Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, July 13, 1916, Image 1

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    Phone us your newk
ltem«---they are al­
ways welcome
This is a good time to re­
new your subscription to
the Herald.
Lents, Multnomah County, Oregon, July 13, 1916.
I »
Subscription, $1.00 a Year
Vol. 14.
Its Hard to Understand
County Aqent Wants Cows
Through the office of tlw County
, Agent there has come an inquiry for two .
<!arloa«lx of pure bred Jerseys and Hol-
Istelna. Mr. Hall would like to get in
Auburn Haired Kansan Fills Lecture touch with any fanner In the county
There is a legend of an artist who long
Program at Oregon Points and who hax any Jerseys or Hols liens to
for apiece of sandalwood out of which
There animals
Visits Portland Kansans.
Sees sell at the prerent time.
a Madonna. At last he was aEx>ut to
are wanted to la< shipixd into Colorado
give up in despair, leaving the vision of his
through lite County Agent of one of the
eountiee ot tliat state, to build up the
life unrealized, when in a dream he was bid­
Victor Murdock, the "biggrrt” living dairy industry there.
den to shape the figure from a block ef oak
Progressive, spent Batur<iay in Portland.
Only a short time ago, parties from ■
wood which was destined for the fire. Obey-
At leant he spent it in ami near Port­ Malto nuek* inquiry through the County
the command, he produced from the log
land He reached the city alxiut ten in Agcitta of this State for several carloads
the morning, saw eastern Multnomah of Jerwys. This is liecoming a favorite
of common firewood a masterpiece.
and Ila* Highway in the afternoon and and effective means ot handling large
In like manner many people wait for
talked to the intellectually hungry at quantities of live stash, direct from the
great and brilliant opportunities for doing the
Gladstone In the evening. A number pnxiucer to the buyer.
good things, the beautiful things, of which
of local Kansan« arrang'd to give him a
they dream, while through all the common
little outing Ixdorv hand, telephoned
Mrs. John Markle at Rest
days the very opportunities they require for
him of their plans al Hood River, and
got prompt reply that it would not do.
such deeds lie close to them in the simplest
May Cummings Markle, wife of John
Hr wax tired of riding end «reIng things
most familiar passing events. They wait
and of living seen. lie wanted a rest (Dick) Markle of lamia died Tuesday
sandalwood out of which to carve
and preferred Ui he around the hotel. night at a local hospital, after an illness
while far more lovely Madonnas
But after a good night at Camas,
than they dream of are hidden in the common
Wash., and an early morning ride to immediately to blots 1 |<oison. Bta* waa
Portland, hi» nerves responded to the 22 years of age.
logs of oak which they burn in the open fire­
Tlie funeral was held Thur»«lay, today,
soothing Oregon air and hr wax in a
or spurn with their feet in the wood­
more receptive mood when memlirr» at 10:30 at Kenworthy's, Rev. John
Glimpses Through Life’s Windows.
of the Kansas delegation again ap­ Riley delivering the address and she
proached him about seeing some of was buried in Multnomah Cemetery.
leaves llie husband ami two little
"our scenery” along about noon, A She
boys to mourn her ileath.
small party was quickly arranged and
Parted (or lite Highway. On the way
lie car carrying Murdock got tangled
p in the road difficulties near Trout-
«. de, and as I m * said, had to go to the
p. >r (arm to find their way out
were very much surprised to find the
other part of llie crowd admiring the
It la expected that the mobilization
nrryat Crown Point when Murdock's of the natioual guard will be completed
On the south side of the P. R. L. <k P.
ction arrived at that place. He en­ wlthlu a month from June 21, the day
The "Political Banquet” presented by
tered into the spirit of the trip at once when it wag ordered by President Wil- I some of the members of the local railway just before one comes to Linne-
and wax duly impressed with the tiling** sou. officials of the war department i W. C. T. U. at the Evangelical church man station, there is a new pleasure
Insisted that getting 133.000 militia
to tie seen. Like all politic visitors the troops ready for servic» on the Ixirder last Friday evening was highly ittctm- pavilion. Stretching behind it are acres
sight» were the most wonderful lie had in that time was in Itaelf a task which fnl from all standpoints except one. The of beautiful fir and alder trees with
ever had the extreme pleasure of view­ would do credit to any of the Euro i attendance was in excess of ex jiectatipns delicate little wood-flowers growing be­
ing. But in reality several of the things pean war staffs.
and ax a conm-quenoe the tosste hair to tween in the soft leaf and wood mold. A
really impressed him. Crown Point, .It waa a far more difficult task, they lie delivered in the church auditorium. little farther over the ground slopes
and Waiikeena Falls and Multnomah added, to get meu from civilian life \s soon ax the first table wax cleaned down to a clear, beautiful little stream,
were entrancing sights that gave him Into shape for military service along tltere were plenty to take the place of Inown to all the Mt. Scott boys and
paroxysms of emotion to leave. Of the proportions stipulated by the na­ the first diners and even a third table girls as Johnson's Creek.
tional guard mobilization than to mo­
To live left of the pavilion ax it faces
Wahkena, he said he had never seen bilize regular troops. as the European was well filled. The consequence was
anything finer, ever in the European powers did at the outbreak of the war. J that it wax ilifficult to arrange the north is a rolled croquet court; beyond
this a running course; and still farther
Alps. When lie got to Multnomah he
Great Rrltaln 'required a month to speaking so all would be entertaine«l and
is a volly-ball court. The good old
wax "impressed.” The majesty of the get 100,000 regular troops with neces­
gram. But quite a number waited for
fall, the peculiar draping of the Spray, sary equipment Into Flanders when the speaking and musical numlters. The game of horse-shoe, which is comi’ /
and the rhythmical roar of the falling' the war broke out, army officers ex­ Beaver Male Quartette rendered several back into favor so decidedly, is also pro­
elements were all different. He had plained. It now requires a week for | good selections. Rev. and Mrs. Nelson vided for. To the right of the pavilion
gave a duet and Mrs. Barker gave a are two lawn croquet courts.
never seen a cataract that presented just the German army to move one array solo.
Mrs. Jennie Kemp of the State
corps of 40.000 from one front to the
This splendid park is open for leasing
those peculiarities and he was willing to other, which la a distance of 450 miles, W. C. T. U. gave the opening address.
with concessions.
stand at the foot of the falls and soak while In the American mobilisation Rev. Carr offere«! a short talk ; J. Banger
his clothes full of spray before he of­ troops In some Instances will l>e re­
A company has been formed, of which
H. A. Darnall made a few
fered to leave. The promise of some quired to go nearly 3.000 miles to their bitionists;
remarks about the influence of tbe press Mr. Geo. Bornstead is the secretary.
“real Oregon L*gan Juice” proved se­ destination.
and Mrs. M. L. T. Hidden offered re­
This park is six miles east of the city
ductive and he was finally led away.
marks about the duty of women
Contrast With Spanish War.
with a fifteen cent fare from I-ents
While Murdock is strictly temperate, so
In a general way war department of­ trkMAt nianü«r tnil intrru I ivmx
toast master and introduced the features J unction.
far as drinks are concerned, lie wa* in­ ficials say they are now assured that on
the program.
terested in the Logan juice.
It offered there will be uo shortage of equipment,
a new sensation and the temptation to uo shortage of ammunition and that
W. A. Hanchett Buried
try a new beverage is an inherent racial artillery and machine guns will be pro­ TIME IS HERE TO
vided as s<M)ii as ¡»ersounel can be
weakn<*Ms which not even a man of his
trained to use them. All signs potnt to
WATCH TOR BLIGHT W. A. Hanchett of 4:W9 »2d street,
calibre could forego.
The jnio was a striking contrast be tween conditions
sixty-six years of age, «lied July 6 of
pronounced excellent, if not satis'
R. which the war <le|>artment is now en­
heart failure. He had been ailing for
aity countering and conditions which were
The scenery offered little opp,
The time is here when many of the many months. The funeral was con­
to get acquainted with the man. tie is found to exist at the outset of the apple and pear trees show a more or
ducted by Kenworthy on Saturday the
a jolly good fellow who puts you at ease 8]*anlali war.
less attack of blight.
8th. at 10 o'clock, Rev. W. R. F. Brown
at once, but who likewise ImptMN yon
This blight is a bacterial disease
as a man with a will and a mission. He cer said that he remembered having known by three common names—fire, of the Lente M. E. Church officiating
knows the game and he is particular in seen 000 freight cars waitlug idle at spur, and pear blight. The portion of and Mrs E. L. Selle soloist. The mortal
Ta in pa, Fla., at the beginning of the
the way he plays it. He la a go**! story Spanish-American war because no one the tree affected is the new growth at­ remains were laid to rest in Mt. Scott
Mr. Hanchett was
teller ami a good listener, but when you knew where they were to go or what tach'd thru the young succulent tissue Park Cemetery.
York. He lived at
meet him you don’t want to «Io the was to l*e done with tbo supplies they or older portions thru bruises or cut.«
one time at Memominee, Wis., and at
talking. You want him to talk and he contained.
; resulting from pruning.
Chandler, Texas and hail been in
•'There is do sign of any such confu-
can do it, without any very conspicuous
The disease can lie readily told by its Oregon for the past six years. He leaves
ego either.
He has a store of historical »lou now,” he addl'd. "In fact, supplies apix-arancc.
The leaves gradually a widow, Martha Hanchett, and two
information. He knows ail the history uro moving with regularity in practi­
attached, the stem sisters, Mrs. C. E. Hutchinson of Seattle,
of his "Kansas” and the whole state is cally all cases, and reports from all
imrts of the country show satisfactory takes on a dried and shriveled appear­ and Mrs. E. N. Gibbs of Menominee,
an open Iwxik to him.
Kansas History progress.”
ance. sometimes atvompanied by crack- anti a foster daughter, Mrs. T. H.
is ax simple to him ax Oregon climate is
The manner In which the railroads ing of the hark, and as time's goes on Wiles, of Texarkana.
to us, ami he knows a lot about the re­ are co-operutiug with tho war depart­ the disease progresses downward, killing
Mr. Hanchett was formerly promi­
mainder of the country. He has picked ment Is also commended at the war de­ the infected portion as it goes. Trees
up a lot of information about Oregon partment, and there are said to be sev­ badly infected on their main branches nent as a member of the HooHoos and
also of the Oddfellows. Many former
history, even on that ride, and he is eral Instances to which troops fully I or trunks will not survive.
Badly acquaintances
will recall him to
equlppe«l have got sway soouer than
spending a month in this state and is nt
disease«! trees have the appearance of memory with kind regards.
ap|a>aring in almnet every town of size
The same holds good In regard to ar­ being injured by tire.
in a chantauqiia lecture course. He gets
There is little that can be done to pre­
tillery, It is explained. Before the war
the basic history of each locality and the ratio of artillery for troops in the vent the attack of blight.
The Multnomah State Bank of Lents
After a tree
mingled with that he learns a lot about field waa about 3 [*er cent of the force. is once infected, all that can be done is »how« a prosperous condition. During
the state collectively. He has been all Now It hue been more than doubled as to cut oft the diseased branches several May and June deposits increased
over Washington and Idaho, and Cali­ a result of the last two yean' fighting inches lielow the blight. Before and $7380.2» or a gain of 14 per cent, Dur-
fornia and previous to that, over several in Europe, The aupply which the Unit­ after each cut is mails, the instrument ing the same time the ca«h reserve
ed States army calculated It would
of the eastern states.
should lie disinfected by dipping into made gains of $6685.20 or 24 per cent.
While on this trip a representative of need with respect to artillery equlp- corrosive sublimate (bichloride of
meut was on the old 8 per cent basis,
the Portland Kansas Society got the but measures have been already taken mercury) to prevent spreading of the
promise of an addreea for the society at to put the American furces on the disease.
a Kansas picnic which will be held on basis of the thoroughly equipped Euro­
When only a portion of the large Thousand a Week If Net Tee Particu­
the afternoon of the 21 at lauirelhurst pean armies.
lar, Says Expert.
limb or main stem is attacked, the
Kansan^ particularly will lie
In case of hostilities In Mexico there diseased jiortion can be cut out with
There will be no lack of hones for
welcome to that picnic, hut anyone in- would be sufficient artillery for the xnccees, providing the tree is not the United States army, said a New
tereeted in the last big bull moose, loose style of campaign in which tbe troops girdled in the operation,
Up to date. York horse dealer. Although the cream
and alive, will be equally as welcome to would be expected to eugnge. it la de­ there seems to be no spray which will of the country's horse supply has un­
clared. but tn the meantime a rapM in­
doubtedly been gobbled up by the Brit­
Lear him.
crease in artillery and machine guns act as a preventative or cure tor P<*ar ish. French and Italian governments,
would be the persistent policy of the blight.—E. F. M.
he says many thousands are available
Daniels Family Luck Continues
for army service.
The Increases lu the numlicr of ma­
The war department recently naked
chine guns which the European armies
for bids on 46.000 horses and 20.200
List week Master Paul Daniels got hie have been using In the field Is Mid to
mules, under rigid specifications which
name in print because he experimented be one of the most surprising lessons
will make It Impossible, some hone
with gunpowder. This week his little of tho war. Reports show that the
Grace Casey, aged 1», living near dealers think, to provide the animals
sister Virginia got public notice liecanse Germans on the Itusslan front have Kendall station died Thursday morning, In many months. But if these specifi­
some boys knocked her oil the slide at used one machine gun to every twenty the 12. She had been ill for several cations are not adhered to rigidly it is
men. There la. of course, no such
believed horses can be supplied at the
the playground and broke her arm. abundsnt supply of machine guns ■ years.
rate of about 1.000 a day.
Raby Daniels ia living in anticipation. available In the United Stutes army.
No. 28.
California, the most ‘‘jitney ridden”
| -late in tbe union, now finds that the
irross leesipta from the transportation
compan.w for the past year have been
reduced about $5.000,000 by jitney Long Questioned Warren Patents to
competition. Ax a result tbe state
Be Tested By State Courts.
stands to lost- $200,000 which would be
Validity of Patents Basis of In­
four per cent gross earnings tax on that
amount. In addition it is impossible to
figure the damage to rosdx tamed by
the jitney, the expensr for maintaining
State Engineer Lewis has started
which must lie met by taxes.
things going in Oregon. He recently
What an ordinary citizen who ha* to deci'ied to lay some samples of paving
foot the bills, cannot understand is, by the State Engineering Department
why shonldn’tthe jitney be placed under I and in doing so found it neceaaary to
the same regulations ax any of the other ; nse bituminous concrete. An in vest! ga-
Large transjx*rtation companies, They jjon of
Warren patents disclosed the
are run for private gain and why should
'“"M wide range of material they claim, and
they not be required to pay a percentage ' the probability of getting intoauita with
of tbeir grow income for the main­ them if any freedom was exercised tn
tenance of the public road- which they the choice of mixtures.
He called
me for commercial purposes only.
several people to Salem for conference,
If the ji.neys can knock the state oat and put the matter before the Attorney
of $200,000 in taxes by reducing the General. It was decide«! to make a
earning« of transportation companies, study of the Warren patents and see if
why not make these same jitneys who they were not really infringements of a
derive this profit, pay their percentage mixture previously used. If they were
of tax on it instead of allowing them to
put it in their pockets and thus force not infrigementa were the patents not
the general public to dig up the deficit has«! on paving practice followed pre­
in addition?! taxes.
vious to the claim made by the Warrens.
Its a poor rule that does not work A number of State officials went to
both ways, and why one class of com­
mon carriers should be exempted from Seattle and made a study of the data
the operation of a law and another class collected there showing that the mix­
brought under it, is hard to iinder- tures had been use«! bj other people
stand.—Ore. Mfgr.
' previous to the claim made by ti«e
f Warrens. The Warren basic patent was
issued in 1902 and 1903. There is no
doubt that asphalt was used as a paving
' material previous to that time, and that
t was use«! mixed with crushed rock or
I gravel, and it ap;ears that a mixture
, had been patented. The basis of the
While the military authorities of the , Warren claim as indicated in the letters
country are struggling to mass add!-
u that tberp ghall not
Uooal troops on the Mexican border, than M percent of voids to be filled with
congress Is confronted with a serious . Mphaltic cement, In general in issuing
question of where the money la to 1 letters concerning their mixture, and in
come from with which to finance the their license agreements given to towns
operations. The cost is to be stagger­ and other public organization, con­
ing. This Is the one clear fact that templating paving, the Warrens insist
stands out of the whole situation.
that the asphaltic cement they use is a
Since congress convened tn December special brand prepared in their own
It has been spending money at tbe rate
designated as Puritan
of approximately $10.000.000 a day. Up | I laboratories *
“u ««^«au»«
to date the total appropriations aggre- > Bran<^ Asphaltic Cement. . If that is an
gate’ln the neighb.'rbood of $L500.00o’- | ««ential part of their cements then they
000. This enormous sum will be in I **
—* not
—* been
— laying
'—'— their patented
creased heavily before adjournment 1 mixtureYor they do not use the Puritan
As is entirely natural, the greater Brand, but the same sort of cement that
part of this vast expenditure is direct­ any one gets on the market, just plain
ly and indirectly due to the upbuilding D. grade California oil refuse. They
of the military establishments. Never also claim that bitulithic shall contain
in the history of the country have such
heavy sums been appropriated for the fiom 36 to 50 percent of its aggregate
army and navy. The sea forces espe constituent composed of stone requiring
dally will be strengthened to a degree a half inch mesh screen to pass them.
never yet authorized by a previous In other words the proportion of coarse
congress. Not only is this true tn the 1 stone shall run between 30 and 50 per­
number of ships voted, but the ex cent. They rarely exceed the minimum
pendltures will be made in three years | 1 requirement. Of course the state will
instead of five, as bad been con tern be called on to prove that the theoretical
Every one
The cost of reorganizing and strength i pavement is not legal.
tliat the
entng the army also will be heavy, and
tn consequence congress was compelled , pavement as laid is not legitimate, ac­
to appropriate heavy sums for this cording to the contracts taken, but die
work. Because of the reorganization wide range of specifications will protect
greater supplies of field guns, aero­ ! the contractors according to the practice
planes, ammunition and other military I of the patentees.
Impedimenta were necessary. In fact.
If the state should enter suit to break
Increases over the original estimates ! the patents we shall expect to see pav­
ran the gamut of the entire army bill. ing materials of tne asphaltic kind take
The house ways and meaus commit­ i a substantial slump in price.
— At
“ 1 least
tee, which has been struggling with the ; all the royalties will be squeezed out of
revenue bill that is expected to turn | them at once. That will further cut
into the treasury a golden stream to ■ the minimum price of 95 cents to the
meet the congressional demand, is in a | vicinity of 75 cents per yard, which is
quandary. Chairman Kitchin and his I not so bad, if you want that sort of
subcommittee had drafted a measure | pavement.
calculated to produce in revenue $240,-
000,000, Now it is found that because
Card of Thanks
of the unprecedented appropriations,
much of them due to the Mexican cri­
I wish to thank the many friends who
sis, an additional $100.000.000 must be
saddled on the bill in order that the so kindly gave assistance, sympathy and
treasury may be on the safe side of the floral decorations during the illness and
at the funeral of my dear wife. Such
As a result the leaders in the capital expression of fraternal regard has our
are busily engaged in scuttling to con­
deepest gratitude.
Dick Markle.
ference at the White Hcuse and treas­
ury department. President Wilson is
fully alive to the political necessity of
Advertised Letters
solving the financial situation before
Advertised letters for week ending
the campaign gets under way. In seek­
ing for this solution the chief execu­ July 8, 1916: Daily, Miss Mildred;
tive and his advisers find themselves Clark, Arch; Clark, Miss Margaret ;
*on the herns of a dilemma.
Eivers, T. J.; Lenningsen, N. ; Hibbs,
The revenue bill proposes to raise the Mrs. M. C.; Mathews. Mrs. Juhans;
necessary funds largely through direct Thompson, Geo.; 6423-94th St. 8. E.
taxation, a method that in the past had
Geo. W. Spring, Postmaster.
not been popular with the American
people. Oh the other hand, the admin­
istration recognizee that a bond Issue
Park Opening Picnic
to meet the expenditures would be po­
litically unwise. The suggestion that a
block of Panama canal bands held In
Tremont playgrounds will be opened
the treasury be released and thrown
the afternoon of the 21. Bi« plans
upon the market does not meet with
the president's favor. The adminis­ are being developed to make the event
tration is said to feel that the public one of the most important in the history
effect would be the same ns though of the section. The city band will be in
“wnr bonds” were issued directly.
attendance and dispense sweet music
All in all, out of the turmoil and ag­ during the afternoon. It will he a real
gravation of present international and lunch basket affair and everyone coming
domestic problems arises the one ques­ is invited to bring their baskets and stay
“Where is the money coming from to till the last crumb is <ievoured. There
will be speaking and some of the city
meet the cost?”
officials will be in attendance. Not only
an* th oik- who live immediately at hand
J. H. Braukamp of Portland has »»• invited to be present but anyone inter­
cured patente thru his attorneys, I). est's! in matter- of public advance.
Swift and Co., Washington, for a new Come ear’y 3nd stay till the end, is the