Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, June 22, 1916, Image 4

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    the auspioee of that church.
The audi­
ence was appreciative, especially ap-
plaudiug Mr. O. V. Bad ley.
The first business in order tor the De­
Mias Mary C-autiiorn entertained her
partment Encampment al Eugene J une
pupils at an informal student recital at
All ckan-h, saclety. personal and local nsws 14-15-16 was a session of tlie council of
noi published tor proli, tree ; notices of en­
administration at 2:30 p. m. on die 14lb
The regular meeting of die ladie»' her studio Friday evening, June Hi.
tertainments. conducted tor prodi, published
ala he mluimun, ot M wonts.
Announce At 4:30 p. m. a grand parade of about Mi»»i<>nary Socivty At the Millard Ave.,
Misses Hannah and Ihdia Shafer of
cluirch was held this Salem have been guests of Mrs. F. A.
menu sud card ot thanks, same rale
Adver- 500 were in the line of march. At 8 p. Pn*»by terlan
list-1 mles^quoted on request
m. then- wax speaking ami singing in die month at the home of Mrx Elton Shaw. Oar Ison of IlM 67th Ht , H. K., the past
Armory. There was not much doing 4402-7!» St S E., with Mrs. M K. Wil­ week and Miss Itelia fell ill. Her oilier
Mrs. Welker, who has been visiting ! on die morning of the 15th. but in the liams ax leader. The Country of Corea sister, Mias Benina, has come down to
her daughter. Mrs. Sheets, 92d street | afternoon the rules wen* suspended and wax studied the paxt month.
Mre. Sib­ attend her.
and R5th avenue, left Monday for ; we had election of officers Comrade Dr. ley rendered a vocal solo and made tlie
G lend i ve, Montana
I J. E. Hall was elected Department Oom- ! principal xddnm* of tlx* afternoon. Ad-
Mt. Scott Boys Answer (dll
•nxnder; Comrade Frank He»«. 8. V., I dretux*» were also made by Mre J F.
FOR SALE—Horse and half power ■ and E. F. Socks, J V. ; Comrade t'liam- MeUiney and Mr». 0. K Butlers.
Quite a number of Mt Scott IxiV" were
Ideal Gas engine, first dare condition, bero, Medical Director, and W. P. Orr, large number of ladiex wax prv«*nt and
with Emery grinder and belt: $35 for I Chaplain. All officers were elected by manifested a growing interext in tlie included when the call for tlie niobiliia-
The July meet- ' lion wax issued. They were uiemlaws ot
cash. W. F. Busli, 5522-S4th St., 8. E. acclamation. The meeting was very work <if the mission*.
I mg will take the form of a silver lea I hx'sl organisations that responded. Ed
harmonious, with a good attendance.
Lents, Oregon.
Mrs. Bell Ellwood of Shiloh t'irvlewax and will lx* held at tlx* home of Mre. D. Collins and Alix* and Win Christensen
Mrs. T H. Drake and children left . elected IVpartment Treasurer of the 1 j »- [ 1 H. Gilbert, 4928-71 8t., S. E, on I were memliers of Company C. James
Wands is a mvmlx*r of Battery A. Ar­
, Wtxlnesday, July 12.
Tuesday evening for Spooner. Wis- diet of die G. A. R.
thur Deardortl Iwlongs to Co. G. Joe
Installation was lield on the 1’itli and
Nearly 40 members and friends of the
McKay is another l*ents boy included in
a gixxi visit was the order of the day.
' C. E. Six'iety of the Millard Avenue
The city of Eugene wax nicely décorât-1 Presbyterian Church met at the home of the call. Herbert I'ewraon wax a mem­
Go to Walsh’s for gasoline and all i led and citi«vns contributed the use of'
ber of the Hospital Corps, but was dis­
kiode of motor oils, at prices compara- j autos to enable the visitors to properly see | President CharlesTronaou, for the regu­ charged, and Fred Peterson enlisted to
lar monthly buxines* meeting ami aorial
ble with the lowest.
till tlie place. Dr. V C. Burney, famil­
the city and nearby country.
on Wednesday evening
A very inter­
Forest Grove was chosen for the place | esting business session wax held, with iar to many Lenta |xx>ple, ia First iJeu-
tenant of a hospital company. Clarence
* Mrs. Augusta Richter aud grand-1 to hold the next Encampment.
encouraging report* from various com­
children of 56th avenue, departed Tnes-
The Ladies of the G. A. R. and Relief mittees. The society voted to raise tl.e N. Amato of Arleta wax among the call­
ed, an<t Martin Garrett ia another, but
day evening for a lengthy visit in Cali- Corps also had their election and had a
amount requested by the Women’s
! joint installation with the Grand Army. North Pacific Boani for the sup|x*rt of a , Garrett wax seriously crippled some time
I ago and lie will not go. Whether they
A Comrade, i missionary on the Foreign Fie.'ii.
[ever get away from the Clackamas camp
LOST—Small white dog, female; gray­
freshments were served and a uio»t ex­
or not this ia causing a lot of anxiety on
ish black face, short legs, part Spiti. s___________________________
— S cellent time was had during the *<x*ial the part <>t their families and friends. It
Answer» to name of Bessie, .5°7‘ I
periixl following the business meeting.
is to la* ho|xxl the readme»» of prepara­
collar. Reward if returned to G. w *»d - ! jg-------------------------------
— a On Saturday, June 24, leaving the | tion will lx* sufficient to convince tlie
tiM0-85th St.. Cor. 70th Ave.
church at 9 a. in., the member* of the I Mexicans that the United States is ready
Johnny get your gun!
Millard Avenue Presbyterian t.'hurvh 1 1 for them.
Uncle Sam got mail at last.
FOR SALE—Five room house, with
will proceeii to the Kenilworth
It can't be aai<I but what you Uncle
lieth. To be removed from lot. Cheap
Park where tliey will hold their annual
Sam ia alow to anger
Benefit for Orphans
for cash. W. D. Eaton, Lents
picnic. A Ixisket dinner and a day of
It is tbe best possible thing that -can
games and sports have lx*en provided.
happen to the Mexican people that they
A committee Irian tin* Eureka Relmkah
A big delegation from Lents Grange
At the regular monthly businexx meet­ Ixxigi* <>f Lenta gave an entertainment
will be put under the control of a strong.
on Saturday will go to Sandy to attend
I just government and made to stop their ing of the ljiurelw.Hxl M. E. Church Wednesday evening al the Yeager Thea­
the Grange there and assist in putting on
Home Missionary 8>* iety at Mrs. Lillie tre a» a lienetit for orphans of tlie Odd
' everlasting scrapping.
the degree work.
I The Kaiser said recently that la* never Perry’s. 493»-0<>ih 8t., 8. E., the annual Fellows Home It was a worthy under­
journeyed to his port at Wilhelmshaven election of officers wax held. The re­ taking and the affair was highly com­
WANTED—Used summer clothing on the North Sea with such pride and sult waa ■■ follow*: l’re»., Mrs. Lillie mendable.
that can be used or made over for pleasure as lie did after tlie naval liattle Perry; Vice Pres., Mr«. G. I.. Haley;
. children Any one desiring to aseit in | on the Skagvr Rack. He only lost l.'t R*c. See., Mrs. Elsie Connor; Vor. Sec.,
thia matter may kindly phone Tabor war vessels and :<50u men and it is to lx* Mre. Molar; Treasurer, Mre. Ray Rotla-i
Mre. Eva
5611. Mre. B. C. Dewey.
supposeil that if lie bail lost his entire baugh; Mite Box Sec.,
navy and all hi* sailors he would have I ji » rvnee.
The sjiecial meeting of Mt. Scott
Rev Riley not being able to be here lieen tickled to death. That tine salary
The girls of tlie Willard Club of the at Un* home of Mrs. Fn»t on Tuesday
Sunday. Mrs. Riley will preach the morn­ of 95,000,000 a year and those 51 palaces laurel wood M. E. Sunday School met at
wax a very enthnmastic affair. The next
ing and evening sermons on that day at to live in are in great danger of being the home of their teacher, 5627-72»! St.,
meeting will be at tlie home of the
the Friends church.
8. E., Wednesday afternoon, June 14.
tiap-doodle nonsense that wax ever con­ Assisted by Marjorie Haley and Iva president, Mrs. Hommerfeldt, on the af­
ternoon of Tuesday, June 27th, at two
ceived in the mind of man thia king­
Safety Liefxaeit boxes may lx* secure, 1 craft business is the limit. A bran new Clough tliey played drop-the-handker- o'clock sharp.
Tlie state president.
at tlie Multnomah State Bank, greatly uniform tor every day in the year, a chief and croquet and had a genera) Mrs. Jennie Kemp, will he present and
good time. After refreshments of lemon­
to the advantage of local patrons.
handsome income settled on every one ade and gingerbread tliey sang America address the meeting and tiiere will lx»
of his children ax soon as they are born and other songs and then adjourned in­ otiier speakers A general invitation is
Mr. and Mrs. Finley McGrew enter­ and hosts of servant» to wait on them
formally. Those present we»e Marjorie
On Sunday afternoon flower mission
tained the “Run Around»’’ last Satur­ every day of their lives, while the poor
Haley, Iva Clough, Fern Malian, Mabel day wax observed by tlie lxiyal Temper­
day evening. A nice crowd and a very people who pay all the bilb, work hard
Hammer, Winifred Johnston, Elsie
pleasant time is reported.
all their lives and finally die in some Schmidt, Olive and Elisa Wineberg, ance Legion of Mt. Scott Union at tlie
county farm at Troutdale. About thirty
bloody Iwttle.
Helen and May Shipley, Lucile Noel,
children and an equal number ot grown­
Jhe standpatters are al read) rejoicing and Esther Hollingworth.
ANY KIND of Upholstering, guaran­
ups appeared at the farm with quanti-
teed good work. Henry Jaegar, Harness
Don't count your chickens before tliey
Shop, Foster Road, east of 92d street.
are hatched. How are you going to Arleta W. C. T. Ü. was held at the
explain your candidates’ vote on the in­ home of Mrs. George Snider, 4418-79th
Chester McGrew and wife and J. C.
come tax? When be was Governor of St., 8. E., Tuesday afternoon, June 13..
McGrew and wife are taking an outing in
the State of New York this income tax After the business session, the program
the mountains east of Albany.
was submitted to the states for ratifica­ was conducted by Mrs. Stella Wilson.
tion a» two-thirds of the statie must
Rev. R. Tibbs Maxey and family of
FOR BALE—One Double Set Driving ratify any amendment to the Constitu­ Kern Park are camping for the summer
Harness nearly new, and one double tion.
The income tax amendment near Corbett, Ore.
Mr. Maxey will
net Farming Harness.—Cheap. Jaeger’s paaseii the legislature oy more than a conduct Sunday service* in th* Christian
Harness Shop, Lents.
two-thirds vote, yet Hughes vetoed it Church at Corbett during their stay
because tlie clause “all income from there.
Row* Rupp, student at Reed College,
E. P. Smith is giving his house at 45th whatever source derived" would cover
incomes derived from state and munici­ has returned to her home at Cheney,
Avenue and 92d St. a coat of paint.
pal bon>b. Oh dear me! This would Wash., for the summer vacation.
catch some greedy rich who are lousy
Mix* Hannah Shafer, who has lieen
WILL TRADE 3 to 5 acres with im­ with bonds of all kinds which are a bur­
at her home in Salem, Ore., has
provements in Hillsboro garden tracts, den on the struggling poor. How are
Washington Co., for house and lot in the standpatters going to excure Hughes returned to be again the house guest of
Lenta. Henry Jaeger, Lente Harnees veto of the 2 cent passenger fair in New Mn. F. A. Carlton, 4153-67th St., 8. E.
Mrx. Guy Robinson, of 7022 Millard
York State?
is able to be out again after a
The gentle rain of tlie past few days
Gordon Mann, injured in a motorcycle has done a world of good. Now if it temporary illness.
Walter Boon, O. A. C. Junior, ia
accident on Powell Valley road a month will only stop in time to let the farmers
ago. ia at home and able to be around cut and cure the big crop of clover spending his vacation at home at 6930-
46th Ave., S. E.
Mr. Boon is engaged
some, though not completely recovered. whieh ought to be cut before long.
The Boy Scouts, nearly 40 in number, as assistant to Multnomah Connty Rowl-
master, Yeon.
FOUND—Ladies handbag with purse. from Portland, are camped out a short
Mrs George Snider entertained tlie
Call at Herald office, describe, pay for distance north of town' Their camp is
conducted with military precision and graduating class of the Hoffman school
advertising and get property.
when they hiked from Bull Run the at her home at 4418-79th St., S. E. on
rear guard bugles were playing, "It's a Monday evening, Jnne 19. The time
Mrs. H. A. Darnall left for a two long way to Tipperary.” and after mere was most pleasantly passed in games
month’s visit with her parents and I the bugle» struck up, "There will be a and music.
friends near Topeka. Kansas, on Mon­ hot time in the Did Town.” The head­
Mrs. Patience Woolworth, teacher of
day evening.
quarter’» tent in care of Gen. Randall is piano, gave an invitation stndent recital
at the head of the military street of over at the residence of Mrs. Myra Zehrung,
Prof. McCor.nack of tiresham was 2T) tents and the boys are detailed for 7105-48th Ave., Tuesday afternoon. June
ttanaacting business in I*entx Tuesday camp duty and practice drills as well as 20. Those who appeared on the pro­
hikes over the country with all the ac- gram were Pauline Uralten. Donald and
1 curacy of military life.
Helen May Ixnkwood, Lois and Morri­
People are coming out to settle on thia son Handsaker, Edgar and Theixlore
Jack Frost is back on tlie old job
railroad land from Portland and else­ Zehrung, Katbryne and Dorothy Snider,
the Lente Hardware.
where and soon every piece of land will and Mildred and Lucile lawrence.
| have an inhabitant. It is inconceivable
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walker left
Joe Quinlan of 46th avenue and rtfith that this land has been held out of use Wednesday, Jnne 12, for Seattle, Wash.,
street has gone to Pleasant Valley on a no long, keeping poor people in our cities where Mr. Walker has a |>oeition with
and working them at starvation wages the well-known firm of Hears A Roe­
wood cutting job.
and the cold charity of “inspired mil­ buck. Mr. and Mrs. Walker have been
lionaires." The railroad company raid
Mrs. Day, daughter-in-law of Mrs. the land was not tit for agricultural energetic workers in the I-aurelwood
McCarthy has returned to Butte. Mont. purposes as their excuse for not selling, Congregational church and they will be
Mrs. Walker is succeeded at
although it was expressly stated in their the organ by Mrs. F. LeRoy.
■ contract with the Government that they
Children's Day will lie observed in
Mrs. Ella Jones presented among
would sell it to any purchaser for 92.50
the Reformed Church next Sunday
Miss Hazel Wells of 6032-45th
an acre. If any one thinks this land
An interesting program of
will not raise anything the writer would Ave., 8. E., in a piano recital last Tues­
songs, recitations etc., has been pre­
like to show them a garden nearly one day evening. The function was held at
pared. The public is cordially invited.
acre in extent, planted and cared tor by the Lincoln High -School.
C M. Wolford has sold his business
an old lady long past the prime of her
Kern Park.
The i/mts Methodist Ladies Aid will
Mr. and Mrx. J. F. Hoffman left
iioid their annual apron sale on Wednes­ up of this old lady they would not stay
day, June 28th. at the Methodist in towns and put up with paltry sums Wednesday evening for ChiCogo. where
they will make their home.
(Hrareh. Ice cream and cake will be that are paid them for hard work.
nerved both afternoon and evening. A
Tne Amphion Male Chorus gave a
Mal huer county will build crushed concert at »’
•pecial program will be given in the
linton Kelly Memorial
rock roads at 9750 per mile.
Church. I
ening. June Ifi, under
lise of roses and a program that was
thoroughly appreciated by the ¡wxiple
visited. The president. Mm. Bommer-
fehlt, explainod the pur|xieea and work
of Mt. HciAt Union.
Mrs. Fila Fank-
hauarr, as superintendent of the Bower
mission detriment, directed the dis­
tribution of the tlowe re. The L. T. L.
children undvr tlie direction of the
sii|x*rintendvnl, Mrs. Burgetts. sang
America, ami Mr. Albert Funkhäuser
brought a class of txiys who sang am!
gave recitations. Rev. Mr. Ilornschuch
s|x>kv most feelingly of tlie heighth and
depth of G<xl*s love and tile strength of
mother love which owrcoinre all ob­
stacles. The inmate* of the home es­
presseli their appreciation and asked the
Union to come again, as did tlie super­
Edward Mills
Ml. Scutl, l.rsl* anil I’urtland
Baggage and General Hauling,
Trunks 50c Fach
leave Baggage Check and Address
at Plummer Drug Store.
Third and Madison Ml
II. Fallman has taken over the Duke
Market anil will conduct it as a grocery
and confectionary.
Astoria order* improvement of Gum-
mereiai street, with overhead viaduct
Advertised letters
Ailverlixi'd lettere for wi*ek ending
June 17, llllti
Aduroft, O ; Cottili, F.
A.; Eastman. E. E.: Grillili. Mre.
Alice; Ixackxoii, Robert !.. ; Lewis, Mre
Jan»; Jones, Lucile; Jones, Mr. and
Mre. Wm ; Killer, Franse», Line». W
M «derisoti,
F. ;
Echwoitxer. Angusta; Tompeon, (Veli,
5736-85 S. E.
Geo. Spring, Pnstmastor.
Land Plaster
the new
Tin Shop in Lents
91 and Foster
We make all kind» of chicken
.»uppiicM. champion Sanitary
Fountains, Grit and Shell
Hexes, Dry and Wet Maith
iiopitern and Trough».
We will Make Anyt
Want out of Sheet
Bring in Your R<*|>airiiig, No Job
t<Mi Bmall
( Spettai Prîtes by the ton >
J. P. Pinley&Son
Gardens, Roses
and Lawns
Wood, Goal and
Building Material
Prompt Delivery
Funeral Directors
Montgomery and Fifth Ht
One Flare of Buainee» Only
tiaperlemed Woman
in Attendane*
Main Office
Phone Main 9