t aay?" replied the driver
testily. "Why didn't ye meet me at
I No. 2Y'
"Hmuxhup on the railroad! Who was
It—Black Burtr
Hhorty n«aided.
••ilow'd you come out?"
"Oh. not too bad I got a little aome-
J thlug to show for IL" He clamber«!
J down, llmllng it Impossible not to
swagger «lightly lu spite of hla wound,
fur be felt an overpowering aatlsfac-
, tion. The safety of hla lady, the cap
ture of a d«n>erado, the preservation I
> of the company's bullion; ull thia be
i tin'l effix'ted single handed—and against
odd". .
Wlih the others crowding him he
I Jerked the door open, then his Ju w ’ell
The outlaw rested limply on the I '
girl's breast, while she aop|x-d at hla j
I blemllng temple. Her clothes were |
j «wry, her face tear »tallied and awulleu. 1
It was not thia that alsish«! the lit 1
«/ urii<*r wiiuuw«t lortu
nod Cilmi. I the wheel for Ida Hire •
mH«* Auburn drive Winters gazed nt
ilia comiuinlon solemnly. Then, with
out facial disturbance, one eyelid fell
slowly in a .wink of great understand
Ing, and delving Into a p'xket, he drew
forth the soll«| and bloody half of a
hundanua. It had eyeholes and a string
at Ute upper corners forming a rude
road agent's mask. He tore It up and
tossed It out of the window Into the
''A* I have always observed,'' said
be. “outside of wliumen folks there's
nothin' more unreliable an' deceivin'
than circumstantial evidence when It's
When You Have A told
Give it attention, avoid »'XpoMurv,
Arteta Bdptist (hurch
regular and ranful of your diet, alno
9 z 46 s . m. Bible Hcbool.
eomuiHiKP taking Dr. King’ n New Din-
11 a. m. !'reaching service.
jcover/. It contain* Ptno-Tar, Antinep-
s:*<lp. m. Evening service«.
7:00 p. m. B. Y P. I', meeting.
I tie Oil* and Balsams, in »lightly laxa­
8:0i> Thursday Prayer meeting.
tive. Dr. King’s New Discovery ea***»
Everybody welcome to auy and all of
| your cough,
your throat and these services.
bronchial tub»*, check« yonr cold, xtarta
W. T H. Hpriggs, pastor.
I to ciear your head.
In a short time
you know your cold if better.
Its the Millard Avenue Presbyterian Church
i standard family cough syrup in use over
10 a. m. Sabbath Hcbool.
40 yean Get a bottle at once.
11 a. m. Morning worship.
7:p. m. Y. P. S. C. E.
it in the boom* as a cold insurance. Sold
7:45 p. m. Evening worship.
at yotir druggist.
7 :3O p. m. Thursday, midweek vervic«.
8 p. m. Tbursdav, choir practice.
All WIcbUa i Kan.) woman asks with
Rev. Wm. H. Amo«, Paator.
her divorce 1» her dog, one pillow, a
pair of portieres. two stewpans and
two gersiilumx.
St. Peter s Cdtholk Church
Try it and see—one application will
Karaped monkey stole four umbrel
8 a. tn. Ixiw .Mass.
Ina un Hodson river boat Berkshire,
10:30 a. tn. High Maas.
8:30 a. m. hunday Sohool.
threw <ual ut engineer mid <-omniltt»l James H. Ferguson, I'iiila , fa. writes:
M. Choii rehearsal.
suicide by Ju tn plug from upper deck.
“J have had wonderful relief since I
Week days: Maas at 8 a. m.
mu-1 Sloan's IJnitnent on my knee*. To
The Dalles’ new 1100,000 federal think after all th««- ycarx of pain one
building Is completed
Seventh Day Adventist Church
application gave me relief.
10 a. m. Saturday Habbath Hcbool.
thanks for what your remedy has done
11 a. m. Saturday preaching.
for too." Don’t keep on suffering, ap­
7 :30 p. m. Wednesday, Prayer meeting
ply Sloan's Liniment where your pain is
p. m. dnndav preaching.
and notice how quick you grt relief.
Penetrate« witnout rubbing.
Buy it at
Kern Park Chris tain Church
any Drug Store. 25c.
It rains in August this year.
Corner 69th St. and 46 th Ave. S. E.
The gentle rain did a great deal of
10 a. m. Bible School.
g<«xl and no harm as all the grass hay
11a.m. and 7:3O p m. preaching ser­
was In and the grain harvest not begun.
6:30 p. in. Christain Endeavor.
Eighteen hundred |>eople xtorsl in the I
7:3op. m. Thursday, mid-week prayar
lake one night at Chicago to k«-p from |
roasting to death.
Tlie poor dubs will:
A cordial welcome to all.
Rev. G. K. Berry, Pastor.
be crawling into furnaces to keep from I
ma nana ano «unuviiiy to in* nuclei
and thè overgrow n gnu k-u|x-d forti»
•tnrt»'d nor h huf I mh iuhw of
marina* »» Il cani«- Buri a Wlucbe
< ii dug 11.. M rtiti t
whlrled frolli hi* grasp, leavlng
unioni tivd. tira wlilrrlng whlne uf
Th»» lady IcaiuM «»ver coondvUtUUy.
’’Thai s not th«- wont though
I've (lauclng liullet niliigllug wltli
betird tie diutik!” Hhr arikl It breath
se rea m of thè wvman
leaaly With «»pen alianiv.
Aa thè driver finii he wrltlml la Ula
11« r listetinr didn't »until purtlcutarly »eat. expecting the blow of n ball from
tlio otter mad agvnt'a rifle. Ilut II did
‘•Well, ho vt. too. aa I recall it now.” not come, an be awung about and llred
”Yrn, yen! I don’t mean that way
ugalii, e tiereuiMiu the stranger, «bo
lie drank wblaky. Think of Ilf*
had Msuii«l numbed by an uuaceubiA
”J often du.” »aid Nlmrty, licking bin
able iiaralysls sway«) gropingly «•lit
lip. ’’Uhyr*
over the bank and slid limply dowu
”Wr h«<!<1 be mmn dead." abe ron
tinned aadly. ”lt nearly killed inother. luto the road amid a rattle of gravel
and atouea Bart anati'h«! up Ills rifle
XFJ. as «mu hh my rbool clowl I
rvnir out in «ell th« mtn« Juat think and le«fi«l to cover Iwhlud the la>ul
-33.WIO right In that box. Won't that deni of the htllalde. moving with the
quick littleness of a panther or a man • tie man and shattered hta complacency
«mi» tn handy for aa!”
a«'uatom«i to the spat of rifle bullets 1 It was tlie look of her eyee. Hhe flashed I freezing to death in less than six i
Hhorty 'low«! It would.
He was yanking vainly at th» ej«rtor upon him the glare of an animal at bay months.
"W» can't lai loo kind to our moth
•ra, <-au w«r* she smiled at him I of hla Wlncheater.
• nd sppke words that left him be
A mountaineer has named his twin
''I've amnab«! It« stumtulck!” yell«! Sli'mbed.
boys Theodore and Stevedore.
What I
"1 a'piwe not. What'r. t!w>y like! Mbwrty gleefully, flring at each ex
"You’ve killed him! Oh. yon beast!" one knocks down the otlwr eau drag1
1 was drug up on goat's milk an' cut poaure of the retreating flgutw. "I've Then she addressed the wounded man. out. This combination suite tl>e stand- J
my t«*lh <ui chawin' tobacc«r.”
spiked hl» gun!”
unconscious of their presence: "Idnk, isitters.
The young lady told him. greatly t>
A« the bandit dixlgwi out of range be 1 speak to me It's Mllly—Mllly, your
A smoke wax seen iaauing from tlie top :
hh lutervat
leap«! dowu.
i little ataler."
| of Mt. Hood lately and some thought ,
Tlwy reached Number Two in ■ rat
“Here; get luslde, quick!" he call«! ' Hhorty ala tn med the door abruptly in ' the old mountain was going to erupt but'
tllug burnt of apeed, ami ns the fresh to the girl, and »be lluug heraelf Into I1 the faci-s of the oUiera
J come U> find out it was "luge” Coleman 1
aulmala were bent In th» driver tn tils arms.
"Git some water and bandages.
I in hie high house getting supper for {
qutred "Wliere'a thorn ttMo-aengwra
(ill. the tndeecrllialile sweelm-x» of quick.” «aid he “It's plumb Indecent ' some .Mazama girls that had cttmlied .
Hey' You there”'
that moment! Hhorty Lad held a wo ' to bull Into the sanctity of t lie lie I
i the mountain.
“Lite" said they dinwl
The stabl.-mun started from Ills star luau- it real, regular woman-on his I Croas this way."
lug admiration of tue pax-eii^er.
He moved away, with the ineoeu* , "al fresco and had anow-aboe rabbit:
i breast! Ttie boys would swear lie was
“tJuns tliei're luto. I reckon you'll | a l ar If he ever told.
I gers follow lug 9
| fricaaee and snow ball frap|>e.
inivt 'em lu a few uiflea.”
pridwmore tl..- ........
"Guexa we'd better tie him up. hadn't i
Thruxiinv her Inside, lie ran forward
Aa they leii iii>- iviay atatlou bniirtj to tlie figure that ln> ¡¡t ii.e road by we?" said Winters Jerking hla head ' Government Camp, has a hidden lake
admitted that lie waa uneaay, anil the li ids ot the snorting horses, bill toward the panting team.
I way up near the snow line full of fine ,
when after a few miles the Well» a« lie did so the man ralMil umer-
'Tie who up?" Hhorty Inquired.
: trout which be caught whenever he had
Fargo in»*u fall«! to appear hta un
"That feller."
taiuly upon one elbow, the mask, a
i a big run of customers, greatly to their i
enslneai grew. They were threading iHindanna kerchief, atlU lihllng hla fea I "Why?"
1 delight. But Verne Rogers of Sandy, a !
deep Into the heart of liart'a atnmp tnres. Bl(xi! trick!«! from a thlu gash
; “Ro's he can't play the ‘Malden's j famous angler, while up near there.
tug ground by now, and at every bill over one ear.
92 Street and I Ovs4-r»
Prayer' or bite his Anger nails. of
Foster Road .. L«vlIL^
and (Very curve the driver strain«)
"Just creased him. I reckon.
Ho | course." Winters repli«! with elabor- 1 camping out. ran on to this lake and
abend for a glimpse of the tartly e«
didn’t do a thing but catch a fine «tring
much the better,” aald lie and «hatched , ate sarcasm.
the long ueckcloth from hla own throat
“I don't rightly get you," maintained of big fellow», much to Pridemore’s
lie eoncMled hl« forebodings from He roll«! the man roughly on hla face, the driver "Jest because a passenger
I disgust.
the girl, for lie had acquired a arrange drew bls anna together and knotti-d
Is shot up InadverteuL what's ths use
Tlie society event of this week al
feeling for her. a feeling that had hla wrists at the l«ek. He work«! of ropin' hltuT'
| Cherryville is tlie wedding of C. W.
grown rankly with the demise of bis «util fury, glancing up the uiouutain
Both men stared at j (Dad) Miller, our merchant, who mar-,
shyneaa. rostered, uo doubt, by the »ide. where ou the bare ridge he saw
Hhorty. then ths spokesman laughed
warmth of her gentlenew and which the figure of Black Bart running west
nastily, a mocking, dry, mirthless tried Mrs. E. L. Bartlet, also of this (
»». too unusual aa yet to I «null of Ward along Its crest, |•arnlle!lng I ho laugh.
II dace. Tiie wedding ctxurrcd at Vai. (
direction they would take.
"Oh. I see. Thought you had some- | couver and ujsjn their return a big up-,
Hwluglug past an elbow tn the trail
"lie's making for tlie cut-off.” Hhorty 1 thing to show for the holdup?"
' roar was started that created great ex- , We carry a Complete Lin« of Plumb­
the stage ruahed rattling down across gritted. ''Thia tight ain't started yet
“Ro I hav« Here It Is." Tlie driver i citement among all the denizens of
ing Fixtures and SuppUes
a gully, thence up • gentle rias, where and If I turn back lie'll get me sure “
displayed his useless left arm. "Jest these woods laitli human and animals.
tie- horses slowed. Aa It topped this
Knowing the mountains Ilk« a book.
Phone Tabor 5542
Tlieai* people are past tlw prime of life.
tie- girl shrieked muff«!lj. and the Bart was racing for a abeep trail
driver lean«! lank on the retna, curs
which 1«! down from the "hog back*
! the groom and the sixth for the bride,
and lutersveted the wagon road at Hie
Inatluctlvely he approved of the fact far aldo of a great bend where It liug
i They are good citizens ami the new Mrs.
Lents Station
that hla paaaenger did not crouch ged the hili la>fore deimuchlng u;x»i>
Miller in spite of her year«, is holding
agulnat him, aa any other woman the flat at the forka. Gaining this
down s railroad claim on which slie has
would under sudden fright, but In
point ahead of tlie stag«', he could lie
I growing one of the finest gardens in t!s-
stead «at tight and still, leaving him In wait with the certainty of getting
fre- and unhampered.
hl« mau with hla aide arms.
Clieeter Martin, an attorney from '
Two figure, hail risen from tlie top
Dliregardlng hla victim's groans, the
' Portland, and wife, are spending their ,
of the bank, nrm«l, masked and sin
dwarf swung him over bls great «bold
92nd St. and Foster Road, over the
vacation on a ranch near here.
lwtrr One, the familiar form of Black ders and rushed at the stage. Hurling
A fine crop of wild blackberries have j
l «:.-; ts pharmacy
Bart, tall, delainnlr. mocking: the oth
hlui abruptly in upon the girl, he slam­
| been gathered in this vicinity.
One j
er. a stranger whom Hhorty had never med the door, shouting, “Hang ou lit
Phone Tabor 3214
ecru before
Kach carried n Winches
tie woman, an' keep your head in."
' family lias put up over !XW quarts of,
ter. the taller man holding hla loosely
Then be mounted to hla perch and
them. No finer fruit grows than these ■
In hl» holhiwed arm, the other half lashed Ills horses down the dizzy trail,
berriea which are a spontaneoua gift of
level«! In the |N«lt1on for quick action. while above and far to the right he
Nature. The Indians sell them at the i
Before the horses had rear«! nt the saw the vanishing outlaw flickering
same price of huckleberries, from 75
iiack pull the little teamater had grasp through ttu* muttered pines
i oents to 21.00 a gallon.
ed these points and swore ngnln ut the
The team, frenzied by tlie smell of
Cash Shoe Repairing Shop
Mr». Geo. B. Couper ha» two short I
luck which sent two men against him raw blood, tied madly, their driver
row« <>f loganberries from which she (1009 92nd St. South of Station, Lente
on thia of all da < s
ladtml to his sent, yelling word« of en­
has already made 20 dozen bottles of I
It had come t<si -iiddeiili f,,r litm to couragement til her furious drive« had
1 juice and sold it readily in Portlaud for
formulate a plnn of a. tl •.
Moreover Hhorty made down thia road, but never
i 20 cents a pint bottle. The imagina­
it was contrary to n p
«lent for a uueb a racing, swaying, drunken flight
driver to aauunic o;ln*r. ttuiu ptins.i v as this, lie grlpiied the "forty-flve"
tion can hardly figure out the amount to
duties. HrrV cn ilou'.tvd « bother mad between Ills knees, driving wllli one
be produixxl on an acre at this rate.
Wagon Repairing and General
etiquette permltri- I It
Still. It was band, while he ejected and reloaded
a person bad four or five acres they
quite lni|H>snllde I’rit tits <*omi>atiton with the other.
; would have a gold mine.
should lose her fortune.
As they roar«! down the mountain
Matt Greenslade, Foster Road
A. B Brisike of H< xh 1 River, who has
Aa these thoughts hurtle I through side tlie Intoxication of the chase rose
“You've killed him! Oh, you beast!
property interests here was a rv«-iit
ills brain lie l.liewl-e weli*h«l the «aids tn him til! he shouted hoarsely great
against litm. Even If lie got one the bellow« of defiance. The presence t>e- missed my funny boue." Then, as the j visitor and was entertain«! by people
other would prolmtd.v kill him where hind hlui stirred knightly depths tn hla other continued to regard him with un­ here with whom he is always welcome.
The hunting season begins next week
he sat. Ilart he knew for a deadly soul of which lie had never dreamed, winking, skeptical stare, the cords
shot, wherv'iis the stranger seem«! odd­ and he acb«i with a desire for aaerl- <>f bis bull neck thickened ominously, ! and several of our hunters are planning
ly shaken regular buck fever nppur- flctal offering a |*aa»!<>ti for Imniola
while liia voice grew raucous with a hike up in the hills.
ently, from hla trembling. Evidently th’ll.
rage. He exploded harshly, shaking
A. C. Runyan has gone to eastern
it were better to wing Bart If ¡iMMtbl»
Oregon where he has secured employ­
As they rocked around the nose of bls Ast in Winters' face.
- the other man might nil*.
•'Don’t look at me like that! If ye ment through the harvest season.
the Inst bluff be yelled again, for ahead
Black Hart was »Iieaktug.
of him ami midway dowu the zigzag waut any o' my game you're on from
We are under obligations to Senator
Better cargo than bullion
sheep trail was Black Bart, literally two bits to a million dollars' worth. lame for a handsome portfolia of scenes
dropping off tlie vertical cliff. It was
into a custard pie. You put the re­ in our National Parks. There are 11 of
evident be would be within range.
1 these parks and each one is illustrated
"Hope he get« tue 'stead of a horse,” verse English ou them sarcasms.''
Winters is a mountaineer, also s : under a separate cover. It i« a valuable
thought the driver. "If be drops one
Such men do not and beautiful collection recently isrnied
of them we'll go over the mountalu shotgun guard.
frighten by word of mouth. Neither, by the Interior Department.
side like a rocket"
on tlie other bsnd, do they search the
The big campaign is on and Hr.ghe»,
The animals were atretebed flatly in
byways and blind trails of life for
the leader of the standpatters will he
the foam fl«'k«l delirium of a runaway,
trouble. When one lives with a abort
I here next w«>k. All that money can do
their rattling boot roll thundering
barrel«! No. 10 In Ills lap he grows to
■ixive the hubbub of the Jotting, Jump­
hunger for Arcady and the pastoral will be done to make his trip a success
ing coach.
Big Business is i
walks of harmony.
Moreover, the and draw big crowds.
Bart knelt, resting hta weapon over wilder the wilderness the more gentle determined to elect him and they arc
the crook of hla fold«! arm. The splin­ the chivalry It breeds.
very apt to succeed as money will ac­
ters bit off from the seat at Shorty'«
The Wells-Fargo man's eyes bad nar. complish wondeis.
Then comes inter- 1
■Ide Then they both fired, but the row«! ominously, while a sinister white
vention in Mexico as our capitalists have
heave of a winded, panting man Is us neas, born of compression, paled his
liad for the alm aa a perch on the sum­ lipa; then through the stage window be too much money invested there to lose
• ■ut in that tend of rebellion and
mit of a careening stage.
glimpsed the face of a girl. It was
Exploiting South America
"TJ nk Hod. he ain't tryin' for the straln«l and tense, and she listened snatchy.
with her vast undeveloped resources
82nd St. and 45th Ave.
team, ' thought the dwnrf; then, a« the breathlessly, hanglug upon his words
(Wo drew together, be beheld tlie oth­ The iron soften«! In his voice, and he will come next.
Phone Tabor 2063
The Qun Leaped Forth, Roaring •« It er's face and saw that rage rioted said quietly: “All right Let's have n
there so savagely that It blinded him
They tiled Into the low room and
Shorty, la that your sweetheart, eh?” to hla surer revenge. Hla mask was
A hog-tight fen«1 arm.:. I your door-
Hhorty did not answer until his gone, and Shorty knew that he alone gravely Ailed their glasses. Shorty still yard is the first step toward beautifying
weight on the brake brought the stage had a<*en tlie features of tho tnysteri- I anting from his auger.
the farm home.
"Sow!” they said and toss«! It off.
to a standstiP' • ' en aa the reins eased ous road agent Aa the team tore un
Contin ad Eroui; I • t W» -k
At The Churches
Offer the Public
Special Values in all
Lines of Groceries
and Hardware
Standard I ine* and
Good Values
The Best Service
Plumbing and
Reliable Shoe
Tabor 3614
The Herald is Only
$1.00 Per Year
Washed Graded Gravel
Plastering Sand
R. Heyting
St. Pauls IptvnMl ClwrfR
One block south of Woodmere .tatloo.
Holy Communion the first rmnday of
each month at 8 p. m.
No other ser­
vices that day.
Every other Hunday the regular ser­
vices will lie as usual.
Evening Prayer and sermon at 4 p. m.
Hunday Hcbool meet» at 3 p. m.
Boatwright. Hnpt , L. Maflett, Sec.
Rev. O. W. Tavlor Rector.
Lents tvanoefiidl Church
Hermon by the Pastor, 11 a. m. and
7:16 p. m.
Sunday Hchool 9:45 a. m., Albert
Fankhauser. Rnnerintindent.
Y. P. A. 6:40 p. m. t »ul Bradford,
Prayer meeting Thursday Ip. m.
A cordial welcome to all.
T. R. Hornscbach, r.vstor.
Lents friend's Church
9:45 a. m. Bible School, Mrs. Aland
Reach, Superintendent.
11.00 a. m Preaching services.
6:26 p. m. Christian Endeavor.
7 :30 p. m. Preaching Services
8:00 p. iu .
prayer meeting.
A’ cordial welcome to all these ser­
John Riley, Pastor.
Lents Baptist Church
lzinl’s Day. Bibb* School 9 45 a. m.
Morning worship, 11 a. m.
Elmo Heights Sunday School, 2:30
p. m
B Y P. U., 6:30 p m.
Evening worship. 7:30 p. m.
A cordial welcome tn tbew service«,
j. M Nelson, Pastor
fifth Church ot Christ
Fifth Churvh of Christ. Scientist of
Portland. <hv
Myrtle Park Hall,
Myrtle Park.
Services Sunday 11 a. in.
Sunday School 9:30 and 11 a. m.
Wednesday evening testimonial meet­
ing 8 p. m
Lents M. E. Church
Sunday School 9:46. a. m.
Preaching 11.00 a. m.
Services at Bennett Chapel at 3 p. m,
Epworth League 6:30 p, m.
Preachihg 7 :3n p. m.
Prayer meeting Tbursdav evening at
W. R. F. Browne, pastor.
Residence 5708 8 ird St.
Laurelwood M. E. Church
9:45 a. m. Sunday school.
11:00 a. m. preaching.
12:30 a. m. class meeting.
6:30 p. in. Epworth League.
7:30 p. m. preaching.
The pastor is assisted by a chorus choir
and the Amphion Male Quartette.
8:00 p. m. Thursday evening, prayer
Dr. C. R. Carlos, pastor.
German tvanqelital Reformed Church
Corner Woodstock Ave., and 87th BL
Rev. W. G. Lienkaemper, pastor.
Sunday School 10 a. tn.
Morning Worship. 11 a. m.
Y. P. S. at 7:30 p. m.
German School and Catechetical Class
Saturday 10 a. m.
Third United Brethren Church
10 a. m. Sunday Schoo).
11 a. m. Preaching.
3 p.m. Junior Christian Endeavor.
6:30 p. tn. Senior Christian Endeavor.
7:30 p. m. Preaching.
Brentwood M. E. Church
10 a. m. Sunday School.
11 a. m. Preaching servie >.
Rev. W. L. Wilson. Pastor.
Magnolia Camp
No. 4026, Royal
Neighbors, meets
and Fourth r
' '____
of each
month at I. O. 6.
0. 7.
Wednesdays social meeting. Neighbors
bring yonr families and friends.
Fourth Wednesday, business.
Neighbors requested to come. By
order of the Camp.