Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, June 22, 1916, Image 2

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    n i t . see rr r herald Health |n The Suburbs
Entered a* Second Claas Matter February 19, 1814.
Th« State Agricultural C-dleg* can
• furnish government bulletin» to all In­
terested in the cold-|*ack method of
The be-t “theory of infiM-tion" yvt i» so bl,«ck*-d by thia «ulwtaiu-e that dig*-- canning. A certain amount of gard* ii
Published Every Thursday at lent». Ore., by the M t . H oott P cbliohiku C o . Glint of Thom»« Powell, M I», which lion and assimilation have fail«*<l.
; products will go to wa»t<* lid» summer
i »t>|H*Mte,l in September 1!H5 Ili«lih
Th>* accumulation and M*lid(ytng of unlea** they are canno,I. Every family
H. A. DARN AIL, Enttoa axn Maxanan.
¡Culture. It i» «iil >tantÍHlly n» follow»: this material i« what cans«*» tumor-* ami i with ground »paw enough »liouhi plan
llli|H-rlevtly iiige-t««!
fin«!» ite almormal grow th» of many kinds.
' to can plenty of the vegetables ino»t
Office Phone: Home D-61. Residence Tabor iSlS
Pathogenc i< ex|*«*l!**d from tb«* «y«t«*m ! appreciated by l*oy» and girl«
w-ity into the rirriilMtion, in globular
It 1« <*oiiv<*rt*-d into ii'orn and |«-a« laiught at «tore art* never
1 tuvste'», which h«v«* hetetoforo twen mi»- in various ways
bile and <liM-luirgi*d through th« h<*|*atie a.« tcndi r am! »wccl aa th,»«' put Up at
HE impression exists in some ner. Other sections of the state i takeu for leuk*x*yt**i*. or whit« blo*«*l duct.
It is diwliarg,,! in catarrh, as
i*«*U» Tin* motion the«*» I hx U c » have i»
minds that the approaching will find a favorable experience i .1«** to tin* generation within them of previously m* ntinned. It i» exuelled by I h*>m«*. There I» no "*-* ret alioiit canning
th«**«* vegetables, but many fail Ill st­
campaign is going to be a walk
with other forms of surfacing. e.irlHin *iioxi*l<*, which form« *»« tin* way of the kidneys in tin* shape of tempting it. l*owd*<r» are not ile»',led
a way for some one. Even some There are a few sections near ma»»*» decay. Th«* “celia” (which are wrum-alliuinin, in albuminuria. ><y in the cobi-pack im*thod and anyone
Republicans say that \\ ilson will the larger towns, where the I not rvully ceil» after all) grow t*y the converting it« carbon element into can »ucc«««l, willi a little care.
oLoth«*r maaee» and of bacteria gluco«- it is discharged through the
I'lnldreli tin* of potati»-» and t«*aii»
be elected by the Republican traffic is exceedingly heavy both I 1 accretion
kidneys, as in dialietes.
il is pushed during the winter and often little else is
undergoing transformation.
states. There are a lot of Re­ for practical business purposes
Dr. Powell call» thi« wa»t<* •ttl<etance out ot the circulation and »tore,! in cer­
Get into th«* canning gams
publicans who are just as sure and pleasure drives, where the I |*ath»gene. becam*» it general«*» diwa««*. tain iucalilica, forming lam|si, bunch«-». provided*
and have a larger variety of v*-getal,l«*»
that Hughes will be the winner, higher priced hard surfaces are It doe« this by Miicaring Ute wall» of I tumors.
on your own shelve»— l«*tt«*r stuff at one-
and there are some Democrats practical and economical. But veesele and blocking capillarit*». Path»- Thi», th«* r«*a ler wilt obaerve, disponw third the c«wt ut inferior stutL
who are willing to stake their best in a new state like Oregon, gene from starch is soluble and con­ I of the tlteory held by the ’ g**rm" crowd,
J that th«* whit«* blood cell» are “vigilant
on Hughes. A politican of this where the population as a whole vertible into glucose and easily . di»- ; policemen’* in the body, <le»truying and
Oreqon News Notes
charged from the body.
country who has been circulating is 90 sparse, it is irrational to from albumens is not got ri«i of so ex|*elling bacteria. They an* merely
among the people recently says suggest the building of cross easily. It , ata the walls of th,* »t -mach ma**«**» of waste matter against which
that more than half the Republi­ state highways with a high j with a slim«* which choke» the gastric i th«* vital forces must strive. If they in­
crease rapidly they will certainly cause In the Circuit Court of the State
cans he meets state they will priced hard surfacing. Away glands, thus reducing tip* quality and death,
Hetie«* U h * advisability of cut-
Oregon for Multnomah County
j quantity of digestive jtttecs, producing
support Wilson, and he says he from a few of the largest towns ' infiammation. even favoring cancerou» | tiug off f<««i wiien ill. It gives U h * vital Vina R. Kalahan. plaintiff, vs Oaorge
would not be surprised if the there are few roads that are not ' grow th.
. energy lime to utilise air and water an*i
W. kalahan, defendant, summons
county were carried by Wilson well built when they have a good It is pathogen«* in a changed state burn up and wash out th«* offending To George W Kalahan, th* above nam
«•d defendant
by 2000 majority. We may be grade and a coat of crushed ¡ that is thrown off by mu**«>Q» surfaces in matter.
tin* name of tin* Stat,* of Oregon
badly mistaken but we believe rock, with the addition of an oil I all forms of catarrh. The sputa of con-
¡ you an* requir*«! to nppear and am*w« r
that politician is scared. This dressing once a year. We do not
poeed. but |*atliogen«* which ia thrown 1 one wi*»*k will have to I** p»*t|*on«">l I th«* complaint tiled against you in th«*
campaign is not iroing to be a , need a state highway fund for i I off
to prolong the patient’s lite.
He he- until the petition work the writer in I ate*ve entitled cause, on or Is-tore th«-
walk a way for any one. The that.
j expiration of six weeks from the first
! ootues ema*-iated ia*vaiL««' hi« system is engage,! in i» conelii*l««i.
publication of this summon», lo-wit: on
Republicans have named the
Another thing with which the
before Friday. August 4, lttlti. and if
most likely man in the country ■ governor is going to have more mercy of those upper classes who
Common Sense About Kuilrouds
you fail so to appear and ain*w*-r, for
and they are pitted against as trouble is the highway engineer. enslaved them in many instances
want thereof plaintiff will »|*p!y tn this
good a man as the Democrats In place of abrogating the law ' for the purpose of swelling their
Court for the relief prayed for tn her
ever enrolled in their ranks. He vesting the State Engineer with !own unmeasurable wealth. In Our railroad problem i» a great prob- ’ complaint herein, to-wit: For a decna*
lein to work *>ut. ami our destiny is
is an able man. He is a skilled i the duties of highway engineer many instances, it is believed, temnil up in il. We can iid” settle it diaaolving the temds of matrimony here-
politician. He has the support the law should be clarified so the the government officials actually by dcallBg fairly with th«* ,r- *rs and tofore and now exiating between plain­
tiff and defendant, upon the ground»
Wei that defendant has de»erte<i her and
of a lot of people who are wise duties and privileges of the state assisted in enslaving the native by regulating them with j ’*■
«ter abandonv*! plaintiff ami plaintiff's h**m*
enough to see through a lot of engineer as highway engineer Indians and peons, and the his­ want <-<>ntinually better »erv
for more than on«* year immcdiutely prior
the trumped up opposition, far­ are definite and unquestionable. tory of the slave camps, pub­ trains, ever improving accomnto . •
and mote safety. These facilitle- *,
the commencement of this suit.
fetched ridicule, and unsub­ To keep the road business in
money and tlie public should l*e wilin c
This .«ummona i* published in th* Mt.
stantiated abuse that has been hands that are experienced and
to pay for them.
Railroad» are com - *,ut Harald by order of the Hou. Henry
thrown at Mr. Wilson, and they competent the State Highway several years ago. read lit e the polled to pay <>ut <*<Hi«tantly in* rearing | E. .'JoGinn, Judge of th* al*ov* entitle«I
admire him for his conservative i Commission should be composed bloodiest stories of the Rangers sum for tax«*«, wage incr*a«es, and for i Court, »aid order tieing mail* on th* 21
handling of many of the ques­ , of members representing the of Australia, the African Slave operating ex,*en*w* decreed by Stat»». Í day of June, 1816.
From the public character ot the trail*-
tions that have vexed the ad­ country interests, for instance Trade, or any other record of portation industry, trains must I»* run Fi irat publication Jun* 22, 1816.
John Van Zante A K. R. Morrill,
ministration. It will be hard to farmers and persons using the 1 human brutality ever put into whether at a loss or at a profit; for the
Attorneys for Plaintiff
convince these people that some ■ country roads.
If there were a print.
public must lie M-rved. Th* railroad
If the affair develops as it ap­ has no voice in th«* matter. The people
one else will do the same sort of state board of street inspectors
thair a«i*te«lite<l agent»—The
thing as well or better. But in this state we would not ex­ pears and our country actually through
Interstate C«>mmetee Commission an*! '
those who are best informed be­ pect to see it composed of far­ engages with the Mexicans in 1 forty **ight State C<iminiwion*—regulate
lieve that Mr. Hughes will do all mers. There is even more reason war, it is to be hoped that the railroad charge».
these things just as well, and for having country people on a Mexico will get a thorough clean­ When we a-*»ume to regulate thi» in­ Thi» l**t answer ia Ite. " ig'a New
; Diacov*ry ito*lf.
Its .
nt »w*«*t
that Republican management state highway board. There are ing up, following which the dustry. which mean» »<> much to iw in «vrup, easy to tab*.
<ntain» tli*
in nut
will revive public confidence and plenty of competent farmers in United States should exercise a
m*«iicin*e which yeai
te* fair, constructive and i*en»ible.
have proven t*a-wt for t*«>uj
id Oilds,
prosperity. No one ever will be this state to handle a state high­ •term as protectorate, to termi­
’s New
able to convince us absolutely of way board when they are per­
Diacovery long«*»t ar* ita l>e«t frienda.
the truth on either side. We mitted to have the consultation
| Heaidra every bottle is guaranteed
have two good men to consider of a competent engineer. There cide their own destiny. If they
you don’t g*-i satisfaction you get your
and we will not go far wrong in is no rationality in having the decide on American annexation It i» fooli»<h to think you < an gain a i money l*a< k Huy a bottle, iiw a« di-
good clear complexion by the um * of face
supporting either of them.
governor of the state on the or independence under protec- j powder. * Get at the root of tiie trouble I re«-t« <l. Keep what is left for Omgh and
highway board.
He can’t do * tion, their decision should be and thoroughly clean«* tin- »yetem with i O>l*i insurance.
everything. His office is largely respected.
a treatment >if Hr. King'» New Life
Th«* Hawley l'iij«*r tulli» of Oregon
O the governor will support a
Pill» Gentle anil mild in action, *lo
political and social and he has
will add another large building mid
bill for the purpose of in­
not gripe, yet they relieve the liver by
enough to do without trying to
will doubl»* it« payroll.
creasing the annual apportion­
their action on the bowel», flood for
. build the roads of the state. recommends a free public mend­ young, adult» and aged. Go after a
ment for state road funds. In
The same is true of putting
Wmro County will v< te on FUK»,<
that we are inclined to think the other state officers on the high- ing service for automobilists who clear complexion today. 2Se. at your r»ad bonds in November.
At )*.t»tctbee. I.euta. Oregon, Underact of March
meet with puctures on the
governor will make a serious
| way board.
They spend too Columbia Highway. Great idea.
mistake. Perhaps the Legisla­
much time in political dickering. And in order to install the sys­
ture will attempt to pass such a
tem properly he should have an­
law. Perhaps it may pass and
set of $1500 efficiency ex­
the governor may endorse it. T'HE week began with a call
But it is not so certain if the * to arms, the first that has perts. — Oregonian.
people of the state will let it rest stirred the country’s blood for
at that. When the law was the last eighteen years. From
The American men who put
passed to give the state highway the attitude apparent from re­ Carranza up to it, think they are
commission one-fourth of a mill ports from all directions the call worriers of Wilson; but they’re
for state road funds it was a is popular and will get ardent not—they’re traitors to their
sort of trial appropriation. The support. The people of this country.
voters of the state are not alto­ country are tired of the Mexi­
gether pleased with the way can problem.
It has been
But who can blame those
that has been handled and the harrassing them for a quarter of Texas militiamen for refusing to
suggestion of an increase in the (a century or more and aside leave the State with the water­
size of the fund will not improve i from the mere fact that Ameri­ melon season right in the offing?
the degree of their confidence. can rights have been abused to a
If the present fund were being limit justifying intervention, the
Do you wonder that the
handled in a way that indicated feeling has long existed in this
the motive were to secure the country that the Mexican govern­ chiropodists are sitting up and
best ends for the state the ment and system worked in- taking notice now that so many
people would look on the ^fatter i human hardships upon about parades are impending?
in a different way. The best j nine-tenths of the people of that
end is recognized today more country. In fact the history of
The average lazy man gets
than ever to be the encourage­ Mexico from the days of its along so well in this old world
ment of practical roads that will ; Spanish conquerors has been one that he encourages idleness in
improve the relations between long catalog of crimes and others.
the farming districts of the state abuses of the most outrageous
and the towns adjacent thereto nature. If the whole native
These early morning hours are
and to studying those types of Mexican population had been delightful, but one loses sleep
roads best fitted for use in this exterminated the brutality of the trying to enjoy them.
state. The construction of roads abuse sustained would have been
in any district may be encourag-1 no worse than that which has
A man’s ability should berated
ed in that section by the state’s been suffered.
Illiteracy _ has
building samples of various sorts been promoted as a means of by what he finishes and not by
adaptable to the various locali­ keeping the native population in what he begins.
ties and these samples need not a condition of dependence. The
be highpriced hard surfaced poverty and beastliness of the
Preparedness is having an
roads either.
A well graded majority of the peon class has umbrella at each end of the day’s
roadway spread over with kept them perpetually on the work.
crushed granite serves the verge of starvation.
people of the vicinity of Grants has found them easy victims.
The struggle with selfishness
Pass in a most satisfactory man­ They have been absolutely at the is the greatest of all conflicts.
Do You Know Ihdl
Today i» always the tawt day to
dean up?
Frrab air, fo»»l, r«*»t
coinlutt tubérculo»!»?
th,** three
Tin* U. N. Publie Health Her vice
lui» reductii typhoid fever KII pTUI'Ill
In oom» coniniuiiltoMi?
(I verm ting, constipation, la* k ot
oknrvior. I old air eye »train, may
produce headache'.'
Polluted drinking
many death».*
\n efficient health «»llloer I» a good
community in tint i urnt?
Had teeth handicap children?
Ilisillh, i**nl sleep endanger** health**
Do You Know Ihdt
Rural »auilation ia n health protec­
tion to th«- city dweller?
It'» fi»ili»li to iHliioab* a t»*y and then
lot him *li<' of typhoid fever?
Th«* U. S. Public Health Service ia-
sues a free bulletin on the summer can*
<d infante?
Exercise in the garden i" better than
«■xercise in the gymnasium.
('lean water, «lean foo«l, clean house«
make olean, healthy American citizen»*.*
The stat** of California baa reditu«!
it* typhoid death rate 70 i«*r cent in th«*
past ten year»?
Rate are the moat expeualve animal
which man maintain»?
ft ■■ •••Umsted that the average
manure pile will breed tkO.OOO flu** per
A bill i» l«*ing initial«»! to exempt (»*-
tory ma* hlorry, made-up »to* k mid raw
material on hand from taxation.
measure i» entitle«! “an act to encurag«
manufacturing and help build up manu­
facturing I ndlMtric* in or**g .n, l>y ex­
empting th«* above from the burden ot
Ask th* man who uana it, hr know».
“To think I anfferod all th*»«* year*
when on«* 2fi cent l«>ttle of Sloan'» Uni-
rnrnt cured me.” write*» one grateful
user If you have Rheumatism or »utter
frotu Neuralgia, Hackache, Sorenrtat and
Stiff««***», don’t put off getting a bottle
of Sloan'». It will give you ouch wnl-
com** relief it warm» and aotittiea the
•ore. »tiff painful place» ar d yon fe«-l •*>
much better. Buy it at any Drug store,
only 2-'> cent».
Th»r* 1» mor» Catarrh in thin section of
th* ■ ountry than all other <1l»ra»r« put
together, and until th* last r*w yrara
waa aupp»>*ed to be Incurable
For a
rtr, «1 „ any year» d<H tor* pronoun, rd It a
CK'al <U»»*»» and prr*< rlbrd Io, al rrma-
dlr*, and l>y constantly tailing to rur*
with loeal treatment, pronounced It incur­
able. H< leme ha* proven Catarrh to be a
<on*tltutl<jnal dl****,. and therefor* re­
quire* ronetltutlonal treatment
< ’ itarrh Cur*, n anufar lured by F. J.
Ch-ney & Co., Toledo. Ohio. I* the only
Cunatltutlonai cur, < ■> the market
It 1»
taken Internally. It a**ta dlr*,tty on the
blood and muroua Hirfa* • » ot th* ayatem.
They offer one hut Irrd dollar* for any
ra*e It fall» to cure
.-tend for circular*
and teatlmonlala
Addr.** r J I'ltrNtT » CO, MH», O
»old by t>ru«»l*t* tie
Take Hall'* Family 1-111» for constipation
Good Platform for Any family
l ive within your means, «ave a little
money, acquire a little property.
Teach your children to not be aahamed
to work at any honeet latair and shun
Avoid if possible, having them grow
tip with the idea of getting »oft Job»
from the pdblic.
Prepare plain f«>o«l at home instead of
buying bigb-prieed canm-d »tuff ami
delicatessen supplies.
Teach the girl» to make
«'lotiii**, trim their own hate
account» of th«-ir ••»¡len**«*».
Let the family respect industries and
cultivate harmless and in«*x|ieiikive
amnsetnente.—Pacific Coast Mfg,
Well Children Are Active
If your chihl !» dull, pale, fr*-tful and
want» to lie around, the chances are it
is suffering from w-orms.
Worm Killer, a plea-ant candy confec­
tion, like! by all chihlrrn is what your
child need». You only give one-half to
one lozenge at a time ami you get im­
mediate results.
Every mother should
have a box on hand.
25c. at all
; >♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
< ►
« 1
< I
< ►
Join Our
Clean-up Campaign
Let R. J. Stelly do your
Work Guaranteed.
Phone T1417
JI. D. Kenworthy and Co. Inc.
funeral Directors,
TWO establishments
5S02-4 «2nd STREI T S. E.
46IS 66th St., Cor. FOSTER ROAD
Flr«t Clan tarvies Given Psy or Nljlit,
CI om Proilmlty to «’-meterte» Knabl*» V*
to Furnish Funerals at a Minimum K»p*n»*.