Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, July 06, 1916, Image 2

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    SOMt LXCflifNT
Entered aa second Clam Malter February IB, Iteli.
tine of the
asked by the
tell me a good
ate a few that
Meat thinly
At pueloffioe, l-enta, Oregon, Vader act of Man ti S, 187*
Published Every Thursday at tanta, Ore., by the M t . S cott Pvaiianimi Co.
H. A. DA KN Alt. Enerva
tiffice Phone Home D •!.
Residence Tabor 2sl3
T'HE fork hunter is agum on
the road in iTregon with the
plea of more n<»rmal schools.
This time it is a petitxui to pro­
vide for a millage support for a
norma! training sehtxM in eastern
rhst a new normal
fgbvx'i would be handy in •astern
Oregon no one doubts.
as useful would be an additional
State University, and perhaps
another Agricultural Collere. It
would r.iean « continuation of
one-horse rbwma! schools in this
state to estab&h another school
before the one we have now is
safely provided for and crowded
with sradratSL
The time will
arrve when the present state
• noraml will have a thousand or
■ »ore students, be amply boused
in convenient and comrniNixxxs
buihiinrs. and property equipped
with apparatus and ahly direct­
ed by a corp# of efferent teach­
er» well paid for thetr services.
Until that tune arrives it is ir­
rational to ask any one to vote
for additwnal edacatMinal in-
Mitutxms m this state.
It is
ni practical
queetxmable for any one to pn>
mete more public expense -Jiti!
wv can take ctare of what we
J- &. Fwx MkjrA.
mere LNAR
rvq«Mr timber of nsmes
h»s tw A bt * y *< ib cv <».
akxjt .M\tM- nams."
eUced or finely chopped
and reasoned, or mixed with salad
Celery chopped rim- and mixed wttli
■alad dressing
tHives chopped fine and miird «itti
•alad drvs»ing (S c. to
c. oliirs)
Celery, pimentoes and uuts. chopped
fine ami mixed with »alad dressing
Cream i In-ewe and nuts, >>r ollvaa, or
punch tore and cream.
American cheese grated, seasoned
with tomato
lettuce with mayonnaise.
1 Vanuta |>oumle>l smooth, srasom-d
ami moistened with on-ain
Figs cooked to smooth taste, Ilgar.
lemon juice and nute added.
Data» and preserved ginger
Dates and |wanuts chopped tine.
moistened with cream.
Raisins cooked to smooth paste,
lemon jui<v and nuts added.
Tta bread should be 24 hours old and
cut in thin, even alicea.
If lancy forma
are tleeircl, shape before spreading with
bilker. Cream the butter and spread
evenly. M. II
M anaus ».
E ju»t got a bunch of copy
from the headquarter* of
By Lora D. Little
Actual Hsetllltles Came Lees Than •
the Brewer* Protection league, !
Month After Fleet Chief Ached Preet-
or whatever it ia called. It* the
dent Wileen to Order United States
Through tta season ol fresh fruit, all
organization lending ita name person» above the agv of 45 will do well
Troepo to Return to Border—History
and influence to the movement to make one of the daily meal» of un-
of the Keohangee.
to enable the brewer* of the <xM>kcd fruit alum*, ami anottar of fruit
Carranxa'e demand that the United
state to rvAume operation* in the ’ and cream (or milk, or cottage cheecs.) Blates couaent to immediate withdraw,
i rtan eat die «'Miliary dinner at night—
production of beer.
Among the 1 that W, of cooked food» ami a vegetable al of tta troupa from Mexico waa pre-
bunch was a list of name* of salad.
eentsd to the elate department on May
prominent men, introduced to
Nodiing else will give the same clear 31 last. Baylug that Maxlco'a purpoee
lend strength to the cauae.
If neaa ol mind and atertnean of body. The waa to avoid war if possible, tta note
charged the Amerleau government wtth
this list ia anything like the all-fruit uiea) may ta break last and the tad faith, aivueed President Wilson of
fruit ami milk meal lunctaon. unlvaa
usual list the brewer* send out a there is individual preference for revers­ aauctioulug a state of affaire grossly
inconsistent with his protects thing of
good portion of the names have ing the onier.
will, said that tta true purpuaa of
been used without the consent of Those who do hard work are likely to
sending aoldfvr» acrons tta txinler aeeui-
their owners, This may not be
rd to be the invasion of Mexico and
Any way it is an is a tai lacy eaaily proved. Try it. It i» asserted tiiat if the I'uited Btatra had
an usual list,
really the kind of eating that taxes the
It contains the energies least and leaves most to ta put properly ¡wvleeted its fniutler there
unusual list.
would have l>eeii no occasion for tta
name* of some of the mogt suc­ into work.
expedition Into Mexico.
Ou the following day. June I, Prvel
cessful business men in the city
Flat all you want of the fruit, how­
Wilson let it ta known that, al­
and state.
Men who ought to ever. Ikm’t nnm«e. It is al! but irn- dent
though be had no Intention of keeping
know that the liquor business
the troops sennas tta tarder longer
you an* habituate«I to tta plan.
than necessary to euable the Carranta
never made a poor man a dollar
Work in the open air enables people
to eud tta operations of
Men who know to digest quantities of cereal and tkwh anthorltiea
in the world.
bandits, the United States would not
that no poor man. disposed to f.wxiii—anything in fact—for awhile. But yield to the domsnd of Carrnnxa.
use of liquor in any form, can it cs>te too hvatily to take carvol such Many Washington official» talleved
that the de facto president of Mexico
•ver rise above the jxxiition of food» to make it profitable to eat them had dratted bis remarkable note prin
early in tta day. and thtsw* who do so
tenant, and a poor tenant at that.
.'Ipally for home consumption. Ambas­
Iswoim* subject in tuus to rheumatism,
Men who know that the really nerve ami heart aifecUons and ottar sador Arredondo said tie did not regard
It as an ultimatum. The cabinet tn
valuable citizen in the state is chronic ailment». Ttasr troubles are Washington met on June <k but the re­
the man who owns a home, has always aUnlsite-l to he'd work, when it ply to the t'arranaa note waa delayed.
United States Cenpulate Stoned.
some financial resource, and is a« tually only becauac of unsuitable
Qsneral Pershing sud tta
who pays some taxes. Men who The food-drunk. |>arUaliy stupefied,
Mexican general, tlavira. had a confer
know that the psychological and fat ami soggy or skinny and nervoiw eace, and the American consulate tn
physiological influence of liquor people, an* every one of ttarn victims of Chihuahua was atoned Rapid spread
is to reduce its tippling friends licioM eating habits. They vegetate, of anti-American sentiment, which the
Carrnnxa authorities were reported to
to a condition of mental and they groan and grunt. They do every­ ta encouraging, was evident through
thing save tta '*ne rational thing of
physical degeneracy.
Men who corrwlmg ttair habits' Sunetimva they out northern Mexlctv
know that a very considerable an* anient pn>hibit»onieG. horrified at On June 10 it was reported from Ban
Autonk» that a Mexican band had raid
portion of mankind is too weak beer ami whiakey drunkanla. They nd a Texas ranch and that t.'aptalu
to look after their own interests manage pretty nearly tta same results, Hell, with one troop of the Fourteenth
when in a normal condition of bowvxer, without violating their own cavalry, had cruaaed the line in per
«uit. On the same day Oeneral Tre­
mind and yet who assume that proprieties.
Younger people may modify the plan vino, acting governor of Chihuahua,
an intellect degenerated by in­ to suit their own nn«da. Beyond
was represented as urging all Ameri­
temperance can still protect its say. let tbean have a more «ubmanuai cans to leave, a» he could not guarau
ter them prut «ctloo against tta rtalng
owner from the wiles of the lunctaon every other day. Under (5. resentment of tta Mexicans.
viaoua. the dangers of disease, ;w*haps they will do well to have a On June 11 Nn-retary of War Halt er
regular cooked r«nd uncooked luncheon
or probability of starving
Men daily, ami fruit <mly for breakfaM ordered 1.3lM) additicaaal regulars to go
to Ban Antonio for border patrol eerv
who have reached that poaition Even children will thrive tael with ivoe tta. Thia action was Induced by a re­
in hfe that they ought to realize | the three meals made up ol season- port from General Funston telling of
Mexicans Bring on an American patrol
the highest obligation in life is ' able trail
near New Hatchet, N. M.. and wound
to assist and protect the weak
Ing Private Lee W. Sa under-» of the
I'arvnt» who would teateh ttair child- Twelfth cavalry.
and leas fortunate of mankind
General Funston
instead of advancing commercial rvn arlf-cvwural. need to tearn tirvt how asked for m,«re tm u fur tbe patroL
Oa June 13 Secretary In using sent a
to tee»! U>enMrive» an.l itair childten.
greed as a just reason for con­ Muffvvi an.i MiniuLaird Gal!«* make preliminary representation to treuenL
ditions that can have no other lawteaa,
character». t amauaa calUug bls atteution to tbe
result than produce poverty, Wrong taxi ia behind nxwt cnnunality. fact that a Melicau r a kier killed by
Amerteau sohllens following a raid on
It i». b.'wever a cvtnmou w;.mpu>in
misery, degeneracy, centraliza­
I'oteman s ranch near Laredo. Tex.
tion of wealth, addition burdens that it is want ol fvxwl. or wantot plenty was pualtlvely kieutitled as lieutenant
ol breed and i»eat that maker .tegvnev- |
of state and a lowering of the aie* Thia ts anottar mi»take It ia! /ulouel Villareal, a t arranxa officer.
c»n June 13, follow Ing <~unferencea tn
standard of decency and citizen­ want ot frail and other tiixxx'ked foods Waahlagten between Be«ratery Lan­
and exvM» <d breed and meat, or their sing am! evrtatu members of tta dipio-
matlc i-orpa It was rvi>orted that some
of tta other powers bad offered tbelr
friendly assistant» in aplvtng tta MexJ-
.*an 1'Tvbiem without war.
ih> June Id Washington heard nnof-
flctally that Genera! Jactato Trvvimx
acting under tnstrw-tious from General
t arraux*. tad Informed General Per-
«hiag that any further movemrot to
tta east, south or we«t wv«M be re­
garded as a host; e act and a signal for
warfare Folk«wing tta entry into Mel
ico of American trwpn near Laredo
nonces were p«wt«sl In Juares turning
all llrtl »» Cl’txrns to meet every day
tv receive military UotrocthH.
I hxiged for a week ¡ate y m tta te-mc
ot a widow in a county town,
xta had
thrw tay». aged 12 to IT.
Tta eldest
was ambttM.w few ‘ st»cvee»'
an.t so
Mv*d tfvxti orvl r.ary vtcionmew-
•ervWHi was caiwa ng his ntKWter conMant
De third was a fat. iarv
yvxia*»ter. .testiDed 1 sbtwthi say to eajre
tar drepi ere nights later
Swtakinc of the «wcood sort, tta
n.4krt«ahl "1 nag hur. and nag hint,
but it ta-en t »retn to d,- a bit
If 1 hare no* ta-.igbt n»y tay* to di»-
ungv.tai berwven ngtt and wnwt* no
mother has. 1 ue awake nights -until
T.wn comes i*. and uAea it w foeg pas t
m^Bigbt before I beer font.'’
TA m w iwaaa thinks a»o> h of the
wwgn txwi accorded tar by "the twwt
peefde of the town
She wants foxov
al that her bey* sboeM be nsapeciatwe
she wourd nr>w«r to bav* them aefoere
dirtukctica. Yet ata has no* bred them
ay to ref-evetnd—mm tsuadance «<
eU worthy setaenm»i t
Herre • a seirrer frwm rtecaaisn
»sr i sea a sa r erer-weight
tai iag eyre,
abe a as afwadsvi at the
a that
•be modify
ta sa ased
F<gM ng Noa* Beewnaolls.
On June IT. while Be retsry of War
Raker was la ooufeeexxw with iTvs»
-lent ’WHsrw. word was re vtved of
most e<>Utnioii questions
housewife ia, "('an you
sandwich fiilert*'
have provi«! to I«* very
In the Circuit Court
the Slate ol
Oregon, for Multnomah County.
Mortgage ikinipany. Ilollan«!-Ameriia,
a Corporation, Plaintiff, v». George
It. Parka and Emma A. Park», hi» wife;
FrxuoiaJ. Bchuli ami Carl tahul», her
huaband, ami Edward D Williams, A.
C. Forliee, H. B. Evan» ami George R.
Wilami, Itefendanta.
To the ilefendant A. C. Furl»-», ataive
In the name of the State of I > regull you
are tarvby required to appear an<1
an»wer the complaint filed aval net you
in the above untitled cauae and ('miri,
within »ix week« from the «late of the
first publication of this summons, said
tlr»l publication la«ing on the 2Bth .lay
of .lune. IB IS, and if yon fail to so •P-
|«-ar and answer, tor want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the Court lor the
rrlief demanded in the complaint In
thia suit, l«>-wit
That tta plaintiff
have judgment ami deeree against de­
fendant* George It. Park» and Emma A.
Park», his wile, for the sum of H105.MM,
and interval thereon from the IHh day
of June, lBIti, at the rate of ten per <wnt
per annum ; for AUk> (MI attorney» leva,
and for unpaid taxes due on the pro|a>r-
ty hereinafter «leecribrd, and for tta
coota and di»bur»riiirnte of thia milt,
and that plaintiff*a mortgage againal tta
real property hereinafter
given to secure the payment of »aid
mm, ta foreclosed ami »aid property
sokl pursuant to law and the prtM-ee<la
thereof applied toward tta satisfaction
««if eanl jutlgtnenl, coetaof »ale. attorney»
fee» ami cqate <>f «uit. and that you and
other defendant»
claiming by,
through or under ttani, or any of them,
tie tarred ami forever foreclosed of any
estate, right, title or interest or equity
ol retlemplinn in the said premises, ex­
cept the statutory right of rwlcmption.
Ths «aid mortgaged premise« above
referred to are particularly d esc riled, as
t . «w-
1 ot- < ini« 11 1. r«n r.’i Three
l(:t> Four 14), Nine(B), Ten (10), Eleven
‘ (II) ami Twelve (12), in Block Four (4),
i Tabonnde. according to the duly re-
■ corded plat thereof, an«I now within tta
I corporate limits of the City of Portland.
‘County of Multnomah and State of
In thè County Court of Ita State of
Oregon, tur Multnnniah County.
Ili thè Mailer of thè EstaU- of A Ugual
tahulentarg, Deoeased.
Notici« ia hervby gl veti tlial tta under-
• ignei! ha» lieen appointed ex neutri x
ol tiie retate of Augnai tahulentarg, ilr-
ivaeed. by thè (\Minty Court of tta
State <>f Oregon for Milluminali County,
and ha» i|ualitii<d aa suoli.
All perenti»
havitig claltn» againet eaid retate are
herrby notifled and rrqulred lo prearnt
Ita aanie, properly vvriflrd. a» rrqulmi
by law, U> thè unite,eignrd rxecutrii, at
thè office ol hrr attornry, 314 H|>alding
Hidg., Portland. Oregon, within eia
montila (nini and after date of tirai pilli
lu alion of tiiia nolfaa.
Dal««! and tirai publiab<<d June JW,
Charlotte Schulenburg, Execu­
trix of tta estate of Ailgu»t
Kchuientarg, Ita-vasnl.
J. J. Johnson. Atty, for Executrix
!II4 Spalding Hidg.,
Portland. Ore.
In the Circuit Court of tta State of
Oregon for Multnomah County
Vina R. Kalahan. plaintiff, ve Geonp*
W. Kalahan, defemiant, siunmoti».
To tieurge W Kalahan, ita alxive nani-
et! defendant
In the name of ita State of Oregon
you are required to appear and answer
Ita com piai nt filial against you in tin-
almve entitled cause. on or tafore tta
expiration ol aia wreks from ita tirai
p-ddieaUoii of thia aumuiona, to-wit on
nr tafore Friday. August 4, IBIS, and il
you fail co to appear and answer. for
want thereof plaintiff will apply to thia
Court lor tta relief prayed for in tar
ootuplainl tarein, U>-wil: For a decree
diwMilving the l»>nd» of matrimony here­
tofore and now existing Iirtwren plain­
tiff and defendant, upon the groumi»
that defendant liaa dnmirtral tar an« I
atandotw«d plaintiff ami plaintiff*c lume-
lor mure than one year immediately prior
to tta critnmemwmrnc of thio cull
Thia Summons io puldtehed ia tta Mt.
Scott Herald by onier ol tta Hon. Henry
E. Metilnn. Judge ol the atare entitled
Court, "aid order being marie on tta ?l
day of J tine, IBIS
First publication June Ti, Itti*.
J,«.n Van Zanb
Attorney for Plaintiff.
A preparation of fneh pineapple juice
and purr wale pepsin when C«UubilM*<i
with other ingredients, iu the right
proportion. such at are found in Nauti
Pineapple Peiuin Compound, furniahre
tta necessary element» to relieve indi-
geetion. nausea from any cauae, sour
atomach, bloating, nick taadacta and
nervousness arming from a disordered
Thia preparation ia cold by us on a
punitive guarantee of money t.ack if not
It ia a wonderful ua-li-
cine, having nroperties powarned by no
« oilier, Don't take my word for it. but ’’regon.
This Summons io cervia! upon you by
prove it by a trial.
Vic and |1.U'
thereof in the .Mt. Scott
sisea. All druggists and Mt Scott Drug
Herald by unier ol the Hon. William
N. tiatrns, Judge of the above enti tir» I
Court, which raid onier was duly nidlr
and mirre«I in »aid rauae an«I Court on
AJvertuwd irtter» for wvek vnilnig the .“2nd day ol June, 1916.
Tbe ilata ut ita fi ret publication of
i Juiy 1, IBIS
Byer». Mabel; Heard,
Summons ic June SB, HUS. an«I the
, Mr». Jewue; Chitwomi, Mr. .
Selma; Epiiing, Jack; ì Erwin. Mn. date of the last publication ttarrof ic
Maile at the tanta i>osu>flter arnie
Gru». Herman ; Hrnderaon, August 10th, IBIS.
and depart daily, except Sunday. aa fol­
Mia. J. J., Haoaen, Wm. C. ; lawn,
Attorney« for Plain tifi
Robt. L. ; leutar». Mr. ami Mr». A.
Firat publication June 3B, lui6.
W.; Law. John. Mare, ('ari. Mcljine.
7:15 A. M.
Mr». Lilne. Pluylaar Martin, Kheparl,
17 JO B, M
Alex . Ktapani, Alex ; *&.M*-HBSI., B. E. ;
» » P. M.
3 SUP M.
Lente. Portlaml, Ora., R. 1. Box —.
Geo W. Bpnng, Poetmaater
WH1 Mì
notice of kheriff k sale
In the Circuit Court of ti>e State of
Oregon for Multnomah tfounty.
| J W. K. Rawlinson, Plaintiff va. D. E.
Yeerel. -inmameil R. H. Campbell 1
Campbel!, bit wife, Itefen«!- '
By virtu re of an exerutma, judgment
«rder. de« re. ai»l onier of sal* issued
, out of the above entitled Court in the i
1 above entitled cause to me directed and
dated tta 1« day of July, ISIS, upon a '
judgment retutered ami entend in «aid
Court on the 2Bth day of June IBIS in
i favor of J. W. E. Rawlinson, plaintiff
ami against D. E. Y«*a*e!. unmarried.
’ de fem lain for the sum of *430.00 with
interest at tta rate of » per cent per
annum from the 21st day <>! June IBIS
and the further sum of **<00 with inter­
ra* at tta rete of ** per cent per annum ,
from tbe 3rd day of February IBlo, an 1 -
tor tta further sum of At. SI with in-:
terrei at the rate of S per cent per an­
num from tta Mh «lay <vf Aprii IBIS, ami :
1«-r the furtlwr rum of 310 37 in terrei at
tta rate of k per cent pre annum frntu i
the 17th day of February. IB!»«, and for
tire fr.rthrr • irn ««f 3*5 '«0 w th interest
at tta rate of A per rent per annum
fr-m the JBth lay of June. IBIS, am! I
This lest answer is ite. King's New
IHw-overy itself,
Ila a pleasant swvrt
sirup, »-ary to take.
It «-outain« ita
medicines which years ol exprrteme
have proven lavi fc>r < oughs and Coki».
Tbcw who have used Jte. King’s New
I>i«cotery longest are it» tast fnend».
Be»i tea every bottle ia guaranteed.
yon don't get »atiafa>»ion you get your
money tack. Buy a laitUe. use a» di-
rected. Keep what is left for Cough and
Coki insurance
tar the further sum of tZ' lO. costs an«!
di»Kinements ami the coeta ot am! 1
upew th:« writ, con.mamiing twk make
■a» of tbe fallowing Jreintwx! real
property situated in the County of
Multnumak and Stata
follow« to-w it
Lot bui
Etewk N un.bervd Two
accord ng to the duly
Mow Therefore, by
rwvter of sale ami m eoe
coramswdr al «bid wnt.
day the *1b fay <d Aar
c’tfawk A M at the fs
C^rty Ouri H ore a Pre-Gand. Mult- 1
wcwto-i Cbciaty < *regoc sell at pwbbc I
«■th>wt R
That ta
sort -a • sebyert u reietrptxiw ■. te the
high at* twddsr ter v«*b i* hawd. ta. tbe 1
ngbt. mie ami latress* wtueb tta with !
m rame I deter tan and sec* ami ta '
of tan Nod ew the Jis* «lay of Hr-1
remtav 1HX tbe fate cd ita nx regur*
terete forni tee« d. sr sswre that date hod •
-w and to tta starve i i a m t id pragerey
or bay yen ibsrrwd. to «atiefy «sud |
JI. D. Kenworthy and Co. inc.
exeret--e ; «At wt erter bad borre« -
ìaire» o --was » ed s-cr-i-ag ccm».
stareff at Mr wratah Cecary <terg m
•«•owg Vaaow Star
«tad SIRU T E. E.
>W kKWV«
MMoar ia»ea saas
’« *tey or 'iati
CXaaa Fvaiuaftr te Tnaiti U-4 Iute» V»
Vetusto reni teli *i a **-~"r mi gxgraMa