Mt. Scott herald. (Lents, Multnomah Co., Or.) 1914-1923, May 04, 1916, Image 1

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    Phone us your news
Items—they are al­
ways welcome
time to re­
new your subscription to
the Herald.
Subscription, $1.00 a Year
Lents, Multnomah County, Oregon, May 4,1916
Vol. 14.
No. 18.
Schommer Comes to I own
Boy Scouts oa Hiking Trip
ealestnan, Theo.
Schommer, Is driving his trip In a new
Ford runabout.
Schommer'« business
got too heavy fdr him to take care of It
Whole City Divided Into Sections; afoot. He thinks rubber tires will be
I cheaper titan shoes, especially if the
13 Sections Headed by Lieuten­ i house buys the tires
Hchomtner says
ants, Captains, Sargeants, Etc. the machine will be handy to take young
1 I’atrlsk Theodore Schommer out for an
May 8, ML Scott Day.
| airing. Patrick is an addition to the
1 MchotAmer family who arrived in Febru-
The dean up campaign has struck ary, Hl. Patrick’s day therealwuts.
Portlaud with a vengeance, if you 1 Schommer nays he will quit locking hie
don’t dean up you are going to he re- ’ machine when he citmn to Ix-nts as lie
ported. If you do you will lie worked . regards the |»*>ph- of I suits so very re-
half to death, provided you have t»en | M«ble that he considers the precaution
ball as careless as ninat people think iinii»'<n>»M»ry. If lie deep lock it up again
their neighbors are. The campaign l»e- lie will get a newspaper notice that will
gan at St. John» Mon.lay and It is make an impressiou <>n him. Schommer
aweepiug eastward over the city and wold Ices than a ton of Pearls of Wheat
noliudy escape» it.
There are more Wednesday and some scratch food and
nosey people in Portland right today a few violent 'Mite.
than ever before. If your neighbor»
are not repotting your tin can heap
then It Is the intention to have the Are
department take a look at you aad tel)
someone how l>ad your place need» a
thorough goiug over. Just who la going
to protil by thia warfare on dirt and tin
Gordon Mann, eon of J. M. Mann o
cane is not so <•< rtain. There Is a prior 45th avenue and ®4th street, in what is
on rubber, new cane, old iron, copper, locally known as Elmo Height», wu
lead, etc., etc.
dangerously injured Bunday evening
We Mt. Beottorg belong to Section (J, about sig o’clock at 90th street and
and J. J. Johnson is the Lieutenant Powell Valley Road, by being struck by
General. Who all hi» «uborditiatM are a motor cycle ridden by J. W. Majek
would take a day to learn and it would and Miss Klees. Mr. Majek lives at
not auionnt to anything if you did 491 east 28th street, and Miss Kless at
know. Johnson is going atsiut the 456 east 64th street. It appears, that
—Matlow m Los Angolas Timoa.
matter a» tho ho waa as wared about a some boys were teasing the Mann boy
few tin cans and some dirt as an ordi­ and threatening to tight him and he
........ —a--------
nary tramp is of soap and water. He backed across the road into tbe machine.
bad a meeting of Ins official family last Mr. Majek went to the police station
Saturday and they have this part of the and reported the case.
town divided up to the traction of a
Gordon was taken to the hospital and
town lot, and “somebody will get you If given every attention but he remained
you don’t watcb out.” The real clean up unconscious.
X-Rays were taken ol
a ■ -------------------------------------- «
day will lie May 8, out here but if you his head and blood clots were located at
I |
want t > begiu at once ■ and get your several places. He seemed to be para­
s--------------------------------------- a
juuk plied up It will bo all right. Two lysed on one side. The blood flowed «
Mrs. 8. J. Allen of Woodmere enter­
.lay<i Indore the skirmish begins an ad- freely from his mouth, ears and nose
The young people of the Epworth
the Five Point Club of Mt. Scott I.eaKue rushed in upon Miss Mamie
van. o guard <>f aliout 40 Bremen will when first struck.
Whoever la to
cam ta this section and toll u- how bad blame in tbe case have a very serious Chapter 110 O. E. 8. on Thursday. Johnson Friday evening and took her
we i e, make a writteu report of their charge confronting theta.
It tbe boys Mrs. Allen had as bar guests. Sisters by surprise, the occasion tieing her
iln . u>xa and ad »lee the necessary ac­ who were tormenting him are known Estelle Pye, N. M. and Sister Addie birthday. The evening was spent in
tion. Il burnable rubbish is piled up It they will probably be taken in charge. 8nyder, A. N. of Oamelia (Tiapter No. playing games. A light lunch of lemon­
may I burned on the Sth without ths They are undoubtedly [«rtioipants in 27. There were a number of loeel O. ade and cake was served.
fc< .< al.ty of cocuring a nerrntt. Just the sceident and should be mads to E. 8. members present as well ae mem-
Mr". W. McClain and children have
liers from Martha Washington, Myrtle, returned from Missoula, Mont., where
I lb ip your trash, old rage, shoes etc., suffer for their part in it.
Corinthian, and Salem Chapters, The they have N mwi for the past eight
<» :hoy don’t eudangei buildings, or
------------- 1------------
afternoon was spent in pleasant inn- months.
o!L ml your neighbor's sense of smell,
Mr McClain’ remained in
Wm. frauds Stubbs Buried
vernation and sewing after which light Missoula.
an I •< i tire to it.
Put the tin cans, l
refreehmenta were served.
old bottles, broken glass, and anything I
The pupils of the third grade snr*
you can’t buru into au old guuuy sack 1 William Francis Stubbs of 6129-94th Annabelle Wagstaff, Georgia Fawcett prised their teacher, Mias Minnie Davis,
ami carry It rmt tn a paved street, or a 1 street did April 27 of pneumonia and and Della Purdin assisted in •wrving. with a postal card shower last Friday
mac-dnei road find deposit tlie stuff, io the funeral was held April 28 at St. The Club meets in May at tho home ot afternoon
the eack, in a pile of trash collected Peter’s Church, Father Buetgen officiat­ the vice-president. Mrs Erm» Hanken.
Miss Rrackell’e children -■-ised her
fr- ■ he neighborhood. On the 10th ing and Kenworthy being in charge of Mrs. 0. A. H im is President of the one .lay last week
They brought a
IJono dselonsr Daly will send trucks the funeral. Mr. Stubbs was a native of Club and her efforts have made the picnic dinner and invited her to join in
Oregon, and a member of the Catholic club an interseting vidicon to the social eating it. Ail the other teachers wen-
around to ooliecl the rubbish.
In piling the rubbish in the roads an Church, and leavee no family to bear side of the Chapter.
invited to join.
effort should be made to make large hie low but bls father, E. E. Stubbs,
Mrs. Janes Wines of 55th avenue has
piles, and few, and leave tbe finer stuff who Is still living.
been on the sick list.
in • .-ks that can be easily handled.
Dr. Stout of Millard avenue has pur­
Th! is a job for everybody. School
chased the Chas. Wise home.
Death Calls Sarah GHsos
wl” !
Monday afternoon for a half
Mr. J. J. Johnson of Woodmere has a ’ Ma? ■
i ttifi:
holiday for nesistlng In tho clean up
new Ford car.
work, This ia the mist important civic
A large crowd attend«^ Hervices at seaaoti is sliowu by the green grass and
ovent of tha year, ft means cleanh- street was the victim of cancer when
Patil’s church r. A very able! trnit trees.
Mosquito breeding
ness for the city,
son "M fortj years of age, married and sermon wua given by Rev. O. N. Taylor, j Koa<l work is under ¡.id headway here
The Laities of St Paul’s Guild elected i with C W. Kern, road supervisor, in
find ft poor picking after this date leavee a husband, Geo. B. Gilson to re­
call her memory. She was born in thoir officers for tbe coming year Eaeter | charge. Hb expects to get the ria's ir.
BHft! d!f'’XSe scourges of the city ought Iowa and has lived in Oregon for four­ week, which are as follows: President, tine s I ihi »- anti k'-ep i’ .-¡u t an .in seas­
Kenworthy conducted the Mrs. PVytom Taylor; Vrae-preaktent, on for tile log trav" to Mt. Hood
fe ‘ H|>pnep<| of nnd the average of teen years.
hrs“! fulness for the city should be funeral and Rev. Berry of the Kern Mrs. A. L Goodwill, Secretary, Mrs. J. and the -‘tunuv-r re-' rt“
E. Glover; Treasurer, Mrs. A. Shulen
mat. .tally raised.
Fourteen school Park Cbristain Church delivered the berg.
She was buried at
db t ’-ts will I ernpiged in the skirmish fuueral address.
Dr. Geo. R Van Watery, General
Mo»’ 1 v. Tho«e in ,h" Mt Scott nee- Multnomah cemetery.
Missionary of the Episcopal churcli in I
tl >
-*-i if to prove themselves able
Eash r’i Oregon, accompanied tiy Mrs >
Van Waters, were gtiesu of Mr. ai.<l'
del. h-s of tho public welfare.
Bible Class Had Meeting
Mrs. Van Witters nn Wednesday.
Van Wate a offiei ited at th. ehri-ti 1 iU 1
iij u? ’urged Prisoners
The regular monthly business and of the Allen baby. Dr. Van Mat.
social meeting of the Adult Bible Class ot St IiMwri'i cp (’mnitv .\ hw
of the M. E. church was held at the
home <>f Mr». Dawson, 92nd St., Tue»-1
Oiiy evening, May 2.
The offices of
vice president, secretary, and treasure. ,
lx*iug vacant, the following were noml-,
naled and elected; Mrs. Hollingworth,
vice president; M«. J. E Hawken; sec­
retary; Mr. J. C. McGrew, tr.-murir.
Rev. W. I.. Wileou of Breutwv d
very interesting address ou “Uibie
Study.” Mrs. Williams of Millard Ave,
Presbyterian church gave a readimi,
• nt
which was mil ’ll enjoyed, At the clow
of the burineae meeting refreshment
were served.
Mrs. Hawken,
Doings of Our Neighbors
r >rf’ »nd manufacturers of c<x*<viiiut
butter will build a two-story factory to
-•net Ro,000.
Of hiS offilT!
Gilbert Pd.enlJtacIkrs May 12
Ilin prix■■•.or
io !
to start over
Gilbert Parent-Teacher" Club will
irtw fl **
1I»> ! î on titled to
meet May 12 and l»e entertained by an
.ilT E irliiiirt thinks.
excellent program and an address by
Prof Whitney ft will be worth while
as Whitney’s talks are winners
Minardi Limber Co., near
’ TÎ
vn-. ‘ , .-h < d two y. an, plans to ro­ for their practical suggestiona.
patrons are invited to attend.
Buine ut onoo, employing 300 luoa.
•» .
A Bio CliEGKi
* Ail
* . I J..«» »> v»4 L . LXfL. LH l
Li U JUi.
Fo ir years as
<ns n: tor. Si
yws in High School and Si.per nUn
(b'ticy in Oregon. Eight yeat. as Pidi
cinffi in Portland.
College, Fr nnti
School and University Prei ai^-.u.,.
Eleven Scouts and Scoutmaster from
Troop 1, f>nta, hiked from Lents to the
McMurray farm on tlie Clackamas river,
two miles above Baker’s bridge. They
started Monday morning at 8:30 and Speakers and Program Arranged For
got back to Lents on Tuesday evening at
Woman’s Meeting at Yeager at
8:00. Deepitea few blnters and stiff
3:30. Committee Now Planning
bodies, they declare thej had a glorious
trip. The members who took the hike
Publicity Campaign.
were Scouts Smith, Wallace, Gay,
Pixley, Stoner, Hawken, Ott, Raybnm,
The largest men’s meeting ever held
Parmenter, Blackburn, Shoalte and
in I>ents was held here a short time ago
Scoutmaster Norene.
and as announced at the time pro­
County Assessor Reed at the Taxpay­ visions were being made for the holding
ers league stated that under the present of a meeting for women at an early
school laws one district in 1916 was date. The right speakers could not be
paying a union high school tax of secured up to this time and even now
fl879k>send three children that it cost it is impossible to name all the par­
♦631 to educate. State ownership of the ticipants but of one thing we may be
public schools is not exactly an argu­ sure. There will be speakers and good
ones so it ' would be well for all the
ment for collective ownership.
various woman’s organizations in this
part of the county to get busy and an­
nounce the approaching meeting which
will be held on Tuesday afternoon at
3:30, in. the Yeager Theatre. Every
woman in the whole neighborhood,
from 50th street to Sycamore, should be
The Federal Wireless Ration at Lenta, preeent at this meeting. Matters of
is mating some expensive improve­ importance to her and her family will
ments. The station has been practically be discussed. The meeting will be free.
oat of use for several months but there
Rev. John Boyd of the First Presby­
is a disposition to resume activities and terian Church will make the leading
in preparation for the addition«! busi­ address on the subject, ‘The Home and
ness tome very important improvements Its Eoemiee.” Dr. Boyd will speak,
are being made. Plans are being carried representing the Oregon Social Hygiene
out for the purpose of increasing the Society nt which he is one of the best
number of antennae before resuming speakers. He is one of the keenest and
operations. In preparation for this a
most forcible speakers in all Portland
ponderous beam weighing three tons has and be it thouronghly informed and
lieen constructed of 3-8 inch steel. interested in the problems of the so­
It is of truss construction and while ciety. Dr. Boyd recently acted as one
about 30 inches square'in tlie middle
of the leading speakers at the meetings
it tapers to about 18 inches at the in the Heilig.
ends. The trusses are sixty feet long.
It is expected that Dr. House or Dr.
They are being raised to the top of the
Calvin S. White will also be preeent
300 foot towers and bolted and guyed and assist in the program. Either
into place. looking at the towers from
these speakers are too well known tn
a distance, or even from the foot of the need commendation.
towers, it seems hardly possible that
On Friday evening of May 5, a*
they will stand three tons additional
8 o’clock, there will be a meeting of the
hut a study of the structure
wjn.en from various women’s organ ixa-
will show that the posts, six inches
tio»is from the churches, parent-teach­
square, are bearing many tons of pres­
er dub«, and lodges to disense plane of
sure at this time. Besides their own
publicity, at the home of Mrs. H. A.
weight which amounts to considerable
Parnell, on 921 street near the play-
in a post 300 feet tall, the towers are
ground. Every woman’s committee,
hel l to the ground by fifteen wire guy
aid society, lodge or dub in the terri-
ropes, each stretched as tight a? their
(cry mentioned will be invited to have
str-ngth will permit
The addition of
a representation that meeting. If your
llitve tone to each will not serinnsly in­
socie’y is overlooked you may send
crease the load. But it has a wonderful
some one anyhow to this committee
power to impress yon with the wonders
of modem mechanics to stand beside
one of these piers, reacting so tali and
fragile looking into the air, and try to
imagine what would be the result of a
miscalculation on the part of tlie men
working at the end of one of these I
The Loyal Temperance Legion will
beams in f-wition, should one misstep,
an entertainment at the assembly
or use any indeser-tion in the handling
room of the Lenta school on Friday
of th« work.
evening. May 5th at eight o’clock. Aa
a part ol tlie program tbe essay which
w^a the ribbon from each of the graces
f tl.i. Lenta school participating in the
c.- ..y contest, will be read. Certain of
tlie grades wrote upon narcotics and
. the« upon alcoholics. Tlie teachers of
Sheriff Hurlburt was a “millionaire” tl. --- grade» have faithfully placed the
for 22 days on other people’s money— facte before their pupils and the results
■ = ’ Mi 1 Ln.
! • n splendid. The children are
ah County property ow ai; d^riug tbe i > r<a l their own essays. All who can
•a* w»
n'”cw ’ 1 u.- p < i;hly do so should attend this enter-
If of that
>urJen Fri lay ti ’ ret. A small admission fee will
1 J
bis naui« to lie charged.
The -ext w »ting of Mt. Scott Union
•> . u.
nt the home of Mrs.
. ir r . i ■ i Tu—day, May 9th.
■y •
week a
rr.-etirg was held at the W. T. C. U.,
it. .1 1 J-*» »»fl
It w
‘ - I’-h cud Morrison *itreeta,
diif'erent members ot the
are their reasons for their
Mrs. G. L. Buhind
• i Republican, Mrs. M.
e ivaa
• M.
nt 4
d i>y
t l»*M
e ell
0 :ict
-s i • >r
’ion, J , H,..h
"caT far «sQ
» in the great
i r.e ai d adve
nf tîi** Mulct Law
, . r ».
4 lt»1 ufo an<i sound
li T
>1. TMi
I t .>it alwK* «s
1 jvnr Druggint.
fi ip Of
Leagoe It "na
of “,0
. i -r.t w as 2Ü |<e
pri ition. I* »' ia
.al t.rA i-'.oii »‘ -te
is a a- ■