Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, July 06, 1916, Image 4

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    4------------------------------------------------ B
The body of Frank Wilson, of Ku
gene, who disappear™! last wlntet
while en rout« from Crescent to Ku
gene, waa found floating In Odell lake
near the summit of the Cascade tnoun
The Hood River valley cherry crop
has been greatly reduced during thr
past week on account of a heavy drop
In the cherries that were one half ma
tured ami were beginning to take on
The Oregon Short Line which Is op
orating the Oregon A Eastern railroad
from Ontario U. Riverside, will atari
this week operating trains to t'ranr
creek, midway between Riverside and
Be nd I re.
Fifteen, or oae fourth of the <10 re
publicans nonilnateil at the recent prl
tr.ary election for representative In
the next legislature, were meinbera ot
the last lower house, according to the
official canvass
One of the 232 accidents reported to
th<< state Industrial accident commit
elon during the week ending June 8
was fatal. Il**»» the case ot J.
Grant, of Waldo, who waa killed
mining operations
Encouragement to the livestock In
duslry was given by the bankers of
the state. In annual convention al
Portland, when they voted to raise
|10.OOH to be used In helping defray
the expenses of the Pacific Interna
tlonal livestock show, to be held In
Portland next winter.
Should Sloan's Liniment Go 4lonq?
Of i'oiina< It should!
For after a
Mr. and Mrs. 11. F. Sager of Yale,
Our Natal Day was all right.
strenuous day when your muscles have
Washington, s|*nt a couple uf days tbo
No wonder we celebrate an«t rejoice
All churrh. awleiy. personal and local new>
hren exervise«l to lhe limit an applica­
not pnbliahed lor prodt. tree; notice» ot en- that this great country of «»un* is now in
furs part of ths wesk visiting with Mr.
tion of Sloan’s Llniuient will takv the
tertainmenla. conducted (or proflt. pubHHlvü
the lead of all countries.
Wilson ot «135 H4th St., 8. E., enlisted ami Mts^G. N. Hagar.
•oreneaa and stlltlieM away and get y«Hl
al a *c mlnimun. ol au Word».
TI h > heavy rain of last week Iteal the
John Stsigsr ol Creston I'allml on The­
ment» and eanl <<( thank». »amc rat»
Ad Ter­
last Friday for service with Uncle Sam.
in fine sha|a< for the morrow. You
. record for a fall of rain in a short time, He previously serve«! four years with odore Schacht the fourth.
tial u* raleajquoled on reque»t
should also use II for a sudden attack of
»«>.say lhe old timers. However, it «ltd the naval militia on the Cruiser Boston.
Mrs. W. G. Rogers loaves Friday for
tool Iliac lie, stiff neck, ItackaclH«, stings,
Wesley Reynolds returned Sunday no damage and practically made tike
Bellingham, Washington, where she will
bit»» and the many acoulenls that am
from a week spent in the mountains hay, gram ar.d potato erojw.
visit a few «lays with her sister. Miss
Incidental to a vacation, ”We wool«I
Harry Keil* who built a cabin aUuig
east of Estacada.
I ura Elwood who Is atlendipg
as mmiii leave our baggage as go on a va-
tlie mad one mile east of lhe Post mal club house at «Vi'-’T 7 2d St. Friday, school at that place. Mrs i. Rogers will
cation or camp mil without Sloan’s
Mrs. E. L. McKinley came home from OHi«v. found Ifer that his house was given: Solo, “Come Rack Io Me, Erin,” then return tu Seattle, from which place
Liniment«” Writ*«« one vacationist:
the hospital Mon«lay.
Young Glenn not on the lan«i and has gone off and Mrs. Elsie Conner.
“We use it for ■'vcrylhiug from crani|>s
Readings, Miss she will sail for Anchorage, where she
Jz-wellyn is doing finely.
will join her huslmnd, who precede«! her
to toothache."
I’m a laAlle in your
«ax’upied has been taken by George
to that place some time ago.
bag, In* prvpsr™! aad have no mgmte.
tklell, who has moved on it with his Mrs. W. J. Hollingworth.
FOR SALE—Horse and half power
F. R. Berry transacted business in
Ideal Gas engine, first «-lass condition,
last Monday,
Tlie Boy Scottto broke camp the first
with Emery grinder and belt: «35 for
of U h * week and have gone back home. Laurel wood choir sud ths Amphion ' Mrs l*ave Masters and son, Donald,
Pb«>a» fsbor 21M
cash. W. F. Rush, <*i522-84th St., S. E.
They certainly had a strenuous time of Male Chorus surprint*«! Mr. and Mrs. J. I were Portland visitors Monday.
DI N. Maia St. l.sals, Ort.
lent«. < >regon.
it as it rained nearly all tlie H um * tliey Archie Hollingworth at the home of the
Mr. and Mrs. Will Richey and family
were here.
last Saturday night they formers mother. The surprise was oc­ •pent the fourth with Mrs. Richey's
Doc McKinley has the contract for the gave an entertainment in Dr. Royd's casioned by the wedding anniversary of
l>arenls, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Robinson
grading and shaping of the grounds summer home that was enjoyed by the Mr. and Mrs. Hollingworth. Aftei a of Brooklyn
arounii Franklin High School.
He has people lien*. This eonsiste«! of fancy strenuous practice bv the male chorus,
T. '1*. Campbell and G. N. Sager made
Mt. Scott, Leale aad Pnrilaad
one of the biggest school grading «-on- dslice* by Master Bonneville, a lad of musical games were indulged in as plan­
tracts in the city this year and he is some 12 years of age as well as acting ned by Mrs. Harriet Peltou. The eve­ a bumneoa trip to the Damascus country
getting along with it ahead of time, un­ by tlie same la«I that wen* really first- ning concluded by relreehments of cof­ one day recently.
Chris and Fred Borges speut ths
lew the rainy weather continues he will class; singing, reciting an«l instrumental fee ami g«»o«l home-made cake.
Baggage and General Hauling.
fourth st Gresham.
nel a nice protit.
Tn uric by different members of lhe com­
Mr. ami Mrs. A. H. Bruns celebrated
Trunks 50c Each
A number of Laurelwood people cele­
Guy Rixlgers came to I»ents Monday
The Metropolitan, pmliably one of the brated at Linnemann Station on the Independence Day at Cedarville.
afternoon for a short visit with his aunt ■ very lw*s< magasinee issued, contains an Fourth.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dahlquist uf Ite-
Ameng them was the Arn-
anti sisSer.
I article stating that Hughes has none of phion Male Chorus, which gave several trvit, Oregon, are spending their vaca­
tlie elements of leadership, that lie is well appreciated nuialeri on the pro­ tion visiting with relative« and friends
I«r«avr Baggage Check an«I A«ldrrsa
in this vicinity.
WANTED—Used summer clothing naturally oold, reserved, haughty and gram of the afternoon. Those partici­
at Plummer Drug Store.
Tba Mg cannery of Libby. McNeil A
The recent heavy rams have pra« ti-
that can be used or made over for austere, not in the least magnetic and pating were Meadariee Currie, Klock,
Thin! and Madison St.
Libby at The Dallas is Increasing its
children Any one desiring to aasit in not capable of creating any enthusiasm Clough, Pelton, Davies, Mahan. Carl- cally ruinml the cherry crop.
capacity a ad laatalllng aew machinery
this matter may kindly phone Talor in the least degree. The old stand-pat sou, Holtermao, Bornatead, Mollett and
for handling cherries and other fruit
boll. Mrs. B C. Dewey.
E. A. Tate returned Frulay alter this aeason
grevly rich who are fast absorbing lhe Klock, Currie, Rarnstrad, Hillieland,
wealth of the county tell us he is sure of Freeman, Frees, Carlson and Holling­ three months spent in a logging camp
Mrs. Augusta Richter and daughter election.
Lets see.
Roosevelt and worth; the Misera Betz, Clough, Carl­ near Hkamokawa. He »ays all the help
Johanna are visiting relatives at Red­ Taft four years ago got 7.000,HUD votes
son, Mollett, Shafer, and Ruel. Tlie look the Fourth off.
ding. California.
the new
and Wilson got 0,000,000. Now then if celebration marked the opening ot the
the union is alwoluteiy |>erfeet between park at Linnemann Station.
Three ot the best students of ths
Mrs. L>ck«e' sister, Mias tiara White, the two wings of the Republican party
graduated last week from the
will return east soon.
91 and Foster
he will probably go in. Its a teas up
The familiee of Doctors Boon and Oregon agricultural college.
Funeral Director»
who gets it at this wntng but some­ Lockwood of Korn Park motored to
been appointed to assistantships and
FOR SALK or EXCHANGE for Resi­ thing may happen la-tween now and Gladstone Park on the Fourth and got fellowships st the college.
Montgomery an«l Fiflli Hi
dence Property near Portland good farm , election that will tip the election one tbeir camps in readiness tor the Willam­
George Spearman, a colored man in
near Cottage Grove. What have you? way or tin* other.
ette Valley Cbsntaoqua Assembly, which the tmploy of Frank Rusch, a cattle
Henry Van Dyke, our A/nbases«lor to begins this week.
State once. Address Box 145 Cottage
man. was shot by Charles Runyan at
<>ar Place of Buaines* Only
Holland, ami one of tlie most charming
We make all kindn of chicken
Grove. Ore. No Agents.
Mrs. Hardman and her daughter. Miso the Indian corral on the north fork ot
of men and one of tlie most delightful Eleanor, of Corvalliit were of the party
supplies, champion Sanitary
McKay creek, near Pendleton.
I an«i entertaining of writers in one of his and will be gueets of Mrs. I.ockwood
Fountains, Grit and Shell
Mrs. W. E. Reid of the Garfield dis­
A gift of «2».000 to the Butene HIM»
Boxes. Dry and Wet Mash
trict near Estacada was a visitor at the recent books has the following sentence during the Chautauqua season.
university. In addition to the «240,00«
"Then* are men an«i women in tie*
Hoppers and Troughs.
Train home this week.
endowment fund recently completed
world who an* shut out from the nght
We will Make Anything Ton
Mrs. Hsrxs, sister ot Mr. Jolly of Is announced by O. 8. O. Humbert, fl
to eam a living, so poor that they must
Want out of Sheet Metal
Harold Ret he ri ord has accepted a perish for want of «iaily brea«i. so full of 5ti32 HOth St., dimi st Stewarts Station nanclal secretary of the Institution.
Main Office
After a successful session of Ibra»
position in the accounting department misery that there is no room lor tlie Tuesday evening from the effects of s
PHowe Main «
of the Alaska Railroad and is located in ; tiniest seed of joy in their lives. This is hemorrhage. She had been spending, days the Masonic grand lodge of Ore
No Job
the day with Mrs. Jolly and was at ths gon completed the work of Ita «th
that «»untry now.
tlie lingering shame of our civilization.
station on the rsturn trip to her home | annual convention and adjourned al
Some «lay every man an«i woman shall
Albany, to meet neit year In Portland
Mrs. R. N. Smith and Mu* Marjorie have his title to a share in tlie world's on East Stark street.
'■ --"
are spending the summer in Montana. great work and the world's large joy."
Van Dyke is a I’resbjrtenan minister but
The Five Point Club met with Mrs. j be calls himself Dr. or Rev. but only to
Hainer Thursday. A large crowd was Henry Van Dyke. His oldest son being
I about to graduate from a theological
In reconstructing tlie penitentiary
school waa «(UMtioned aa to some theo- buildings at Salem, ali Oregon building
I-eelie Locke sa.- transferred from lc>1Pc*i tenets and boldly declare«! that material will be u«ed.
Chicago to New York lam week on an there was nothing to tlie virgin birth
•7.2 founds of butter fat is recorded
notion. That it didn't have even tlie
«>- a -lay wage.
for one cow in tlie month of May. at
merit of originality and that sixteen
proceeding Christ were said to
T. Y. Cadwell reports 12 hours delay
A Eugene company will manufacture i
have been born of virgins including
on his eastern trip in Wyoming on ac-
Faced by demand« from the conductor«, engineer«, firemen and brakemen
made «port and outing shoes for
Buddha. Zoraater, Hercules, etc. This
count of Hoods.
(hat would impoie on the country an additional burden in trantportation co«tt of
amazing statement shocked the clergy men and women.
Teaching a lx>y or girl to Work, learn- !
$l()0,O00,00A a year, the railroad« propote that thi« wage problem be «ettled by
who were going to expel him whereupon
Plans are lieing laid to complete the his fath“r said, “If yon expel him yon ing a buainei*. or mastering an industry
reference to an impartial Federal tribunal.
cement walk from the corner of Foster I will have to expel me, too.” The fact gets them fartiier than two-thirds of tlie I
With theie employe«, whole efficient «ervice i« acknowledged, the railroad« i
and 92d street, to the post office.
of the matter is that Joseph and Mary, present-day schooling.
difference« that could not be conaidered fairly and decided iuitly by «uch
were very poor people anti could not
Tlie Astoria Flooring Mills (Company
Tom Cowing started on an auto ’-rlP afford a costly church marriage like the
will build a warehouse x> by 120.
to Centralia this week but found
poor (»eons of Mexico and were be­
Marshfiehl reports 85 pounds of black
road Hooded and returned.
trothed an«l lived together as husband
saii«l proluced |17 platinum and |2i70
and wife like many other p«x»r people of
The formal propoial of the railroad« to the employe« for the aettlement of
l^o Katzky ought to be an expert on that «lay. Mary rebuked her son when gold.
An agreement has bern reaclwd be­
the controversy it at follow«:
punctures. He seven punctures a la«l for going to the Temple without
on a 25 mile ride.
her knowledge and said: “Thy father tween Roseburg and Pittsburg holders
"Our conferrar’es ksv« demanttrst«« thsl w« rases« harmanlr« syr SUlertsre« al splsiss «aS that «««stuaUy fka
of large timtierlan«! on North I'mpqfia.
and I have sought thee sorrowing.”
matter« tn rontrnv«r«y muet be piM< upss by <Mh«t tad di*ini«r«au4 sgsusis« Tksrvfer«. w« prspoM that yaur
propo««la aad th« prapaeitiea of th« railway« b« dttpowd of by as« or th* other of the fallowing method«:
Now that an appropriation has been Under the terms of agreement, Kendall
Mrs. W. F. R. Smith, wife of the
1. Preferably bv tubmmiaa te the latentat* Commerce Coaaiaatea, th« oply tribuaal which, by reseea ol its
blacksmith, who ba» been living in passed for the Loop aroun«i Mt. Hoo«l
accumulated iaformatton bearing oa railway condition* sad it« ceatrdf of th« revkau* of th« railway«, is ia • posi­
Oregon City spent the Fourth in Lenta, from the Columbia Highway to the old term of 30 years. A sawmill will Is-
tion to conaidet aad protect th* right« and «quin«« ol all th* tawrsats a«*rt«d. aad to aravid« additional revenue
erected as soon as actual work is twgnn
having recovered from a serious illness. Barlow road it means that Cherryville
neeeaasry to m««t th« added cost of operation in cat* your proyeaal« ar* found by th* Cttamuuoa to b* |uat aad
reatonabl«, or, to the event the latfratate Commerc* ( ommiayioa caaaot, under eatating law* act ia the premie*«,
will be on the map because the old Bar-
capacity of 250,000 feet of finisned lum­
that we jointly request Cosgreae te take such action aa may be aecsaaary io enable the ( emmiaeioa in consider and
Charlie Kennedy will leave I«enta for
promptly diepo*« ol the question* involved; or
ber «iaily.
where lie contemplates ter of hard surfacing will coine later on
1 Hy arbitration in accordance with the previnona at the Federal law" (The Newlaade Art).
ar a bed of natural cement has been dis­
going into business.
Charlie Welker came bar k for the
covered near the Peekaboo ranch five
miles east of here that turns into a Fourth, havinr sj»ent the spring on a
Wesley Reynolds was relief pitcher in
natural ruaccadarn when sprea«l on thp big road improvement job in Franklin {
Leader« of the train «entice brotherhood«, at the joint conference held in New
the inter-city League at Woodburn thf
County, Washington.
York, June 1-15, refused the offer of the railroad« to submit the iaiue to arbitration
Fourth and pulled thru all right.
eg------------------------------------------------ b
Edward Mills
J. P. Finley & Son
Tin Shop in Lents
Federal Inquiry or
Railroad Strike?
Railroads Urge Public Inquiry and Arbitration
Leaders Refuse Offer and Take Strike Vote
H. C. Copeland returned to Bozeman,
Mont., after spending two weeks with
his parents and relatives in Portland.
Mrs. Richard Markfl has Itren very
ill all week and her recovery is doubtful.
Mrs. Je«. Dunliar, 7118, 53d avenue
returned from a month’s visit in eastern
cities this week. While there she visited
Washington, New York and other cities
and attended the Red Cross Convention.
Look Good—feel Good
No one can either feel good nor look
good while Muttering from constipation.
Get rid of that tired, draggy, lifelem
feeling by a treatment of Dr. King's
I New Life Pills. Buy a box today, take
one or two pills tonight. In the morn­
ing that stuffed, «lull feeling is gone and
you feel better at once. 25c. at your
Joe Lockwood has the plastering
in the new Tobin building.
My wife, Daisy L. Hazen, has refuse«!
my be«l and boar«l of her own free will,
without just cause or provocation,
Miss Fisher of the lente Ubrary will
j Therefore I will not l>e responsible for
go to New York alsiut Sept.. 1st to at- i any bill contracted by
her after this
temi a Library School.
date ’in less authorized by a written
order signed by myself.
I«eslie Moll is going to spend tlie ;
M. S. Hazen, Portland, Ore.
summer in Wasco County’s wheat fields.
July 5, 181<i.
of the i F. 8. Landon returne«! Saturday after
Archer a month ««pent in the wootls on Grays
I River, Washington, working for the
Gray’« River l/igging Company. The
Fred Rathkey. who has been working I’Min has teni|H*rarily Huspende«l opera­
at Anaconda. Montana, is visiting tion« owing to unsatiafwlory conditions
elei ives in lienta.
i in the me: RgemenS.
John Rathkey has charge
Ixniia Young, Son of Mrs. Anguatine,
fanning near Shaniko, is H|>eiiding a few
■lays is Iz nte.
Land Plaster
No other body with such sn intimate know.«dee
of tailroad renditione ha« tuch in unquestioned peti­
tion ia the public confidence.
The rates the railroad« may charge the public for
trsnapnrtahoa are aew largely fixed by thia Osvera*
ment board.
< Special Prices by the ton
Slaked Lime,
Fertilizers for
Gardens, Roses
and Lawns
Wood, Goal and
Building Material
Prompt Delivery
or Federal review, and the employe« are now voting on the queation whether
authority «hall be given these leader« to declare a nation wide «trike.
The Interstate Commerce Comnptuon ia prop toaed by the railroad« at th«
public body to which this issue ought to be referred fo or theae reaion«:
Out of every dollar received bv the railroad« from
the public aearly oae-half la paid directly to the em-
plsyt« st wsgss; ssd th« manty te pay increased wag««
caa cam« hem na ether aeurre than th« rat«« paid
by th« public.
Th« Isteratate Cemmeree Cemmittiae, with Ita caa-
trel ever rate*, la la a petition ta mat« a complete
iaveetigstiea and trader euch dtciaioa at would pre­
lect th« iatereeia of the railroad employee, the ewaera
of th* railroad«, aad the public.
A Question For the Public to Decide
The railroad« feci that they have no right to grant a wage preferment of
$100,000,000 a year to the«c employe«, now highly paid and comtituting only
one-fifth of all the employe«, without a clear mandate from a public tribunal that
•hall determine the merit« of the cate after a review of all the fact«.
7 he itnglt tuue before the country ii whether thii controveriy it to be ¡ettleJ by na
impartial Government inquiry or by induitrial warfare.
National Conference Committee of the Railways
ELISHA LEE, Chairman
r. R Atlantic
Al.HRIGHT OeaVNaaesw.
Coast Lisa Railroad.
LW RAI DWIN. Gaa l Manati.
Central of Georgia Railway.
C. L. RAR DO. Gaa'I Maaagor,
Ntn York. NelFlfbvea A Hartford Railroad.
■ H. CO ARM AN, Vita fraotdaat.
Soathera Railway.
N R. COTTIR, Gaa l Nana*?.
We ba eh Railway.
r. B. CROWI RY, 4ut n» Pratl4a*
New Tork Coatral Railway.
O. H. RMRRXON <;«•’! Meaaaw.
Greet Nertb«r« Railway.
C. H. KWING, G'e«7 Maaafer,
Philadelphia A Reading Railway.
R. W. GRILR, Gaa'I Sagt Traaiy.,
Cbaaapaak« A Ohio Railway
A. S. GREIG. 4lff. fa Aeeesggr«
Mi Meta A Maa Fraaaiaeo Ra:lrs»«4.
C. W KOUNM, r^e /ji/eeayar,
AiahiMQ, Tapaka A Manta Fa Railtrpp.
H W MeMAMTRR fre /ffaaafar.
Wtoaaliag A l.aka Rria RailreeA.
N OMAm iWM«, »I,
N»rf»lh A Werner« Hailnar.
IAMB« RLI1SKI I.. ft, / M.-«rw.
Deaver 8 Ríe Oreada Re> ,eed.
A. M 8CHOYHR. tetlZnar rwAs,
■••••vivíala Maae Watt
W. L. SRDDON, Klre Xr„ .
«••»••rd Air i lea Rellwa«.
A. J 1TQNR. Rte Rrwtdmr.
Scie Reilreed
O. * WAID Vfce Aw • «m l Mm.
Ssaaat Caairel Idaee