Dr. P. J. O'DONNELL DENTIST LOCAL AND PERSONAL 92nd Rt. and Foster Road, over the LENTS PHARMACY All eburvh. society, personal an, on Friday evening that will be open to the public. A good program lias been arranged. Cash Shoe Repairing Shop 0009 9^nd St. Routh of Station, Lente •s n eer. SUS—si. "« —see—«—- - .« ■ JTO HORSE-SHOEING ♦ Wagon Repairing and General ... BLACKSMITHING Matt Greenstaffe, Foster Road *• NewMethodLaundry Tabor 3614 ’ QUICK. SERVICE FIRST CLASS WORK • si .- .. - ------- r 4 The Herald is Only $1.00 Per Year DO IT NOW ! Washed Graded Gravel Plastering Sand 82nd St. and 45th Ave. Phone Tabor 2063 R. Hey ting- Ph* .ne T ahor I2Á1 RcdJcace 21! N. Maia St Lests, Ort. Edward Müls Alt. Scoti. Lems sad > uruaad EXPRESS Eagß«*ge ar ’ Gener?l Win’înff, Trunks 50c Each SERVICE Leave I ( i.*-- k and A • r Drugstore, ti St. LOST—Bunch of auto key», please leave at Herald office. All my cu-toniers and the public in ¿encrai are solicited to trade with me at what is known at* the Bradley shop, at Mr. George Bartholomew Jr . has F<-1er tbuid and 93d »rest. My wife is arrived at the home of Geo. Barthoio- much tietier and I will be at the shop tn<*w>a90Ui stnsii god ÿlst avenue. His from uow on.—W. F. R. Buiith. little staler says he can talk alivady. Miss lues Lusted of Gresham wa« a WILL w TRADE 3 to 5 - acres ♦ with iiu- visitor at the home of her brother, provements in Hill-lsiro garden tracts. Harry l.usted. of 38th avenne. Washington Co., for house and lot in Leuta. * Henry Jaeger, Lenta Harns«* Mrs. F S. T,andon ha» been a visitor Shop. at the home of her mother, Mrs. Kane, in Grwham tin* past aui Allen of Woodmere Thurs­ Prof. Hershner alterni«*«! the un voil­ day al termion. ing of the Jefferson monument ât Jefferson high school Monday afternoon. Muck Makes Statement TRI ONT, PARK, ARLETA X, I vtval maMtngi. O. W. Walla, Reverouda Clark, assisted by U m Meyers ami Mnaaa, liaa ahargw at tiia aarvlaaa. At each servior tiiara la a abort talk by soma one of th««« inlulatera and tlie rest of U m time la given to dro voUomtls and song, Uta apooial emphasis being on U m song service. Mrs. Paul Walker and Mr. Ralph Dustin assist in turn at ths piano. Ths regular tnasting of the Karn Park ChrisUan Church Missionary Hooisvy was held at the honM ot Mrs. Eva Ita JarnrU, 43d avenue and tl2d strew«, W«*dn«ie tlieme iwiected by Dr. Boyd in that ot plana tor extending U m inllurmv* of tlie The Hacredneaa of Pnreut-hood. Tliere club, which has for its object tlie will bo mi admission charge and only gladdening of Uiose who are eotiHned to »hilts will I* »limited. their h»m«w by illness or affliction. At Mrs. Ida Msy Fonts pasmsl away Fri- roll-cali rvporta were made by ths man­ ■ lay, April 25, at her hume, (iM41-4l«t tel» as to how many calls no such had HU, S. E. Stir ban I»**.« suffering fur bees made, and the interest in those shut-in was decidedly stimulated All mouths, having recently Isxm brouwtil home from St. Vincent's hos|>stal. The I edits of the Ijmreiwoo«. M. K. church remains were cared (or at the Ken worthy and cougrrgaUon who aro willing to Undertaking Parlor. They were taken play the “glad gains” or U> iielp some on last Sunday to Clatskam«*. near which dim else to. aro invited to join the club. is the old-home ormetary where the If you do not know what the gams ie interment was made. Mrs Fouts left a read “Pollyanna“ and you will find ont. The Club la going to take up Uu* reading husbami and several children. •>( this book at successive nuetingw. The Arleta W. C. T. U will meet Miss Ines Knox spent the week-end with Mrs W O. Rnon, Iflth Ave., 8 E., next Tuesday afternoon at two with her |«renls at 4H12-«kith HI., 8 E. o’clock. Mrs. Harry Hall will address J. H. Dorn-Ison has liegun to enlarge the Union on “Wouiau's Relation to Enforcement ot Temperance Laws." his gncery I huuiiw *. He has rented all Mrs. Lillie Perry attended the funeral the corner rooms in tlie Lsuila holding and tlie proem uf tearing out the nar- of Nr. J. Price, al Scapoe Tuesday tiliorw was liegun Tuesday afternoon. alteruoan. Donelaon will occupy the entire weat The Laurel wood Congregational front and two of the fortn<*r »pacta on Church Is holding a series ot song-re*- the north, facing the car track. (Contiuned from page 3) tiro time to polities and to the perpet­ uation of themselves on the public pay­ roll Instead of improving their oppor­ On Monday evening tlie Sunday tunist*« to lie of real xerviie to their School workers of the Millard Avenue fellow enlaça» of Multnotuah Couuty Presbyterian Church met al the liome of I believe in giving the freest publicity Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jefferies tM48-67tli to all county affairs and in that way A vs. 8. E., tor their regular monthly keeping the voters of the county advised workers conlerenoa. Following the at all times regarding the county ad­ transaction of routine ImsiiMM, pe«i during tlie summer, leading up to a promotion and rally day in the (all. A committer was appointed to outline aud r«|K>rt, at the June conference, plans for tiiv ag- nual Sunday He 11< Mil picnic. The Jcffcrkw home was iMaiitifully decorated | for iiu* wrmng «ith cut Hower« ami )H>tt<*i plants. Mis« Gladys Orntn. Kranilh Jefferies and Arlington Crum Meieted Mr». Jefferies In serving re­ freshments Tlie conference teceptod the invitation of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. 1 Woodyard to imw't nt their 57 avenue 8. £., Jun«* 5. ANY KIND of Upholstering, guaran- Frank Miley has moved hia store to teed good work. Henry gar, Uariiecs First Avenue, 9i»t street and car line. Shop, Foster Road, east of 93d street. Mr. of tlie county devote more attention ami B. F. Mulkey, attorney at Law, has effort to the improvement of roads Chester .Lyons .of the "Big Brother move«! hi* office from Ila* Morgan Ruild- •err ing tlie farmers and reaching th«* Farm'* at Lebanon was in l ente last ing to tlie Northwestern Rank Building, undevvkipsd parts of tlie county, and in Friday. d The change was comtnmnated ou the that way open up for ure the ferule and ----------------- ,------------ first day of May. produttive lami» which today are either The Beach place in Cadwell addition idh and unproductive urelm- are tiring wart sold last week at a very satisfactory tilled under most adverse condì liana The dedication service fur the Free figure. 1 tielieve In the most open competi­ Methodist Church, 91U6, 57th avenue will be held Sunday aiternoou, May 7, tion in making the county porchasrs People are taking groat interest in the and particularly iu buying pavement at 2:80. The public is invited. new safety deposit box*-- that have been . .uid road machinery and ruppi i«w. I installed at the Multnomah State Rank. Notice has been given of the issuance behave that all typce of |iavvniriil of marriage license to P. O. Daniels and , »bouid be considered on a parity and The girls of th«* Ctuchman Pow Wow N «ma MeCuHom of Lents. The date 1 liought strictly upon thrir turrits as Club of Woodmere went i hike Tues­ . f tlie wedding has not tieen published i pavements. Ollier things being equal, day, April 25th to Bfik- r’s Bridge on but undoubtedly will be in the near | I will prefer Oregon manti fact tire»! the Clackamas river. Thw in the party I products, and tlie employment of Malt- future. were, Virginia Volte, Mfirj rie Smith, notnab Ounty people, in ail lines of Mabel Mueller, Flor- n N -b!« t, Elsie «-ouniy work and diseappruve the send­ W. C Conner of Cottag« Grove was a I ing of county work to outside cities Crawford and Mrs. R W. ** *itb. act -g i as chaperone. All rep *rt. d . ti •* tit: e Lenta visitor last Saturday and Sunday. when our own workmen and merchants and a good coal of tan and »•mburn can tmppiy equally as nervi«xMible article« was added. Frank Rayburn has been promoted at a» advantageous prices. If etected, I will ssr to it that steps i fr<..;n the distributing to the sales do­ pa, iiuent of the Standard Oil Station at an* taken that will make it possible to “It is astonishing how muiy baiane«« provide for the untort unate children | men can be talked ùnto takii g «pace in Liuulun. cuulined in the Fnuier Detention Home , a chart, or frame, or regi.-ter. or «ome other thing that hr « no exctise for exist- • A. J. Bundy wsb np awhile this week in a manner more in keeping with tlie • .TO . . . [enee. Asci «mer will get more for his t bjt returned to Philomath Thursday ideas of red blooded men and right i tiiinking fathers and mothers. ■ worthies! card that, a country publisher morning. If elected, I will personally supervise would. Is is j>en;.’e wb have been thos Go to WaleliN for gaeollne and ail the work nt the county board of rebsf duped-w}* i -c:pln n that wdvertwwng kiuda --Í motor oiis at priées compara­ and not leave the ad ministration of this % does not pay-” ble witti the loweat. office, where approximately *18,000 is distributed annually, to tlie entire dia­ AVO:D SPRING COLL’S The Ladiee A.J of toe M. E. church crotion of a single clerk, as is done at I prenant. w '. Luld their next regular monthly I shall make every effort to co-operate On sale daily: June 1st to Sept. 30th. 1616 SUi| -'ver* nllow- Sudden ehan m-♦ . . |.,y afternoon, May I in securing the location of factories in cd. flvturn limit Ninety«!. ' ■ «reed at 2 • 'ci k. at the Lome ol Mr*. Multnomah County. October 31st, 1918. At present there Is no centralising of ■?. McGrew, J.iol bath St responsibility in the conduct ot county affairs I favor a distribution of ttm work, giving each county commisaiouer is the Notkf right Mag I the aoperviMoa, subj«*nt to the final de­ cision of tlie entire lx>an! of .certain de- Di-co very, aid right." \______________ lo sturt partanente and holding each to strict The parties who tn passed on the Syrup accountability the ilepartments under property of Mr- Additon, H5th svenne bis supervision. «t ' '•*.'' tr* •■ ■ ■ a d removed the flower- t / ;' i ' • a- •! bulbs will confer a favor Juvenile Temperance Notes GET Mt. ’■*' I,.««»< n. S in i* rnim-co, ' * !■ ' y • turning tlie plaatawr Ange.. «, Yo»emi¡. Val able return for them. THE HARM IN JJ81NG TOBAC(Y) ley, òoul hern California Ih-achea. Panama Califnr«iia Exnuaition o*' '■ ■ rt sill tie made to se- By Dorothy Ridder, age 10, oí tbo - - t) :r xp-.-urv. and just re- Hoffman Rchool 1 * .minon that is in that nasty *.>dp)>stc.a C m !J on local ugent f< . f,.r tl.- t i ftirniali« < 1 » p weed. I......... . -jui: day recently. I wonder if they knew th- i n . ». John MiNetnier of JOHN M SCO I F, f; r . • < »4 z G • rr t l>.< liOUM of T. called nicotine. I wonder if th'y know how it stunt» tlie growth, how *tupiUr Robinson of and nasty anil untidy it n ' : i-i *! rti :r>< d bv Mr. and son, and how it creates a Mill uorw and more poi. -m... . , er Bnntlay. , .. ........ r a Portland Y>*t the nicest, ch-a i y< imp men in Portland, and not onlv in I I w«-< out look- P->rUa«>d and owr state I- it M » world, cliew this demonoua p aad s inch Tuesday. No, Imy«, you don’t J win n caller "■y, ‘‘Jr’s good.*' R BTry Tues- w»nt tn use it, why no! M fl ' DM yon »ay Line rkln i pi ■»v;u 4 m.d you knew th< . Nay, He Ir.sd tl.i but h* didn't fr* o-o Am ... .... ales % When you )»old a piece of it out. in yr or I amt It any mon« hart.*, tb .n » / city Monday. cto'ck, lint it do It» eni» to mi th- nit” -a< u i 1 , A.k # visitor in ’ daring the lirai of Is* nkl eniod of aft -r tli< y kn‘-w i: il«e thing to du to uim I h ! them atr-.ug. Di<* y. i ever *«•«• a n.an or boy w ho didn’t want to L- >«• .’ I' . ev r a m.in or l-oj ■ > oar child, in-/ to wrestle another ¡Jan «> 1» y /> t uucî a -et rid <>( show tiia strength? I nev« ■ afro ng. h> 'ft - o ie lozenge tainly thia will not tnnki TWO ESTABLISHidE’. ! or , . x.xuUve worm Don’t you think if you wen *ir PHONE TABOR 6287 r me »n , ..i nourishing boy yow would feel rather grii ty ' 5802-4 9¿nd ATHEET S. 4ÓU 6 A m < xeiciae and put along the street smoking it? IN LENT8 AHI.F. ra Coon* on boys, don't slay wiiure you 'A'atrli btxiis arid con- First Class Merries Ulven Day or Night CI mc I’rT'Xfrftiiy tr r rir- fFtipR r Worm Lozenges, can get a whiff ot it. Be strong ai.d • •• to Furnish Funerals at a '• i . ■ Ms pons*. stay away from ill Don ’ t let a weed . .1 iy i-i >v< liai worms. ■S pull you down! I 2ùc» uv Dr uggiste. Special Rates from Portland Principal Eastern Cities Via California The Shssta Route Attractions Enroute « r ine new fin r I >iT)ti r osier SEE L ixa ELBOWS MOVE I We i tr Runp' rOlii i R otai Sout'ierr ’-acif'C f I •I '3 fl -4 I « F«» I T ’ I uiredon, O .iR Hi filtri > < T i I I I 4