Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, June 22, 1916, Image 1

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Lents, Multnomah County, Oregon, June 22, 1916.
Vol. 14.
No. 25.
Important Occurrences of Past
Week Briefly Compiled for
Gur Readers.
Reformed Church Conference
The 37th annual stwelon of Portland,
Oregon, Classis waa a aeries of successful
uu-t'iingH which came to it happy con-1
elusion on Sunday with three services
which taxed th« capacity of the local Re­
formed Church, where tie- meetings
w«rc held
Al noon on Sunday meals were served
by the ladiee of the church in the church
basement to utxHlt 200 guests.
final adjournment a unanimous rcsolu-!
tion of thanks for tlie kind and hearty '
entertainment was adopted.
An imjMirtant feature of the meetings
were the parixdiial reports from ail the
parishes, read by the pastors, and the
re|sirts from the inissioneries al large of
Washington, Idaho, and California.
The reports showed the pastors and
missionaries had given earnest and
consecrated service during the year and
that good results hiui followed. Over
ha<i been given for benevplences
and about the name amount for congre­
gational purposes.
The organization for the ensuing year
was effected by the re-election of Rev.
W. G. IJenkaemper, President and Mr.
Henry Roth Treasurer.
Rev. A. E.
Wyss of tfie second church is stated
An invitation from the Tillamook
Church to hold tlie next annual session
iu their midst was accepted.
The practice of hitching teams about the courthouse
square of a Southern town became such a nuisance that the
members of the civic league decided to do something about
it. A contributor tells how. in meeting the problem, they
established an innovation that provides for the comfort of
farmers’ wives who visit the town.
First, they induced the town to buy a lot for use as a pub­
lic wagon yard, and thereby did away with the unsightly
crowding of teams along the curb of the main street. Then
through the efforts of the women, a small cottage that ad­
joined the lot was obtained and fitted up as a rest room.
They painted and papered it neatly, and the members of
the league gave rugs, chairs, pictures, couches, and other
furnishings. They installed a telephone, put in water,
electric lights, and gas, and employed a matron. At the
proper time, they planted flowers in the yard, and trained
vines about the inviting little porch.
A trial of three years has proved the experiment a com­
plete success. The hitching lot is always full of vehicles.
The cosy little rest cottage with iU many conveniences, kept
open from seven o’clock in the morning until six o’clock at
night, every day except Sunday, is a boon to many a
shopper. The register shows a monthly patronage of from
one hundred and fifty to three hundred.
The property now belongs to the town, which bears the
current cost of maintaining it The civic league, howevei,
still mothers the work, and supplies any lack in the furnish­
ings. Its members take pleasure, too, in contributing cur­
rent magazines for the little reading table.
The rest cottage also forms a strong drawing card for out-
of town trade, and pays amply for the cost of its maintenance
by creating an increase of business.
In a smaller village, a single room could take the place of
the cottage. Attractively furnished it would supply a
pleasant resting place for the farmers’ wife, and do much
toward making her visit to town agreeable.
The first crop of alfalfa la being cut
tn (liuutlllH county.
The Lane County Publishers' assocl
atlon waa organized In Eugene
Th« alx weeks' summer session of
the University of Oregon opened Mon
The Pacific Fisheries society held
its annual convention In l’.’tjand last
The seventh annual alate of Oregon
educational conference opened at the
University of Oregon Wednesday.
The Pacific Coast Association of
Nurserymen are holding their conven
tlon in Medford. June 20, 21 and 22.
Work has commenced at Th« Dalles
on a winter feed yard and ttarns to ac­
commodate from 8000 to 10,000 sheep.
Ten business houses and seven resi­
dences were deatroyed at l^kevlew by
fire. The loaaea will total about *76,-
Francis M. Johnson, a young farmer
living near Dayton, la dead aa the re
ault of Injurlea Inflicted by a mad Jer­
sey bull.
June 22 la the date aet for the open
ing of the annual Philomath Horse
Show and Round-Up, a three daya* cel­
In damp elimatea tlu* deterioration
The 22nd annual grand encampment
of a furnace is more rapid in summer
•f the Indian War Veterans of the
wiien not in use than it is in winter un­
Sorth Pacific Coast was held Wednes­
less it has been properly cleaned after
day In Portland.
tire is no longer needed.
The Association of First Oregon.
All soot and ash-covered surfaces
Cavalry and First Oregon Infantry
should I m - gone over with a scraper or
Volunteers held their 15th annual re­
brush and cleaned thoroughly. This
union at Eugene. June 1&.
would include the smoke and fire pas­
Governor Wlthycombe, members of
sages in tlie furnace, the chimney con­
the fish and game commission and Ad­
nections, and the lower part of the
jutant-General White will tour Coos
The chimney connections
and Curry counties In August.
are usnallr ma-Is of sheet iron which
I^st week marked the golden anni­
rusts out easily and will last much long­
versary of the founding of Albany col­
The regular quarterly meeting of tlie
er if cleaned thoroughly and put in a
lege and the establishment of the
dry place, the chimney opening being County Grange waa held at Rockwood
First Presbyterian church tn Albany.
closed with a plate.
By keeping tlie yeatenlay. The meeting was excep­
Stephen Underhill, for the past four
furnace doors open and if necessary tionally well attended. Fully 150 people
years an Inmate of the Soldier's home
using a little unalacked lime in a bucket partook of tlie excellent banquet spread
at Roseburg, committed suicide late
or box set in tlie bowl of tlie furnace, shortly after noon.
Friday by slashing his throat with a
Tlie morning session was taken up
after cleaning, all deterioration may be
prevented and die furnace will be in with a discussion of grange conditions
State Engineer l^wls has dispatch­
good shape for firing up when the first throughout the county and several mat­
ed Assistant State Engineer Cantine
ters of proceeding. Early in tlie day the
cold snap comes in tlie fall.—A. C.
to Bend to assume charge of highway
condition of the paved roads of the
work for which blds were opened this
county waa injected into the discussions.
Tlie statement that teams bad been
At a meeting of the Cove Cherry
nnring down on the paved roads of the
Fair association. Cove Cherry day was
county brought out some very damaging
sot for Thursday, July 20. This is the
reports concerning the asphaltic pave­
sizth annual ezhlblt and promises to
ments. There are very few of tlie
be one of Its beet.
farmers now, who have had a chance to
Secretary l-ea and W. Savage of
Washington—Communications from patronize the roads under all conditions
Corvallis, of the state fair board, have the Mexican embassy announcing that
that feel satisfied with them.
They are
loft for the San Diego fair, where they there had been a clash between a boat
asking the question about where the
will endeavor to secure pointers of «row from the gunboat Annapolis and
money cornea from that is going into
value in handling the 1214 fair.
Carranza soldiers at Maaatlaa Bunday the sanding of the surfaces to prevent
In the Ove months of 1218 that the and asking that In the present tense
future softening of the surfaces.
It is
prohibition law baa been In effect. situation no men bo landed In Mexico
believed that the addition of such a large
•010 sales of tntoslcating liquors have
from American warships under any quantity of fine aggregates to the mix­
boon made la Marton county, accord
circumstances were delivered to the ture now on the roads will reduce its
lag to records of the oounty clerk.
state department by an embassy secre­ value and result in earlier deterioration.
Five dosen frogs of the edible vari­
If the aggregates as originally placed in
ety have been planed in Grant oounty
According to the Mexican version the surfaces are scientifically propor­
•trviBi by Dtufrlc« Game Warden I
confusion followed an attempt to land tioned aa claimed by the patentees there
B. Hasoltlne. of Grant and Baker coun­
marines from a warship.
is good reason to believe that the addi­
ties. They were imported from Idaho
A crowd of soldiers and civilians tion of and, particularly under the
An effort to raise a fund to erect a
bad gathered on the wharf and in the conditions, will destroy the value of the
suitable monument to Homer Deven
midst of the discussion a drunken Jap­ asphaltic binder and result in breaking
port, the great cartoonist, who Is bur­
anese fired a shot at the Americans, up the bond between the particles.
ied at Silverton, la being launched by
who promptly replied with a volley In­
The first hour and a half of the after­
the commercial organisations of Sil­
to the crowd. Carranza soldiers re­ noon session waa wasted in lengthy dis­
turned the fire and the boat withdrew, cussion over minor points relative to an
The first annual stockbreeders’ pic­
leaving behind two officers who were approaching field day, which was finally
nic and livestock ezhlblt held at Carl-
decided upon for tha 31st of July, to be
ton Saturday jointly by stockmen of
held at Gresham.
It is expected that
the vicinity of Carlton and the Carl­
the field meet will he exceptionally fine
ton board of trade attracted nearly 70,000 TO FACE MEXICANS
this year and an effort will be made to
2000 persons
make it a complete success.
The Hood River Apple Growers' as­ 22,000 Guardsman to Go In Response
Mr. Marie of the County Agricultural
to Call for Reinforcements
sociation and the White Salmon Fruit
Ban Antonio. Texas.—Facing Car­ work waa present and gave the Grange a
Growers' association have sold their
talk concerning the Rural Credits Bill,
entire output of strawberries of the ranza's defiant army In northern Mexi­
explaining its features in lull.
season to C. H. Robbins A Co., dealers,
Rio Grande within a week or 10 days
of Grand Forks. N. D.
Resolutions concerning a public market
That the crowded condition of the
managed hy the state and another rela­
Oregon State Hospital may be reliev­ 000 men.
tive to the publication of the recent road
ed, 103 patients were removed from
articles that have appeared in the Port­
tlie Institution and taken la a special
land I.abor Press were carried. Another
train of four cars to the eastern Ore­ for nor the station to which they will
commending county fruit inspector,
gon hospital at Pendleton.
8tanslM*rry, for his work in exterminat­
Hundreds of claims have been stak­ pects more tl)an a division, and it was
ing potato pests was warmly supported.
ed out In the mining district tributary
The evening session was taken up with
to the Blue Ledge railroad route from sent.
fifth degree work. About a dozen can­
Medford, according to the preliminary
didates wen* taken into the Pomona
survey, many of them being In the of troops of the regular establish
A good short program closed
ments and the militiamen of Texas,
Blue l-edgc district proper
the work of the day.
A Ml ton carload of asbestos fiber,
destined for eastern manufactories, more than 40.000.
Farmers of Pennsylvania paid *40.
from Grant county, has just left Ba
000,000 for male help kst year and op­
bar,' the third to bo shipped this sea
Will some one rise up and state why
pose an eight-hour -lay with pay and a
eon since the development of the as­
it is necessary to raise the ► 'tool clerk’s half <or overtime.
bestos nilnex near Mount Vernon^
salary from *260 to *300 pet month at a
Work on (he »
m Portland wi
dollar poetofflee time wiien the taxpayer’s back is almost
• August.
broken with the bnnlen he ’
i «
The 8. P. Co., will erect a *10,000
to carry? station building at North Bend.
C. C. Wiley, Rudolph Hummell, Mrs.
Mina Smith, Mrs. Lulu Schermerhorn,
Mrs. Maffatt and Mrs. Elwood returned
on Friday from Eugene where they were
attending the state meetings of the
G. A. R. and Circ'e. They report a
tine time. The meeting will be held at
Forest Grove next year.
While there Mr. Hummell met Charlee
Franz of Eugene.
They served in the
same company during the Civil War and
they had a little reunion and urogram
of their own which is written up in the
Eugene Register as follows:
“One of the pleasantest reunions of the
encampment was that held by Charles
Franz, of Eugene, and Rudolph Hum­
mell, of Lents. Both served in company
G, 10th Wisconsin volunteers and both,
together with Mr. Hummell’s brother
Jake, were wounded at Perryville, Ky.,
in 1862—one of the bloodiest battles of
the war. They bad not seen each other
for 20 years. Mr. Hummell’s wound
was exceedingly severe, and he was in­
validad home. He recovered partially
in about a year and re-enlisted, serving
the remainder of the war. He did not
fully recover from the wound, however,
until 1903.
The day after he was
wounded Mr. Hummell revisited the
battlefield and cut a small cedar sprout
that grew near the spot where he was
hit, and while he was in the hospital a
fellow soldier carved it elaborately. He
still carries it as a cane, and it is a price­
less relic to him.
Company G of tlie
10th Wisconsin was one of the hard
fighting regiments, and took part in
some of the bloodiest battles of the long
Its losses were exceptionally
heavy. For some time it was stationed
in tlie Cumberlands, and the stories of
fighting with the guerrillas—the human
hyenas that lurked in tlie borderland be­
tween the two armies—that are told by
Mr. Franz and Mr. Hummell are thril­
ling in tlie extreme.
Christian Science Lecture
Fifth Church of Christ. Scientist, an­
nounces a Free Lecture on Christian
Science to be delivered by Prof. Her­
man L. Hering, C. 8. B., of Concord.
N. H., member of the Board of lecture­
ship of the Mother Church, the First
Church of Christ, Scientist, of Boston,
Mass., at the Princess Theatre. Arleta
Station, Monday, June 26th. at eight
p. m. The public is cordially invited to
From every part of Baker county
cornea the sure sign of a great mining
revival. The touch of prosperity is
knocking nearer day by day.
Portland is to get a wholesale business
block on Broadway.
Geo. W. Sprlnq at Old Job
Scsreely had the news been circulated
that Frank Coflman had taken over the
I Sager Grocery when Postmaster Spring's
countenance allowed up behind the
Explanation developed that
Mr. Spring had been taken in as a
j partner. The asaociation thus formed
I is not exactly a new one as old timers
’ will, certify for Mr. Spring was Mr.
' Coffman’s head clerk for several years
! while Mr. Coffman was formerly en­
gaged in business.
The two work to­
getber in fine form and Jt is to l>e an:-
cepted that the old time success will be
Chicken Mdn Leaves Lents
“The Three Legged Chicken” man
has left Lents. Tlie chicken business
has not been good for some time, es­
pecially the three legged kind.
It has
been rather slow of late selling people
three-legged chickens, and as “chicken
talk” was the principal stock in his
trade be has moved elsewhere where
, chicken freaks are, possibly, more en-
I tertaining.
This leaves Lents with one good
second hand man, Mr. Lovett, who un­
doubtedly will take care of all cus­
tomers, and do it in a way that will not
nauseate even good prospects.
large stock of goods will afford ample
variety. No, the chicken man’s chirp
will not be recalled with regret.
Upon a basis of 414 cases, one author
lias found the average bacteria on the
body of a house-fly to be one and one-
fourth million.
Four million bacteria
per fly were averaged on those collected
from swill barrels.
It was further
stated that “house flies will ingest
tubercular sputum and excrete tubercle
bacilli, the virulence of which may last
fifteen days.”
Many other disease producing germs
are also carried by the housefly, promi­
nent among them being typhoid.
Let us and our neighbors screen the
houses and cesspools; swat the outdoor
privies, manure heaps, garbage and
other filth; put out tanglefoot; inspect
the dairee; swat the fly, and in doing so
swat all the germs he carries.—H. 8. E.
Freewater is to celebrate its first
annual Cherry day June 21.
The twenty-fourth annual session of
Oregon Friends was held at Newberg.
The eighth annual livestock show of
eastern Oregon will be held nt Union
June 14-1*.
The annual meeting of the Bute
Master Plumbers' association was held
at Portland.
The Dalles now has five volunteer
fire companies with a total member­
ship of more than IM.
No blds were received for Prine­
ville's *100,000 of bonds to aid in build­
ing a railroad to Bend.
The Strahorn railroad engineers
working east from Bend, are close to
Silver river, in Harney county.
Musicians from all over Oregon met
in Portland and organized the Oregon
State Music Teachers' association.
One hundred fishermen on lower
Rogue river have gone on strike for
an increase In the price for salmon.
Three thousand people were in at­
tendance at Milton's annual horse
show and strawberry day last week.
A district convention of the Knights
of Pythias lodges of Coos county was
held at North Bend Monday evening.
Baker sheepmen have recently con­
tracted for fall delivery of over 7000
head of sheep tn Baker and Grant
Governor Wlthycombe has appointed
C. F. Stone, of Klamath Falls, as a
member of the state fish and game
A large shipbuilding plant is under
construction adjoining the Peninsula
Lumber company of St. Johns on the
Willamette river.
The 13th annual convention of the
Sons of Norway held its session at
Astoria. and selected Tacoma as the
place for the next convention.
The Willamette-Pacific railway be­
tween Coos Bay and Lakeside it al­
ready encountering delays on account
of sand drifting over the tracks.
Oregon longshoremen have returned
to work on receipt of official massage«
from Baa Francisco that pending arbi­
tration tha new scale demanded was
to ba
Militia Forces Designed to Re­
lease 30,000 Regulars for
Duty Across Boundary.
Washington.—Virtually the entire
mobile strength of the national guard
of all states and the District of Co­
lumbia was ordered mustered into the
federal service by President Wilson.
About 100,000 men are expected to re­
spond to the call.
In announcing the orders Secretary
Baker said the state forces would be
employed only to guard the border,
and that no additional troop move­
ments into Mexico were contemplated
except In pursuit of raiders.
Mobilization of the national guards­
men to support General Funston’s line
will pave the way for releasing some
30,000 regulars for immediate service
In Mexico in the event of open hostili­
ties with the Carranza government.
The guardsmen themselves could not
be used beyond the line without au­
thority of congress and until they had
volunteered for that duty, as they are
called out under the old militia law.
The new law, which would make them
available for any duty under the fed­
eral government, goes into effect July
Carranza’s Demand Rejected.
The American note flatly rejecting
General Carranza’s demand for the
withdrawal of United States troops
from Mexico and rebuking the Car­
ranza government for the discourteous
tone and temper of its last communi­
cation, was handed to Eliseo Arredon­
do, the American ambassador desig­
Long continued outrages against
Americans and their property both in
Mexico and on American soil are re­
viewed In the note and warning given
that the troops will be kept In Mexico
until such a time as the de facto gov­
ernment performs the duty which the
United States has not sought, of pur­
suing the bandits who ought to be ar­
rested and punished by the Mexican
government It concludes with the
statement that if the de facto govern­
ment continues to ignore this obliga­
tion and carries out its threat to de­
fend its territory by an appeal to arms
against the American troops the grav­
est consequences will follow.
"While this government would deep­
ly regret such a result.” the note saya.
'It camnot recede from its settled de­
termination to maintain its natural
rights and to perform its full duty in
preventing further invasions of tbs
territory of the United States and in
removing the peril which Americans
along the international boundary have
borne so long with patience and for­
Camnaletae Releaee Negro Soldier
When General Serves Ultimatum.
Colenia Dubina, Chihuahua, via wire
leas to Columbus, N. M.—An American
soldier was captured by Carranxistas
of the Casaa Grande garrison, and held
prisoner several hours.
He was released only when General
J. J. Pershing, expeditionary com
mender, cent a demand In which he
warned the Mexican commander if the
soldier was held an hour longer Amer
loan troops would attack the town.
The soldier, an enlisted man of the
24th infantry, a negro regiment, strag
gled from his command, which was
marching north toward Dublam and
was captured by a small detachment
of Mexicans. Taken to the cuartel, he
was divested or bis arms and was
questioned closely as to the strength
and positions of the American artll
lery. However, the Carranza com­
mander compiled with General Per­
shing's demand immediately.
Gov. Lister Calle Washington Militia.
Olympia, Wash.—Upon receipt of
specific instructions from Secretary of
War Baker Governor Ernest Lister is­
sued orders to Adjutant-General Mau­
rice Thompson, of the Washington na
tionai guard, for the mobilization of
one regiment of Infantry, one troop of
cavalry and one company of signal
The Washington militia wll
mobilise at American Lake, south of
Ind «atrial warfare on railroads, in
lumber camps or on docks helps kill
prosperity. Intelligent arbitration helps
has work on a fiaxnuli
alem is talking ab m H i s