•’•it* k Tbe Aches of House Cleanl.i i At The Churches The pain aud sorenss- mu hiiiisea, over-exMtiorr and »tnum ing house cleaning time are « away by Sloan’s Liniment.'" No , suffer this agony. Just apply Liniment to U m * sore s[>ota. mb little. Iu a short time the pain 1 you rest comfortably and enjoy freshing »leep. One grateful writes: ‘'Sioaa’s Liniment is w > weight in gold.” Keep a bin • baud. use it against all Sor Neuralgia and Bruises. Kills pain at your Druggist. Arleta Baptist Church 9:46 a. in. Bible Hclioul. 11 a. tn I'reselling service. 7:30 p. in. Evening services, A :1ft |> ni. B. Y. I*. U. meeting. 7 :4ft Prayer meeting, Ewrylssly welcome to any ami all ol these service». Millard Avenue Presbyterian Church Hi a. m. Habbath Hchool, Il a. in. Morning worship. 7 :p. m. Y. I’. H. U. K, 7 :46 p. in. Evening worship. 7 :3o p. in, ThiirM lay . midweek service. M p. tn. Thursday, choir practice. Rev. Win. H. Anna, Pastor. John C. McC> i . For St. Peler s Cdthulli l hureh Hunda ya : H a. hi . Ix>w Mass. 10:30 a. in. High Maas. 11:30 a. in. Huiid-y School. 12 M. Ohoii rehearsal, , Week days; Mass al 8 a. m. District Attorney ■ Now. Uucle Bushrod was treasurer of the Born aud Daughters of the Burning Bush. Every assoelatlou he bolouged to made him treasurer with­ out liealtatlou. lie stood AAl lu col­ ored circles, Lie was understood By O. HENRY among them to be Mr. Bushrod Wey­ Seventh Day Adventist Church mouth of the Weymouth bank. |O a. in. Saturday Sabbath School. The night following the day on which (Copyright by Duublad»y, Page * C».J II a. in. Saturday preaching. Mr. Robert mentioned his intended 7 :3U p. m. Wednesday. Brayer meeting. OT the least im fishing trip the old man woke up and 7 :4ft p. in. Sunday preaching. portant of the ro«e from bls tied at 12 o’clock, declar­ force of the Wey­ ing he must go down to the bank and fetch the passbook of the Bona aud mouth bunk was Kern Hark thrlstaln Church Laughters, which be bad forgotten to Uncle Bushrod. Corner 391 h Hl. and 40th Ave. H. E. bring home. The bookkeeper bad bal­ Sixty years had 10 a. lu. Bible School. anced It for him that day, put the can- Uncle Bushrod 11 a in. aud 7 :3<1 p lu. preaching aer* Vice given of faithful ft 30 p. m. Uhrtstain Endeavor. service to the 7 .Sop- «• Thursday, mid-week prayer bouse of Wey­ m ■•cling mouth as chattel, servitor and frirud. A cordial welcome to al). Rev G K. Berry, Pastor. [ Of the color of the mahogany bank furniture was Unde Busbrod-thus : dark was be externally; white as the uulnked pages of the tiauk ledgers was St. Pauls I plscopal Church his soul. Eminently pleasing to Uncle E- fl. WHITNEY One block eonlb ol Woodmere station. Holy Communion the first Bunday of ' Bushrod would the comparison have Candidate for County Su, erintendent of Schools, Primary I lection May 19th each month at 8 p. m, No other »ur- been, for to him the ouly institution in existence worth considering was the vice« that day. Every cither ffilnday the regular «er • M'eyuicuth bunk, of which ho was Iresaed In a rough suit of gray as if Useful Glycerin vices will lie a» u»ual. something between porter uud general- for traveling. He gtam-ed with frown- Evening Prayer and sermon at 4 p. tn. laaliiio in charge. ! ing iutentiMMs at the big otlii-e clock Bunday 8chl meets at 3 p. m. B Glycerin has many useful properties, Weymouth lay, dreamy aud urn above the burning gas jet and tben Boatwright, Hupt , I.. Msffett, Sec. according to the New York Son. It the low foothills hragisxis, among looked lingeringly about the bank — lin ­ Rev. O. W. Tavior, Rector. along the brow of a southern valley. geringly and fondly. Unde Bushrod will cleanse a cut and cause it to heal thought, as one who bids farewell to quickly. In washing clothes, where Three tiauks there were in Weymouth 1 vllle. Two were bopeleaa, misguided lear and familiar scenes. Lents tYanqetkdl Church softness is imperative in water, the ad­ Now be caugbt up his burden again dition if three tableepoonfuls to tn enterprises, lack tug the presence and Sermon by the Pastor, 11 s. m. and and moved promptly aud softly out of ordinary tab of water will prove effec­ prestige of a Weymouth to give them 7:lftp. m. the bank by the way be had come, tive. When it is necessary to boil Bunday School 9 -46 a. m., Albert glory. The third was the Lank, man­ locking tbe front dour behind him. aged by the Weymouth»-aud Uuclv Fankiiauerr, Huperinl -ndent. clothes, two tablespoonfuls in the wash For a minute or lunger Lucie Busb- Y. P. A. fl:lft p. m. vs Anderson, Bushrod, boiler will produce good results. i rod was as stone in bls tracks. Had President. Weymouth homestead — In the old A little glycerin applied with a flannel Prayer meeting Thursday 8 p. m. lbat midnight rifler uf safes aud vaults the red brick, white purtlcoed mansion. A cordial welcome to all. been any ether ou earth than tbe man on shoes that have become hardened by the first to your right as you crossed T. R. Ilornschncb, Pastor. be was tbe old retainer would have wetting softens the leather, which will Elder creek coming into town—lived rushed upon bim aud struck to save absorb it overnight. One tablespoonful Mr. Robert Weymouth, the president the Weymouth property. But now the of glycerin to each pound of fruit in of the bank; ills widowed daughter, Lents friend s Church • watcher’s soul was tortured by tbe preserves prevents the formation of 9:46 a.m. Bible Hchool, Mrs. Maud Mrs. Vi iy, called "Mias Letty” by av­ pulgnaut dread of something worse a surgary crystal on the top. In stew» ery oue. aud her two children. Nan Keech, Superintendent. than mere robbery. He was seized by ing fruit, fresh or evaporated, two table and Guy. There also, in a cottage on llKJOa. m Preaching servicee. tn accusing terror that said tbe Wey­ the _______ grounds, ,______ resided ______ Unci» _______ Bushrod 0:26 p. m. Christian Endeavor. spoonfuls of glycerin to each pound of mouth name and tbe Weymouth hon­ 7 :30 p. m. Preaching Services. aud Aunt Mallndy, his wife. Mr. Wil­ fruit, a pinch of salt and less sugar or were about to be lost Marse Rob ­ 3:00 p. m. Thursday, mid week liam Weymouth, the cashier of the Out With a Large make a usefuljaddition. prayer meeting. ert robbing tbe bank! What else could bank, lived tn a modern, flue bouse on Hand Satchel. A cordial welcome to all three ser- It mean? Tbe hour of the night, the vicee. John Riley, Pastor. tbe priucipul avenue. Mr. Robert was a large, stout man. eeled checks in it aud snapped two stealthy visit to the vault, the satchel For Re-Election sixty-two yearn of age, with a smooth, elastic bands around it. He put but brought forth full and with expedition one baud around other passbooks. and silence, the prowler ’ s rough dress, plump face, long Iron gray hair and Lents Baptist Church Aunt Mallndy objected to tbe mission his solicitous reading of tbe clock and flery blue eyen. Ho was high temi>er- Lord*! Day. Bible School 1»:46 a. m. ed. klud and geuerous, with a youth­ at so late an hour, denouncing it as noiseless departure—what else could it foolish and uu necessary, but Uncle mean? Morning worship, 11 a. m. Elmo Heightt Bunday School, 2:30 ful smile am! a formidable, stern voice Bushrod was not to be deflected from And tben to tbe turmoil of Uncle that did not always mean what it p. tn. duty. i Bushrod's thoughts came the corrob­ sounded like. Mr. William was a mild B Y P. U , fl:30p m. I “I done told Sister Adullne Hoskins,' er man, correct in defwrtment and ab­ he said, "to come by here for dat book orating recollection of preceding events Evening worship, 7:30 p. m. - —Mr. Robert's increasing intemperance A cordial welcome to U»-ee services. sorbed In business. The Weymouth» J. M Nelaou, Pastor. formed the family of Weymouthville toinurrer niawuln* at sebln o’clock for and consequent many moods of royal to kyar* it to de meetin' of de bo'd high spirits and stern tempers; the and were looked up to, as was their of 'rangemeuts, aud dat book gwine to casual talk be had beard in tbe bank right of heritage. be bore when she come.” fifth Church ot Christ of the decrease in business and diffi­ Uncle Bushrod was tbe bank's trust­ So Uncle Rushrod put on his old culty in collecting loans. What else Fifth Churrh of Christ. 8cienti»t of ed porter, messenger, vassal and guar­ brown suit, got his thick hickory «tick could it all mean but that Robert Wey­ Portland, Ore. Myrtle Park Hall, j dian. He carried a key to the vault, and meandered through the almost mouth was an absconder—was about Myrtle Park. just as Mr. Robert and Mr. William deserted streets of Weyinoutbville. He to fly with the bank's remaining funds, Service» Bunday 11 a. m. did. Sometimes there was ten, fifteen entered the bank, unlocking the side leaving Mr. William, Miss Letty, little Sunday Schiail 0:30 ami It a. m Wednesday evening testimonial meet- or twenty thousand dollars lu sacked dour, and found the passbook where Nan, Guy and Uncle Bushrod to bear silver stacked on the vault floor. It he bail left It. In the little back room the disgrace? 1 ing K p. tn. was safe with Uucle Bushrod. Ho used for private consultations, where During oue minute Uncle Bushrod was a Weymouth in heart, honesty be always huug his coat. Looking considered these things, and then he Lents M. f. Church nnd pride. about casunlly he saw that everything awoke to sudden determination and Sunday School 9:4ft. a. in. Of lute Uncle Bushrod had not l>eeii was :<• lie find left, it aud was n I tout action. Pleaching 11 :00 a. in. without worry, it was on account of to start for home wben lie was brought i "Lawd. Lawd!" he moaned aloud as Services st B-nnett Chapel at 3 p. m. Marne Robert. For nearly a year Mr. to a standstill by tbe sudden rattle of he hobbled hastily toward the side door. Epworth League fl :30 p, m. Robert had Is-en known to Indulge in a key in the front door. Some one “Sech a comeoff after all dese here Preachihg 7:3B p. m. Prayer meeting fliur« lay evening at too much drink. Not enough, under­ catue quickly In. closed the door softly years of big doin’» nnd fine doin’s. stand, t<> become tipsy, but the habit and entered the counting room through ScanTous sights upon de yearth when 7:30. W. It. F. Browne, pastor. was getting a hold upon him. and ev­ the door in the Iron railing. de Weymouth fainbly done turn out Residence 5703 8 lid St. ery one was beginning to notice it. That division of tbe bank's space robl a. in- Sunday school. a drink. Mr. Robert’s unusual keen Uncle Rushrvd. tlrmly gripping his do dat. 'N Miss Ix»tty an’ dem chilluu 11:00 a. m prvaiining. judgment and business capacity be- hickory stick, tiptoed gently up tills so proud and talkin' ‘Weymouth. Wey­ 12 :30 a. tn class meeting came a little impaired. Mr. William, n pnssngo until he could see the mid­ mouth.’ all de time! I’m gwine to stop 6 30 p. in. Epworth langue. Paie Advertisement Weymouth, but not so rich in exporl- night Intruder Into the sacred precincts you ef I can. 'Spec you shoot Mr. Nig­ 7:30 p. in preaching. The pastor is assisted by a chorus choir ence, tried t Hi faithfully and impartially disch«r_- t •9 t dutiee of tbe office. I will, to tt.» of my ability, enforce all law« e- 4 within the Constable’s jariedicii- out fear or favor, and will not : t Thomas M. Hurlburt The Herald $1.00 Per Year Construction work is being rushed on A rich gold vein has been discovered Newport has the Granta Pan sugar factory. in the Blue River district. kelp factory. donated a site for a REPUBLICAN in the enforcement of any one hr law. I will at all times I and willing to meet persoi parties having business in the and will conduct the office du . a view to strict economy, an-; tent deputies will be in attend« • • H I prompt, efficient and CQurteoui i O rendered. - My Slogan is: “S’ri ' » V enforcement; prompt. oourUou- .À I impartial service; special lav-., ■f ‘ * none.” I am a home owner and tax;-*- • -, member of many lodges an-i sci e » and have been piominent in tbe rank« of labor. I have received many y.;- dorsements for the office I »< • k < 1 have been assured the support oi m r y of Portland’s prominent proL- i > <1 and business men. Pai-! A ' $’«0 Reward, f 100 The readers of this paper will b« pleased to learn that there Is at 1< »I one dreaded disease that science hu< i ven able to cure In all Its stages, and ht .t if Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is t • ■ IÚ1 positive cure now known to the • i U fraternity. Catarrh being a con. t î V .J t e t- disease, requires a constitution ment Hall'» Catarrh Cure Is t I ternally. acting directly upon t. and mucous surfaces nt the syst. by destroying the foundation of > ease, and giving the patient st: . « building up the constitution and I t nature in doing Its work. The p> have so much faith In Its curs' I I ers that they offer One Hundr. for any case that it falls to cv, I for list of testimoníala. ÁMrres: T J. CH KN XT * CO. T' Sold by all rimastala 71a. Take Ball's really Pilla fer eon,