4 * z“ * I MT. SCOTT HERALD Health In The Suburbs Entered as Second Ctaas Matter February 19, 1914. At postoffice. ltents, Oregon, Under act of March 3, IS.'9 Published Every Thursday at Leats, Ore., by the M t . Soon PueusatMu Ce. H. A. DARN ALL, E ditor Office Phone: Home IMI. ERTAIN political interests amo M anaubm . Residence Tabor 2S13 More careful thought devoted C feel disgraced by the out­ to the preliminary elections come of the organization of the would result in less regrets after BY LORA C. LITTLE Last week the Editor propounded a on vegetables, (rutte, and anituftl K mm I n . Another, to take tlte trouble to procure honest, whole-grain cereals, aud still to keep tlie gram ration down to one's needs. Again answering the Editor's quew tiou, all the delicious foods Nature oilers i» so abundantly here In Oregon are wholesome The ouly unwholesome foods are tna.le ao by the meddling hand of man, If one has become addicted to the unwholesome, there is still hope. Eveu drug addicts have cured them­ selves. stages of ripening will Iw found in the same clump or group of individuals, so that identification can tie made. Among these Idack gill apechw are the "shaggy mane," with a inure or less baU-shaped, '■rvamy-white cap which bcioinss shag­ gy, and the “inky-uap,” growing io dense chia tees. These two an* both common in lawns, gardens, ete., from spring to autumn and are among the best uf our edible forma. All of the putt'-lialls me edible, and excellent If eaten wlieu die flceli ia white and solid. Mushrooms are sometimes soon at­ tacked by worms, and in gathering those which have perhaps stood longer than the others it is well to break ot! Uie cape and note whether the worms have worked their way up through tlie alalk into the cap. The deadly mushrooms are those which poewsa the following tii ne characters : (1) white gills; (2) a ring on the stem just beneath tlie cap ; and (3) a cup or scales at the base uf the stem. — W. W. H. HUMMONK In the Circuit Court of the Stata ot Oregon for Multnomah County J. W. E. Rawlinson, Plaintiff, vs. D. E. Yetosl, unmarried, and K. II. Canipl>«*ll and ('aiiipladl Ilia wife, Défendante. E. 7fli«i. Rummona. To D. E. Yeas««!, K. H. Cauipla-U and Campbell, the alsive natne-«it: For a decreo and judgment agaimto y«u In the turn of |45<).DO with interest tboTMMi at Ui<* rale of X percent |»*r annum from Jnno ill. HUS, and for the further «um of |AOt Five (5) in Block Two (2) In Katherine, aooordlng to th«* duly reoor«le have kept clear of the surgeon Wright, E. L. ; D.-u f»»r tn the admixture of articles not food—salt, ment cured me," writes one grateful nothing of the meeting until it dustry throughout the u.niei i.iuuth- sugar, vinegar, strong spices, hot sauces, a I were to nmallret proportions and go-si user, if you have Rheumatism or suffer behavior. Ko will raspberries. So will in ini Neuralgia, Backache, Horeness and was too late. Previously a com­ aa well aa during the summer I's* ug and the like. Salt and sugar have a melons. For some casus lemon juice di­ Htiffnms. don’t put off getting a bottle susceptible to cold, ttu* bee must turn mitteeman’s friends might carry to hia colouy for warmth Comuiun limited use. They are now used greatly luted ia useful. But tins is ths lute to of Sloan’s. It will give you such wel­ la mor« Catarrh tn thta sx-tlon ot his credentials to him. This year tarn, which In bees is so blablv de in excess. Vinegar were better omitted, follow. If vegetables are used, they come relief. It warms and soothes die th« Th«r« country than all other dl«««UM>« put but may be used in small quantity as sliould be nothing save green uncooked veloped tn tbe storing of bssi and : ar together, end until tbe last few years he must sign for them per­ sore, stiff painful places st,d yon feel so was aupposod to be Incurable For a Ing for the young, is u.»o the l««is for salad dressing. Pepper, mustard and salad vi-gi-labice. No salt, no sugar, no sonally. The Oregonian notice tbe heating systei.i. much better. Buy it at any Drug Store, ftretU many years dixtore pronounced It a cloves are too irritating to put into the seasoning of any kind. oral disease sn*l pnwcrltw,! local reme­ only 25 cents. dies. and by constantly tailing lo cure said he must sign for them by, It was found by expertment that stomach. Milk, cream, cereals, meat juices, feed with local treatment, pronounced It Incur- The trouble is, it Ls the custom to eat nblr. H<'em e hue proven Catarrh ffi<*>* arrive Cheney were carried to the meeting and era of bees all solJJIy arranged With and to consume too large a grain ration Strength ” ft Co., Toledo. Ohio, la the only (bread, etc.), and to eat denatured cure on the market, it 1a Indicative of the confusion and panic and depart daily, except .Sunday, m fol­ Constitutional issued on demand. Some dele- beads inward, their haim intei^ taken Internally. It acta directly on the As previously pointed out. all at his bedside was the seuding of a drug lows ! . . j « ^i_- ' lacing. This arrangement is perfect foods. blood and mucous surfaces of the system They offer one hundred dollars for any gates were unacquainted of this jor conservation of the bent within, our Jours and meals are robbed of im­ by special train fiom Chicago, in record Arrive Depart elements in manufacture, and <-aae It falls to cure He nd for drculua opportunity and stayed away. Except for an occasional shifting of portant 7:15 A. M. and testimonials. when we live largely on them our health time, and then not using it when it «:00 A. M. Addms r J ClimNBY a CO.. Toledo. O 12.-M I'. M. Some of the delegates called Lhe forming tlw shell are inevitably sutlers. One remedy ia to arrived. 12:30 P. M. Bold by Prussiate. Tt<’ , . , . quiet. But within the shell strange 3:30 P. M. Tab« Hair« Family >*111« for oonetlpatloax 0:30 P. M Wednesday and were toid they things going on. It is here that the beat ls generated were unprepared to issue them but it is charged that the mem mem- ­ the Mtic« «• °“Uke our H bers of ot the Bolo Holo Club had their loosely within the shell so that credentials early Wednesday, or there ts plenty of »pace for many bees exert himself and so become« lasy and Cigarettes even sooner. Appearances indi- '° exereuing at a tíme. Bap1*1 pale. Tobacco prepares tbe way for The boys who smoke do not know the , .. . . , ., fanning of the wings, shaking the body cated an attempt to keep the from gj4e m side, rapid breathing and danger they are in. Cigarettes contain ■ iliseMee, alcoholism and drug taking. The relation of tobacco to opium is very Radiators and independents out other movements are all part of the a poison exiled nicotine which kills tbe | close. * A person as a rule always starts smoker by degrees. The nicotine will . of the meeting and the latter so for reising the temperature. , T. . , .In one particular Instance, when a bee in time numb the brain of tbe smoker. smoking before drinking. took it. It may have been imagi- ^ad been rapidly fanning with his Tobacco is especially injurious to the Connie Mack says: "It is my candid nation but it has not been proven wings for seven and a half minutes, young because it stunts a young man’s ODinion—and I have closely watched— It’s the regularity of the thing 80. The facts are the County j tbermomirter nearest him roto half growth. Nicotine makes the organs of the boys from 10 to 15 years old who that coupts. Interest doesn’t , .. a degree F.—Pearson a W eekly. body work more slowly. A cigarette smoke never amount to anything." Clerk should mail official notice stop, or even hesitate. It goes smoker as a rule has constant head­ Colleges do not allow their athletes to of election by Tuesday following FIXING UP A PLAY. right on piling up industrious­ aches. It ha« been learned that cigar use tobacco because they know it election, to every person elected,, makers suffer from a disease cail«td rnuthlles the brain, weakens tbe heart, ly; accumulating day and and if the law doesn’t provide tb * Method Charles Hoyt Used to De- palsy from constant handling of and the smoker cannot do the work re- velop His Dramatic Plots. \ qaired. night—while you’re asleep for that it should be amended to Charles Hoyt wrote seventeen plays. tobacco. The Russian Government Sometimes we think a man is a gcxxi prohibited smoking with a penalty of to do so. and while you’re awake......... He would sit In the Pullman with the athlete but he would l>e a lietter one if The Oregonian ha3 always shade drawn down over bls bead and tbe smoker's nose, but it did not do any he did not smoke, We hear people Start a depost account with us out of the window at nothing— good. The Sultan made a penalty ot been a sticker for party unity, looking grumbling about tbe cost of education thinking, studying over situations for death but it was in vain. People using at once and little old 4 per ent for tobacco yet now that its program has some new play. cigars seldom inhale the smoke but i but 34 times more is cent, will be on the job night fallen down, it “repudiates” the He would not begin work on a new those using cigarettes do. This causes , yearly. We could have more play- grounds and swimming tanks if |>eo|>le play until be had its arrangement laid and day every day for you... opposition and suggests or- out in bis mind. ___ Then be would write catarrh, forms a gas injuring the would stop smoking and put the money nerves, causes throat trouble and sore into education. ganized opposition to the com- longhand. In two or three days, Walter Schaub, 7 B, Ar lets School. mittee’s present officers. That He developed his situations by tell- eyes. A cigarette smoker does not would be interesting in that it «ver and over and over again his , scheme for a new play. He would lawns, door-yards, and along fences. would justify previous and fu' come to me. “Orie,” be would say, One may feel alwdutely safe in using all ture political division, for if the "have you beard my Idea for a new those muslirixims having black gills aggrieved , . have the right to at- ii I would which dissolve with age into an inky . wuuiu nny mai i I uau ’/v. Then x ucu ij » t say that had ii not he Lents Station, Portland, Oregon tempt sell protection at one would launch Into It. elaborating as he mass. Tbes«*, of course, must be eaten time, they shall have equal right went along. Ke would see me, later in la-fore turning black, but usually several Every season there are a few cast« of III at another time, depending. on the day perhaps, with some one. He mushroom poisoning —to In some in­ would come up to us with the same the psychology of the incident question. “Otie, have you heard my stances the individual is only made sick, H idea for a new play?” knowing mighty while in other cases the results an well I had. He wouldn't waft for me to fatal. : Join Our Having dug himself in behind answer, but be would tell It to my com­ It is difficult to lay down any hard his impenetrable screen of panion, elaborating upon the version be and fast rules that can be used to dis­ :: Clean-up Campaign whiskers, Justice Highes does had given me. For each new play I tinguish between edible and poisonous Under Management of Henry Jaeger « i I piuunui/ « i »amt probably wuuiu would uvar hear uj that same quo- ques- Let R. J. Steffy do your Successor to A. Kalkofen nut aeem it necessary to say yon twenty time«« and listen to twenty mushrooms. In some cases, a species anything to anybody until he is different version«, each succeeding one that may be harmless for one individual PAINTING Will continue to carry Hamess Supplies, may cause serious digestive disturbances good and ready. more developed and elaborate.—Green < > TINTING in another. There is, however, one O _____ *__________ Book Magazine. and do Harness Repairing, at reasonable behind almost every other nation A preparation of fresh pineapple juice have white gills, a ring about the stem in its aerial service. and pure scale pepsin when combined just beneath the cap, and a cnp or scales ■ JUVENILE TEMPERANCE NOTES 1 1 ■ 1 t - Make Your Money Work For You KNOW A MUSHROOM FROM À TOADSTOOL? The Multnomah State Bank LENTS HARNESS SHOP Few signs of backward civi­ lization are more convincing than pork barrels in congress and partisan Dolitics in the run­ ning of a great city Next to meeting somebody who admires someone that we admire we all like to meet some- bedy who hates some one we hate. with other ingredient«, in the right pro­ portion, such as are found in Natol Pine­ apple Pepsin Compound, furnishes the necessary elements to relieve indiges* tion, nausea from any cause, sour stomach, bloating, sick headache and nervousness arising from a disordered stomach. Thia preparation is sold by us on a positive guarantee of money back if not satisfactory. It is a wonderful medi­ cine, having properties possessed by no other. Don't take our word for it, but prove it by • tnal. 50c. and |L00 rises. All drugguts and Mt. Scott Drug Co. at the base of the stem. ESTIMATES FURNISHED Do not place any reliance in the many pouular and traditional testa of poison­ ous or edible qualities. These tests are entirely worthless. The discoloration of a silver sp«x>n, sinking in water, or brilliant coloration are no indications of either poisonous or edible qualities. We carry a Complete Line of Plumb­ ing Fixtures and Supplies Furthermore, the notion that poisonous mush moms can he rendered harmless Phone Tabor 5542 •< by boiling in water and then washing thoroughly in cold water is erroneous. M. N. SADLER 4 Plumbing and Heating One can easily become familar with a few edible kinds of mushrooms. There are many of these springing up in our » Lesita Station Portland, Or-gon >